From d9666cf046a8453b33b3e2fbf4d82295a9f87df3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Igor Pavlov Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 00:00:00 +0000 Subject: 4.44 beta --- CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsp | 1006 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsw | 29 + CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.cpp | 3 + CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.h | 9 + CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/makefile | 201 +++++++ CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/resource.rc | 5 + 6 files changed, 1253 insertions(+) create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsp create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsw create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.cpp create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.h create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/makefile create mode 100755 CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/resource.rc (limited to 'CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z') diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsp b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsp new file mode 100755 index 00000000..a59cd581 --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="7z" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102 + +CFG=7z - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Format7z.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Format7z.mak" CFG="7z - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "7z - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") +!MESSAGE "7z - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +MTL=midl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "MY7Z_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /Gz /MT /W3 /GX /O1 /I "..\..\..\\" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "MY7Z_EXPORTS" /D "EXCLUDE_COM" /D "NO_REGISTRY" /D "FORMAT_7Z" /D "COMPRESS_LZMA" /D "COMPRESS_BCJ_X86" /D "COMPRESS_BCJ2" /D "COMPRESS_COPY" /D "COMPRESS_MF_MT" /D "COMPRESS_PPMD" /D "COMPRESS_DEFLATE_DECODER" /D "COMPRESS_BZIP2_DECODER" /D "CRYPTO_7ZAES" /D "CRYPTO_AES" /D "COMPRESS_MT" /D "COMPRESS_BZIP2_MT" /Yu"StdAfx.h" /FD /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x419 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x419 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /out:"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\Formats\7za.dll" /opt:NOWIN98 +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none /debug + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "MY7Z_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /Gz /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "..\..\..\..\SDK" /I "..\..\..\\" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "MY7Z_EXPORTS" /D "EXCLUDE_COM" /D "NO_REGISTRY" /D "FORMAT_7Z" /D "COMPRESS_LZMA" /D "COMPRESS_BCJ_X86" /D "COMPRESS_BCJ2" /D "COMPRESS_COPY" /D "COMPRESS_MF_MT" /D "COMPRESS_PPMD" /D "COMPRESS_DEFLATE_DECODER" /D "COMPRESS_BZIP2_DECODER" /D "CRYPTO_7ZAES" /D "CRYPTO_AES" /D "COMPRESS_MT" /D "COMPRESS_BZIP2_MT" /Yu"StdAfx.h" /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x419 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x419 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\Formats\7za.dll" /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "7z - Win32 Release" +# Name "7z - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Spec" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7z.ico +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Archive.def +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\DllExports.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\resource.rc +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\StdAfx.cpp +# ADD CPP /Yc"StdAfx.h" +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\StdAfx.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Common" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Alloc.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Alloc.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\CRC.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\CRC.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\IntToString.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\IntToString.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\NewHandler.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\String.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\String.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\StringConvert.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\StringConvert.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\StringToInt.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\StringToInt.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Vector.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Vector.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Wildcard.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Common\Wildcard.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Windows" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileDir.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileDir.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileFind.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileFind.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileIO.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\FileIO.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\PropVariant.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\PropVariant.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\Synchronization.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\Windows\Synchronization.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Archive common" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CoderMixer2.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CoderMixer2.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CoderMixer2MT.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CoderMixer2MT.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CrossThreadProgress.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\CrossThreadProgress.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\FilterCoder.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\FilterCoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\InStreamWithCRC.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\InStreamWithCRC.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\ItemNameUtils.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\ItemNameUtils.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\OutStreamWithCRC.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\OutStreamWithCRC.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\ParseProperties.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\Common\ParseProperties.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Compress" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Group "LZ" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZ\LZOutWindow.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZ\LZOutWindow.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "PPMD" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDContext.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDDecode.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDDecoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDDecoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDEncode.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDEncoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDEncoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDSubAlloc.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\PPMD\PPMDType.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Branch" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\BranchCoder.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\BranchCoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\x86.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\x86.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\x86_2.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Branch\x86_2.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "LZMA" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZMA\LZMA.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZMA\LZMADecoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZMA\LZMADecoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZMA\LZMAEncoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\LZMA\LZMAEncoder.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Copy" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Copy\CopyCoder.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Copy\CopyCoder.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "RangeCoder" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\RangeCoder\RangeCoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\RangeCoder\RangeCoderBit.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\RangeCoder\RangeCoderBit.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\RangeCoder\RangeCoderBitTree.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\RangeCoder\RangeCoderOpt.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Deflate" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Deflate\DeflateConst.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Deflate\DeflateDecoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Deflate\DeflateDecoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\Deflate\DeflateExtConst.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "BZip2" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\BZip2\BZip2Const.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\BZip2\BZip2CRC.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\BZip2\BZip2CRC.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\BZip2\BZip2Decoder.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Compress\BZip2\BZip2Decoder.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# End Group +# Begin Group "Crypto" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Group "AES" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aes.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\AES_CBC.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aescpp.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aescrypt.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aeskey.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aesopt.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\aestab.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\MyAES.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\AES\MyAES.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "7zAES" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\7zAES\7zAES.cpp + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\7zAES\7zAES.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Hash" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\Hash\Sha256.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Crypto\Hash\Sha256.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# End Group +# Begin Group "7z" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zCompressionMode.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zCompressionMode.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zDecode.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zDecode.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zEncode.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zEncode.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zExtract.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zFolderInStream.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zFolderInStream.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zFolderOutStream.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zFolderOutStream.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zHandler.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zHandler.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zHandlerOut.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zHeader.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zHeader.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zIn.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zIn.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zItem.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zMethodID.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zMethodID.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zMethods.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zOut.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zOut.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zProperties.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zProperties.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zSpecStream.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zSpecStream.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zUpdate.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zUpdate.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Archive\7z\7zUpdateItem.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "7zip Common" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\InBuffer.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\InBuffer.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\InOutTempBuffer.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\InOutTempBuffer.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LimitedStreams.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LimitedStreams.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LockedStream.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LockedStream.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LSBFDecoder.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\LSBFDecoder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\OutBuffer.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\OutBuffer.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\ProgressUtils.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\ProgressUtils.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamBinder.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamBinder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamObjects.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamObjects.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamUtils.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\Common\StreamUtils.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "C" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Group "C-Lz" + +# PROP Default_Filter "" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Compress\Lz\LzHash.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Compress\Lz\MatchFinder.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Compress\Lz\MatchFinder.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Compress\Lz\MatchFinderMt.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Compress\Lz\MatchFinderMt.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\7zCrc.c + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Release" + +# ADD CPP /O2 +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "7z - Win32 Debug" + +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\7zCrc.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Threads.c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\..\..\C\Threads.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsw b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsw new file mode 100755 index 00000000..324dab1f --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/Format7z.dsw @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 +# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! + +############################################################################### + +Project: "7z"=.\Format7z.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Global: + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<3> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.cpp b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.cpp new file mode 100755 index 00000000..d0feea85 --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +// StdAfx.cpp + +#include "StdAfx.h" diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.h b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..2e4be10b --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/StdAfx.h @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +// StdAfx.h + +#ifndef __STDAFX_H +#define __STDAFX_H + +#include "../../../Common/MyWindows.h" +#include "../../../Common/NewHandler.h" + +#endif diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/makefile b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/makefile new file mode 100755 index 00000000..1134faee --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +PROG = 7za.dll +DEF_FILE = ../../Archive/Archive.def +LIBS = $(LIBS) user32.lib oleaut32.lib +CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -I ../../../ \ + -DEXCLUDE_COM \ + -DNO_REGISTRY \ + -DFORMAT_7Z \ + -DCOMPRESS_MT \ + -DCOMPRESS_BCJ_X86 \ + -DCOMPRESS_BCJ2 \ + -DCOMPRESS_BZIP2_DECODER \ + -DCOMPRESS_BZIP2_MT \ + -DCOMPRESS_COPY \ + -DCOMPRESS_DEFLATE_DECODER \ + -DCOMPRESS_LZMA \ + -DCOMPRESS_MF_MT \ + -DCOMPRESS_PPMD \ + -DCRYPTO_7ZAES \ + -DCRYPTO_AES \ + +COMMON_OBJS = \ + $O\Alloc.obj \ + $O\CRC.obj \ + $O\IntToString.obj \ + $O\NewHandler.obj \ + $O\String.obj \ + $O\StringConvert.obj \ + $O\StringToInt.obj \ + $O\Vector.obj \ + $O\Wildcard.obj \ + +WIN_OBJS = \ + $O\FileDir.obj \ + $O\FileFind.obj \ + $O\FileIO.obj \ + $O\PropVariant.obj \ + $O\Synchronization.obj + +7ZIP_COMMON_OBJS = \ + $O\InBuffer.obj \ + $O\InOutTempBuffer.obj \ + $O\LimitedStreams.obj \ + $O\LockedStream.obj \ + $O\LSBFDecoder.obj \ + $O\OutBuffer.obj \ + $O\ProgressUtils.obj \ + $O\StreamBinder.obj \ + $O\StreamObjects.obj \ + $O\StreamUtils.obj \ + +AR_COMMON_OBJS = \ + $O\CoderMixer2.obj \ + $O\CoderMixer2MT.obj \ + $O\CrossThreadProgress.obj \ + $O\FilterCoder.obj \ + $O\InStreamWithCRC.obj \ + $O\ItemNameUtils.obj \ + $O\OutStreamWithCRC.obj \ + $O\ParseProperties.obj \ + + +7Z_OBJS = \ + $O\DllExports.obj \ + $O\7zCompressionMode.obj \ + $O\7zDecode.obj \ + $O\7zEncode.obj \ + $O\7zExtract.obj \ + $O\7zFolderInStream.obj \ + $O\7zFolderOutStream.obj \ + $O\7zHandler.obj \ + $O\7zHandlerOut.obj \ + $O\7zHeader.obj \ + $O\7zIn.obj \ + $O\7zMethodID.obj \ + $O\7zOut.obj \ + $O\7zProperties.obj \ + $O\7zSpecStream.obj \ + $O\7zUpdate.obj \ + + +BRANCH_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\BranchCoder.obj \ + $O\x86.obj \ + $O\x86_2.obj \ + +BZIP2_OBJS = \ + $O\BZip2CRC.obj \ + +BZIP2_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\BZip2Decoder.obj \ + +DEFLATE_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\DeflateDecoder.obj \ + +LZ_OBJS = \ + $O\LZOutWindow.obj \ + +LZMA_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\LZMADecoder.obj \ + $O\LZMAEncoder.obj \ + +PPMD_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\PPMDDecoder.obj \ + $O\PPMDEncoder.obj \ + + +7ZAES_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\7zAES.obj \ + +AES_OPT_OBJS = \ + $O\MyAES.obj \ + +AES_ORIG_OBJS = \ + $O\aescrypt.obj \ + $O\aeskey.obj \ + $O\aestab.obj \ + +CRYPTO_HASH_OBJS = \ + $O\Sha256.obj \ + +C_OBJS = \ + $O\7zCrc.obj \ + $O\Threads.obj \ + +C_LZ_OBJS = \ + $O\MatchFinder.obj \ + $O\MatchFinderMt.obj \ + +OBJS = \ + $O\StdAfx.obj \ + $(CONSOLE_OBJS) \ + $(COMMON_OBJS) \ + $(WIN_OBJS) \ + $(7ZIP_COMMON_OBJS) \ + $(AR_COMMON_OBJS) \ + $(7Z_OBJS) \ + $(BZIP2_OBJS) \ + $(BZIP2_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(BRANCH_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(DEFLATE_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(LZ_OBJS) \ + $(LZMA_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(PPMD_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(C_OBJS) \ + $(C_LZ_OBJS) \ + $O\CopyCoder.obj \ + $O\RangeCoderBit.obj \ + $(7ZAES_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(AES_OPT_OBJS) \ + $(AES_ORIG_OBJS) \ + $(CRYPTO_HASH_OBJS) \ + $O\resource.res + + +!include "../../../Build.mak" + +$(COMMON_OBJS): ../../../Common/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$(WIN_OBJS): ../../../Windows/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$(7ZIP_COMMON_OBJS): ../../Common/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$(AR_COMMON_OBJS): ../../Archive/Common/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) + +$(7Z_OBJS): ../../Archive/7z/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) + +$(BRANCH_OPT_OBJS): ../../Compress/Branch/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(BZIP2_OBJS): ../../Compress/BZip2/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$(BZIP2_OPT_OBJS): ../../Compress/BZip2/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(DEFLATE_OPT_OBJS): ../../Compress/Deflate/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(LZ_OBJS): ../../Compress/LZ/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$(LZMA_OPT_OBJS): ../../Compress/LZMA/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(PPMD_OPT_OBJS): ../../Compress/PPMD/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) + +$O\CopyCoder.obj: ../../Compress/Copy/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) +$O\RangeCoderBit.obj: ../../Compress/RangeCoder/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL) + +$(AES_OPT_OBJS): ../../Crypto/AES/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(AES_ORIG_OBJS): ../../Crypto/AES/$(*B).c + $(COMPL_O2_W3) +$(7ZAES_OPT_OBJS): ../../Crypto/7zAES/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) +$(CRYPTO_HASH_OBJS): ../../Crypto/Hash/$(*B).cpp + $(COMPL_O2) + +$(C_OBJS): ../../../../C/$(*B).c + $(COMPL_O2) +$(C_LZ_OBJS): ../../../../C/Compress/Lz/$(*B).c + $(COMPL_O2) diff --git a/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/resource.rc b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/resource.rc new file mode 100755 index 00000000..5b3f363e --- /dev/null +++ b/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7z/resource.rc @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#include "../../MyVersionInfo.rc" + +MY_VERSION_INFO_DLL("7z Standalone Plugin", "7za") + +101 ICON "../../Archive/7z/7z.ico" -- cgit v1.2.3