Liberation Fonts ================= The Liberation Fonts is font collection which aims to provide document layout compatibility as usage of Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New. Requirements ================= * [fontforge]( * [python fonttools]( Install ============ 1. Get source ``` $ git clone ``` - Or downloading the tar.gz file from [releases]( - Extract the tar file: ``` $ tar zxvf liberation-fonts-[VERSION].tar.gz ``` 2. Build from the source ``` $ cd liberation-fonts or $ cd liberation-fonts-[VERSION] $ make ``` The binary font files will be available in 'liberation-fonts-ttf-[VERSION]' directory. 3. Install to system Fedora Users : - One can manually install the fonts by copying the TTFs to `~/.fonts` for user wide usage - and/or to `/usr/share/fonts/liberation` for system-wide availability. - Then, run `fc-cache` to let that cached. Other distributions : please check out corresponding documentation. Usage ========== Simply select preferred liberation font in applications and start using. License ============ This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. Please read file "LICENSE" for details. For Maintainers ==================== 1. Before packaging a new release based on a new source tarball, you have to update the version suffix in the Makefile: ``` VER = [NEW_VERSION] ``` 2. After updating Makefile VER attribute, update all font metadata by executing: ``` $ make versionupdate ``` can verfy changes using ftinfo/otfinfo or fontforge itself. 3. It is highly recommended that file 'ChangeLog' is updated to reflect changes. 4. Create a tarball with the following command: ``` $ make dist ``` The new versioned tarball will be available in the dist/ folder as `liberation-fonts-[NEW_VERSION].tar.gz.` 5. Create github tag for that [NEW_VERSION] and upload dist tarball Credits ============ Please read file "AUTHORS" for list of contributors.