#!/usr/bin/env python3 import struct import binascii import sys import itertools as it TAG_TYPES = { 'splice': (0x700, 0x400), 'create': (0x7ff, 0x401), 'delete': (0x7ff, 0x4ff), 'name': (0x700, 0x000), 'reg': (0x7ff, 0x001), 'dir': (0x7ff, 0x002), 'superblock': (0x7ff, 0x0ff), 'struct': (0x700, 0x200), 'dirstruct': (0x7ff, 0x200), 'ctzstruct': (0x7ff, 0x202), 'inlinestruct': (0x7ff, 0x201), 'userattr': (0x700, 0x300), 'tail': (0x700, 0x600), 'softtail': (0x7ff, 0x600), 'hardtail': (0x7ff, 0x601), 'gstate': (0x700, 0x700), 'movestate': (0x7ff, 0x7ff), 'crc': (0x700, 0x500), 'ccrc': (0x780, 0x500), 'fcrc': (0x7ff, 0x5ff), } class Tag: def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1: self.tag = args[0] elif len(args) == 3: if isinstance(args[0], str): type = TAG_TYPES[args[0]][1] else: type = args[0] if isinstance(args[1], str): id = int(args[1], 0) if args[1] not in 'x.' else 0x3ff else: id = args[1] if isinstance(args[2], str): size = int(args[2], str) if args[2] not in 'x.' else 0x3ff else: size = args[2] self.tag = (type << 20) | (id << 10) | size else: assert False @property def isvalid(self): return not bool(self.tag & 0x80000000) @property def isattr(self): return not bool(self.tag & 0x40000000) @property def iscompactable(self): return bool(self.tag & 0x20000000) @property def isunique(self): return not bool(self.tag & 0x10000000) @property def type(self): return (self.tag & 0x7ff00000) >> 20 @property def type1(self): return (self.tag & 0x70000000) >> 20 @property def type3(self): return (self.tag & 0x7ff00000) >> 20 @property def id(self): return (self.tag & 0x000ffc00) >> 10 @property def size(self): return (self.tag & 0x000003ff) >> 0 @property def dsize(self): return 4 + (self.size if self.size != 0x3ff else 0) @property def chunk(self): return self.type & 0xff @property def schunk(self): return struct.unpack('b', struct.pack('B', self.chunk))[0] def is_(self, type): try: if ' ' in type: type1, type3 = type.split() return (self.is_(type1) and (self.type & ~TAG_TYPES[type1][0]) == int(type3, 0)) return self.type == int(type, 0) except (ValueError, KeyError): return (self.type & TAG_TYPES[type][0]) == TAG_TYPES[type][1] def mkmask(self): return Tag( 0x700 if self.isunique else 0x7ff, 0x3ff if self.isattr else 0, 0) def chid(self, nid): ntag = Tag(self.type, nid, self.size) if hasattr(self, 'off'): ntag.off = self.off if hasattr(self, 'data'): ntag.data = self.data if hasattr(self, 'ccrc'): ntag.crc = self.crc if hasattr(self, 'erased'): ntag.erased = self.erased return ntag def typerepr(self): if (self.is_('ccrc') and getattr(self, 'ccrc', 0xffffffff) != 0xffffffff): crc_status = ' (bad)' elif self.is_('fcrc') and getattr(self, 'erased', False): crc_status = ' (era)' else: crc_status = '' reverse_types = {v: k for k, v in TAG_TYPES.items()} for prefix in range(12): mask = 0x7ff & ~((1 << prefix)-1) if (mask, self.type & mask) in reverse_types: type = reverse_types[mask, self.type & mask] if prefix > 0: return '%s %#x%s' % ( type, self.type & ((1 << prefix)-1), crc_status) else: return '%s%s' % (type, crc_status) else: return '%02x%s' % (self.type, crc_status) def idrepr(self): return repr(self.id) if self.id != 0x3ff else '.' def sizerepr(self): return repr(self.size) if self.size != 0x3ff else 'x' def __repr__(self): return 'Tag(%r, %d, %d)' % (self.typerepr(), self.id, self.size) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.id, self.type) < (other.id, other.type) def __bool__(self): return self.isvalid def __int__(self): return self.tag def __index__(self): return self.tag class MetadataPair: def __init__(self, blocks): if len(blocks) > 1: self.pair = [MetadataPair([block]) for block in blocks] self.pair = sorted(self.pair, reverse=True) self.data = self.pair[0].data self.rev = self.pair[0].rev self.tags = self.pair[0].tags self.ids = self.pair[0].ids self.log = self.pair[0].log self.all_ = self.pair[0].all_ return self.pair = [self] self.data = blocks[0] block = self.data self.rev, = struct.unpack('= 4: ntag, = struct.unpack('>I', block[off:off+4]) tag = Tag((int(tag) ^ ntag) & 0x7fffffff) tag.off = off + 4 tag.data = block[off+4:off+tag.dsize] if tag.is_('ccrc'): crc = binascii.crc32(block[off:off+2*4], crc) else: crc = binascii.crc32(block[off:off+tag.dsize], crc) tag.crc = crc off += tag.dsize self.all_.append(tag) if tag.is_('fcrc') and len(tag.data) == 8: fcrctag = tag fcrcdata = struct.unpack('= ' ' and c <= '~' else '.' for c in map(chr, tag.data[:8])))) else: f.write("\n") for i in range(0, len(tag.data), 16): f.write(" %08x: %-47s %-16s\n" % ( tag.off+i, ' '.join('%02x' % c for c in tag.data[i:i+16]), ''.join(c if c >= ' ' and c <= '~' else '.' for c in map(chr, tag.data[i:i+16])))) def dump_tags(self, f=sys.stdout, truncate=True): self._dump_tags(self.tags, f=f, truncate=truncate) def dump_log(self, f=sys.stdout, truncate=True): self._dump_tags(self.log, f=f, truncate=truncate) def dump_all(self, f=sys.stdout, truncate=True): self._dump_tags(self.all_, f=f, truncate=truncate) def main(args): blocks = [] with open(args.disk, 'rb') as f: for block in [args.block1, args.block2]: if block is None: continue f.seek(block * args.block_size) blocks.append(f.read(args.block_size) .ljust(args.block_size, b'\xff')) # find most recent pair mdir = MetadataPair(blocks) try: mdir.tail = mdir[Tag('tail', 0, 0)] if mdir.tail.size != 8 or mdir.tail.data == 8*b'\xff': mdir.tail = None except KeyError: mdir.tail = None print("mdir {%s} rev %d%s%s%s" % ( ', '.join('%#x' % b for b in [args.block1, args.block2] if b is not None), mdir.rev, ' (was %s)' % ', '.join('%d' % m.rev for m in mdir.pair[1:]) if len(mdir.pair) > 1 else '', ' (corrupted!)' if not mdir else '', ' -> {%#x, %#x}' % struct.unpack('