package; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import com.mapswithme.util.log.Logger; import com.mapswithme.util.log.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException; public class DefaultAdTracker implements AdTracker, OnAdCacheModifiedListener { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.INSTANCE.getLogger(LoggerFactory.Type.MISC); private final static String TAG = DefaultAdTracker.class.getSimpleName(); private final static int IMPRESSION_TIME_MS = 2500; private final static Map TRACKS = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void onViewShown(@NonNull String provider, @NonNull String bannerId) { BannerKey key = new BannerKey(provider, bannerId); LOGGER.d(TAG, "onViewShown bannerId = " + key); TrackInfo info = TRACKS.get(key); if (info == null) { info = new TrackInfo(); TRACKS.put(key, info); } info.setVisible(true); } @Override public void onViewHidden(@NonNull String provider, @NonNull String bannerId) { BannerKey key = new BannerKey(provider, bannerId); LOGGER.d(TAG, "onViewHidden bannerId = " + key); TrackInfo info = TRACKS.get(key); if (info != null) info.setVisible(false); } @Override public void onContentObtained(@NonNull String provider, @NonNull String bannerId) { BannerKey key = new BannerKey(provider, bannerId); LOGGER.d(TAG, "onContentObtained bannerId = " + key); TrackInfo info = TRACKS.get(key); if (info == null) throw new AssertionError("A track info must be put in a cache before a content is obtained"); info.fill(); } @Override public boolean isImpressionGood(@NonNull String provider, @NonNull String bannerId) { BannerKey key = new BannerKey(provider, bannerId); TrackInfo info = TRACKS.get(key); return info != null && info.getShowTime() > IMPRESSION_TIME_MS; } @Override public void onRemoved(@NonNull BannerKey key) { TRACKS.remove(key); } @Override public void onPut(@NonNull BannerKey key) { TrackInfo info = TRACKS.get(key); if (info == null) { TRACKS.put(key, new TrackInfo()); return; } if (info.getShowTime() != 0) info.setLastShow(true); } private static class TrackInfo { /** * A timestamp to track ad visibility */ private long mTimestamp; /** * Accumulates amount of time that ad is already shown. */ private long mShowTime; /** * Indicates whether the ad view is visible or not. */ private boolean mVisible; /** * Indicates whether the ad content is obtained or not. */ private boolean mFilled; /** * Indicates whether it's the last time when an ad was shown or not. */ private boolean mLastShow; void setVisible(boolean visible) { boolean wasVisible = mVisible; mVisible = visible; // No need tracking if the ad is not filled with a content if (!mFilled) return; // If ad becomes visible, and it's filled with a content the timestamp must be stored. if (visible && !wasVisible) { mTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } // If ad is hidden the show time must be accumulated. else if (!visible && wasVisible) { if (mLastShow) { mShowTime = 0; mTimestamp = 0; mLastShow = false; LOGGER.d(TAG, "it's a last time for this ad"); return; } if (mTimestamp == 0) throw new AssertionError("A timestamp mustn't be 0 when ad is hidden!"); mShowTime += SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mTimestamp; LOGGER.d(TAG, "A show time = " + mShowTime); mTimestamp = 0; } } boolean isVisible() { return mVisible; } public void fill() { // If the visible ad is filled with the content the timestamp must be stored if (mVisible) mTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); mFilled = true; } long getShowTime() { return mShowTime; } void setLastShow(boolean lastShow) { mLastShow = lastShow; } } }