# Environment variables env: global: - CFLAGS=-Werror # Common test script script: # make sure example can at least compile - sed -n '/``` c/,/```/{/```/d; p;}' README.md > test.c && make all CFLAGS+=" -Duser_provided_block_device_read=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_prog=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_erase=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_sync=NULL -include stdio.h" # run tests - make test QUIET=1 # run tests with a few different configurations - make test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=1 -DLFS_CACHE_SIZE=4" - make test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=512 -DLFS_CACHE_SIZE=512 -DLFS_BLOCK_CYCLES=16" - make test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_BLOCK_COUNT=1023 -DLFS_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE=256" - make clean test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_INLINE_MAX=0" - make clean test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_EMUBD_ERASE_VALUE=0xff" - make clean test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_NO_INTRINSICS" # additional configurations that don't support all tests (this should be # fixed but at the moment it is what it is) - make test_files QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=1 -DLFS_BLOCK_SIZE=4096" - make test_files QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=\(2*1024\) -DLFS_BLOCK_SIZE=\(64*1024\)" - make test_files QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=\(8*1024\) -DLFS_BLOCK_SIZE=\(64*1024\)" - make test_files QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=11 -DLFS_BLOCK_SIZE=704" # compile and find the code size with the smallest configuration - make clean size OBJ="$(ls lfs*.o | tr '\n' ' ')" CFLAGS+="-DLFS_NO_ASSERT -DLFS_NO_DEBUG -DLFS_NO_WARN -DLFS_NO_ERROR" | tee sizes # update status if we succeeded, compare with master if possible - | if [ "$TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT" -eq 0 ] then CURR=$(tail -n1 sizes | awk '{print $1}') PREV=$(curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_STATUSES" https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/status/master \ | jq -re "select(.sha != \"$TRAVIS_COMMIT\") | .statuses[] | select(.context == \"$STAGE/$NAME\").description | capture(\"code size is (?[0-9]+)\").size" \ || echo 0) STATUS="Passed, code size is ${CURR}B" if [ "$PREV" -ne 0 ] then STATUS="$STATUS ($(python -c "print '%+.2f' % (100*($CURR-$PREV)/$PREV.0)")%)" fi fi # CI matrix jobs: include: # native testing - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-x86 # cross-compile with ARM (thumb mode) - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-arm - CC="arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --static -mthumb" - EXEC="qemu-arm" install: - sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi libc6-dev-armel-cross qemu-user - arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version - qemu-arm -version # cross-compile with PowerPC - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-powerpc - CC="powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc --static" - EXEC="qemu-ppc" install: - sudo apt-get install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu libc6-dev-powerpc-cross qemu-user - powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc --version - qemu-ppc -version # cross-compile with MIPS - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-mips - CC="mips-linux-gnu-gcc --static" - EXEC="qemu-mips" install: - sudo apt-get install gcc-mips-linux-gnu libc6-dev-mips-cross qemu-user - mips-linux-gnu-gcc --version - qemu-mips -version # self-host with littlefs-fuse for fuzz test - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-fuse if: branch !~ -prefix$ install: - sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev - git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/geky/littlefs-fuse -b v2 - fusermount -V - gcc --version before_script: # setup disk for littlefs-fuse - rm -rf littlefs-fuse/littlefs/* - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) littlefs-fuse/littlefs - mkdir mount - sudo chmod a+rw /dev/loop0 - dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=4096 of=disk - losetup /dev/loop0 disk script: # self-host test - make -C littlefs-fuse - littlefs-fuse/lfs --format /dev/loop0 - littlefs-fuse/lfs /dev/loop0 mount - ls mount - mkdir mount/littlefs - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) mount/littlefs - cd mount/littlefs - stat . - ls -flh - make -B test_dirs test_files QUIET=1 # self-host with littlefs-fuse for fuzz test - stage: test env: - STAGE=test - NAME=littlefs-migration if: branch !~ -prefix$ install: - sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev - git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/geky/littlefs-fuse -b v2 v2 - git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/geky/littlefs-fuse -b v1 v1 - fusermount -V - gcc --version before_script: # setup disk for littlefs-fuse - rm -rf v2/littlefs/* - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) v2/littlefs - mkdir mount - sudo chmod a+rw /dev/loop0 - dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=4096 of=disk - losetup /dev/loop0 disk script: # compile v1 and v2 - make -C v1 - make -C v2 # run self-host test with v1 - v1/lfs --format /dev/loop0 - v1/lfs /dev/loop0 mount - ls mount - mkdir mount/littlefs - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) mount/littlefs - cd mount/littlefs - stat . - ls -flh - make -B test_dirs test_files QUIET=1 # attempt to migrate - cd ../.. - fusermount -u mount - v2/lfs --migrate /dev/loop0 - v2/lfs /dev/loop0 mount # run self-host test with v2 right where we left off - ls mount - cd mount/littlefs - stat . - ls -flh - make -B test_dirs test_files QUIET=1 # Automatically create releases - stage: deploy env: - STAGE=deploy - NAME=deploy script: - | bash << 'SCRIPT' set -ev # Find version defined in lfs.h LFS_VERSION=$(grep -ox '#define LFS_VERSION .*' lfs.h | cut -d ' ' -f3) LFS_VERSION_MAJOR=$((0xffff & ($LFS_VERSION >> 16))) LFS_VERSION_MINOR=$((0xffff & ($LFS_VERSION >> 0))) # Grab latests patch from repo tags, default to 0, needs finagling # to get past github's pagination api PREV_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/git/refs/tags/v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR.$LFS_VERSION_MINOR. PREV_URL=$(curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_RELEASES" "$PREV_URL" -I \ | sed -n '/^Link/{s/.*<\(.*\)>; rel="last"/\1/;p;q0};$q1' \ || echo $PREV_URL) LFS_VERSION_PATCH=$(curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_RELEASES" "$PREV_URL" \ | jq 'map(.ref | match("\\bv.*\\..*\\.(.*)$";"g") .captures[].string | tonumber) | max + 1' \ || echo 0) # We have our new version LFS_VERSION="v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR.$LFS_VERSION_MINOR.$LFS_VERSION_PATCH" echo "VERSION $LFS_VERSION" # Check that we're the most recent commit CURRENT_COMMIT=$(curl -f -u "$GEKY_BOT_RELEASES" \ https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/commits/master \ | jq -re '.sha') [ "$TRAVIS_COMMIT" == "$CURRENT_COMMIT" ] || exit 0 # Create major branch git branch v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR HEAD # Create major prefix branch git config user.name "geky bot" git config user.email "bot@geky.net" git fetch https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git \ --depth=50 v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR-prefix || true ./scripts/prefix.py lfs$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR git branch v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR-prefix $( \ git commit-tree $(git write-tree) \ $(git rev-parse --verify -q FETCH_HEAD | sed -e 's/^/-p /') \ -p HEAD \ -m "Generated v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR prefixes") git reset --hard # Update major version branches (vN and vN-prefix) git push --atomic https://$GEKY_BOT_RELEASES@github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git \ v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR \ v$LFS_VERSION_MAJOR-prefix # Build release notes PREV=$(git tag --sort=-v:refname -l "v*" | head -1) if [ ! -z "$PREV" ] then echo "PREV $PREV" CHANGES=$(git log --oneline $PREV.. --grep='^Merge' --invert-grep) printf "CHANGES\n%s\n\n" "$CHANGES" fi case ${GEKY_BOT_DRAFT:-minor} in true) DRAFT=true ;; minor) DRAFT=$(jq -R 'endswith(".0")' <<< "$LFS_VERSION") ;; false) DRAFT=false ;; esac # Create the release and patch version tag (vN.N.N) curl -f -u "$GEKY_BOT_RELEASES" -X POST \ https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/releases \ -d "{ \"tag_name\": \"$LFS_VERSION\", \"name\": \"${LFS_VERSION%.0}\", \"target_commitish\": \"$TRAVIS_COMMIT\", \"draft\": $DRAFT, \"body\": $(jq -sR '.' <<< "$CHANGES") }" #" SCRIPT # Manage statuses before_install: - | curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_STATUSES" -X POST \ https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/statuses/${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA:-$TRAVIS_COMMIT} \ -d "{ \"context\": \"$STAGE/$NAME\", \"state\": \"pending\", \"description\": \"${STATUS:-In progress}\", \"target_url\": \"https://travis-ci.org/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/jobs/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID\" }" after_failure: - | curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_STATUSES" -X POST \ https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/statuses/${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA:-$TRAVIS_COMMIT} \ -d "{ \"context\": \"$STAGE/$NAME\", \"state\": \"failure\", \"description\": \"${STATUS:-Failed}\", \"target_url\": \"https://travis-ci.org/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/jobs/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID\" }" after_success: - | curl -u "$GEKY_BOT_STATUSES" -X POST \ https://api.github.com/repos/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/statuses/${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA:-$TRAVIS_COMMIT} \ -d "{ \"context\": \"$STAGE/$NAME\", \"state\": \"success\", \"description\": \"${STATUS:-Passed}\", \"target_url\": \"https://travis-ci.org/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/jobs/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID\" }" # Job control stages: - name: test - name: deploy if: branch = master AND type = push