// ICoder.h #ifndef __ICODER_H #define __ICODER_H #include "IStream.h" // "23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400xx0000" #define CODER_INTERFACE(i, x) \ DEFINE_GUID(IID_ ## i, \ 0x23170F69, 0x40C1, 0x278A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, x, 0x00, 0x00); \ struct i: public IUnknown CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressProgressInfo, 0x04) { STDMETHOD(SetRatioInfo)(const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCoder, 0x05) { STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCoder2, 0x18) { STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream **inStreams, const UInt64 **inSizes, UInt32 numInStreams, ISequentialOutStream **outStreams, const UInt64 **outSizes, UInt32 numOutStreams, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) PURE; }; namespace NCoderPropID { enum EEnum { kDictionarySize = 0x400, kUsedMemorySize, kOrder, kPosStateBits = 0x440, kLitContextBits, kLitPosBits, kNumFastBytes = 0x450, kMatchFinder, kMatchFinderCycles, kNumPasses = 0x460, kAlgorithm = 0x470, kMultiThread = 0x480, kNumThreads, kEndMarker = 0x490 }; } CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderProperties, 0x20) { STDMETHOD(SetCoderProperties)(const PROPID *propIDs, const PROPVARIANT *properties, UInt32 numProperties) PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderProperties, 0x21) { STDMETHOD(SetDecoderProperties)(ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; }; */ CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetDecoderProperties2, 0x22) { STDMETHOD(SetDecoderProperties2)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressWriteCoderProperties, 0x23) { STDMETHOD(WriteCoderProperties)(ISequentialOutStream *outStreams) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressGetInStreamProcessedSize, 0x24) { STDMETHOD(GetInStreamProcessedSize)(UInt64 *value) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderMt, 0x25) { STDMETHOD(SetNumberOfThreads)(UInt32 numThreads) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressGetSubStreamSize, 0x30) { STDMETHOD(GetSubStreamSize)(UInt64 subStream, UInt64 *value) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStream, 0x31) { STDMETHOD(SetInStream)(ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseInStream)() PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetOutStream, 0x32) { STDMETHOD(SetOutStream)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseOutStream)() PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStreamSize, 0x33) { STDMETHOD(SetInStreamSize)(const UInt64 *inSize) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetOutStreamSize, 0x34) { STDMETHOD(SetOutStreamSize)(const UInt64 *outSize) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressFilter, 0x40) { STDMETHOD(Init)() PURE; STDMETHOD_(UInt32, Filter)(Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; // Filter return outSize (UInt32) // if (outSize <= size): Filter have converted outSize bytes // if (outSize > size): Filter have not converted anything. // and it needs at least outSize bytes to convert one block // (it's for crypto block algorithms). }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCodecsInfo, 0x60) { STDMETHOD(GetNumberOfMethods)(UInt32 *numMethods) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateDecoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **coder) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateEncoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **coder) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ISetCompressCodecsInfo, 0x61) { STDMETHOD(SetCompressCodecsInfo)(ICompressCodecsInfo *compressCodecsInfo) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoProperties, 0x80) { STDMETHOD(SetKey)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetInitVector)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoResetSalt, 0x88) { STDMETHOD(ResetSalt)() PURE; }; */ CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoResetInitVector, 0x8C) { STDMETHOD(ResetInitVector)() PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoSetPassword, 0x90) { STDMETHOD(CryptoSetPassword)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoSetCRC, 0xA0) { STDMETHOD(CryptoSetCRC)(UInt32 crc) PURE; }; ////////////////////// // It's for DLL file namespace NMethodPropID { enum EEnum { kID, kName, kDecoder, kEncoder, kInStreams, kOutStreams, kDescription, kDecoderIsAssigned, kEncoderIsAssigned }; } #endif