#include "platform/http_client.hpp" #include "coding/base64.hpp" #include "base/string_utils.hpp" #include "std/sstream.hpp" namespace platform { HttpClient::HttpClient(string const & url) : m_urlRequested(url) { // Http client for linux supports only "deflate" encoding, but osrm server cannot // correctly process "Accept-Encoding: deflate" header, so do not encode data on linux. #if !defined(OMIM_OS_LINUX) m_headers.emplace("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); #endif } bool HttpClient::RunHttpRequest(string & response, SuccessChecker checker /* = nullptr */) { static auto const simpleChecker = [](HttpClient const & request) { return request.ErrorCode() == 200; }; if (checker == nullptr) checker = simpleChecker; if (RunHttpRequest() && checker(*this)) { response = ServerResponse(); return true; } return false; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetUrlRequested(string const & url) { m_urlRequested = url; return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetHttpMethod(string const & method) { m_httpMethod = method; return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetBodyFile(string const & body_file, string const & content_type, string const & http_method /* = "POST" */, string const & content_encoding /* = "" */) { m_inputFile = body_file; m_bodyData.clear(); m_headers.emplace("Content-Type", content_type); m_httpMethod = http_method; m_headers.emplace("Content-Encoding", content_encoding); return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetReceivedFile(string const & received_file) { m_outputFile = received_file; return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetUserAndPassword(string const & user, string const & password) { m_headers.emplace("Authorization", "Basic " + base64::Encode(user + ":" + password)); return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetCookies(string const & cookies) { m_cookies = cookies; return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetHandleRedirects(bool handle_redirects) { m_handleRedirects = handle_redirects; return *this; } HttpClient & HttpClient::SetRawHeader(string const & key, string const & value) { m_headers.emplace(key, value); return *this; } void HttpClient::SetTimeout(double timeoutSec) { m_timeoutSec = timeoutSec; } string const & HttpClient::UrlRequested() const { return m_urlRequested; } string const & HttpClient::UrlReceived() const { return m_urlReceived; } bool HttpClient::WasRedirected() const { return m_urlRequested != m_urlReceived; } int HttpClient::ErrorCode() const { return m_errorCode; } string const & HttpClient::ServerResponse() const { return m_serverResponse; } string const & HttpClient::HttpMethod() const { return m_httpMethod; } string HttpClient::CombinedCookies() const { string serverCookies; auto const it = m_headers.find("Set-Cookie"); if (it != m_headers.end()) serverCookies = it->second; if (serverCookies.empty()) return m_cookies; if (m_cookies.empty()) return serverCookies; return serverCookies + "; " + m_cookies; } string HttpClient::CookieByName(string name) const { string const str = CombinedCookies(); name += "="; auto const cookie = str.find(name); auto const eq = cookie + name.size(); if (cookie != string::npos && str.size() > eq) return str.substr(eq, str.find(';', eq) - eq); return {}; } void HttpClient::LoadHeaders(bool loadHeaders) { m_loadHeaders = loadHeaders; } unordered_map const & HttpClient::GetHeaders() const { return m_headers; } // static string HttpClient::NormalizeServerCookies(string && cookies) { istringstream is(cookies); string str, result; // Split by ", ". Can have invalid tokens here, expires= can also contain a comma. while (getline(is, str, ',')) { size_t const leading = str.find_first_not_of(" "); if (leading != string::npos) str.substr(leading).swap(str); // In the good case, we have '=' and it goes before any ' '. auto const eq = str.find('='); if (eq == string::npos) continue; // It's not a cookie: no valid key value pair. auto const sp = str.find(' '); if (sp != string::npos && eq > sp) continue; // It's not a cookie: comma in expires date. // Insert delimiter. if (!result.empty()) result.append("; "); // Read cookie itself. result.append(str, 0, str.find(";")); } return result; } string DebugPrint(HttpClient const & request) { ostringstream ostr; ostr << "HTTP " << request.ErrorCode() << " url [" << request.UrlRequested() << "]"; if (request.WasRedirected()) ostr << " was redirected to [" << request.UrlReceived() << "]"; if (!request.ServerResponse().empty()) ostr << " response: " << request.ServerResponse(); return ostr.str(); } }