#include "platform/platform.hpp" #include "coding/file_name_utils.hpp" #include "base/logging.hpp" #include "std/target_os.hpp" #import "3party/Alohalytics/src/alohalytics_objc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #import #import Platform::Platform() { // get resources directory path string const resourcesPath = NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.UTF8String; string const bundlePath = NSBundle.mainBundle.bundlePath.UTF8String; char const * envResourcesDir = ::getenv("MWM_RESOURCES_DIR"); char const * envWritableDir = ::getenv("MWM_WRITABLE_DIR"); if (envResourcesDir && envWritableDir) { m_resourcesDir = envResourcesDir; m_writableDir = envWritableDir; } else if (resourcesPath == bundlePath) { #ifdef STANDALONE_APP m_resourcesDir = resourcesPath + "/"; #else // STANDALONE_APP // we're the console app, probably unit test, and path is our directory m_resourcesDir = bundlePath + "/../../data/"; if (!IsFileExistsByFullPath(m_resourcesDir)) { // Check development environment without symlink but with git repo string const repoPath = bundlePath + "/../../../omim/data/"; if (IsFileExistsByFullPath(repoPath)) m_resourcesDir = repoPath; else m_resourcesDir = "./data/"; } #endif // STANDALONE_APP m_writableDir = m_resourcesDir; } else { m_resourcesDir = resourcesPath + "/"; // get writable path // developers can have symlink to data folder char const * dataPath = "../../../../../data/"; if (IsFileExistsByFullPath(m_resourcesDir + dataPath)) m_writableDir = m_resourcesDir + dataPath; else { // Check development environment without symlink but with git repo dataPath = "../../../../../../omim/data/"; if (IsFileExistsByFullPath(m_resourcesDir + dataPath)) m_writableDir = m_resourcesDir + dataPath; if (m_writableDir.empty()) { auto p = m_resourcesDir.find("/omim/"); if (p != std::string::npos) m_writableDir = m_resourcesDir.substr(0, p) + "/omim/data/"; } } if (m_writableDir.empty()) { NSArray * dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString * supportDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0]; m_writableDir = supportDir.UTF8String; #ifdef BUILD_DESIGNER m_writableDir += "/MAPS.ME.Designer/"; #else // BUILD_DESIGNER m_writableDir += "/MapsWithMe/"; #endif // BUILD_DESIGNER ::mkdir(m_writableDir.c_str(), 0755); } } if (m_resourcesDir.empty()) m_resourcesDir = "."; m_resourcesDir = base::AddSlashIfNeeded(m_resourcesDir); m_writableDir = base::AddSlashIfNeeded(m_writableDir); m_settingsDir = m_writableDir; m_privateDir = m_writableDir; NSString * tempDir = NSTemporaryDirectory(); if (tempDir == nil) tempDir = @"/tmp"; m_tmpDir = tempDir.UTF8String; m_tmpDir += '/'; m_guiThread = make_unique(); LOG(LDEBUG, ("Resources Directory:", m_resourcesDir)); LOG(LDEBUG, ("Writable Directory:", m_writableDir)); LOG(LDEBUG, ("Tmp Directory:", m_tmpDir)); LOG(LDEBUG, ("Settings Directory:", m_settingsDir)); } string Platform::UniqueClientId() const { return [Alohalytics installationId].UTF8String; } string Platform::MacAddress(bool md5Decoded) const { // Not implemented. UNUSED_VALUE(md5Decoded); return {}; } string Platform::DeviceName() const { return OMIM_OS_NAME; } string Platform::DeviceModel() const { return {}; } void Platform::RunOnGuiThread(base::TaskLoop::Task && task) { ASSERT(m_guiThread, ()); m_guiThread->Push(std::move(task)); } void Platform::RunOnGuiThread(base::TaskLoop::Task const & task) { ASSERT(m_guiThread, ()); m_guiThread->Push(task); } Platform::EConnectionType Platform::ConnectionStatus() { struct sockaddr_in zero; bzero(&zero, sizeof(zero)); zero.sin_len = sizeof(zero); zero.sin_family = AF_INET; SCNetworkReachabilityRef reachability = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const struct sockaddr*)&zero); if (!reachability) return EConnectionType::CONNECTION_NONE; SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags; bool const gotFlags = SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(reachability, &flags); CFRelease(reachability); if (!gotFlags || ((flags & kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsReachable) == 0)) return EConnectionType::CONNECTION_NONE; SCNetworkReachabilityFlags userActionRequired = kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsConnectionRequired | kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsInterventionRequired; if ((flags & userActionRequired) == userActionRequired) return EConnectionType::CONNECTION_NONE; return EConnectionType::CONNECTION_WIFI; } Platform::ChargingStatus Platform::GetChargingStatus() { return Platform::ChargingStatus::Plugged; } void Platform::SetGuiThread(unique_ptr guiThread) { m_guiThread = move(guiThread); }