#include "generator/locality_sorter.hpp" #include "generator/geometry_holder.hpp" #include "generator/utils.hpp" #include "indexer/data_header.hpp" #include "indexer/scales.hpp" #include "indexer/scales_patch.hpp" #include "coding/file_container.hpp" #include "coding/file_name_utils.hpp" #include "coding/internal/file_data.hpp" #include "geometry/convex_hull.hpp" #include "platform/platform.hpp" #include "base/assert.hpp" #include "base/logging.hpp" #include "base/scope_guard.hpp" #include "base/string_utils.hpp" #include "base/timer.hpp" #include "defines.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace feature; using namespace std; namespace { class BordersCollector : public FeaturesCollector { public: BordersCollector(string const & filename) : FeaturesCollector(filename + EXTENSION_TMP), m_writer(filename, FileWriter::OP_WRITE_EXISTING) { } // FeaturesCollector overrides: uint32_t operator()(FeatureBuilder1 & fb) override { if (fb.IsArea()) { FeatureBuilder1::Buffer buffer; fb.SerializeBorder(serial::GeometryCodingParams(), buffer); WriteFeatureBase(buffer, fb); } return 0; } void Finish() override { Flush(); m_writer.Write(m_datFile.GetName(), BORDERS_FILE_TAG); m_writer.Finish(); } private: FilesContainerW m_writer; DataHeader m_header; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE(BordersCollector); }; class LocalityCollector : public FeaturesCollector { public: LocalityCollector(string const & filename, DataHeader const & header, uint32_t versionDate) : FeaturesCollector(filename + EXTENSION_TMP) , m_writer(filename) , m_header(header) , m_versionDate(versionDate) { } // FeaturesCollector overrides: void Finish() override { { FileWriter w = m_writer.GetWriter(VERSION_FILE_TAG); version::WriteVersion(w, m_versionDate); } m_header.SetBounds(m_bounds); { FileWriter w = m_writer.GetWriter(HEADER_FILE_TAG); m_header.Save(w); } Flush(); m_writer.Write(m_datFile.GetName(), LOCALITY_DATA_FILE_TAG); m_writer.Finish(); } uint32_t operator()(FeatureBuilder1 & fb1) override { auto & fb2 = static_cast(fb1); // Do not limit inner triangles number to save all geometry without additional sections. GeometryHolder holder(fb2, m_header, numeric_limits::max() /* maxTrianglesNumber */); // Simplify and serialize geometry. vector points; m2::SquaredDistanceFromSegmentToPoint distFn; SimplifyPoints(distFn, scales::GetUpperScale(), holder.GetSourcePoints(), points); // For areas we save outer geometry only. if (fb2.IsArea() && holder.NeedProcessTriangles()) { // At this point we don't need last point equal to first. points.pop_back(); auto const & polys = fb2.GetGeometry(); if (polys.size() != 1) { points.clear(); for (auto const & poly : polys) points.insert(points.end(), poly.begin(), poly.end()); } if (points.size() > 2) { if (!holder.TryToMakeStrip(points)) { m2::ConvexHull hull(points, 1e-16); vector hullPoints = hull.Points(); holder.SetInner(); auto const id = fb2.GetMostGenericOsmId(); CHECK(holder.TryToMakeStrip(hullPoints), ("Error while building tringles for object with OSM Id:", id.GetSerialId(), "Type:", id.GetType(), "points:", points, "hull:", hull.Points())); } } } auto & buffer = holder.GetBuffer(); if (fb2.PreSerialize(buffer)) { fb2.SerializeLocalityObject(serial::GeometryCodingParams(), buffer); WriteFeatureBase(buffer.m_buffer, fb2); } return 0; } private: FilesContainerW m_writer; DataHeader m_header; uint32_t m_versionDate; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE(LocalityCollector); }; bool ParseNodes(string nodesFile, set & nodeIds) { if (nodesFile.empty()) return true; ifstream stream(nodesFile); if (!stream) { LOG(LERROR, ("Could not open", nodesFile)); return false; } string line; size_t lineNumber = 1; while (getline(stream, line)) { strings::SimpleTokenizer iter(line, " "); uint64_t nodeId; if (!iter || !strings::to_uint64(*iter, nodeId)) { LOG(LERROR, ("Error while parsing node id at line", lineNumber, "Line contents:", line)); return false; } nodeIds.insert(nodeId); ++lineNumber; } return true; } using NeedSerialize = function; bool GenerateLocalityDataImpl(FeaturesCollector & collector, NeedSerialize const & needSerialize, string const & featuresDir, string const & dataFile) { // Transform features from raw format to LocalityObject format. try { Platform::FilesList files; Platform::GetFilesByExt(featuresDir, DATA_FILE_EXTENSION_TMP, files); for (auto const & filename : files) { auto const file = base::JoinFoldersToPath(featuresDir, filename); LOG(LINFO, ("Processing", file)); CalculateMidPoints midPoints; ForEachFromDatRawFormat(file, midPoints); // Sort features by their middle point. midPoints.Sort(); FileReader reader(file); for (auto const & point : midPoints.GetVector()) { ReaderSource src(reader); src.Skip(point.second); FeatureBuilder1 f; ReadFromSourceRowFormat(src, f); // Emit object. if (needSerialize(f)) collector(f); } } collector.Finish(); } catch (RootException const & ex) { LOG(LCRITICAL, ("Locality data writing error:", ex.Msg())); return false; } return true; } } // namespace namespace feature { bool GenerateGeoObjectsData(string const & featuresDir, string const & nodesFile, string const & dataFile) { set nodeIds; if (!ParseNodes(nodesFile, nodeIds)) return false; auto const needSerialize = [&nodeIds](FeatureBuilder1 & fb) { auto & fb2 = static_cast(fb); return fb2.IsLocalityObject() || (!fb.GetOsmIds().empty() && nodeIds.count(fb.GetMostGenericOsmId().GetEncodedId()) != 0); }; DataHeader header; header.SetGeometryCodingParams(serial::GeometryCodingParams()); header.SetScales({scales::GetUpperScale()}); LocalityCollector localityCollector(dataFile, header, static_cast(base::SecondsSinceEpoch())); return GenerateLocalityDataImpl(localityCollector, needSerialize, featuresDir, dataFile); } bool GenerateRegionsData(string const & featuresDir, string const & dataFile) { DataHeader header; header.SetGeometryCodingParams(serial::GeometryCodingParams()); header.SetScales({scales::GetUpperScale()}); LocalityCollector regionsCollector(dataFile, header, static_cast(base::SecondsSinceEpoch())); auto const needSerialize = [](FeatureBuilder1 const & fb) { return fb.IsArea(); }; return GenerateLocalityDataImpl(regionsCollector, needSerialize, featuresDir, dataFile); } bool GenerateBorders(string const & featuresDir, string const & dataFile) { BordersCollector bordersCollector(dataFile); auto const needSerialize = [](FeatureBuilder1 const & fb) { return fb.IsArea(); }; return GenerateLocalityDataImpl(bordersCollector, needSerialize, featuresDir, dataFile); } } // namespace feature