0. Install Android SDK to the path without spaces (e.g. C:\Projects\android-sdk) with platform-tools and latest Android API 1. Fix aapt tool in Android SDK, it's needed to create apks where some files are not compressed: - Rename file android-sdk\platform-tools\aapt.exe to aapt2.exe - Copy aapt.exe from repository omim/tools/android/aapt.exe to android-sdk\platform-tools\ folder 2. Install Android NDK to the path without spaces (e.g. C:\Projects\android-ndk) 3. Install msysgit to the path without spaces (e.g. C:\Projects\Git) 4. Install Apache ant to the path without spaces (e.g. C:\Projects\apache-ant) 5. Install mingw build of QT to the path without spaces (e.g. C:\Projects\Qt) 6. Install JDK and JRE 7. Launch GitBash console from msysgit 8. Create symlink to 'make' binary: $ ln -s /c/Qt/SDK/mingw/bin/mingw32-make.exe /bin/make 9. Update PATH environment variable: - Path to qmake for mingw build of QT - Path to ant $ export PATH=/c/Projects/Qt/Desktop/Qt//mingw/bin:/c/Projects/apache-ant/bin:$PATH 10.Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to JDK location $ export JAVA_HOME='C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_37' 11.Update symlinks to assets (this should be done when new asset is added or modified): $ cd omim/tools/android $ ./update_assets.sh # or bash update_assets.sh 12.Build omim static libraries and apk from GitBash: $ cd omim/android/MapsWithMePro $ ant debug # You can also build release version or production version with 'ant release' or 'ant production' Bonus: PATH and JAVA_HOME can be set automatically when launching GitBash. To do that, insert export commands from 9. and 10. to C:\Users\\.bashrc You can also automatically open GitBash on the repository folder (to perform build and git tasks) by adding 'cd /c/Projects/omim' to .bashrc