#pragma once #include "geometry/point2d.hpp" #include "base/base.hpp" #include "geometry/latlon.hpp" #include "routing/turns.hpp" #include "routing/turns_sound_settings.hpp" #include "std/cmath.hpp" #include "std/function.hpp" #include "std/string.hpp" #include "std/vector.hpp" namespace location { /// @note Do not change values of this constants. enum TLocationError { ENoError = 0, ENotSupported, EDenied, EGPSIsOff }; enum TLocationSource { EUndefined, EAppleNative, EWindowsNative, EAndroidNative, EGoogle, ETizen, EPredictor, EUser }; /// Our structure ALWAYS has valid lat, lon and horizontal accuracy. /// We filter out location events without lat/lon/acc in native code as we don't need them. class GpsInfo { public: TLocationSource m_source = EUndefined; /// @TODO(bykoianko) |m_timestamp| is calculated based on platform methods which don't /// guarantee that |m_timestamp| is monotonic. |m_monotonicTimeMs| should be added to /// class |GpsInfo|. This time should be calculated based on Location::getElapsedRealtimeNanos() /// method in case of Android. How to calculate such time in case of iOS should be /// investigated. /// \note For most cases |m_timestamp| is monotonic. double m_timestamp = 0.0; //!< seconds from 1st Jan 1970 double m_latitude = 0.0; //!< degrees double m_longitude = 0.0; //!< degrees double m_horizontalAccuracy = 100.0; //!< metres double m_altitude = 0.0; //!< metres double m_verticalAccuracy = -1.0; //!< metres double m_bearing = -1.0; //!< positive degrees from the true North double m_speedMpS = -1.0; //!< metres per second bool IsValid() const { return m_source != EUndefined; } bool HasBearing() const { return m_bearing >= 0.0; } bool HasSpeed() const { return m_speedMpS >= 0.0; } bool HasVerticalAccuracy() const { return m_verticalAccuracy >= 0.0; } }; /// GpsTrackInfo struct describes a point for GPS tracking /// It is similar to the GpsInfo but contains only needed fields. struct GpsTrackInfo { double m_timestamp; //!< seconds from 1st Jan 1970 double m_latitude; //!< degrees double m_longitude; //!< degrees double m_speed; //!< meters per second GpsTrackInfo() = default; GpsTrackInfo(GpsTrackInfo const &) = default; GpsTrackInfo & operator=(GpsTrackInfo const &) = default; GpsTrackInfo(GpsInfo const & info) : m_timestamp(info.m_timestamp) , m_latitude(info.m_latitude) , m_longitude(info.m_longitude) , m_speed(info.m_speedMpS) {} GpsTrackInfo & operator=(GpsInfo const & info) { return operator=(GpsTrackInfo(info)); } }; class CompassInfo { public: //double m_timestamp; //!< seconds from 1st Jan 1970 //double m_magneticHeading; //!< positive radians from the magnetic North //double m_trueHeading; //!< positive radians from the true North //double m_accuracy; //!< offset from the magnetic to the true North in radians double m_bearing; //!< positive radians from the true North }; static inline bool IsLatValid(double lat) { return lat != 0. && lat < 90. && lat > -90.; } static inline bool IsLonValid(double lon) { return lon != 0. && lon < 180. && lon > -180.; } // Convert angle (in degrees counterclockwise from X) to bearing ([0, 360) clockwise from the north) static inline double AngleToBearing(double a) { double reverseAng = fmod(-a + 90, 360.); if (reverseAng < 0) reverseAng += 360.; return reverseAng; } // Convert bearing (in degrees clockwise from the north) to angle ([0, 360) counterclockwise from X) static inline double BearingToAngle(double a) { return AngleToBearing(a); } class FollowingInfo { public: FollowingInfo() : m_turn(routing::turns::CarDirection::None), m_nextTurn(routing::turns::CarDirection::None), m_exitNum(0), m_time(0), m_completionPercent(0), m_pedestrianTurn(routing::turns::PedestrianDirection::None), m_pedestrianDirectionPos(0., 0.) { } // SingleLaneInfoClient is used for passing information about a lane to client platforms such as // Android, iOS and so on. struct SingleLaneInfoClient { vector m_lane; // Possible directions for the lane. bool m_isRecommended; // m_isRecommended is true if the lane is recommended for a user. SingleLaneInfoClient(routing::turns::SingleLaneInfo const & singleLaneInfo) : m_isRecommended(singleLaneInfo.m_isRecommended) { routing::turns::TSingleLane const & lane = singleLaneInfo.m_lane; m_lane.resize(lane.size()); transform(lane.cbegin(), lane.cend(), m_lane.begin(), [](routing::turns::LaneWay l) { return static_cast(l); }); } }; /// @name Formatted covered distance with measurement units suffix. //@{ string m_distToTarget; string m_targetUnitsSuffix; //@} /// @name Formated distance to next turn with measurement unit suffix //@{ string m_distToTurn; string m_turnUnitsSuffix; routing::turns::CarDirection m_turn; /// Turn after m_turn. Returns NoTurn if there is no turns after. routing::turns::CarDirection m_nextTurn; uint32_t m_exitNum; //@} int m_time; // m_lanes contains lane information on the edge before the turn. vector m_lanes; // m_turnNotifications contains information about the next turn notifications. // If there is nothing to pronounce m_turnNotifications is empty. // If there is something to pronounce the size of m_turnNotifications may be one or even more // depends on the number of notifications to prononce. vector m_turnNotifications; // Current street name. string m_sourceName; // The next street name. string m_targetName; // Street name to display. May be empty. string m_displayedStreetName; // Percentage of the route completion. double m_completionPercent; /// @name Pedestrian direction information //@{ routing::turns::PedestrianDirection m_pedestrianTurn; ms::LatLon m_pedestrianDirectionPos; //@} bool IsValid() const { return !m_distToTarget.empty(); } }; class RouteMatchingInfo { m2::PointD m_matchedPosition; size_t m_indexInRoute; bool m_isPositionMatched; bool m_hasDistanceFromBegin; double m_distanceFromBegin; public: RouteMatchingInfo() : m_matchedPosition(0., 0.) , m_indexInRoute(0) , m_isPositionMatched(false) , m_hasDistanceFromBegin(false) , m_distanceFromBegin(0.0) {} void Set(m2::PointD const & matchedPosition, size_t indexInRoute, double distanceFromBegin) { m_matchedPosition = matchedPosition; m_indexInRoute = indexInRoute; m_isPositionMatched = true; m_distanceFromBegin = distanceFromBegin; m_hasDistanceFromBegin = true; } void Reset() { m_isPositionMatched = false; } bool IsMatched() const { return m_isPositionMatched; } size_t GetIndexInRoute() const { return m_indexInRoute; } m2::PointD GetPosition() const { return m_matchedPosition; } bool HasDistanceFromBegin() const { return m_hasDistanceFromBegin; } double GetDistanceFromBegin() const { return m_distanceFromBegin; } }; enum EMyPositionMode { PendingPosition = 0, NotFollowNoPosition, NotFollow, Follow, FollowAndRotate }; using TMyPositionModeChanged = function; } // namespace location