#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Script to find coverage info after running tests. # # Example: # ./scripts/cov.py \ # lfs.t.a.gcda lfs_util.t.a.gcda \ # -Flfs.c -Flfs_util.c -slines # # Copyright (c) 2022, The littlefs authors. # Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # import collections as co import csv import itertools as it import json import math as m import os import re import shlex import subprocess as sp # TODO use explode_asserts to avoid counting assert branches? # TODO use dwarf=info to find functions for inline functions? GCOV_PATH = ['gcov'] # integer fields class Int(co.namedtuple('Int', 'x')): __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, x=0): if isinstance(x, Int): return x if isinstance(x, str): try: x = int(x, 0) except ValueError: # also accept +-∞ and +-inf if re.match('^\s*\+?\s*(?:∞|inf)\s*$', x): x = m.inf elif re.match('^\s*-\s*(?:∞|inf)\s*$', x): x = -m.inf else: raise assert isinstance(x, int) or m.isinf(x), x return super().__new__(cls, x) def __str__(self): if self.x == m.inf: return '∞' elif self.x == -m.inf: return '-∞' else: return str(self.x) def __int__(self): assert not m.isinf(self.x) return self.x def __float__(self): return float(self.x) none = '%7s' % '-' def table(self): return '%7s' % (self,) diff_none = '%7s' % '-' diff_table = table def diff_diff(self, other): new = self.x if self else 0 old = other.x if other else 0 diff = new - old if diff == +m.inf: return '%7s' % '+∞' elif diff == -m.inf: return '%7s' % '-∞' else: return '%+7d' % diff def ratio(self, other): new = self.x if self else 0 old = other.x if other else 0 if m.isinf(new) and m.isinf(old): return 0.0 elif m.isinf(new): return +m.inf elif m.isinf(old): return -m.inf elif not old and not new: return 0.0 elif not old: return 1.0 else: return (new-old) / old def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x + other.x) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x - other.x) def __mul__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x * other.x) # fractional fields, a/b class Frac(co.namedtuple('Frac', 'a,b')): __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, a=0, b=None): if isinstance(a, Frac) and b is None: return a if isinstance(a, str) and b is None: a, b = a.split('/', 1) if b is None: b = a return super().__new__(cls, Int(a), Int(b)) def __str__(self): return '%s/%s' % (self.a, self.b) def __float__(self): return float(self.a) none = '%11s %7s' % ('-', '-') def table(self): t = self.a.x/self.b.x if self.b.x else 1.0 return '%11s %7s' % ( self, '∞%' if t == +m.inf else '-∞%' if t == -m.inf else '%.1f%%' % (100*t)) diff_none = '%11s' % '-' def diff_table(self): return '%11s' % (self,) def diff_diff(self, other): new_a, new_b = self if self else (Int(0), Int(0)) old_a, old_b = other if other else (Int(0), Int(0)) return '%11s' % ('%s/%s' % ( new_a.diff_diff(old_a).strip(), new_b.diff_diff(old_b).strip())) def ratio(self, other): new_a, new_b = self if self else (Int(0), Int(0)) old_a, old_b = other if other else (Int(0), Int(0)) new = new_a.x/new_b.x if new_b.x else 1.0 old = old_a.x/old_b.x if old_b.x else 1.0 return new - old def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.a + other.a, self.b + other.b) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.a - other.a, self.b - other.b) def __mul__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.a * other.a, self.b + other.b) def __lt__(self, other): self_t = self.a.x/self.b.x if self.b.x else 1.0 other_t = other.a.x/other.b.x if other.b.x else 1.0 return (self_t, self.a.x) < (other_t, other.a.x) def __gt__(self, other): return self.__class__.__lt__(other, self) def __le__(self, other): return not self.__gt__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) # coverage results class CovResult(co.namedtuple('CovResult', [ 'file', 'function', 'line', 'calls', 'hits', 'funcs', 'lines', 'branches'])): _by = ['file', 'function', 'line'] _fields = ['calls', 'hits', 'funcs', 'lines', 'branches'] _sort = ['funcs', 'lines', 'branches', 'hits', 'calls'] _types = { 'calls': Int, 'hits': Int, 'funcs': Frac, 'lines': Frac, 'branches': Frac} __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, file='', function='', line=0, calls=0, hits=0, funcs=0, lines=0, branches=0): return super().__new__(cls, file, function, int(Int(line)), Int(calls), Int(hits), Frac(funcs), Frac(lines), Frac(branches)) def __add__(self, other): return CovResult(self.file, self.function, self.line, max(self.calls, other.calls), max(self.hits, other.hits), self.funcs + other.funcs, self.lines + other.lines, self.branches + other.branches) def openio(path, mode='r', buffering=-1): # allow '-' for stdin/stdout if path == '-': if mode == 'r': return os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), mode, buffering) else: return os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), mode, buffering) else: return open(path, mode, buffering) def collect(gcda_paths, *, gcov_path=GCOV_PATH, sources=None, everything=False, **args): results = [] for path in gcda_paths: # get coverage info through gcov's json output # note, gcov-path may contain extra args cmd = GCOV_PATH + ['-b', '-t', '--json-format', path] if args.get('verbose'): print(' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd)) proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE if not args.get('verbose') else None, universal_newlines=True, errors='replace', close_fds=False) data = json.load(proc.stdout) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: if not args.get('verbose'): for line in proc.stderr: sys.stdout.write(line) sys.exit(-1) # collect line/branch coverage for file in data['files']: # ignore filtered sources if sources is not None: if not any( os.path.abspath(file['file']) == os.path.abspath(s) for s in sources): continue else: # default to only cwd if not everything and not os.path.commonpath([ os.getcwd(), os.path.abspath(file['file'])]) == os.getcwd(): continue # simplify path if os.path.commonpath([ os.getcwd(), os.path.abspath(file['file'])]) == os.getcwd(): file_name = os.path.relpath(file['file']) else: file_name = os.path.abspath(file['file']) for func in file['functions']: func_name = func.get('name', '(inlined)') # discard internal functions (this includes injected test cases) if not everything: if func_name.startswith('__'): continue # go ahead and add functions, later folding will merge this if # there are other hits on this line results.append(CovResult( file_name, func_name, func['start_line'], func['execution_count'], 0, Frac(1 if func['execution_count'] > 0 else 0, 1), 0, 0)) for line in file['lines']: func_name = line.get('function_name', '(inlined)') # discard internal function (this includes injected test cases) if not everything: if func_name.startswith('__'): continue # go ahead and add lines, later folding will merge this if # there are other hits on this line results.append(CovResult( file_name, func_name, line['line_number'], 0, line['count'], 0, Frac(1 if line['count'] > 0 else 0, 1), Frac( sum(1 if branch['count'] > 0 else 0 for branch in line['branches']), len(line['branches'])))) return results def fold(Result, results, *, by=None, defines=None, **_): if by is None: by = Result._by for k in it.chain(by or [], (k for k, _ in defines or [])): if k not in Result._by and k not in Result._fields: print("error: could not find field %r?" % k) sys.exit(-1) # filter by matching defines if defines is not None: results_ = [] for r in results: if all(getattr(r, k) in vs for k, vs in defines): results_.append(r) results = results_ # organize results into conflicts folding = co.OrderedDict() for r in results: name = tuple(getattr(r, k) for k in by) if name not in folding: folding[name] = [] folding[name].append(r) # merge conflicts folded = [] for name, rs in folding.items(): folded.append(sum(rs[1:], start=rs[0])) return folded def table(Result, results, diff_results=None, *, by=None, fields=None, sort=None, summary=False, all=False, percent=False, **_): all_, all = all, __builtins__.all if by is None: by = Result._by if fields is None: fields = Result._fields types = Result._types # fold again results = fold(Result, results, by=by) if diff_results is not None: diff_results = fold(Result, diff_results, by=by) # organize by name table = { ','.join(str(getattr(r, k) or '') for k in by): r for r in results} diff_table = { ','.join(str(getattr(r, k) or '') for k in by): r for r in diff_results or []} names = list(table.keys() | diff_table.keys()) # sort again, now with diff info, note that python's sort is stable names.sort() if diff_results is not None: names.sort(key=lambda n: tuple( types[k].ratio( getattr(table.get(n), k, None), getattr(diff_table.get(n), k, None)) for k in fields), reverse=True) if sort: for k, reverse in reversed(sort): names.sort( key=lambda n: tuple( (getattr(table[n], k),) if getattr(table.get(n), k, None) is not None else () for k in ([k] if k else [ k for k in Result._sort if k in fields])), reverse=reverse ^ (not k or k in Result._fields)) # build up our lines lines = [] # header header = [] header.append('%s%s' % ( ','.join(by), ' (%d added, %d removed)' % ( sum(1 for n in table if n not in diff_table), sum(1 for n in diff_table if n not in table)) if diff_results is not None and not percent else '') if not summary else '') if diff_results is None: for k in fields: header.append(k) elif percent: for k in fields: header.append(k) else: for k in fields: header.append('o'+k) for k in fields: header.append('n'+k) for k in fields: header.append('d'+k) header.append('') lines.append(header) def table_entry(name, r, diff_r=None, ratios=[]): entry = [] entry.append(name) if diff_results is None: for k in fields: entry.append(getattr(r, k).table() if getattr(r, k, None) is not None else types[k].none) elif percent: for k in fields: entry.append(getattr(r, k).diff_table() if getattr(r, k, None) is not None else types[k].diff_none) else: for k in fields: entry.append(getattr(diff_r, k).diff_table() if getattr(diff_r, k, None) is not None else types[k].diff_none) for k in fields: entry.append(getattr(r, k).diff_table() if getattr(r, k, None) is not None else types[k].diff_none) for k in fields: entry.append(types[k].diff_diff( getattr(r, k, None), getattr(diff_r, k, None))) if diff_results is None: entry.append('') elif percent: entry.append(' (%s)' % ', '.join( '+∞%' if t == +m.inf else '-∞%' if t == -m.inf else '%+.1f%%' % (100*t) for t in ratios)) else: entry.append(' (%s)' % ', '.join( '+∞%' if t == +m.inf else '-∞%' if t == -m.inf else '%+.1f%%' % (100*t) for t in ratios if t) if any(ratios) else '') return entry # entries if not summary: for name in names: r = table.get(name) if diff_results is None: diff_r = None ratios = None else: diff_r = diff_table.get(name) ratios = [ types[k].ratio( getattr(r, k, None), getattr(diff_r, k, None)) for k in fields] if not all_ and not any(ratios): continue lines.append(table_entry(name, r, diff_r, ratios)) # total r = next(iter(fold(Result, results, by=[])), None) if diff_results is None: diff_r = None ratios = None else: diff_r = next(iter(fold(Result, diff_results, by=[])), None) ratios = [ types[k].ratio( getattr(r, k, None), getattr(diff_r, k, None)) for k in fields] lines.append(table_entry('TOTAL', r, diff_r, ratios)) # find the best widths, note that column 0 contains the names and column -1 # the ratios, so those are handled a bit differently widths = [ ((max(it.chain([w], (len(l[i]) for l in lines)))+1+4-1)//4)*4-1 for w, i in zip( it.chain([23], it.repeat(7)), range(len(lines[0])-1))] # print our table for line in lines: print('%-*s %s%s' % ( widths[0], line[0], ' '.join('%*s' % (w, x) for w, x in zip(widths[1:], line[1:-1])), line[-1])) def annotate(Result, results, *, annotate=False, lines=False, branches=False, **args): # if neither branches/lines specified, color both if annotate and not lines and not branches: lines, branches = True, True for path in co.OrderedDict.fromkeys(r.file for r in results).keys(): # flatten to line info results = fold(Result, results, by=['file', 'line']) table = {r.line: r for r in results if r.file == path} # calculate spans to show if not annotate: spans = [] last = None func = None for line, r in sorted(table.items()): if ((lines and int(r.hits) == 0) or (branches and r.branches.a < r.branches.b)): if last is not None and line - last.stop <= args['context']: last = range( last.start, line+1+args['context']) else: if last is not None: spans.append((last, func)) last = range( line-args['context'], line+1+args['context']) func = r.function if last is not None: spans.append((last, func)) with open(path) as f: skipped = False for i, line in enumerate(f): # skip lines not in spans? if not annotate and not any(i+1 in s for s, _ in spans): skipped = True continue if skipped: skipped = False print('%s@@ %s:%d: %s @@%s' % ( '\x1b[36m' if args['color'] else '', path, i+1, next(iter(f for _, f in spans)), '\x1b[m' if args['color'] else '')) # build line if line.endswith('\n'): line = line[:-1] if i+1 in table: r = table[i+1] line = '%-*s // %s hits%s' % ( args['width'], line, r.hits, ', %s branches' % (r.branches,) if int(r.branches.b) else '') if args['color']: if lines and int(r.hits) == 0: line = '\x1b[1;31m%s\x1b[m' % line elif branches and r.branches.a < r.branches.b: line = '\x1b[35m%s\x1b[m' % line print(line) def main(gcda_paths, *, by=None, fields=None, defines=None, sort=None, hits=False, **args): # figure out what color should be if args.get('color') == 'auto': args['color'] = sys.stdout.isatty() elif args.get('color') == 'always': args['color'] = True else: args['color'] = False # find sizes if not args.get('use', None): results = collect(gcda_paths, **args) else: results = [] with openio(args['use']) as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, restval='') for r in reader: if not any('cov_'+k in r and r['cov_'+k].strip() for k in CovResult._fields): continue try: results.append(CovResult( **{k: r[k] for k in CovResult._by if k in r and r[k].strip()}, **{k: r['cov_'+k] for k in CovResult._fields if 'cov_'+k in r and r['cov_'+k].strip()})) except TypeError: pass # fold results = fold(CovResult, results, by=by, defines=defines) # sort, note that python's sort is stable results.sort() if sort: for k, reverse in reversed(sort): results.sort( key=lambda r: tuple( (getattr(r, k),) if getattr(r, k) is not None else () for k in ([k] if k else CovResult._sort)), reverse=reverse ^ (not k or k in CovResult._fields)) # write results to CSV if args.get('output'): with openio(args['output'], 'w') as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, (by if by is not None else CovResult._by) + ['cov_'+k for k in ( fields if fields is not None else CovResult._fields)]) writer.writeheader() for r in results: writer.writerow( {k: getattr(r, k) for k in ( by if by is not None else CovResult._by)} | {'cov_'+k: getattr(r, k) for k in ( fields if fields is not None else CovResult._fields)}) # find previous results? if args.get('diff'): diff_results = [] try: with openio(args['diff']) as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, restval='') for r in reader: if not any('cov_'+k in r and r['cov_'+k].strip() for k in CovResult._fields): continue try: diff_results.append(CovResult( **{k: r[k] for k in CovResult._by if k in r and r[k].strip()}, **{k: r['cov_'+k] for k in CovResult._fields if 'cov_'+k in r and r['cov_'+k].strip()})) except TypeError: pass except FileNotFoundError: pass # fold diff_results = fold(CovResult, diff_results, by=by, defines=defines) # print table if not args.get('quiet'): if (args.get('annotate') or args.get('lines') or args.get('branches')): # annotate sources annotate(CovResult, results, **args) else: # print table table(CovResult, results, diff_results if args.get('diff') else None, by=by if by is not None else ['function'], fields=fields if fields is not None else ['lines', 'branches'] if not hits else ['calls', 'hits'], sort=sort, **args) # catch lack of coverage if args.get('error_on_lines') and any( r.lines.a < r.lines.b for r in results): sys.exit(2) elif args.get('error_on_branches') and any( r.branches.a < r.branches.b for r in results): sys.exit(3) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Find coverage info after running tests.", allow_abbrev=False) parser.add_argument( 'gcda_paths', nargs='*', help="Input *.gcda files.") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Output commands that run behind the scenes.") parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help="Don't show anything, useful with -o.") parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help="Specify CSV file to store results.") parser.add_argument( '-u', '--use', help="Don't parse anything, use this CSV file.") parser.add_argument( '-d', '--diff', help="Specify CSV file to diff against.") parser.add_argument( '-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="Show all, not just the ones that changed.") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--percent', action='store_true', help="Only show percentage change, not a full diff.") parser.add_argument( '-b', '--by', action='append', choices=CovResult._by, help="Group by this field.") parser.add_argument( '-f', '--field', dest='fields', action='append', choices=CovResult._fields, help="Show this field.") parser.add_argument( '-D', '--define', dest='defines', action='append', type=lambda x: (lambda k,v: (k, set(v.split(','))))(*x.split('=', 1)), help="Only include results where this field is this value.") class AppendSort(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option): if namespace.sort is None: namespace.sort = [] namespace.sort.append((value, True if option == '-S' else False)) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sort', nargs='?', action=AppendSort, help="Sort by this field.") parser.add_argument( '-S', '--reverse-sort', nargs='?', action=AppendSort, help="Sort by this field, but backwards.") parser.add_argument( '-Y', '--summary', action='store_true', help="Only show the total.") parser.add_argument( '-F', '--source', dest='sources', action='append', help="Only consider definitions in this file. Defaults to anything " "in the current directory.") parser.add_argument( '--everything', action='store_true', help="Include builtin and libc specific symbols.") parser.add_argument( '--hits', action='store_true', help="Show total hits instead of coverage.") parser.add_argument( '-A', '--annotate', action='store_true', help="Show source files annotated with coverage info.") parser.add_argument( '-L', '--lines', action='store_true', help="Show uncovered lines.") parser.add_argument( '-B', '--branches', action='store_true', help="Show uncovered branches.") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--context', type=lambda x: int(x, 0), default=3, help="Show n additional lines of context. Defaults to 3.") parser.add_argument( '-W', '--width', type=lambda x: int(x, 0), default=80, help="Assume source is styled with this many columns. Defaults to 80.") parser.add_argument( '--color', choices=['never', 'always', 'auto'], default='auto', help="When to use terminal colors. Defaults to 'auto'.") parser.add_argument( '-e', '--error-on-lines', action='store_true', help="Error if any lines are not covered.") parser.add_argument( '-E', '--error-on-branches', action='store_true', help="Error if any branches are not covered.") parser.add_argument( '--gcov-path', default=GCOV_PATH, type=lambda x: x.split(), help="Path to the gcov executable, may include paths. " "Defaults to %r." % GCOV_PATH) sys.exit(main(**{k: v for k, v in vars(parser.parse_intermixed_args()).items() if v is not None}))