theme = "bento" languageCode = "en-us" baseurl = "" title = "Bento" author = "Leonardo Faria" copyright = "MIT" [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" # Better code higlighting # via pygmentsCodefences = true pygmentsStyle = "vs" # Integrations googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXX-YY" disqusShortname = "bento-hugo-theme" # Hightlight theme [markup.highlight] style = "github" # Allow HTML rendering inside markdown [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true [params] # Show intro in the home page (with headline and description) intro = true headline = "This is a headline" description = "A minimalist theme for Hugo, build with Tailwind CSS." # Copyright note in the footer copyright = "Copyright © 2020 Someone" # Image in the homepage. You can setup a different image for social media cover = "images/vancouver.jpg" ogImage = "images/og_image.jpg" # Social media usernames github = "XXXX" twitter = "XXXX" linkedin = "" email = "" # Learn more about webmention # # webmention = "" # Avatar (shown in the homepage) avatar = "images/avatar.jpg" # Bio is shown in the end of posts authorBio = "Bento is a doggo who likes to code. Follow him on Twitter" # If you want to use fathom ( for analytics, add this section [params.fathomAnalytics] siteID = "XXXXX" # Default value is, overwrite this if you are self-hosting serverURL = "" # If you want to use umami ( for analytics, add this section [params.umami] siteID = "XXXXX" trackerScript = "//" # Items in the top menu [menu] [[menu.main]] name = "About" url = "/about" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Archives" url = "/archives" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Source code" url = "" weight = 1