// GUI/UpdateGUI.h #ifndef __UPDATE_GUI_H #define __UPDATE_GUI_H #include "../Common/Update.h" #include "UpdateCallbackGUI.h" /* callback->FailedFiles contains names of files for that there were problems. RESULT can be S_OK, even if there are such warnings!!! RESULT = E_ABORT - user break. RESULT != E_ABORT: { messageWasDisplayed = true - message was displayed already. messageWasDisplayed = false - there was some internal error, so you must show error message. } */ HRESULT UpdateGUI( CCodecs *codecs, const CObjectVector &formatIndices, const UString &cmdArcPath2, NWildcard::CCensor &censor, CUpdateOptions &options, bool showDialog, bool &messageWasDisplayed, CUpdateCallbackGUI *callback, HWND hwndParent = NULL); #endif