# HTML::MyHTML [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lexborisov/perl-html-myhtml.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lexborisov/perl-html-myhtml) HTML::MyHTML is a fast HTML Parser using Threads with no outside dependencies # DESCRIPTION This Parser based on [MyHTML library] (it includes version 4.0.4) - Asynchronous Parsing, Build Tree and Indexation - Fully conformant with the [HTML5 specification] - Manipulation of elements: add, change, delete and other (available in C lib, in Perl coming soon) - Manipulation of elements attributes: add, change, delete and other (available in C lib, in Perl coming soon) - Support 39 character encoding by specification [encoding.spec.whatwg.org] - Support detecting character encodings - Support Single Mode parsing - Support for fragment parsing - Support for [parsing by chunks] - No outside dependencies - Passes all tree construction tests from [html5lib-tests] # INSTALLATION Make module: ```sh perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` # SYNOPSIS ```perl use utf8; use strict; use HTML::MyHTML; my $body = "
Best of Fragmentsclick to make happy
"; # init my $myhtml = HTML::MyHTML->new(MyHTML_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, 1); my $tree = $myhtml->new_tree(); # parse $myhtml->parse($tree, MyENCODING_UTF_8, $body); # print result print "Print HTML Tree:\n"; $tree->document->print_children(*STDOUT); print "\nGet all DIV elements of HTML Tree:\n"; my $list = $tree->get_elements_by_tag_name("div"); # or my $list = $tree->body()->get_nodes_by_tag_id(MyHTML_TAG_DIV); foreach my $node (@$list) { my $info = $node->info(); print "Tag id: ", $info->{tag_id}, "\n"; print "Tag name: ", $info->{tag}, "\n"; print "Namespace: ", $info->{namespace}, "\n"; print "Namespace id: ", $info->{namespace_id}, "\n"; my $attr = $info->{attr}; if (keys %$attr) { print "Attributes: \n"; foreach my $key (keys %$attr) { print "\t", "$key=\"", $attr->{$key}, "\"\n"; } } print "\n"; } # or you can get span # tree -> document -> HTML -> BODY -> DIV -> SPAN my $span = $tree->document->child->last_child->child->child; my $info_of_span = $span->info(); $tree->destroy(); ``` # Methods ## MyHTML ### new Create a MyHTML object. Allocating and Initialization resources for a MyHTML object ```perl # $opt[in] work options, how many threads will be. Default: MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SEPARATELY # $thread_count[in] thread count, it depends on the choice of work options. Default: 1 # $out_status[out] status my $myhtml = HTML::MyHTML->new($opt, $thread_count, $out_status); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### destroy Destroy a MyHTML object. ```perl $myhtml->destroy(); ``` ### new_tree Create a MyHTML::TREE object. Allocating and Initialization resources for a MyHTML::TREE object ```perl my $tree = $myhtml->new_tree($out_status); ``` Return: MyHTML::TREE object if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### parse Parsing HTML ```perl # $tree[in] previously created object MyHTML::TREE # $encoding[in] Input character encoding; Default: MyHTML_ENCODING_UTF_8 or MyHTML_ENCODING_DEFAULT or 0 # $html[in] HTML my $status = $myhtml->parse($tree, $encoding, $html); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_fragment Parsing fragment of HTML ```perl # $tree[in] previously created object MyHTML::TREE # $encoding[in] Input character encoding; Default: MyHTML_ENCODING_UTF_8 or MyHTML_ENCODING_DEFAULT or 0 # $html[in] HTML # $tag_id[in] fragment base (root) tag id. Default: MyHTML_TAG_DIV if set 0 # $my_namespace[in] fragment NAMESPACE. Default: MyHTML_NAMESPACE_HTML if set 0 my $status = $myhtml->parse_fragment($tree, $encoding, $html, $tag_id, $my_namespace); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_single Parsing HTML in Single Mode. No matter what was said during initialization MyHTML ```perl # $tree[in] previously created object MyHTML::TREE # $encoding[in] Input character encoding; Default: MyHTML_ENCODING_UTF_8 or MyHTML_ENCODING_DEFAULT or 0 # $html[in] HTML my $status = $myhtml->parse_single($tree, $encoding, $html); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_fragment_single Parsing fragment of HTML in Single Mode. No matter what was said during initialization MyHTML ```perl # $tree[in] previously created object MyHTML::TREE # $encoding[in] Input character encoding; Default: MyHTML_ENCODING_UTF_8 or MyHTML_ENCODING_DEFAULT or 0 # $html[in] HTML # $tag_id[in] fragment base (root) tag id. Default: MyHTML_TAG_DIV if set 0 # $my_namespace[in] fragment NAMESPACE. Default: MyHTML_NAMESPACE_HTML if set 0 my $status = $myhtml->parse_fragment_single($tree, $encoding, $html, $tag_id, $my_namespace); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_chunk Parsing HTML chunk. For end parsing call parse_chunk_end method ```perl my $status = $myhtml->parse_chunk($tree, $html); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_chunk_fragment Parsing chunk of fragment HTML. For end parsing call parse_chunk_end method ```perl my $status = $myhtml->parse_chunk_fragment($tree, $html, $tag_id, $my_namespace); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_chunk_single Parsing HTML chunk in Single Mode. ```perl my $status = $myhtml->parse_chunk_single($tree, $html); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_chunk_fragment_single Parsing chunk of fragment of HTML in Single Mode. No matter what was said during initialization MyHTML ```perl my $status = $myhtml->parse_chunk_fragment_single($tree, $html, $tag_id, $my_namespace); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### parse_chunk_end End of parsing HTML chunks ```perl my $status = $myhtml->parse_chunk_end($tree); ``` Return: MyHTML_STATUS_OK if successful, otherwise an error status ### get_tag Get HTML::MyHTML::Tag from a HTML::MyHTML ```perl my $tag = $myhtml->get_tag(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tag if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ## Tree ### clean Clears resources before new parsing ```perl $tree->clean(); ``` ### destroy Destroy of a MyHTML_TREE structure ```perl my $tree = $tree->destroy(); ``` Return: UNDEF if successful, otherwise an HTML::MyHTML::Tree structure ### parse_flags_set Set Parse Flags for Tree ```perl $tree->parse_flags_set($parse_flags); ``` Example: ```perl $tree->parse_flags_set( MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_WITHOUT_BUILD_TREE|MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_WITHOUT_DOCTYPE_IN_TREE|MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_SKIP_WHITESPACE_TOKEN ); ``` ### parse_flags Get Parse Flags of Tree ```perl my $parse_flags = $tree->parse_flags(); ``` Return: myhtml_tree_parse_flags_t ### get_myhtml Get HTML::MyHTML from a HTML::MyHTML::Tree object ```perl my $myhtml = $tree->get_myhtml(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ### get_tag Get HTML::MyHTML::Tag from a HTML::MyHTML::Tree ```perl my $tag = $tree->get_tag(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tag if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ### get_tag_index Get HTML::MyHTML::Tag from a HTML::MyHTML::Tree ```perl my $tag_index = $tree->get_tag_index(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tag::Index if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ### document Get Tree Document (Root of Tree) ```perl my $node = $tree->document(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### html Get node HTML (Document -> HTML, Root of HTML Document) ```perl my $node = $tree->html(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### head Get node HEAD (Document -> HTML -> HEAD) ```perl my $node = $tree->head(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### body Get node BODY (Document -> HTML -> BODY) ```perl my $node = $tree->body(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### get_mchar ```perl my $mchar_async_t = $tree->get_mchar(); ``` Return: mchar_async_t* if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ### get_mchar_node_id ```perl my $id = $tree->get_mchar_node_id(); ``` Return: node id ### get_elements_by_tag_id ```perl my $res = $tree->get_elements_by_tag_id($tag_id); ``` Return: array list of elements HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ### get_elements_by_tag_name ```perl my $res = $tree->get_elements_by_tag_name($tag_name); ``` Return: array list of elements HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ### callback_before_token_done_set Set callback for tokens before processing. Important!!! Only for Perl! Do not use this callback in Thread mode parsing; Build without threads or use methods parse_single, parse_fragment_single, parse_chunk_single, parse_chunk_fragment_single or create myhtml with MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SINGLE option; ```perl $tree->callback_before_token_done_set($sub_callback [, $ctx]); ``` ### callback_after_token_done_set Set callback for tokens after processing Important!!! Only for Perl! Do not use this callback in Thread mode parsing; Build without threads or use methods parse_single, parse_fragment_single, parse_chunk_single, parse_chunk_fragment_single or create myhtml with MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SINGLE option; ```perl $tree->callback_after_token_done_set($sub_callback [, $ctx]); ``` ### callback_node_insert_set Set callback for tree node after inserted Important!!! Only for Perl! Do not use this callback in Thread mode parsing; Build without threads or use methods parse_single, parse_fragment_single, parse_chunk_single, parse_chunk_fragment_single or create myhtml with MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SINGLE option; ```perl $tree->callback_node_insert_set($sub_callback [, $ctx]); ``` ### callback_node_remove_set Set callback for tree node after removed Important!!! Only for Perl! Do not use this callback in Thread mode parsing; Build without threads or use methods parse_single, parse_fragment_single, parse_chunk_single, parse_chunk_fragment_single or create myhtml with MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SINGLE option; ```perl $tree->callback_node_remove_set($sub_callback [, $ctx]); ``` ## Attributes ### info Get information of attribute: key, value, namespace ```perl my $res = $attr->info(); ``` Return: hash ref ### name Get attribute name (key) ```perl my $res = $attr->name(); ``` Return: name (key) if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### value Get attribute value ```perl my $res = $attr->value(); ``` Return: value if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### next Get next sibling attribute of one node ```perl my $attr = $attr->next(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### prev Get previous sibling attribute of one node ```perl my $attr = $attr->prev(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### namespace Get attribute namespace ```perl my $namespace = $attr->namespace(); ``` Return: namespace id ### remove Remove attribute reference. Do not release the resources ```perl my $attr = $attr->remove($node); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### delete Remove attribute and release allocated resources ```perl $attr->delete($tree, $node); ``` ### free Release allocated resources ```perl $attr->free($tree); ``` ## Node ### info Get information of node: tag name, tag id, namespace, namespace id, attr ```perl my $res = $node->info(); ``` Return: hash ref ### next Get next sibling node ```perl my $node = $node->next(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### prev Get previous sibling node ```perl my $node = $node->prev(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### parent Get parent node ```perl my $node = $node->parent(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### child Get child (first child) of node ```perl my $node = $node->child(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### last_child Get last child of node ```perl my $node = $node->last_child(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### token Get token node ```perl my $token_node = $node->token(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Token::Node if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_key Get nodes by attribute key of current node ```perl my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_key($key [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value Get nodes by attribute value; exactly equal; like a [foo="bar"] ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value_whitespace_separated Get nodes by attribute value; whitespace separated; like a [foo~="bar"] ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value_whitespace_separated($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value_begin Get nodes by attribute value; value begins exactly with the string; like a [foo^="bar"] ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value_begin($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value_end Get nodes by attribute value; value ends exactly with the string; like a [foo$="bar"] ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value_end($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value_contain Get nodes by attribute value; value contains the substring; like a [foo*="bar"] ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value_contain($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_attribute_value_hyphen_separated Get nodes by attribute value; attribute value is a hyphen-separated list of values beginning ```perl # $case_insensitive: 1 or 0 # $key: may bу undef for find in all keys my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_attribute_value_hyphen_separated($case_insensitive, $key, $value [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### get_nodes_by_tag_id Get nodes by tag id in node scope ```perl my $nodes = $node->get_nodes_by_tag_id($tag_id [, $out_status]); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node ARRAY if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### free Release allocated resources ```perl $node->free(); ``` ### remove Remove node of tree ```perl my $node = $node->remove(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Node if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### delete Remove node of tree and release allocated resources ```perl $node->delete(); ``` ### delete_recursive Remove nodes of tree recursively and release allocated resources ```perl $node->delete_recursive(); ``` ### tag_id Get node tag id ```perl my $tag_id = $node->tag_id(); ``` Return: tag_id ### namespace Get node namespace ```perl my $namespace = $node->namespace(); ``` Return: namespace id ### tag_name Get tag name of a node ```perl my $res = $node->tag_name(); ``` Return: tag name ### is_close_self Node has self-closing flag? ```perl my $bool = $node->is_close_self(); ``` Return: 1 (true) or 0 (false) ### attr_first Get first attribute of a node ```perl my $attr = $node->attr_first(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### attr_last Get last attribute of a node ```perl my $attr = $node->attr_last(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### attr_add Add attribute to tree node ```perl my $attr = $node->attr_add($key, $value, $encoding); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if successful, otherwise an UNDEF value ### attr_remove_by_key Remove attribute by key reference. Do not release the resources ```perl my $attr = $node->attr_remove_by_key($key); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if successful, otherwise an UNDEF value ### attr_by_key Get attribute by key ```perl my $attr = $node->attr_by_key($key); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### text Get text of a node. Only for a MyHTML_TAG__TEXT or MyHTML_TAG__COMMENT tags ```perl my $res = $node->text(); ``` Return: text if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### string Get myhtml_string_t object by Tree node ```perl my $string = $node->string(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::String if exists, otherwise an NULL value ### print Print a node ```perl $node->print($fh); ``` ### print_childs Print tree of a node. Print excluding current node ```perl $node->print_childs($fh); ``` ### print_all Print tree of a node. Print including current node ```perl $node->print_all($fh); ``` ## Token Node ### info Get information of token node: tag name, tag id, attr ```perl my $res = $token_node->info($tree); ``` Return: hash ref ### tag_id Get token node tag id ```perl my $tag_id = $token_node->tag_id(); ``` Return: tag_id ### tag_name Get tag name of a token node ```perl my $res = $token_node->tag_name($tree); ``` Return: tag name ### is_close_self Node has self-closing flag? ```perl my $bool = $token_node->is_close_self(); ``` Return: 1 (true) or 0 (false) ### attr_first Get first attribute of a token node ```perl my $attr = $token_node->attr_first(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### attr_last Get last attribute of a token node ```perl my $attr = $token_node->attr_last(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::Tree::Attr if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### text Get text of a token node. Only for a MyHTML_TAG__TEXT or MyHTML_TAG__COMMENT tags ```perl my $res = $token_node->text(); ``` Return: text if exists, otherwise an UNDEF value ### string Get myhtml_string_t object by token node ```perl my $string = $token_node->string(); ``` Return: HTML::MyHTML::String if exists, otherwise an NULL value ### wait_for_done Wait for process token all parsing stage. Need if you use thread mode ```perl $token_node->wait_for_done(); ``` ## Detect encoding ### prescan_stream_to_determine_encoding Detect character encoding in html by tag. See [HTML spec](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#prescan-a-byte-stream-to-determine-its-encoding) ```perl # $text[in] text # $len[in] optional, length for search. If not set len == length($text) my $encoding = prescan_stream_to_determine_encoding($text, 1024); ``` Return: encoding if found, otherwise MyENCODING_NOT_DETERMINED ### encoding_detect Detect character encoding. Now available for detect UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE and Russians: windows-1251, koi8-r, iso-8859-5, x-mac-cyrillic, ibm866. Other in progress ```perl # $text[in] text # $out_encoding[out] detected encoding my $bool = $myhtml->encoding_detect($text, $out_encoding); ``` Return: 1 (true) if encoding found, otherwise 0 (false) ### encoding_detect_russian Detect Russian character encoding Now available for detect windows-1251, koi8-r, iso-8859-5, x-mac-cyrillic, ibm866 ```perl # $text[in] text # $out_encoding[out] detected encoding my $bool = $myhtml->encoding_detect_russian($text, $out_encoding); ``` Return: 1 (true) if encoding found, otherwise 0 (false) ### encoding_detect_unicode Detect Unicode character encoding Now available for detect UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE ```perl # $text[in] text # $out_encoding[out] detected encoding my $bool = $myhtml->encoding_detect_unicode($text, $out_encoding); ``` Return: 1 (true) if encoding found, otherwise 0 (false) ### encoding_detect_bom Detect Unicode character encoding by BOM Now available for detect UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE ```perl # $text[in] text # $out_encoding[out] detected encoding my $bool = $myhtml->encoding_detect_bom($text, $out_encoding); ``` Return: 1 (true) if encoding found, otherwise 0 (false) ## Incoming Buffer ### find_by_position Get Incoming Buffer by position ```perl my $incoming_buffer = $incoming_buffer->find_by_position($begin_position); ``` Return: HTML::Incoming::Buffer if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### data Get data of Incoming Buffer ```perl my $data = $incoming_buffer->data(); ``` Return: text scalar if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### length Get data length of Incoming Buffer ```perl my $length = $incoming_buffer->length(); ``` Return: scalar length ### size Get data size of Incoming Buffer ```perl my $size = $incoming_buffer->size(); ``` Return: scalar size ### offset Get data offset of Incoming Buffer. Global position of begin Incoming Buffer. ```perl my $offset = $incoming_buffer->offset(); ``` Return: scalar offset ### relative_begin Get Relative Position for Incoming Buffer. Incoming Buffer should be prepared by find_by_position. ```perl my $relative_begin = $incoming_buffer->relative_begin(); ``` Return: scalar relative begin ### available_length This function returns number of available data by Incoming Buffer. Incoming buffer may be incomplete. See next. ```perl my $available_length = $incoming_buffer->available_length(); ``` Return: scalar available length ### next Get next buffer ```perl my $next_incoming_buffer = $incoming_buffer->next(); ``` Return: HTML::Incoming::Buffer if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ### prev Get prev buffer ```perl my $prev_incoming_buffer = $incoming_buffer->prev(); ``` Return: HTML::Incoming::Buffer if exists, otherwise a UNDEF value ## Namespace ### namespace_name_by_id Get namespace text by namespace type (id) ```perl my $namespace_name = namespace_name_by_id($namespace_id); ``` Return: text if successful, otherwise a UNDEF value ### namespace_id_by_name Get namespace type (id) by namespace text ```perl my $namespace_id = namespace_id_by_name($namespace_name); ``` Return: namespace id # Constants ## Tags ```text MyHTML_TAG__UNDEF MyHTML_TAG__TEXT MyHTML_TAG__COMMENT MyHTML_TAG__DOCTYPE MyHTML_TAG_A MyHTML_TAG_ABBR MyHTML_TAG_ACRONYM MyHTML_TAG_ADDRESS MyHTML_TAG_ANNOTATION_XML MyHTML_TAG_APPLET MyHTML_TAG_AREA MyHTML_TAG_ARTICLE MyHTML_TAG_ASIDE MyHTML_TAG_AUDIO MyHTML_TAG_B MyHTML_TAG_BASE MyHTML_TAG_BASEFONT MyHTML_TAG_BDI MyHTML_TAG_BDO MyHTML_TAG_BGSOUND MyHTML_TAG_BIG MyHTML_TAG_BLINK MyHTML_TAG_BLOCKQUOTE MyHTML_TAG_BODY MyHTML_TAG_BR MyHTML_TAG_BUTTON MyHTML_TAG_CANVAS MyHTML_TAG_CAPTION MyHTML_TAG_CENTER MyHTML_TAG_CITE MyHTML_TAG_CODE MyHTML_TAG_COL MyHTML_TAG_COLGROUP MyHTML_TAG_COMMAND MyHTML_TAG_COMMENT MyHTML_TAG_DATALIST MyHTML_TAG_DD MyHTML_TAG_DEL MyHTML_TAG_DETAILS MyHTML_TAG_DFN MyHTML_TAG_DIALOG MyHTML_TAG_DIR MyHTML_TAG_DIV MyHTML_TAG_DL MyHTML_TAG_DT MyHTML_TAG_EM MyHTML_TAG_EMBED MyHTML_TAG_FIELDSET MyHTML_TAG_FIGCAPTION MyHTML_TAG_FIGURE MyHTML_TAG_FONT MyHTML_TAG_FOOTER MyHTML_TAG_FORM MyHTML_TAG_FRAME MyHTML_TAG_FRAMESET MyHTML_TAG_H1 MyHTML_TAG_H2 MyHTML_TAG_H3 MyHTML_TAG_H4 MyHTML_TAG_H5 MyHTML_TAG_H6 MyHTML_TAG_HEAD MyHTML_TAG_HEADER MyHTML_TAG_HGROUP MyHTML_TAG_HR MyHTML_TAG_HTML MyHTML_TAG_I MyHTML_TAG_IFRAME MyHTML_TAG_IMAGE MyHTML_TAG_IMG MyHTML_TAG_INPUT MyHTML_TAG_INS MyHTML_TAG_ISINDEX MyHTML_TAG_KBD MyHTML_TAG_KEYGEN MyHTML_TAG_LABEL MyHTML_TAG_LEGEND MyHTML_TAG_LI MyHTML_TAG_LINK MyHTML_TAG_LISTING MyHTML_TAG_MAIN MyHTML_TAG_MAP MyHTML_TAG_MARK MyHTML_TAG_MARQUEE MyHTML_TAG_MENU MyHTML_TAG_MENUITEM MyHTML_TAG_META MyHTML_TAG_METER MyHTML_TAG_MTEXT MyHTML_TAG_NAV MyHTML_TAG_NOBR MyHTML_TAG_NOEMBED MyHTML_TAG_NOFRAMES MyHTML_TAG_NOSCRIPT MyHTML_TAG_OBJECT MyHTML_TAG_OL MyHTML_TAG_OPTGROUP MyHTML_TAG_OPTION MyHTML_TAG_OUTPUT MyHTML_TAG_P MyHTML_TAG_PARAM MyHTML_TAG_PLAINTEXT MyHTML_TAG_PRE MyHTML_TAG_PROGRESS MyHTML_TAG_Q MyHTML_TAG_RB MyHTML_TAG_RP MyHTML_TAG_RT MyHTML_TAG_RTC MyHTML_TAG_RUBY MyHTML_TAG_S MyHTML_TAG_SAMP MyHTML_TAG_SCRIPT MyHTML_TAG_SECTION MyHTML_TAG_SELECT MyHTML_TAG_SMALL MyHTML_TAG_SOURCE MyHTML_TAG_SPAN MyHTML_TAG_STRIKE MyHTML_TAG_STRONG MyHTML_TAG_STYLE MyHTML_TAG_SUB MyHTML_TAG_SUMMARY MyHTML_TAG_SUP MyHTML_TAG_SVG MyHTML_TAG_TABLE MyHTML_TAG_TBODY MyHTML_TAG_TD MyHTML_TAG_TEMPLATE MyHTML_TAG_TEXTAREA MyHTML_TAG_TFOOT MyHTML_TAG_TH MyHTML_TAG_THEAD MyHTML_TAG_TIME MyHTML_TAG_TITLE MyHTML_TAG_TR MyHTML_TAG_TRACK MyHTML_TAG_TT MyHTML_TAG_U MyHTML_TAG_UL MyHTML_TAG_VAR MyHTML_TAG_VIDEO MyHTML_TAG_WBR MyHTML_TAG_XMP MyHTML_TAG_ALTGLYPH MyHTML_TAG_ALTGLYPHDEF MyHTML_TAG_ALTGLYPHITEM MyHTML_TAG_ANIMATE MyHTML_TAG_ANIMATECOLOR MyHTML_TAG_ANIMATEMOTION MyHTML_TAG_ANIMATETRANSFORM MyHTML_TAG_CIRCLE MyHTML_TAG_CLIPPATH MyHTML_TAG_COLOR_PROFILE MyHTML_TAG_CURSOR MyHTML_TAG_DEFS MyHTML_TAG_DESC MyHTML_TAG_ELLIPSE MyHTML_TAG_FEBLEND MyHTML_TAG_FECOLORMATRIX MyHTML_TAG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER MyHTML_TAG_FECOMPOSITE MyHTML_TAG_FECONVOLVEMATRIX MyHTML_TAG_FEDIFFUSELIGHTING MyHTML_TAG_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP MyHTML_TAG_FEDISTANTLIGHT MyHTML_TAG_FEDROPSHADOW MyHTML_TAG_FEFLOOD MyHTML_TAG_FEFUNCA MyHTML_TAG_FEFUNCB MyHTML_TAG_FEFUNCG MyHTML_TAG_FEFUNCR MyHTML_TAG_FEGAUSSIANBLUR MyHTML_TAG_FEIMAGE MyHTML_TAG_FEMERGE MyHTML_TAG_FEMERGENODE MyHTML_TAG_FEMORPHOLOGY MyHTML_TAG_FEOFFSET 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MyHTML_TAG_MLONGDIV MyHTML_TAG_MMULTISCRIPTS MyHTML_TAG_MN MyHTML_TAG_MO MyHTML_TAG_MOVER MyHTML_TAG_MPADDED MyHTML_TAG_MPHANTOM MyHTML_TAG_MROOT MyHTML_TAG_MROW MyHTML_TAG_MS MyHTML_TAG_MSCARRIES MyHTML_TAG_MSCARRY MyHTML_TAG_MSGROUP MyHTML_TAG_MSLINE MyHTML_TAG_MSPACE MyHTML_TAG_MSQRT MyHTML_TAG_MSROW MyHTML_TAG_MSTACK MyHTML_TAG_MSTYLE MyHTML_TAG_MSUB MyHTML_TAG_MSUP MyHTML_TAG_MSUBSUP MyHTML_TAG__END_OF_FILE MyHTML_TAG_FIRST_ENTRY MyHTML_TAG_LAST_ENTRY ``` ## Tree parse flags ```text MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_CLEAN MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_WITHOUT_BUILD_TREE MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_WITHOUT_PROCESS_TOKEN MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_SKIP_WHITESPACE_TOKEN MyHTML_TREE_PARSE_FLAGS_WITHOUT_DOCTYPE_IN_TREE ``` ## Namespaces ```text MyHTML_NAMESPACE_UNDEF MyHTML_NAMESPACE_HTML MyHTML_NAMESPACE_MATHML MyHTML_NAMESPACE_SVG MyHTML_NAMESPACE_XLINK MyHTML_NAMESPACE_XML MyHTML_NAMESPACE_XMLNS MyHTML_NAMESPACE_LAST_ENTRY ``` ## Encodings ```text MyENCODING_DEFAULT MyENCODING_NOT_DETERMINED MyENCODING_UTF_8 MyENCODING_UTF_16LE MyENCODING_UTF_16BE MyENCODING_X_USER_DEFINED MyENCODING_BIG5 MyENCODING_EUC_JP MyENCODING_EUC_KR MyENCODING_GB18030 MyENCODING_GBK MyENCODING_IBM866 MyENCODING_ISO_2022_JP MyENCODING_ISO_8859_10 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_13 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_14 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_15 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_16 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_2 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_3 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_4 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_5 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_6 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_7 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_8 MyENCODING_ISO_8859_8_I MyENCODING_KOI8_R MyENCODING_KOI8_U MyENCODING_MACINTOSH MyENCODING_SHIFT_JIS MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1250 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1251 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1252 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1253 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1254 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1255 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1256 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1257 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_1258 MyENCODING_WINDOWS_874 MyENCODING_X_MAC_CYRILLIC MyENCODING_LAST_ENTRY ``` ## Statuses ```text MyCORE_STATUS_OK MyCORE_STATUS_ERROR MyCORE_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_LIST_INIT MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_ATTR_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_ATTR_INIT MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_ATTR_SET MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_ATTR_DESTROY MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_NO_SLOTS MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_BATCH_INIT MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_WORKER_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_WORKER_SEM_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_WORKER_THREAD_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MASTER_THREAD_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_SEM_PREFIX_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_SEM_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_QUEUE_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_QUEUE_NODES_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_QUEUE_NODE_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MUTEX_MALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MUTEX_INIT MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MUTEX_LOCK MyCORE_STATUS_THREAD_ERROR_MUTEX_UNLOCK MyCORE_STATUS_PERF_ERROR_COMPILED_WITHOUT_PERF MyCORE_STATUS_PERF_ERROR_FIND_CPU_CLOCK MyCORE_STATUS_MCOBJECT_ERROR_CACHE_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_MCOBJECT_ERROR_CHUNK_CREATE MyCORE_STATUS_MCOBJECT_ERROR_CHUNK_INIT MyCORE_STATUS_MCOBJECT_ERROR_CACHE_REALLOC MyCORE_STATUS_ASYNC_ERROR_LOCK MyCORE_STATUS_ASYNC_ERROR_UNLOCK MyCORE_STATUS_ERROR_NO_FREE_SLOT MyHTML_STATUS_OK MyHTML_STATUS_ERROR MyHTML_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_RULES_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TOKENIZER_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TOKENIZER_ERROR_FRAGMENT_INIT MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_MCOBJECT_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_MCOBJECT_MALLOC MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_MCOBJECT_CREATE_NODE MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_CACHE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TAGS_ERROR_INDEX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TREE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_TREE_ERROR_MCOBJECT_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_TREE_ERROR_MCOBJECT_INIT MyHTML_STATUS_TREE_ERROR_MCOBJECT_CREATE_NODE MyHTML_STATUS_TREE_ERROR_INCOMING_BUFFER_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_ATTR_ERROR_ALLOCATION MyHTML_STATUS_ATTR_ERROR_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_STREAM_BUFFER_ERROR_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_STREAM_BUFFER_ERROR_INIT MyHTML_STATUS_STREAM_BUFFER_ENTRY_ERROR_CREATE MyHTML_STATUS_STREAM_BUFFER_ENTRY_ERROR_INIT MyHTML_STATUS_STREAM_BUFFER_ERROR_ADD_ENTRY MyENCODING_STATUS_OK MyENCODING_STATUS_ERROR MyENCODING_STATUS_CONTINUE MyENCODING_STATUS_DONE ``` ## Options ```text MyHTML_OPTIONS_DEFAULT MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SINGLE MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_ALL_IN_ONE MyHTML_OPTIONS_PARSE_MODE_SEPARATELY ``` # Examples See example directory in current module # DESTROY ```perl $myhtml->destroy(); ``` Free mem and destroy object. # AUTHOR Alexander Borisov # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Alexander Borisov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA [HTML5 specification]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/ [parsing by chunks]: https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml/blob/master/examples/chunks_high_level.c [encoding.spec.whatwg.org]: https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/ [html5lib-tests]: https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests [MyHTML library]: https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml