#include "../../MyVersionInfo.rc" #include "../../GuiCommon.rc" #include "resource.h" MY_VERSION_INFO_APP("7-Zip File Manager", "7zFM") IDR_ACCELERATOR1 ACCELERATORS BEGIN // "N", IDM_CREATE_FILE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_F1, IDM_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F12, IDM_FOLDERS_HISTORY, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT // VK_F7, IDM_CREATE_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT END IDM_MENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open\tEnter", IDM_OPEN MENUITEM "Open &Inside\tCtrl+PgDn", IDM_OPEN_INSIDE MENUITEM "Open Inside *", IDM_OPEN_INSIDE_ONE MENUITEM "Open Inside #", IDM_OPEN_INSIDE_PARSER MENUITEM "Open O&utside\tShift+Enter", IDM_OPEN_OUTSIDE MENUITEM "&View\tF3", IDM_FILE_VIEW MENUITEM "&Edit\tF4", IDM_FILE_EDIT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Rena&me\tF2", IDM_RENAME MENUITEM "&Copy To...\tF5", IDM_COPY_TO MENUITEM "&Move To...\tF6", IDM_MOVE_TO MENUITEM "&Delete\tDel", IDM_DELETE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Split file...", IDM_SPLIT MENUITEM "Com&bine files...", IDM_COMBINE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties\tAlt+Enter", IDM_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "Comme&nt...\tCtrl+Z", IDM_COMMENT // MENUITEM "Calculate checksum", IDM_CRC POPUP "CRC" BEGIN MENUITEM "CRC-32", IDM_CRC32 MENUITEM "CRC-64", IDM_CRC64 MENUITEM "SHA-1", IDM_SHA1 MENUITEM "SHA-256", IDM_SHA256 MENUITEM "*", IDM_HASH_ALL END MENUITEM "Di&ff", IDM_DIFF MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Create Folder\tF7", IDM_CREATE_FOLDER MENUITEM "Create File\tCtrl+N", IDM_CREATE_FILE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Link...", IDM_LINK MENUITEM "&Alternate streams", IDM_ALT_STREAMS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit\tAlt+F4", IDCLOSE END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN // MENUITEM "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", IDM_EDIT_CUT, GRAYED // MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", IDM_EDIT_COPY, GRAYED // MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", IDM_EDIT_PASTE, GRAYED // MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All\tShift+[Grey +]", IDM_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "Deselect All\tShift+[Grey -]", IDM_DESELECT_ALL MENUITEM "&Invert Selection\tGrey *", IDM_INVERT_SELECTION MENUITEM "Select...\tGrey +", IDM_SELECT MENUITEM "Deselect...\tGrey -", IDM_DESELECT MENUITEM "Select by Type\tAlt+[Grey+]", IDM_SELECT_BY_TYPE MENUITEM "Deselect by Type\tAlt+[Grey -]", IDM_DESELECT_BY_TYPE END POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "Lar&ge Icons\tCtrl+1", IDM_VIEW_LARGE_ICONS MENUITEM "S&mall Icons\tCtrl+2", IDM_VIEW_SMALL_ICONS MENUITEM "&List\tCtrl+3", IDM_VIEW_LIST MENUITEM "&Details\tCtrl+4", IDM_VIEW_DETAILS, CHECKED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Name\tCtrl+F3", IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_NAME MENUITEM "Type\tCtrl+F4", IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_TYPE MENUITEM "Date\tCtrl+F5", IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_DATE MENUITEM "Size\tCtrl+F6", IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_SIZE MENUITEM "Unsorted\tCtrl+F7", IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_NO_SORT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Flat View", IDM_VIEW_FLAT_VIEW MENUITEM "&2 Panels\tF9", IDM_VIEW_TWO_PANELS POPUP "2017" BEGIN MENUITEM "Time", IDM_VIEW_TIME END POPUP "Toolbars" BEGIN MENUITEM "Archive Toolbar", IDM_VIEW_ARCHIVE_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "Standard Toolbar", IDM_VIEW_STANDARD_TOOLBAR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Large Buttons", IDM_VIEW_TOOLBARS_LARGE_BUTTONS MENUITEM "Show Buttons Text", IDM_VIEW_TOOLBARS_SHOW_BUTTONS_TEXT END MENUITEM "Open Root Folder\t\\", IDM_OPEN_ROOT_FOLDER MENUITEM "Up One Level\tBackspace", IDM_OPEN_PARENT_FOLDER MENUITEM "Folders History...\tAlt+F12", IDM_FOLDERS_HISTORY MENUITEM "&Refresh\tCtrl+R", IDM_VIEW_REFRESH MENUITEM "Auto Refresh", IDM_VIEW_AUTO_REFRESH // MENUITEM "Show NTFS streams", IDM_VIEW_SHOW_STREAMS // MENUITEM "Show deleted files", IDM_VIEW_SHOW_DELETED END POPUP "F&avorites" BEGIN POPUP "&Add folder to Favorites as" BEGIN MENUITEM SEPARATOR END MENUITEM SEPARATOR END POPUP "&Tools" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Options...", IDM_OPTIONS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Benchmark", IDM_BENCHMARK #ifdef UNDER_CE MENUITEM "Benchmark 2", IDM_BENCHMARK2 #endif #ifndef UNDER_CE END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents...\tF1", IDM_HELP_CONTENTS #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About 7-Zip...", IDM_ABOUT END END IDI_ICON ICON "../../UI/FileManager/FM.ico" #ifndef UNDER_CE 1 24 MOVEABLE PURE "../../UI/FileManager/7zFM.exe.manifest" #endif IDB_ADD BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Add.bmp" IDB_EXTRACT BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Extract.bmp" IDB_TEST BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Test.bmp" IDB_COPY BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Copy.bmp" IDB_MOVE BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Move.bmp" IDB_DELETE BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Delete.bmp" IDB_INFO BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Info.bmp" IDB_ADD2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Add2.bmp" IDB_EXTRACT2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Extract2.bmp" IDB_TEST2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Test2.bmp" IDB_COPY2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Copy2.bmp" IDB_MOVE2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Move2.bmp" IDB_DELETE2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Delete2.bmp" IDB_INFO2 BITMAP "../../UI/FileManager/Info2.bmp" STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_BOOKMARK "Bookmark" IDS_OPTIONS "Options" IDS_N_SELECTED_ITEMS "{0} object(s) selected" IDS_FILE_EXIST "File {0} is already exist" IDS_WANT_UPDATE_MODIFIED_FILE "File '{0}' was modified.\nDo you want to update it in the archive?" IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_FILE "Can not update file\n'{0}'" IDS_CANNOT_START_EDITOR "Cannot start editor." IDS_VIRUS "The file looks like a virus (the file name contains long spaces in name)." IDS_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_FOR_LONG_PATH_FOLDER "The operation cannot be called from a folder that has a long path." IDS_SELECT_ONE_FILE "You must select one file" IDS_SELECT_FILES "You must select one or more files" IDS_TOO_MANY_ITEMS "Too many items" IDS_COPY "Copy" IDS_MOVE "Move" IDS_COPY_TO "Copy to:" IDS_MOVE_TO "Move to:" IDS_COPYING "Copying..." IDS_MOVING "Moving..." IDS_RENAMING "Renaming..." IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED "Operation is not supported." IDS_ERROR_RENAMING "Error Renaming File or Folder" IDS_CONFIRM_FILE_COPY "Confirm File Copy" IDS_WANT_TO_COPY_FILES "Are you sure you want to copy files to archive" IDS_CONFIRM_FILE_DELETE "Confirm File Delete" IDS_CONFIRM_FOLDER_DELETE "Confirm Folder Delete" IDS_CONFIRM_ITEMS_DELETE "Confirm Multiple File Delete" IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_FILE "Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'?" IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_FOLDER "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{0}' and all its contents?" IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_ITEMS "Are you sure you want to delete these {0} items?" IDS_DELETING "Deleting..." IDS_ERROR_DELETING "Error Deleting File or Folder" IDS_ERROR_LONG_PATH_TO_RECYCLE "The system cannot move a file with long path to the Recycle Bin" IDS_CREATE_FOLDER "Create Folder" IDS_CREATE_FILE "Create File" IDS_CREATE_FOLDER_NAME "Folder name:" IDS_CREATE_FILE_NAME "File Name:" IDS_CREATE_FOLDER_DEFAULT_NAME "New Folder" IDS_CREATE_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME "New File" IDS_CREATE_FOLDER_ERROR "Error Creating Folder" IDS_CREATE_FILE_ERROR "Error Creating File" IDS_COMMENT "Comment" IDS_COMMENT2 "&Comment:" IDS_SELECT "Select" IDS_DESELECT "Deselect" IDS_SELECT_MASK "Mask:" IDS_PROPERTIES "Properties" IDS_FOLDERS_HISTORY "Folders History" IDS_COMPUTER "Computer" IDS_NETWORK "Network" IDS_DOCUMENTS "Documents" IDS_SYSTEM "System" IDS_ADD "Add" IDS_EXTRACT "Extract" IDS_TEST "Test" IDS_BUTTON_COPY "Copy" IDS_BUTTON_MOVE "Move" IDS_BUTTON_DELETE "Delete" IDS_BUTTON_INFO "Info" IDS_SPLITTING "Splitting..." IDS_SPLIT_CONFIRM_TITLE "Confirm Splitting" IDS_SPLIT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE "Are you sure you want to split file into {0} volumes?" IDS_SPLIT_VOL_MUST_BE_SMALLER "Volume size must be smaller than size of original file" IDS_COMBINE "Combine Files" IDS_COMBINE_TO "&Combine to:" IDS_COMBINING "Combining..." IDS_COMBINE_SELECT_ONE_FILE "Select only first part of split file" IDS_COMBINE_CANT_DETECT_SPLIT_FILE "Can not detect file as split file" IDS_COMBINE_CANT_FIND_MORE_THAN_ONE_PART "Can not find more than one part of split file" END #include "AboutDialog.rc" #include "BrowseDialog.rc" #include "ComboDialog.rc" #include "CopyDialog.rc" #include "EditPage.rc" #include "FoldersPage.rc" #include "LangPage.rc" #include "LinkDialog.rc" #include "ListViewDialog.rc" #include "MenuPage.rc" #include "MessagesDialog.rc" #include "OverwriteDialog.rc" #include "PasswordDialog.rc" #include "ProgressDialog2.rc" #include "PropertyName.rc" #include "SettingsPage.rc" #include "SplitDialog.rc" #include "SystemPage.rc" #include "../GUI/Extract.rc" #include "../GUI/resource3.rc" #include "../Explorer/resource2.rc" #include "resourceGui.rc"