{ "extensionDescription": { "message": "KeePassXC integration for modern web browsers", "description": "Name of the extension." }, "contextMenuFillUsernameAndPassword": { "message": "Fill Username and Password", "description": "Context menu item for filling both username and password." }, "contextMenuFillPassword": { "message": "Fill Password Only", "description": "Context menu item for filling password." }, "contextMenuFillTOTP": { "message": "Fill TOTP", "description": "Context menu item for filling Time-based One Time Password." }, "contextMenuShowPasswordGeneratorIcons": { "message": "Show Password Generator Icons", "description": "Show password generator icon on every password input field." }, "contextMenuSaveCredentials": { "message": "Save credentials", "description": "Save credentials using the credential banner." }, "contextMenuShowPasswordGenerator": { "message": "Show Password Generator", "description": "Show password generator text." }, "multipleCredentialsDetected": { "message": "HTTP authentication with multiple credentials detected. Click on the extension icon to choose the correct one.", "description": "Notification when HTTP Authentication has multiple credentials detected." }, "errorMessageUnknown": { "message": "Unknown error.", "description": "Unknown error." }, "errorMessageDatabaseNotOpened": { "message": "Database not opened.", "description": "Database not opened." }, "errorMessageDatabaseHash": { "message": "Database hash not received.", "description": "Database hash not received." }, "errorMessageClientPublicKey": { "message": "Client public key not received.", "description": "Client public key not received." }, "errorMessageDecrypt": { "message": "Cannot decrypt message.", "description": "Cannot decrypt message." }, "errorMessageTimeout": { "message": "Cannot connect to KeePassXC. Check that browser integration is enabled in KeePassXC settings.", "description": "Cannot connect to KeePassXC. Check that browser integration is enabled in KeePassXC settings." }, "errorMessageCanceled": { "message": "Action canceled or denied.", "description": "Action canceled or denied." }, "errorMessageEncrypt": { "message": "Message encryption failed. Is KeePassXC running?", "description": "Message encryption failed. Is KeePassXC running?" }, "errorMessageAssociate": { "message": "KeePassXC association failed, try again.", "description": "KeePassXC association failed, try again." }, "errorMessageKeyExchange": { "message": "Key exchange was not successful.", "description": "Key exchange was not successful." }, "errorMessageEncryptionKey": { "message": "Encryption key is not recognized.", "description": "Encryption key is not recognized." }, "errorMessageSavedDatabases": { "message": "No saved databases found.", "description": "No saved databases found." }, "errorMessageIncorrectAction": { "message": "Incorrect action.", "description": "Incorrect action." }, "errorMessageEmptyMessage": { "message": "Empty message received.", "description": "Empty message received." }, "errorMessageNoURL": { "message": "No URL provided.", "description": "No URL provided." }, "errorMessageNoLogins": { "message": "No logins found.", "description": "No logins found." }, "errorNotConnected": { "message": "Not connected to KeePassXC.", "description": "Error notification shown when not connected to KeePassXC" }, "passwordGeneratorIcon": { "message": "Password generator icon", "description": "Alt attribute text of the password generator icon." }, "passwordGeneratorPlaceholder": { "message": "Generated password", "description": "Input field placeholder for generated password." }, "passwordGeneratorLabel": { "message": "Also fill in the next password-field", "description": "Checkbox text below the password generator input field." }, "passwordGeneratorTitle": { "message": "Password Generator", "description": "Password generator dialog title." }, "passwordGeneratorGenerate": { "message": "Generate", "description": "Generate button text in password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorTryAgain": { "message": "Try again", "description": "Generate button text in password generator when not connected." }, "passwordGeneratorCopy": { "message": "Copy", "description": "Copy button text in password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorFill": { "message": "Fill password", "description": "Fill a password in password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorErrorTooLong": { "message": "Error: The generated password is longer than the allowed length!", "description": "A warning text shown in the password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorErrorTooLongCut": { "message": "It has been cut to fit the length.", "description": "A warning text shown in the password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorErrorTooLongRemember": { "message": "Please remember the new password!", "description": "A warning text shown in the password generator." }, "passwordGeneratorGenerateText": { "message": "Generate password", "description": "Password icon title text." }, "passwordGeneratorError": { "message": "Cannot receive generated password.", "description": "Password generator error text when KeePassXC is closed." }, "passwordGeneratorErrorIsRunning": { "message": "Is KeePassXC running and connected?", "description": "Password generator error text when KeePassXC is closed." }, "usernameFieldText": { "message": "Fill credentials from KeePassXC", "description": "Username field icon hover text." }, "usernameLockedFieldText": { "message": "Database is locked", "description": "Username field icon hover text when database is locked." }, "usernameFieldIcon": { "message": "Username field icon", "description": "Username field icon text." }, "totpFieldText": { "message": "Fill TOTP from KeePassXC", "description": "OTP field icon hover text." }, "totpFieldIcon": { "message": "TOTP field icon", "description": "OTP field icon text." }, "defineDismiss": { "message": "Dismiss", "description": "Dismiss button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineSkip": { "message": "Skip", "description": "Skip button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineMore": { "message": "Show more", "description": "More button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineAgain": { "message": "Again", "description": "Again button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineConfirm": { "message": "Confirm", "description": "Confirm button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineAlreadySelected": { "message": "Login fields for this page are already selected and will be overwritten.", "description": "A text shown when custom credentials fields are already set for the page." }, "defineDiscard": { "message": "Discard selection", "description": "Discard selection button text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineStringField": { "message": "String field #", "description": "Text for string field." }, "defineChooseUsername": { "message": "1. Choose a username field", "description": "Choosing a username field text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineChoosePassword": { "message": "2. Now choose a password field", "description": "Choosing a password field text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineConfirmSelection": { "message": "3. Confirm selection", "description": "Confirm a selection text when choosing custom login fields." }, "defineHelpText": { "message": "Please confirm your selection or choose more fields as String fields.", "description": "Confirm a selection text when choosing custom login fields which contains string fields." }, "defineKeyboardText": { "message": "You can also use the numbers to choose the input fields from keyboard.", "description": "Help text when choosing custom login fields." }, "username": { "message": "Username", "description": "General text for username." }, "password": { "message": "Password", "description": "General text for password." }, "credentialsNoUsername": { "message": "- no username -", "description": "Shown when no username is set in the credentials." }, "credentialsNoLoginsFound": { "message": "No logins found.", "description": "Shown when no credentials are found for the current page." }, "credentialsMultipleFound": { "message": "More than one login was found in KeePassXC!", "description": "Alert message when trying to fill username and/or password when multiple credentials are found." }, "credentialsMultipleFoundSecondLine": { "message": "Press the KeePassXC-Browser icon for more options.", "description": "Alert message when trying to fill username and/or password when multiple credentials are found." }, "credentialsNoUsernameFound": { "message": "No credentials for the given username found.", "description": "Alert message when no credentials are found for the given username." }, "credentialExpired": { "message": "Expired", "description": "If a credential is expired, this is appended to the title label." }, "fieldsFill": { "message": "Error: Cannot find fields to fill in.", "description": "Alert message when no fields are found to fill in." }, "fieldsNoPasswordField": { "message": "Error: Unable to find a password field.", "description": "Message shown when no password fields are found." }, "rememberNothingChanged": { "message": "Error: Could not detect changed credentials.", "description": "Message shown when trying to save credentials that haven't changed." }, "popupTitle": { "message": "KeePassXC - Popup", "description": "Popup window title." }, "popupSettingsText": { "message": "Settings", "description": "Popup Settings button text." }, "popupChooseCredentialsText": { "message": "Choose custom login fields for this page", "description": "Popup credential choosing button text." }, "popupConnectButton": { "message": "Connect", "description": "Popup Connect button text." }, "popupReconnectButton": { "message": "Reconnect", "description": "Popup Reconnect button text." }, "popupRedetectButton": { "message": "Redetect login fields", "description": "Popup Redetect login fields button text." }, "popupReloadButton": { "message": "Reload", "description": "Popup Reload button text." }, "popupReopenButton": { "message": "Reopen database", "description": "Popup reopen database button text." }, "popupUsernameButton": { "message": "Add Username-only option for the site", "description": "Button text for adding Username-only option." }, "popupErrorEncountered": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser has encountered an error:", "description": "A text shown above error message in the popup." }, "popupUpdateAvailable": { "message": "You are using an old version of KeePassXC.", "description": "Popup warning message about old version of KeePassXC." }, "popupDownloadNewVersion": { "message": "Please download the latest version from keepassxc.org", "description": "Popup warning message link when KeePassXC version is not up-to-date." }, "popupCheckingStatus": { "message": "Checking status...", "description": "Checking status message in popup." }, "popupNotConfigured": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser has not been configured. Press the connect button to pair with KeePassXC.", "description": "A popup message shown when the extension has not been connected to KeePassXC." }, "popupNeedReconfigure": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser has been disconnected from KeePassXC.", "description": "A popup message shown when the extension has been disconnected from KeePassXC." }, "popupNeedReconfigureMessage": { "message": "Press the reconnect button to establish a new connection.", "description": "A popup message shown when reconnect is needed." }, "popupConfiguredNotAssociated": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser has not yet connected to KeePassXC but has been configured using the identifier: $1", "description": "A popup message shown when KeePassXC is not connected but configured." }, "popupConfiguredAndAssociated": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser is connected to KeePassXC and has been configured using the following identifier: $1", "description": "A popuo message when a connection to KeePassXC is succesful." }, "popupUsernameFieldDetected": { "message": "Only a single username field was detected. Add the URL to Site Preferences with Username-only option enabled?", "description": "Text shown when page can be added to Site Preferences with Username-only option enabled." }, "rememberInfoText": { "message": "Username or password changed! Save it?", "description": "Message when username or password has changed." }, "rememberSaving": { "message": "Credentials will be saved in connected database with identifier $1", "description": "A message when saving or updating credentials." }, "rememberNewUsername": { "message": "The following username is currently not saved: $1", "description": "A message shown when a new username is detected when saving credentials." }, "rememberUsernameExists": { "message": "The credentials with the used username are marked bold: $1", "description": "A message shown when a existing username is detected when saving credentials." }, "rememberChooseCredentials": { "message": "Please choose the credentials you want to update.", "description": "A message shown choosing what credentials user wants to update." }, "rememberChooseGroup": { "message": "Please choose the group you want to add the new credentials.", "description": "A message shown choosing what group user wants to use for new credentials." }, "rememberInfoDefaultGroupNotFound": { "message": "Default group created in connected database.", "description": "Info message shown when default group set cannot be found." }, "rememberErrorCreatingNewGroup": { "message": "New group(s) cannot be created.", "description": "Error message shown when new groups cannot be created." }, "rememberErrorPasswordNotChanged": { "message": "Credentials not updated. The password has not been changed.", "description": "Error message shown when credential password is not changed." }, "rememberErrorCannotSaveCredentials": { "message": "Credentials cannot be saved or updated.", "description": "Error message shown when credentials cannot be saved or updated." }, "rememberErrorDatabaseClosed": { "message": "Credentials cannot be saved or updated to a closed database.", "description": "Error message shown when credentials cannot be saved or updated and the database is closed." }, "rememberCredentialsNotSaved": { "message": "Operation cancelled. Credentials are not updated.", "description": "Message shown when saving operation was cancelled." }, "rememberCredentialsSaved": { "message": "New credentials with username $1 saved.", "description": "Message shown when new credentials are saved." }, "rememberCredentialsUpdated": { "message": "Credentials with username $1 updated.", "description": "Message shown when new credentials are succesfully updated." }, "rememberCredentialsExists": { "message": "Identical credentials already exists. Nothing to update.", "description": "Message shown when new credentials already found in database." }, "rememberEmptyUsername": { "message": "(empty)", "description": "Means an empty username." }, "rememberNoPassword": { "message": "Please fill the password field before saving credentials.", "description": "Message shown when no password is set when saving credentials." }, "popupLoginText": { "message": "Select the login information you would like to get entered into the page.", "description": "A popup message shown when one or multiple credentials are present." }, "popupFilterText": { "message": "Filter:", "description": "Text for login credentials quick filter." }, "popupAuthText": { "message": "Select the login information you would like to get logged in with.", "description": "A popup message shown when doing HTTP Authentication with multiple credentials present." }, "popupMultiplePasswordFields": { "message": "More than one password field found on this page. Right-click one of the password fields, and choose one of:", "description": "A popup message shown when web page has multiple password fields." }, "popupURL": { "message": "URL: ", "description": "URL. Might not need any translation." }, "popupUsername": { "message": "Username: ", "description": "A username field name shown on credential update." }, "popupButtonNew": { "message": "New", "description": "New button text in popup when updating credentials." }, "popupButtonUpdate": { "message": "Update", "description": "Update button text in popup when updating credentials." }, "popupButtonDismiss": { "message": "Dismiss", "description": "Dismiss button text in popup when updating credentials." }, "popupButtonIgnore": { "message": "Don't ask again for this site", "description": "Ignore button text in popup or in notification when updating credentials." }, "popupButtonClose": { "message": "Close", "description": "Close button text in popup or in notification." }, "popupButtonDismissHttpAuth": { "message": "Dismiss and show the default authentication dialog", "description": "Dismiss button text when in HTTP Authentication popup." }, "optionsTitle": { "message": "Settings | KeePassXC-Browser", "description": "Options page title." }, "optionsGeneralSettingsTab": { "message": "General Settings", "description": "General Settings tab text." }, "optionsConnectedDatabasesTab": { "message": "Connected Databases", "description": "Connected Databases tab text." }, "optionsCustomFieldsTab": { "message": "Custom login fields", "description": "Saved custom login fields tab text." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTab": { "message": "Site preferences", "description": "Site preferences fields tab text." }, "optionsAboutTab": { "message": "About", "description": "About tab text." }, "optionsMenuGeneral": { "message": "General", "description": "General settings page header." }, "optionsMenuConnectedDatabases": { "message": "Connected Databases", "description": "Connected Databases page header." }, "optionsMenuCustomFields": { "message": "Custom login fields", "description": "Custom login fields page header." }, "optionsMenuSitePreferences": { "message": "Site preferences", "description": "Site preferences page header." }, "optionsMenuAbout": { "message": "About", "description": "About page header." }, "optionsConfigureShortcuts": { "message": " Configure shortcuts", "description": "Keyboard shortcut button and title text." }, "optionsButtonSave": { "message": "Save", "description": "Save button text." }, "optionsButtonConnect": { "message": "Connect", "description": "Connect button text." }, "optionsButtonRemove": { "message": "Remove", "description": "Remove button text." }, "optionsButtonAdd": { "message": "Add", "description": "Add button text." }, "optionsButtonUpdate": { "message": "Check for updates", "description": "Check for updates button text." }, "optionsButtonRemoveNow": { "message": "Yes, remove now", "description": "Confirm button text when removing database key or custom login fields." }, "optionsButtonCancel": { "message": "Cancel", "description": "Cancel button text when removing database key or custom login fields." }, "optionsButtonReset": { "message": "Reset", "description": "Reset button text for keyboard shortcuts." }, "optionsButtonImport": { "message": "Import settings", "description": "Import settings button text." }, "optionsButtonExport": { "message": "Export settings", "description": "Export settings button text." }, "optionsLabelDefaultGroup": { "message": "Default group for saving new passwords:", "description": "Default group options text." }, "optionsDefaultGroupHelpText": { "message": "Separate the group with slashes, for example: Group/ChildGroup.", "description": "Default group help text." }, "optionsLabelDefaultGroupCheckboxText": { "message": "Always ask where to save new credentials", "description": "Default group checkbox help text." }, "optionsLabelDefaultGroupCheckboxHelpText": { "message": "When enabled, the popup shows a group listing.", "description": "Default checkbox explanation help text." }, "optionsCheckboxUsePasswordGenerator": { "message": "Activate password generator icons.", "description": "Activate password generator icons checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxUsernameIcons": { "message": "Activate username field icons.", "description": "Activate username field icons textbox text." }, "optionsUseObserver": { "message": "Use dynamic input field detection.", "description": "Use dynamic input field detection checkbox text." }, "optionsUseObserverHelpText": { "message": "Useful with pages that use popups or dynamic dialogs. Disable the feature to reduce CPU load on slower machines. When disabled credentials can be only inserted using keyboard shortcuts, the context menu or the extension popup.", "description": "Use dynamic input field detection help text." }, "optionsCheckboxOTPIcons": { "message": "Activate 2FA/OTP field icons.", "description": "Activate OTP field icons textbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxAutoRetrieveCredentials": { "message": "Automatically retrieve credentials.", "description": "Automatically retrieve credentials checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxAutomaticReconnect": { "message": "Automatically reconnect to KeePassXC.", "description": "Auto-reconnect checkbox text." }, "optionsAutomaticReconnectWarning": { "message": "Warning! This feature is experimental. Use at your own risk.", "description": "Auto-reconnect warning message." }, "optionsCheckboxAutoFillSingleEntry": { "message": "Automatically fill in single-credential entries.", "description": "Automatically fill-in single credential entry checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxAutoCompleteUsernames": { "message": "Activate autocomplete for username fields.", "description": "Activate autocomplete for username fields checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxShowGroupNameInAutocomplete": { "message": "Display the group name in autocomplete list when credentials are from different groups.", "description": "Show group name in autocomplete checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxAutoSubmit": { "message": "Auto-submit login forms", "description": "Auto-submit checkbox text." }, "optionsAutoSubmitHelpText": { "message": "Automatically submits selected credentials. This is disabled for single entry auto-fill.", "description": "Auto-submit help text." }, "optionsCheckboxShowNotifications": { "message": "Show notifications.", "description": "Show notifications checkbox text." }, "optionsSaveDomainOnly": { "message": "Save domain only.", "description": "Save domain only checkbox text." }, "optionsCheckboxShowLoginNotifications": { "message": "Show a banner on the page when new credentials can be saved to the database.", "description": "Show login notifications checkbox text." }, "optionsRedirectAllowance": { "message": "Number of allowed redirects: $1", "description": "Redirect allowance range input text." }, "optionsRedirectAllowanceHelpText": { "message": "How many redirects are allowed until the banner disappears. Default value is 1. Maximum is infinite.", "description": "Redirect allowance help text." }, "optionsCheckboxAutoFillAndSend": { "message": "Automatically fill in HTTP Basic Auth dialogs and submit them.", "description": "Auto fill HTTP Basic Auth dialogs and send them checkbox text." }, "optionsRadioText": { "message": "Check for updates of KeePassXC:", "description": "Text above radio buttons in the settings page." }, "optionsRadioThreeDays": { "message": "every 3 days", "description": "Radio button text." }, "optionsRadioWeek": { "message": "every week", "description": "Radio button text." }, "optionsRadioMonth": { "message": "every month", "description": "Radio button text." }, "optionsRadioNever": { "message": "never", "description": "Radio button text." }, "optionsThemeSelectionHeader": { "message": "Color theme", "description": "Theme selection header text." }, "optionsThemeSelection": { "message": "Select color theme", "description": "Theme selection title text." }, "optionsThemeSystem": { "message": "System", "description": "System theme text." }, "optionsThemeDark": { "message": "Dark", "description": "Dark theme text." }, "optionsThemeLight": { "message": "Light", "description": "Light theme text." }, "optionsKeyboardShortcutsHeader": { "message": "Keyboard shortcuts", "description": "Keyboard shortcut header text." }, "optionsUsePasswordGeneratorHelpText": { "message": "Adds an icon to password fields for generating a new password.", "description": "Password Generator option help text." }, "optionsUsePasswordGeneratorHelpTextSecond": { "message": "Passwords are generated by KeePassXC using your password generation profile.", "description": "Password Generator option help text, second part." }, "optionsShowLoginFormIconHelpText": { "message": "Adds an icon to username fields for filling credentials with a single mouse click.", "description": "Username field icon option help text." }, "optionsShowOTPIconHelpText": { "message": "Adds an icon to input fields that are recognized as OTP/2FA.", "description": "OTP field icon option help text." }, "optionsAutoRetrieveCredentialsHelpText": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser will immediately retrieve credentials when a tab is activated.", "description": "Auto-Retrive Credentials option help text." }, "optionsAutomaticReconnectHelpText": { "message": "Reconnects automatically to KeePassXC when it is detected.", "description": "Auto-reconnect option help text." }, "optionsAutoFillSingleEntryHelpText": { "message": "Let KeePassXC-Browser automatically fill in credentials if it receives only a single entry.", "description": "Auto-Fill Single Entry option help text." }, "optionsAutoFillSingleEntryWarning": { "message": "Warning! Using auto-fill is not safe. Use at your own risk.", "description": "Auto-Fill Single Entry warning text." }, "optionsAutocompleteUsernamesHelpText": { "message": "Show a dropdown list containing available credentials for all username fields on a page.", "description": "Autocomplete Usernames option help text." }, "optionsShowGroupNameInAutocompleteHelpText": { "message": "When credentials are returned from different groups, the group name will be shown.", "description": "Show group name in autocomplete help text." }, "optionsShowNotificationsHelpText": { "message": "Show notifications for errors and when user interaction is required.", "description": "Show notifications option help text." }, "optionsSaveDomainOnlyHelpText": { "message": "When saving new credentials, save only the domain instead of full URL.", "description": "Save domain only option help text." }, "optionsSaveDomainOnlyCustomLoginHelpText": { "message": "When saving new custom login fields, save only the domain instead of full URL.", "description": "Save domain only option help text." }, "optionsAutoFillAndSendHelpText": { "message": "If credentials are found for a page and the login-type is an HTTP Basic Auth request, KeePassXC-Browser tries to login with the first given credentials.", "description": "Auto-Fill And Send option help text." }, "optionsAutoFillAndSendHelpTextSecond": { "message": "An HTTP Basic Auth dialog looks like this:", "description": "HTTP Basic Auth image help text." }, "optionsVersionInfoText": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser needs KeePassXC to retrieve credentials.", "description": "Settings page version info text." }, "optionsVersionDownload": { "message": "You can download the latest stable version from $1", "description": "Settings page download link." }, "optionsVersionRunning": { "message": "You are running KeePassXC version: $1", "description": "Settings page info text of user's KeePassXC version." }, "optionsLatestVersion": { "message": "Latest available version of KeePassXC: $1", "description": "Settings page info text about the latest KeePassXC version." }, "optionsDefault": { "message": "Default: $1", "description": "Default setting text." }, "optionsInfinite": { "message": "Infinite: $1", "description": "Infinite setting text." }, "optionsRecommended": { "message": "Recommended: $1", "description": "Recommended setting text." }, "optionsShortcutsSuccess": { "message": "Shortcut for $1 has been successfully changed.", "description": "Message for successful keyboard shortcut change." }, "optionsShortcutsInfo": { "message": "Shortcut for $1 has been reset.", "description": "Info message for changing keyboard shortcuts." }, "optionsShortcutsDanger": { "message": "Error: Shortcut for $1 has not been changed!", "description": "Error message for changing keyboard shortcuts." }, "optionsImportExportSettings": { "message": "Import/Export settings", "description": "Settings page header text for import/export." }, "optionsImportSettingsDialogTitle": { "message": "Import settings from external file?", "description": "Import settings confirmation dialog title text." }, "optionsImportSettingsDialogText": { "message": "Current settings will be overridden. Do you really want to import the settings file?", "description": "Import settings confirmation dialog help text." }, "optionsConnectedDatabasesText": { "message": "The following KeePassXC databases are connected to KeePassXC-Browser.", "description": "Info text about connected databases." }, "optionsConnectedDatabasesNotFound": { "message": "No connected databases found.", "description": "Shown in the connected databases table when there is no connected databases." }, "optionsDatabasesRemoveIdentifier": { "message": "Remove identifier from database list?", "description": "Confirmation text when removing database from the list." }, "optionsDatabasesRemoveIdentifierConfirmFirst": { "message": "Do you really want to remove the following identifier from the database list?", "description": "Confirmation text when removing database from the list." }, "optionsDatabasesRemoveIdentifierConfirmSecond": { "message": "You can reconnect your database at any time.", "description": "Confirmation text when removing database from the list, second part." }, "optionsDatabaseIdentifier": { "message": "Identifier", "description": "Database list column title." }, "optionsDatabaseKey": { "message": "Key", "description": "Database list column title." }, "optionsDatabaseLastUsed": { "message": "Last used", "description": "Database list column title." }, "optionsDatabaseCreated": { "message": "Created", "description": "Database list column title." }, "optionsDatabaseDelete": { "message": "Delete", "description": "Database list column title." }, "optionsColumnPageURL": { "message": "Page URL", "description": "Site preferences list column title." }, "optionsColumnIgnore": { "message": "Ignore", "description": "Site preferences list column title." }, "optionsColumnUsernameOnly": { "message": "Username-only Detection", "description": "Site preferences list column title." }, "optionsColumnDelete": { "message": "Delete", "description": "Site preferences list column title." }, "optionsSelectionNothing": { "message": "Enable all features", "description": "Site preferences option selection." }, "optionsSelectionNormal": { "message": "Disable new/modified credentials", "description": "Site preferences option selection." }, "optionsSelectionFull": { "message": "Disable all features", "description": "Site preferences option selection." }, "optionsCustomFieldsNotFound": { "message": "No saved custom login fields found.", "description": "Shown when no saved custom credentials are saved." }, "optionsCustomFieldsTableCaption": { "message": "You can manage saved custom login fields using the table below.", "description": "Table caption of Custom login fields page." }, "optionsCustomFieldsTabHelpTextFirst": { "message": "If KeePassXC-Browser detects the wrong login fields, you are able to specify the correct fields yourself.", "description": "Saved custom login fields info text, first part." }, "optionsCustomFieldsTabHelpTextSecond": { "message": "Go to the page and click on the KeePassXC-Browser icon, then select ", "description": "Saved custom login fields info text, second part." }, "optionsCustomFieldsTabHelpTextThird": { "message": "On this page you can manage saved custom login fields.", "description": "Saved custom login fields info text, third part." }, "optionsCustomFieldsRemove": { "message": "Remove saved custom login fields?", "description": "Confirmation text when removing saved custom login fields." }, "optionsCustomFieldsConfirmation": { "message": "Do you really want to remove the saved custom login fields on the page: $1", "description": "Confirmation text when removing saved custom login fields." }, "optionsCustomFieldsConfirmationHelpText": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser will automatically detect the login fields next time you visit this page.", "description": "Part of confirmation text when removing saved custom login fields." }, "optionsSitePreferencesNotFound": { "message": "No ignored sites found.", "description": "Shown when no ignored sites are saved." }, "optionsSitePreferencesRemove": { "message": "Remove site?", "description": "Confirmation text when removing ignored sites from the list." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTabHelpTextFirst": { "message": "Sites on this page have special handling methods associated with them.", "description": "Site preferences info text, first part." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTabHelpTextSecond": { "message": "To ignore new/modified credentials on a specific site, add them below or when using the credential banner on the page select", "description": "Site preferences info text, second part." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTabHelpTextThird": { "message": "If a site is fully ignored (Disable all features is selected), then the plugin will do nothing when visiting that site.", "description": "Site preferences info text, third part." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTabHelpTextFourth": { "message": "Username-only detection allows KeePassXC-Browser to fill in login details on websites with separate pages for username and password.", "description": "Site preferences info text, fourth part." }, "optionsSitePreferencesManualAddText": { "message": "Add URL manually", "description": "Label for adding site manually on Site preferences tab." }, "optionsSitePreferencesConfirmation": { "message": "Do you really want to remove the specified site from the list: $1", "description": "Confirmation text when removing site from site preferences." }, "optionsSitePreferencesConfirmationHelpText": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser will enable all features for this site and remove username-only detection.", "description": "Part of confirmation text when removing site preferences." }, "optionsSitePreferencesTableCaption": { "message": "You can manage saved site preferences using the table below.", "description": "Table caption of Site Preferences page." }, "optionsSitePreferencesSelect": { "message": "Option to ignore extension features for the page.", "description": "Title text of select element in Site Preferences." }, "optionsAboutChrome": { "message": "Visit KeePassXC-Browser in the Chrome Web Store.", "description": "About page link to Chrome Web Store." }, "optionsAboutMozilla": { "message": "Visit KeePassXC-Browser in the Mozilla Add-ons directory.", "description": "About page link to AMO." }, "optionsAboutGitHub": { "message": "Visit KeePassXC-Browser on GitHub.", "description": "About page link to GitHub." }, "optionsAboutExtensionVersion": { "message": "KeePassXC-Browser Version: $1", "description": "About page text of extension version." }, "optionsAboutKeePassXCVersion": { "message": "KeePassXC Version: $1", "description": "About page text of KeePassXC version." }, "optionsAboutContributors": { "message": "Contributors", "description": "About page text of contributors." }, "optionsAboutLicenses": { "message": "Licenses", "description": "About page text of licenses." }, "optionsAboutReportBugs": { "message": "Report bugs", "description": "About page text of reporting bugs." }, "optionsAboutCreateNewIssue": { "message": "Create new issue on GitHub", "description": "Link text for creating a new issue." }, "optionsAboutDebugInfo": { "message": "The following debug info can be used", "description": "Debug info text." }, "optionsErrorInvalidValue": { "message": "Invalid value. Please check the input.", "description": "Error shown when input field has an incorrect value." }, "optionsErrorInvalidURL": { "message": "Invalid URL. Please check the input.", "description": "Error shown when input field has an incorrect URL." }, "optionsErrorValueExists": { "message": "The value already exists in the list.", "description": "Error shown when trying to add a duplicate value to the list." }, "openNewTab": { "message": "Opens a new tab", "description": "Title attribute text." }, "httpAuthDialog": { "message": "HTTP Basic Authentication dialog", "description": "Options page HTTP Basic Auth dialog text" }, "autocompleteSubmitMessage": { "message": "Your selection will be auto-submitted", "description": "Message shown at the bottom of autocomplete menu." } }