package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.mapswithme.util.concurrency.UiThread; import com.mapswithme.util.log.Logger; import com.mapswithme.util.log.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Represents a native loader that provides interface to load a few banners simultaneously, i.e. * concurrently. This loader makes a decision about which native ad should be posted to the listener * based on obtained results. If all native ads for requested banners are obtained, the native ad * with the highest priority will be post. Now, MyTarget banner has a high priority. If there is no * MyTarget banner in the requested banner list, the first obtained native ad will be posted * immediately. Otherwise, this loader will try to obtain/wait for MyTarget native ad even if another * provider already give theirs ads. * */ public class CompoundNativeAdLoader extends BaseNativeAdLoader implements NativeAdListener { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.INSTANCE.getLogger(LoggerFactory.Type.MISC); private static final String TAG = CompoundNativeAdLoader.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; @NonNull private final List mLoaders = new ArrayList<>(); @Nullable private final OnAdCacheModifiedListener mCacheListener; @Nullable private final AdTracker mAdTracker; @NonNull private final Set mFailedProviders = new HashSet<>(); @Nullable private Runnable mDelayedNotification; /** * Indicates about whether the composite loading can be considered as completed or not. */ private boolean mLoadingCompleted; CompoundNativeAdLoader(@Nullable OnAdCacheModifiedListener cacheListener, @Nullable AdTracker adTracker) { mCacheListener = cacheListener; mAdTracker = adTracker; } public void loadAd(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull List banners) { LOGGER.i(TAG, "Load ads for " + banners); detach(); cancel(); mLoadingCompleted = false; mFailedProviders.clear(); if (banners.size() == 0) return; for (Banner banner : banners) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(banner.getId())) throw new AssertionError("A banner id mustn't be empty!"); NativeAdLoader loader = Factory.createLoaderForBanner(banner, mCacheListener, mAdTracker); mLoaders.add(loader); attach(); loader.setAdListener(this); // TODO: this workaround is need to avoid memory leak of activity context in MyTarget SDK. // The fix of myTarged sdk will be done in this issue // After the mentioned issued is fixed, this workaround should be removed. Also, we can't use // the application context for all providers, because some of them (e.g. Mopub) requires an // activity context and can't work with application context correctly. if (loader instanceof MyTargetAdsLoader) loader.loadAd(context.getApplicationContext(), banner.getId()); else loader.loadAd(context, banner.getId()); } } @Override public void loadAd(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String bannerId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A compound loader doesn't support this operation!"); } @Override public boolean isAdLoading(@NonNull String bannerId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A compound loader doesn't support this operation!"); } @SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") // Don't need to call super here, because we don't need to null the mAdListener from the // CompoundNativeAdLoader @Override public void cancel() { for (NativeAdLoader loader : mLoaders) loader.cancel(); mLoaders.clear(); } @Override public void detach() { for (NativeAdLoader loader : mLoaders) loader.detach(); } @Override public void attach() { for (NativeAdLoader loader : mLoaders) loader.attach(); } public boolean isAdLoading() { return !mLoadingCompleted; } @Override public void onAdLoaded(@NonNull MwmNativeAd ad) { if (mDelayedNotification != null) { UiThread.cancelDelayedTasks(mDelayedNotification); mDelayedNotification = null; } if (mLoadingCompleted) return; // If only one banner is requested and obtained, it will be posted immediately to the listener. if (mLoaders.size() == 1) { onAdLoadingCompleted(ad); return; } String provider = ad.getProvider(); // MyTarget ad has the highest priority, so we notify the listener as soon as that ad is obtained. if (Providers.MY_TARGET.equals(provider)) { onAdLoadingCompleted(ad); return; } // If MyTarget ad is failed, the ad from another provider should be posted to the listener. if (mFailedProviders.contains(Providers.MY_TARGET)) { onAdLoadingCompleted(ad); return; } // Otherwise, we must wait a TIMEOUT_MS for the high priority ad. // If the high priority ad is not obtained in TIMEOUT_MS, the last obtained ad will be posted // to the listener. mDelayedNotification = new DelayedNotification(ad); UiThread.runLater(mDelayedNotification, TIMEOUT_MS); } @Override public void onError(@NonNull String bannerId, @NonNull String provider, @NonNull NativeAdError error) { mFailedProviders.add(provider); // If all providers give nothing, the listener will be notified about the error. if (mFailedProviders.size() == mLoaders.size()) { if (getAdListener() != null) getAdListener().onError(bannerId, provider, error); return; } // If the high priority ad is just failed, the timer should be forced if it's started. if (Providers.MY_TARGET.equals(provider) && mDelayedNotification != null) {; UiThread.cancelDelayedTasks(mDelayedNotification); mDelayedNotification = null; mLoadingCompleted = true; } } @Override public void onClick(@NonNull MwmNativeAd ad) { if (getAdListener() != null) getAdListener().onClick(ad); } private void onAdLoadingCompleted(@NonNull MwmNativeAd ad) { if (getAdListener() != null) getAdListener().onAdLoaded(ad); mLoadingCompleted = true; } private class DelayedNotification implements Runnable { @NonNull private final MwmNativeAd mAd; private DelayedNotification(@NonNull MwmNativeAd ad) { mAd = ad; } @Override public void run() { onAdLoadingCompleted(mAd); } } }