# thunks/README.md This directory contains assembly sources for ARM [thunk] code, and a corresponding _Makefile_. The idea is that the resulting binary routines can be transferred to a suitable target device and then executed 'remotely', usually via `sunxi-fel`. Normally you don't need to change or (re)build anything within this folder. Currently our main build process (via the parent directory's _Makefile_) only includes `fel-to-spl-thunk.h` directly. Other _.h_ files are provided **just for reference**. The main purpose of this folder is simply keeping track of _.S_ sources, to help with possible future maintenance of the various code snippets. Please note that any files lacking explicit license information are intended to be covered by the project's [overall license](../LICENSE.md) (GPLv2). [thunk]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunk#Interoperability