#include "OverwriteDialogRes.h" #include "../../GuiCommon.rc" #define xc 280 #define yc 200 #undef iconSize #define iconSize 24 #undef x #undef fx #undef fy #define x (m + iconSize + m) #define fx (xc - iconSize - m) #define fy 50 #define bSizeBig 104 #undef bx1 #define bx1 (xs - m - bSizeBig) IDD_OVERWRITE DIALOG 0, 0, xs, ys MY_MODAL_DIALOG_STYLE MY_FONT CAPTION "Confirm File Replace" BEGIN LTEXT "Destination folder already contains processed file.", IDT_OVERWRITE_HEADER, m, 7, xc, 8 LTEXT "Would you like to replace the existing file", IDT_OVERWRITE_QUESTION_BEGIN, m, 28, xc, 8 ICON "", IDI_OVERWRITE_OLD_FILE, m, 44, iconSize, iconSize LTEXT "", IDT_OVERWRITE_OLD_FILE_SIZE_TIME, x, 44, fx, fy, SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "with this one?", IDT_OVERWRITE_QUESTION_END, m, 98, xc, 8 ICON "", IDI_OVERWRITE_NEW_FILE, m, 114, iconSize, iconSize LTEXT "", IDT_OVERWRITE_NEW_FILE_SIZE_TIME, x, 114, fx, fy, SS_NOPREFIX PUSHBUTTON "&Yes", IDYES, bx3, by2, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "Yes to &All", IDB_YES_TO_ALL, bx2, by2, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "A&uto Rename", IDB_AUTO_RENAME, bx1, by2, bSizeBig, bys PUSHBUTTON "&No", IDNO, bx3, by1, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "No to A&ll", IDB_NO_TO_ALL, bx2, by1, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDCANCEL, xs - m - bxs, by1, bxs, bys END #ifdef UNDER_CE #undef m #undef xc #undef yc #define m 4 #define xc 152 #define yc 144 #undef fy #define fy 40 #undef bxs #define bxs 48 #undef bx1 #define bx1 (xs - m - bxs) IDD_OVERWRITE_2 DIALOG 0, 0, xs, ys MY_MODAL_DIALOG_STYLE MY_FONT CAPTION "Confirm File Replace" BEGIN LTEXT "Would you like to replace the existing file", IDT_OVERWRITE_QUESTION_BEGIN, m, m, xc, 8 ICON "", IDI_OVERWRITE_OLD_FILE, m, 20, iconSize, iconSize LTEXT "", IDT_OVERWRITE_OLD_FILE_SIZE_TIME, x, 20, fx, fy, SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "with this one?", IDT_OVERWRITE_QUESTION_END, m, 60, xc, 8 ICON "", IDI_OVERWRITE_NEW_FILE, m, 72, iconSize, iconSize LTEXT "", IDT_OVERWRITE_NEW_FILE_SIZE_TIME, x, 72, fx, fy, SS_NOPREFIX PUSHBUTTON "&Yes", IDYES, bx3, by2, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "Yes to &All", IDB_YES_TO_ALL, bx2, by2, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "A&uto Rename", IDB_AUTO_RENAME, bx1, by2, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "&No", IDNO, bx3, by1, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "No to A&ll", IDB_NO_TO_ALL, bx2, by1, bxs, bys PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDCANCEL, bx1, by1, bxs, bys END #endif STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_FILE_SIZE "{0} bytes" END