var keepass = {}; keepass.associated = {'value': false, 'hash': null}; keepass.keyPair = {publicKey: null, secretKey: null}; keepass.serverPublicKey = ''; keepass.clientID = ''; keepass.isConnected = false; keepass.isDatabaseClosed = false; keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable = false; keepass.isEncryptionKeyUnrecognized = false; keepass.currentKeePassXC = {'version': 0, 'versionParsed': 0}; keepass.latestKeePassXC = (typeof(localStorage.latestKeePassXC) === 'undefined') ? {'version': 0, 'versionParsed': 0, 'lastChecked': null} : JSON.parse(localStorage.latestKeePassXC); keepass.requiredKeePassXC = 220; keepass.nativeHostName = 'com.varjolintu.keepassxc_browser'; keepass.nativePort = null; keepass.keySize = 24; keepass.latestVersionUrl = ''; keepass.cacheTimeout = 30 * 1000; // milliseconds keepass.databaseHash = 'no-hash'; //no-hash = KeePassXC is too old and does not return a hash value keepass.keyRing = (typeof(localStorage.keyRing) === 'undefined') ? {} : JSON.parse(localStorage.keyRing); keepass.keyId = 'keepassxc-browser-cryptokey-name'; keepass.keyBody = 'keepassxc-browser-key'; keepass.messageTimeout = 1000; // milliseconds const kpActions = { SET_LOGIN: 'set-login', GET_LOGINS: 'get-logins', GENERATE_PASSWORD: 'generate-password', ASSOCIATE: 'associate', TEST_ASSOCIATE: 'test-associate', GET_DATABASE_HASH: 'get-databasehash', CHANGE_PUBLIC_KEYS: 'change-public-keys' }; const kpErrors = { UNKNOWN_ERROR: 0, DATABASE_NOT_OPENED: 1, DATABASE_HASH_NOT_RECEIVED: 2, CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RECEIVED: 3, CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE: 4, TIMEOUT_OR_NOT_CONNECTED: 5, ACTION_CANCELLED_OR_DENIED: 6, PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND: 7, ASSOCIATION_FAILED: 8, KEY_CHANGE_FAILED: 9, ENCRYPTION_KEY_UNRECOGNIZED: 10, NO_SAVED_DATABASES_FOUND: 11, errorMessages : { 0: { msg: 'Unknown error' }, 1: { msg: 'Database not opened' }, 2: { msg: 'Database hash not received' }, 3: { msg: 'Client public key not reveiced' }, 4: { msg: 'Cannot decrypt message' }, 5: { msg: 'Timeout or not connected to KeePassXC' }, 6: { msg: 'Action cancelled or denied' }, 7: { msg: 'Cannot encrypt message or public key not found. Is Native Messaging enabled in KeePassXC?' }, 8: { msg: 'KeePassXC association failed, try again.' }, 9: { msg: 'Key change was not successful.' }, 10: { msg: 'Encryption key is not recognized' }, 11: { msg: 'No saved databases found.' } }, getError(errorCode) { return this.errorMessages[errorCode].msg; } }; keepass.addCredentials = function(callback, tab, username, password, url) { keepass.updateCredentials(callback, tab, null, username, password, url); }; keepass.updateCredentials = function(callback, tab, entryId, username, password, url) { page.debug('keepass.updateCredentials(callback, {1}, {2}, {3}, [password], {4})',, entryId, username, url); page.tabs[].errorMessage = null; keepass.testAssociation((response) => { if (!response) { browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); callback([]); return; } const kpAction = kpActions.SET_LOGIN; const {dbid} = keepass.getCryptoKey(); const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); let messageData = { action: kpAction, id: dbid, login: username, password: password, url: url, submitUrl: url }; if (entryId) { messageData.uuid = entryId; } const request = { action: kpAction, message: keepass.encrypt(messageData, nonce), nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; console.log(request); keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); callback(keepass.verifyResponse(parsed, response.nonce) ? 'success' : 'error'); } } else if (response.error && response.errorCode) { keepass.handleError(tab, response.error, response.errorCode); } else { browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); } }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }); }; keepass.retrieveCredentials = function(callback, tab, url, submiturl, forceCallback, triggerUnlock) { page.debug('keepass.retrieveCredentials(callback, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})',, url, submiturl, forceCallback); keepass.testAssociation((response) => { if (!response) { browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); if (forceCallback) { callback([]); } return; } page.tabs[].errorMessage = null; if (!keepass.isConnected) { callback([]); return; } let entries = []; const kpAction = kpActions.GET_LOGINS; const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); const {dbid} = keepass.getCryptoKey(); let messageData = { action: kpAction, id: dbid, url: url }; if (submiturl) { messageData.submitUrl = submiturl; } const request = { action: kpAction, message: keepass.encrypt(messageData, nonce), nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(parsed.version); if (keepass.verifyResponse(parsed, response.nonce)) { entries = parsed.entries; keepass.updateLastUsed(keepass.databaseHash); if (entries.length === 0) { // questionmark-icon is not triggered, so we have to trigger for the normal symbol browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); } callback(entries); } else { console.log('RetrieveCredentials for ' + url + ' rejected'); } page.debug('keepass.retrieveCredentials() => entries.length = {1}', entries.length); } } else if (response.error && response.errorCode) { keepass.handleError(tab, response.error, response.errorCode); } else { browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); } }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }, tab); }; // Redirects the callback to a listener (handleReply()) keepass.callbackOnId = function(ev, action, tab, callback) { let listener = ((port, action) => { let handler = (msg) => { if (msg && msg.action === action) { ev.removeListener(handler); clearTimeout(timeout); callback(msg); } }; return handler; })(ev, action, tab, callback); ev.addListener(listener); // Handle timeouts let timeout = setTimeout(() => { const errorMessage = { action: action, error: kpErrors.getError(5), errorCode: 5 }; keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable = false; callback(errorMessage); ev.removeListener(listener.handler); }, keepass.messageTimeout); }; keepass.generatePassword = function(callback, tab, forceCallback) { if (!keepass.isConnected) { callback([]); return; } keepass.testAssociation((taresponse) => { if (!taresponse) { browserAction.showDefault(null, tab); if (forceCallback) { callback([]); } return; } if (keepass.currentKeePassXC.versionParsed < keepass.requiredKeePassXC) { callback([]); return; } let passwords = []; const kpAction = kpActions.GENERATE_PASSWORD; const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); const request = { action: kpAction, nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(parsed.version); if (keepass.verifyResponse(parsed, response.nonce)) { if (parsed.entries) { passwords = parsed.entries; keepass.updateLastUsed(keepass.databaseHash); } else { console.log('No entries returned. Is KeePassXC up-to-date?'); } } else { console.log('GeneratePassword rejected'); } callback(passwords); } } else if (response.error && response.errorCode) { keepass.handleError(tab, response.error, response.errorCode); } }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }, tab); }; keepass.associate = function(callback, tab) { if (keepass.isAssociated()) { callback([]); return; } keepass.getDatabaseHash((res) => { if (keepass.isDatabaseClosed || !keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable) { callback([]); return; } page.tabs[].errorMessage = null; const kpAction = kpActions.ASSOCIATE; const key = keepass.b64e(keepass.keyPair.publicKey); const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); const messageData = { action: kpAction, key: key }; const request = { action: kpAction, message: keepass.encrypt(messageData, nonce), nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(parsed.version); const id =; if (!keepass.verifyResponse(parsed, response.nonce)) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } else { keepass.setCryptoKey(id, key); // Save the current public key as id key for the database keepass.associated.value = true; keepass.associated.hash = parsed.hash || 0; }, tab); } } else if (response.error && response.errorCode) { keepass.handleError(tab, response.error, response.errorCode); } }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }, tab); }; keepass.testAssociation = function(callback, tab, triggerUnlock) { if (tab && page.tabs[]) { page.tabs[].errorMessage = null; } keepass.getDatabaseHash((dbHash) => { if (!dbHash) { callback(false); return false; } if (keepass.isDatabaseClosed || !keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable) { callback(false); return false; } if (keepass.isAssociated()) { callback(true); return true; } if (!keepass.serverPublicKey) { if (tab && page.tabs[]) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } callback(false); return false; } const kpAction = kpActions.TEST_ASSOCIATE; const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); const {dbid, dbkey} = keepass.getCryptoKey(); if (dbkey === null || dbid === null) { if (tab && page.tabs[]) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.NO_SAVED_DATABASES_FOUND); } callback(false); return false; } const messageData = { action: kpAction, id: dbid, key: dbkey }; const request = { action: kpAction, message: keepass.encrypt(messageData, nonce), nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(parsed.version); keepass.isEncryptionKeyUnrecognized = false; if (!keepass.verifyResponse(parsed, response.nonce)) { const hash = response.hash || 0; keepass.deleteKey(hash); keepass.isEncryptionKeyUnrecognized = true; keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.ENCRYPTION_KEY_UNRECOGNIZED); keepass.associated.value = false; keepass.associated.hash = null; } else if (!keepass.isAssociated()) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } else { if (tab && page.tabs[]) { delete page.tabs[].errorMessage; } } } } else if (response.error && response.errorCode) { keepass.handleError(tab, response.error, response.errorCode); } callback(keepass.isAssociated()); }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }, tab, triggerUnlock); }; keepass.getDatabaseHash = function(callback, tab, triggerUnlock) { if (!keepass.isConnected) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.TIMEOUT_OR_NOT_CONNECTED); callback([]); return; } if (!keepass.serverPublicKey) { keepass.changePublicKeys(tab, null); } const kpAction = kpActions.GET_DATABASE_HASH; const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); const messageData = { action: kpAction }; const encrypted = keepass.encrypt(messageData, nonce); if (encrypted.length <= 0) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND); callback(keepass.databaseHash); return; } const request = { action: kpAction, message: encrypted, nonce: keepass.b64e(nonce), clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { if (response.message && response.nonce) { const res = keepass.decrypt(response.message, response.nonce); if (res) { const message = nacl.util.encodeUTF8(res); const parsed = JSON.parse(message); if (parsed.hash) { const oldDatabaseHash = keepass.databaseHash; keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(parsed.version); keepass.databaseHash = parsed.hash || 'no-hash'; if (oldDatabaseHash && oldDatabaseHash != keepass.databaseHash) { keepass.associated.value = false; keepass.associated.hash = null; } keepass.isDatabaseClosed = false; keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable = true; callback(parsed.hash); } else if (parsed.errorCode) { keepass.databaseHash = 'no-hash'; keepass.isDatabaseClosed = true; keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.DATABASE_NOT_OPENED); callback(keepass.databaseHash); } } } else { keepass.databaseHash = 'no-hash'; keepass.isDatabaseClosed = true; keepass.handleError(tab, response.errorCode, response.error); callback(keepass.databaseHash); } }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(request); }; keepass.changePublicKeys = function(tab, callback) { if (!keepass.isConnected) { callback([]); return; } const kpAction = kpActions.CHANGE_PUBLIC_KEYS; const key = keepass.b64e(keepass.keyPair.publicKey); let nonce = nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize); nonce = keepass.b64e(nonce); keepass.clientID = keepass.b64e(nacl.randomBytes(keepass.keySize)); const message = { action: kpAction, publicKey: key, proxyPort: (page.settings.port ? page.settings.port : 19700), nonce: nonce, clientID: keepass.clientID }; keepass.callbackOnId(keepass.nativePort.onMessage, kpAction, tab, (response) => { keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion(response.version); if (!keepass.verifyKeyResponse(response, key, nonce)) { if (tab && page.tabs[]) { keepass.handleError(tab, kpErrors.KEY_CHANGE_FAILED); callback(false); } } else { keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable = true; console.log('Server public key: ' + keepass.b64e(keepass.serverPublicKey)); } callback(true); }); keepass.nativePort.postMessage(message); }; keepass.generateNewKeyPair = function() { keepass.keyPair =; //console.log(keepass.b64e(keepass.keyPair.publicKey) + ' ' + keepass.b64e(keepass.keyPair.secretKey)); }; keepass.isConfigured = function(callback) { if (typeof(keepass.databaseHash) === 'undefined') { keepass.getDatabaseHash((dbHash) => { callback(keepass.databaseHash in keepass.keyRing); }, null); } else { callback(keepass.databaseHash in keepass.keyRing); } }; keepass.isAssociated = function() { return (keepass.associated.value && keepass.associated.hash && keepass.associated.hash === keepass.databaseHash); }; keepass.convertKeyToKeyRing = function() { if (keepass.keyId in localStorage && keepass.keyBody in localStorage && !('keyRing' in localStorage)) { keepass.getDatabaseHash((hash) => { keepass.saveKey(hash, localStorage[keepass.keyId], localStorage[keepass.keyBody]); if ('keyRing' in localStorage) { delete localStorage[keepass.keyId]; delete localStorage[keepass.keyBody]; } }, null); } if ('keyRing' in localStorage) { delete localStorage[keepass.keyId]; delete localStorage[keepass.keyBody]; } }; keepass.saveKey = function(hash, id, key) { if (!(hash in keepass.keyRing)) { keepass.keyRing[hash] = { id: id, key: key, hash: hash, created: new Date(), lastUsed: new Date() }; } else { keepass.keyRing[hash].id = id; keepass.keyRing[hash].key = key; keepass.keyRing[hash].hash = hash; } localStorage.keyRing = JSON.stringify(keepass.keyRing); }; keepass.updateLastUsed = function(hash) { if ((hash in keepass.keyRing)) { keepass.keyRing[hash].lastUsed = new Date(); localStorage.keyRing = JSON.stringify(keepass.keyRing); } }; keepass.deleteKey = function(hash) { delete keepass.keyRing[hash]; localStorage.keyRing = JSON.stringify(keepass.keyRing); }; keepass.setcurrentKeePassXCVersion = function(version) { if (version) { keepass.currentKeePassXC = { version: version, versionParsed: Number(version.replace(/\./g, '')) }; } }; keepass.keePassXCUpdateAvailable = function() { if (page.settings.checkUpdateKeePassXC && page.settings.checkUpdateKeePassXC > 0) { const lastChecked = (keepass.latestKeePassXC.lastChecked) ? new Date(keepass.latestKeePassXC.lastChecked) : new Date('11/21/1986'); const daysSinceLastCheck = Math.floor(((new Date()).getTime()-lastChecked.getTime())/86400000); if (daysSinceLastCheck >= page.settings.checkUpdateKeePassXC) { keepass.checkForNewKeePassXCVersion(); } } return (keepass.currentKeePassXC.versionParsed > 0 && keepass.currentKeePassXC.versionParsed < keepass.latestKeePassXC.versionParsed); }; keepass.checkForNewKeePassXCVersion = function() { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); let version = -1; xhr.onload = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { const json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (json.tag_name) { version = json.tag_name; keepass.latestKeePassXC.version = version; keepass.latestKeePassXC.versionParsed = Number(version.replace(/\./g, '')); } } if (version !== -1) { localStorage.latestKeePassXC = JSON.stringify(keepass.latestKeePassXC); } }; xhr.onerror = function(e) { console.log('checkForNewKeePassXCVersion error:' + e); }; try {'GET', keepass.latestVersionUrl, true); xhr.send(); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } keepass.latestKeePassXC.lastChecked = new Date(); }; keepass.connectToNative = function() { if (!keepass.isConnected) { keepass.nativeConnect(); } }; keepass.onNativeMessage = function(response) { //console.log('Received message: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); }; function onDisconnected() { keepass.nativePort = null; keepass.isConnected = false; keepass.isDatabaseClosed = true; keepass.isKeePassXCAvailable = false; keepass.associated.value = false; keepass.associated.hash = null; console.log('Failed to connect: ' + (browser.runtime.lastError === null ? 'Unknown error' : browser.runtime.lastError.message)); } keepass.nativeConnect = function() { console.log('Connecting to native messaging host ' + keepass.nativeHostName); keepass.nativePort = browser.runtime.connectNative(keepass.nativeHostName); keepass.nativePort.onMessage.addListener(keepass.onNativeMessage); keepass.nativePort.onDisconnect.addListener(onDisconnected); keepass.isConnected = true; }; keepass.verifyKeyResponse = function(response, key, nonce) { if (!response.success || !response.publicKey) { keepass.associated.hash = null; return false; } let reply = false; if (keepass.b64d(nonce).length !== nacl.secretbox.nonceLength) return false; reply = (response.nonce === nonce); if (response.publicKey) { keepass.serverPublicKey = keepass.b64d(response.publicKey); reply = true; } return reply; }; keepass.verifyResponse = function(response, nonce, id) { keepass.associated.value = response.success; if (response.success !== 'true') { keepass.associated.hash = null; return false; } keepass.associated.hash = keepass.databaseHash; if (keepass.b64d(response.nonce).length !== nacl.secretbox.nonceLength) return false; keepass.associated.value = (response.nonce === nonce); if (id) { keepass.associated.value = (keepass.associated.value && id ===; } keepass.associated.hash = (keepass.associated.value) ? keepass.databaseHash : null; return keepass.isAssociated(); }; keepass.handleError = function(tab, errorCode, errorMessage = '') { if (errorMessage.length === 0) { errorMessage = kpErrors.getError(errorCode); } console.log('Error ' + errorCode + ': ' + errorMessage); if (tab && page.tabs[]) { page.tabs[].errorMessage = errorMessage; } }; keepass.b64e = function(d) { return nacl.util.encodeBase64(d); }; keepass.b64d = function(d) { return nacl.util.decodeBase64(d); }; keepass.getCryptoKey = function() { let dbkey = null; let dbid = null; if (!(keepass.databaseHash in keepass.keyRing)) { return {dbid, dbkey}; } dbid = keepass.keyRing[keepass.databaseHash].id; if (dbid) { dbkey = keepass.keyRing[keepass.databaseHash].key; } return {dbid, dbkey}; }; keepass.setCryptoKey = function(id, key) { keepass.saveKey(keepass.databaseHash, id, key); }; keepass.encrypt = function(input, nonce) { const messageData = nacl.util.decodeUTF8(JSON.stringify(input)); if (keepass.serverPublicKey) { const message =, nonce, keepass.serverPublicKey, keepass.keyPair.secretKey); if (message) { return keepass.b64e(message); } } return ''; }; keepass.decrypt = function(input, nonce, toStr) { const m = keepass.b64d(input); const n = keepass.b64d(nonce); const res =, n, keepass.serverPublicKey, keepass.keyPair.secretKey); return res; };