#include "geometry/segment2d.hpp" #include "geometry/line2d.hpp" #include "geometry/robust_orientation.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace m2 { bool IsPointOnSegmentEps(PointD const & pt, PointD const & p1, PointD const & p2, double eps) { double const t = robust::OrientedS(p1, p2, pt); if (fabs(t) > eps) return false; double minX = p1.x; double maxX = p2.x; if (maxX < minX) swap(maxX, minX); double minY = p1.y; double maxY = p2.y; if (maxY < minY) swap(maxY, minY); return pt.x >= minX - eps && pt.x <= maxX + eps && pt.y >= minY - eps && pt.y <= maxY + eps; } bool IsPointOnSegment(PointD const & pt, PointD const & p1, PointD const & p2) { // The epsilon here is chosen quite arbitrarily, to pass paranoid // tests and to match our real-data geometry precision. If you have // better ideas how to check whether pt belongs to (p1, p2) segment // more precisely or without kEps, feel free to submit a pull // request. double const kEps = 1e-100; return IsPointOnSegmentEps(pt, p1, p2, kEps); } bool SegmentsIntersect(PointD const & a, PointD const & b, PointD const & c, PointD const & d) { return max(a.x, b.x) >= min(c.x, d.x) && min(a.x, b.x) <= max(c.x, d.x) && max(a.y, b.y) >= min(c.y, d.y) && min(a.y, b.y) <= max(c.y, d.y) && robust::OrientedS(a, b, c) * robust::OrientedS(a, b, d) <= 0.0 && robust::OrientedS(c, d, a) * robust::OrientedS(c, d, b) <= 0.0; } IntersectionResult Intersect(Segment2D const & seg1, Segment2D const & seg2, double eps) { if (!SegmentsIntersect(seg1.m_u, seg1.m_v, seg2.m_u, seg2.m_v)) return IntersectionResult(IntersectionResult::Type::Zero); Line2D const line1(seg1); Line2D const line2(seg2); auto const lineIntersection = Intersect(line1, line2, eps); if (lineIntersection.m_type != IntersectionResult::Type::One) return lineIntersection; if (IsPointOnSegmentEps(lineIntersection.m_point, seg1.m_u, seg1.m_v, eps) && IsPointOnSegmentEps(lineIntersection.m_point, seg2.m_u, seg2.m_v, eps)) { return lineIntersection; } return IntersectionResult(IntersectionResult::Type::Zero); } std::string DebugPrint(Segment2D const & segment) { return "(" + DebugPrint(segment.m_u) + ", " + DebugPrint(segment.m_v) + ")"; } string DebugPrint(IntersectionResult::Type type) { using Type = IntersectionResult::Type; switch (type) { case Type::Zero: return "Zero"; case Type::One: return "One"; case Type::Infinity: return "Infinity"; } UNREACHABLE(); } string DebugPrint(IntersectionResult const & result) { ostringstream os; os << "Result ["; if (result.m_type == IntersectionResult::Type::One) os << DebugPrint(result.m_point); else os << DebugPrint(result.m_type); os << "]"; return os.str(); } } // namespace m2