#include "generator/camera_info_collector.hpp" #include "routing/speed_camera_ser_des.hpp" #include "platform/local_country_file.hpp" #include "geometry/mercator.hpp" #include "coding/pointd_to_pointu.hpp" #include "coding/reader.hpp" #include "coding/varint.hpp" #include "base/assert.hpp" #include "base/checked_cast.hpp" #include "base/logging.hpp" #include "base/string_utils.hpp" #include #include #include namespace generator { // TODO (@gmoryes) add "inline static ..." after moving to c++17 double constexpr CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::kCoordEqualityEps; double constexpr CamerasInfoCollector::kMaxDistFromCameraToClosestSegmentMeters; double constexpr CamerasInfoCollector::kSearchCameraRadiusMeters; CamerasInfoCollector::CamerasInfoCollector(std::string const & dataFilePath, std::string const & camerasInfoPath, std::string const & osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath) { std::map osmIdToFeatureId; if (!routing::ParseOsmIdToFeatureIdMapping(osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath, osmIdToFeatureId)) { LOG(LCRITICAL, ("An error happened while parsing feature id to osm ids mapping from file:", osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath)); } if (!ParseIntermediateInfo(camerasInfoPath, osmIdToFeatureId)) LOG(LCRITICAL, ("Unable to parse intermediate file(", camerasInfoPath, ") about cameras info")); platform::LocalCountryFile file = platform::LocalCountryFile::MakeTemporary(dataFilePath); FrozenDataSource dataSource; auto registerResult = dataSource.RegisterMap(file); if (registerResult.second != MwmSet::RegResult::Success) LOG(LCRITICAL, ("Unable to RegisterMap:", dataFilePath)); std::vector goodCameras; for (auto & camera : m_cameras) { camera.ParseDirection(); camera.FindClosestSegment(dataSource, registerResult.first); // Don't match camera as good if we couldn't find any way. if (!camera.m_data.m_ways.empty()) goodCameras.emplace_back(camera); } m_cameras = std::move(goodCameras); } void CamerasInfoCollector::Serialize(FileWriter & writer) const { // Some cameras have several ways related to them. // We create N cameras with one way attached from a camera that has N ways attached. std::vector flattenedCameras; for (auto const & camera : m_cameras) { for (auto const & way : camera.m_data.m_ways) { flattenedCameras.emplace_back(camera.m_data.m_center, camera.m_data.m_maxSpeedKmPH, std::vector{way}); } } routing::SpeedCameraMwmHeader header; header.SetVersion(routing::SpeedCameraMwmHeader::kLatestVersion); header.SetAmount(base::asserted_cast(flattenedCameras.size())); header.Serialize(writer); std::sort(flattenedCameras.begin(), flattenedCameras.end(), [](auto const & a, auto const & b) { CHECK_EQUAL(a.m_data.m_ways.size(), 1, ()); CHECK_EQUAL(b.m_data.m_ways.size(), 1, ()); auto const & aWay = a.m_data.m_ways.back(); auto const & bWay = b.m_data.m_ways.back(); if (aWay.m_featureId != bWay.m_featureId) return aWay.m_featureId < bWay.m_featureId; if (aWay.m_segmentId != bWay.m_segmentId) return aWay.m_segmentId < bWay.m_segmentId; return aWay.m_coef < bWay.m_coef; }); // Now each camera has only 1 way. uint32_t prevFeatureId = 0; for (auto const & camera : flattenedCameras) camera.Serialize(writer, prevFeatureId); } bool CamerasInfoCollector::ParseIntermediateInfo(std::string const & camerasInfoPath, std::map const & osmIdToFeatureId) { FileReader reader(camerasInfoPath); ReaderSource src(reader); uint32_t maxSpeedKmPH = 0; uint32_t relatedWaysNumber = 0; std::vector ways; uint32_t latInt = 0; double lat = 0; uint32_t lonInt = 0; double lon = 0; m2::PointD center; while (src.Size() > 0) { ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src, latInt); ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src, lonInt); lat = Uint32ToDouble(latInt, ms::LatLon::kMinLat, ms::LatLon::kMaxLat, POINT_COORD_BITS); lon = Uint32ToDouble(lonInt, ms::LatLon::kMinLon, ms::LatLon::kMaxLon, POINT_COORD_BITS); ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src, maxSpeedKmPH); ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src, relatedWaysNumber); center = MercatorBounds::FromLatLon(lat, lon); if (maxSpeedKmPH >= routing::kMaxCameraSpeedKmpH) { LOG(LINFO, ("Bad SpeedCamera max speed:", maxSpeedKmPH)); maxSpeedKmPH = 0; } bool badCamera = false; if (relatedWaysNumber > std::numeric_limits::max()) { badCamera = true; LOG(LERROR, ("Number of related to camera ways should be interval from 0 to 255.", "lat(", lat, "), lon(", lon, ")")); } uint64_t wayOsmId = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < relatedWaysNumber; ++i) { ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src, wayOsmId); auto const it = osmIdToFeatureId.find(base::MakeOsmWay(wayOsmId)); if (it != osmIdToFeatureId.cend()) ways.emplace_back(it->second /* featureId */, 0 /* segmentId */, 0 /* coef */); } auto const speed = base::asserted_cast(maxSpeedKmPH); if (!badCamera) m_cameras.emplace_back(center, speed, std::move(ways)); } return true; } void CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::FindClosestSegment(FrozenDataSource const & dataSource, MwmSet::MwmId const & mwmId) { if (!m_data.m_ways.empty() && FindClosestSegmentInInnerWays(dataSource, mwmId)) return; FindClosestSegmentWithGeometryIndex(dataSource, mwmId); } bool CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::FindClosestSegmentInInnerWays(FrozenDataSource const & dataSource, MwmSet::MwmId const & mwmId) { // If m_ways is not empty. It means, that one of point it is our camera. // So we should find it in feature's points. for (auto it = m_data.m_ways.begin(); it != m_data.m_ways.end();) { if (auto id = FindMyself(it->m_featureId, dataSource, mwmId)) { it->m_segmentId = (*id).second; it->m_coef = (*id).first; // Camera starts at the beginning or the end of a segment. CHECK(it->m_coef == 0.0 || it->m_coef == 1.0, ("Coefficient must be 0.0 or 1.0 here")); ++it; } else { it = m_data.m_ways.erase(it); } } return !m_data.m_ways.empty(); } void CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::FindClosestSegmentWithGeometryIndex(FrozenDataSource const & dataSource, MwmSet::MwmId const & mwmId) { uint32_t bestFeatureId = 0; uint32_t bestSegmentId = 0; auto bestMinDist = kMaxDistFromCameraToClosestSegmentMeters; bool found = false; double bestCoef = 0.0; // Look at each segment of roads and find the closest. auto const updateClosestFeatureCallback = [&](FeatureType & ft) { if (ft.GetFeatureType() != feature::GEOM_LINE) return; if (!routing::IsCarRoad(feature::TypesHolder(ft))) return; auto curMinDist = kMaxDistFromCameraToClosestSegmentMeters; ft.ParseGeometry(FeatureType::BEST_GEOMETRY); std::vector points(ft.GetPointsCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) points[i] = ft.GetPoint(i); routing::FollowedPolyline polyline(points.begin(), points.end()); m2::RectD const rect = MercatorBounds::RectByCenterXYAndSizeInMeters(m_data.m_center, kSearchCameraRadiusMeters); auto curSegment = polyline.UpdateProjection(rect); double curCoef = 0.0; if (!curSegment.IsValid()) return; CHECK_LESS(curSegment.m_ind + 1, polyline.GetPolyline().GetSize(), ()); static double constexpr kEps = 1e-6; auto const & p1 = polyline.GetPolyline().GetPoint(curSegment.m_ind); auto const & p2 = polyline.GetPolyline().GetPoint(curSegment.m_ind + 1); if (AlmostEqualAbs(p1, p2, kEps)) return; m2::ParametrizedSegment st(p1, p2); auto const cameraProjOnSegment = st.ClosestPointTo(m_data.m_center); curMinDist = MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(cameraProjOnSegment, m_data.m_center); curCoef = MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(p1, cameraProjOnSegment) / MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(p1, p2); if (curMinDist < bestMinDist) { bestMinDist = curMinDist; bestFeatureId = ft.GetID().m_index; bestSegmentId = static_cast(curSegment.m_ind); bestCoef = curCoef; found = true; } }; dataSource.ForEachInRect( updateClosestFeatureCallback, MercatorBounds::RectByCenterXYAndSizeInMeters(m_data.m_center, kSearchCameraRadiusMeters), scales::GetUpperScale()); if (found) m_data.m_ways.emplace_back(bestFeatureId, bestSegmentId, bestCoef); } boost::optional> CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::FindMyself( uint32_t wayFeatureId, FrozenDataSource const & dataSource, MwmSet::MwmId const & mwmId) const { double coef = 0.0; bool isRoad = true; uint32_t result = 0; auto const readFeature = [&](FeatureType & ft) { bool found = false; isRoad = routing::IsRoad(feature::TypesHolder(ft)); if (!isRoad) return; auto const findPoint = [&result, &found, this](m2::PointD const & pt) { if (found) return; if (AlmostEqualAbs(m_data.m_center, pt, kCoordEqualityEps)) found = true; else ++result; }; ft.ForEachPoint(findPoint, scales::GetUpperScale()); CHECK(found, ("Cannot find camera point at the feature:", wayFeatureId, "; camera center:", MercatorBounds::ToLatLon(m_data.m_center))); // If point with number - N, is end of feature, we cannot say: segmentId = N, // because number of segments is N - 1, so we say segmentId = N - 1, and coef = 1 // which means, that camera placed at the end of (N - 1)'th segment. if (result + 1 == ft.GetPointsCount()) { CHECK_NOT_EQUAL(result, 0, ("Feature consists of one point!")); --result; coef = 1.0; } }; FeatureID featureID(mwmId, wayFeatureId); dataSource.ReadFeature(readFeature, featureID); if (isRoad) return boost::optional>({coef, result}); return {}; } void CamerasInfoCollector::Camera::Serialize(FileWriter & writer, uint32_t & prevFeatureId) const { routing::SerializeSpeedCamera(writer, m_data, prevFeatureId); } void BuildCamerasInfo(std::string const & dataFilePath, std::string const & camerasInfoPath, std::string const & osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath) { LOG(LINFO, ("Generating cameras info for", dataFilePath)); generator::CamerasInfoCollector collector(dataFilePath, camerasInfoPath, osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath); FilesContainerW cont(dataFilePath, FileWriter::OP_WRITE_EXISTING); FileWriter writer = cont.GetWriter(CAMERAS_INFO_FILE_TAG); collector.Serialize(writer); } } // namespace generator