Convention for implementing entrypoints ======================================= LLVM-libc entrypoints are defined in the entrypoints document. In this document, we explain how the entrypoints are implemented. The source layout document explains that, within the high level ``src`` directory, there exists one directory for every public header file provided by LLVM-libc. The implementations of related group of entrypoints will also live in a directory of their own. This directory will have a name indicative of the related group of entrypoints, and will be under the directory corresponding to the header file of the entrypoints. For example, functions like ``fopen`` and ``fclose`` cannot be tested independent of each other and hence will live in a directory named ``src/stdio/file_operations``. On the other hand, the implementation of the ``round`` function from ``math.h`` can be tested by itself, so it will live in the directory of its own named ``src/math/round/``. Implementation of entrypoints can span multiple ``.cpp`` and ``.h`` files, but there will be atleast one header file with name of the form ``.h`` for every entrypoint. This header file is called as the implementation header file. For the ``round`` function, the path to the implementation header file will be ``src/math/round/round.h``. The rest of this document explains the structure of implementation header files and ``.cpp`` files. Implementation Header File Structure ------------------------------------ We will use the ``round`` function from the public ``math.h`` header file as an example. The ``round`` function will be declared in an internal header file ``src/math/round/round.h`` as follows:: // --- round.h --- // #ifndef LLVM_LIBC_SRC_MATH_ROUND_ROUND_H #define LLVM_LIBC_SRC_MATH_ROUND_ROUND_H namespace __llvm_libc { double round(double); } // namespace __llvm_libc #endif LLVM_LIBC_SRC_MATH_ROUND_ROUND_H Notice that the ``round`` function declaration is nested inside the namespace ``__llvm_libc``. All implementation constructs in LLVM-libc are declared within the namespace ``__llvm_libc``. ``.cpp`` File Structure ----------------------- The implementation can span multiple ``.cpp`` files. However, the signature of the entrypoint function should make use of a special macro. For example, the ``round`` function from ``math.h`` should be defined as follows, say in the file ``src/math/math/round.cpp``:: // --- round.cpp --- // namespace __llvm_libc { double LLVM_LIBC_ENTRYPOINT(round)(double d) { // ... implementation goes here. } } // namespace __llvm_libc Notice the use of the macro ``LLVM_LIBC_ENTRYPOINT``. This macro helps us define an C alias symbol for the C++ implementation. The C alias need not be added by the macro by itself. For example, for ELF targets, the macro is defined as follows:: #define ENTRYPOINT_SECTION_ATTRIBUTE(name) \ __attribute__((section(".llvm.libc.entrypoint."#name))) #define LLVM_LIBC_ENTRYPOINT(name) ENTRYPOINT_SECTION_ATTRIBUTE(name) name The macro places the C++ function in a unique section with name ``.llvm.libc.entrypoint.``. This allows us to add a C alias using a post build step. For example, for the ``round`` function, one can use ``objcopy`` to add an alias symbol as follows:: objcopy --add-symbol round=.llvm.libc.entrypoint.round:0,function round.o NOTE: We use a post build ``objcopy`` step to add an alias instead of using the ``__attribute__((alias))``. For C++, this ``alias`` attribute requires mangled names of the referees. Using the post build ``objcopy`` step helps us avoid putting mangled names with ``alias`` attributes.