baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Mediumish" theme = "mediumish-gohugo-theme" summaryLength = 25 copyright = "John Doe - All rights reserved" enableEmoji = true publishDir = "docs" #disqusShortname = "your-shortname-here" #googleAnalytics = "UA-1XXXXXXX1-1" [params] logo = "/images/logo.png" description ="the clean blog!" #mailchimp = "you can provide a mailchimp-link here" [] name = "John Doe" thumbnail = "/images/author.png" description = "Creator of this blog." [params.index] picture = "/images/author.png" title = "John Doe" subtitle = "I'm a unique placeholder. Working here and there!" mdtext = ''' Currently trying to get this blog running, still don't know what the blog will be about!\ **This textblock is a demonstration of the mdtext-param.**\ ### This is a markdown heading ''' alertbar = false [] github = "" linkedin = "" xing = "" medium = "" twitter = "" instagram = "" ## Main Menu [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" weight = 100 identifier = "blog" url = "/blog" [[menu.main]] name = "About Me" identifier = "about" weight = 200 url = "/" [[menu.main]] name = "Imprint" identifier = "imprint" weight = 200 url = "/static/imprint"