#include "generator/metalines_builder.hpp" #include "generator/routing_helpers.hpp" #include "indexer/classificator.hpp" #include "coding/file_container.hpp" #include "coding/varint.hpp" #include "coding/write_to_sink.hpp" #include "base/checked_cast.hpp" #include "base/logging.hpp" #include "base/string_utils.hpp" #include "defines.hpp" #include #include namespace { uint8_t const kMetaLinesSectionVersion = 1; using Ways = std::vector; /// A string of connected ways. class LineString { Ways m_ways; uint64_t m_start; uint64_t m_end; bool m_oneway; public: explicit LineString(OsmElement const & way) { std::string const oneway = way.GetTag("oneway"); m_oneway = !oneway.empty() && oneway != "no"; int32_t const wayId = base::checked_cast(way.id); m_ways.push_back(oneway == "-1" ? -wayId : wayId); CHECK_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(way.Nodes().size(), 2, ()); m_start = way.Nodes().front(); m_end = way.Nodes().back(); } Ways const & GetWays() const { return m_ways; } void Reverse() { ASSERT(!m_oneway, ("Trying to reverse a one-way road.")); std::swap(m_start, m_end); std::reverse(m_ways.begin(), m_ways.end()); for (auto & p : m_ways) p = -p; } bool Add(LineString & line) { if (m_start == line.m_start || m_end == line.m_end) { if (!line.m_oneway) line.Reverse(); else if (!m_oneway) Reverse(); else return false; } if (m_end == line.m_start) { m_ways.insert(m_ways.end(), line.m_ways.begin(), line.m_ways.end()); m_end = line.m_end; m_oneway = m_oneway || line.m_oneway; } else if (m_start == line.m_end) { m_ways.insert(m_ways.begin(), line.m_ways.begin(), line.m_ways.end()); m_start = line.m_start; m_oneway = m_oneway || line.m_oneway; } else { return false; } return true; } }; } // namespace namespace feature { /// A list of segments, that is, LineStrings, sharing the same attributes. class Segments { std::list m_parts; public: explicit Segments(OsmElement const & way) { m_parts.emplace_back(way); } void Add(OsmElement const & way) { LineString line(way); auto found = m_parts.end(); for (auto i = m_parts.begin(); i != m_parts.end(); ++i) { if (i->Add(line)) { found = i; break; } } // If no LineString accepted the way in its Add method, create a new LineString with it. if (found == m_parts.cend()) { m_parts.push_back(line); return; } // Otherwise check if the extended LineString can be merged with some other LineString. for (LineString & part : m_parts) { if (part.Add(*found)) { m_parts.erase(found); break; } } } std::vector GetLongWays() const { std::vector result; for (LineString const & line : m_parts) { if (line.GetWays().size() > 1) { result.push_back(line.GetWays()); } } return result; } }; // MetalinesBuilder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MetalinesBuilder::operator()(OsmElement const & el, FeatureParams const & params) { static uint32_t const highwayType = classif().GetTypeByPath({"highway"}); if (params.FindType(highwayType, 1) == ftype::GetEmptyValue() || el.Nodes().front() == el.Nodes().back()) { return; } std::string name; params.name.GetString(StringUtf8Multilang::kDefaultCode, name); if (name.empty() && params.ref.empty()) return; size_t const key = std::hash{}(name + '\0' + params.ref); auto segment = m_data.find(key); if (segment == m_data.cend()) m_data.emplace(key, std::make_shared(el)); else segment->second->Add(el); } void MetalinesBuilder::Flush() { try { uint32_t count = 0; FileWriter writer(m_filePath); for (auto const & seg : m_data) { auto const & longWays = seg.second->GetLongWays(); for (Ways const & ways : longWays) { uint16_t size = base::checked_cast(ways.size()); WriteToSink(writer, size); for (int32_t const way : ways) WriteToSink(writer, way); ++count; } } LOG_SHORT(LINFO, ("Wrote", count, "metalines with OSM IDs for the entire planet to", m_filePath)); } catch (RootException const & e) { LOG(LERROR, ("An exception happened while saving metalines to", m_filePath, ":", e.what())); } } // Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WriteMetalinesSection(std::string const & mwmPath, std::string const & metalinesPath, std::string const & osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath) { std::map osmIdToFeatureId; if (!routing::ParseOsmIdToFeatureIdMapping(osmIdsToFeatureIdsPath, osmIdToFeatureId)) return false; FileReader reader(metalinesPath); ReaderSource src(reader); std::vector buffer; MemWriter> memWriter(buffer); uint32_t count = 0; while (src.Size() > 0) { std::vector featureIds; uint16_t size = ReadPrimitiveFromSource(src); std::vector ways(size); src.Read(ways.data(), size * sizeof(int32_t)); for (auto const wayId : ways) { // We get a negative wayId when a feature direction should be reversed. auto fid = osmIdToFeatureId.find(base::MakeOsmWay(std::abs(wayId))); if (fid == osmIdToFeatureId.cend()) break; // Keeping the sign for the feature direction. int32_t const featureId = static_cast(fid->second); featureIds.push_back(wayId > 0 ? featureId : -featureId); } if (featureIds.size() > 1) { // Write vector to buffer if we have got at least two segments. WriteVarUint(memWriter, featureIds.size()); for (auto const & fid : featureIds) WriteVarInt(memWriter, fid); ++count; } } // Write buffer to section. FilesContainerW cont(mwmPath, FileWriter::OP_WRITE_EXISTING); FileWriter writer = cont.GetWriter(METALINES_FILE_TAG); WriteToSink(writer, kMetaLinesSectionVersion); WriteVarUint(writer, count); writer.Write(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); LOG(LINFO, ("Finished writing metalines section, found", count, "metalines.")); return true; } } // namespace feature