#include "qt/update_dialog.hpp" #include "qt/info_dialog.hpp" #include "storage/downloader_search_params.hpp" #include "storage/storage_defines.hpp" #include "platform/settings.hpp" #include "base/assert.hpp" #include "base/logging.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace storage; enum { // KItemIndexFlag = 0, KColumnIndexCountry, KColumnIndexStatus, KColumnIndexSize, KColumnIndexMatchedBy, KColumnIndexPositionInRanking, KNumberOfColumns }; #define COLOR_NOTDOWNLOADED Qt::black #define COLOR_ONDISK Qt::darkGreen #define COLOR_INPROGRESS Qt::blue #define COLOR_DOWNLOADFAILED Qt::red #define COLOR_INQUEUE Qt::gray #define COLOR_OUTOFDATE Qt::magenta #define COLOR_MIXED Qt::yellow namespace { size_t const kInvalidPos = numeric_limits::max(); size_t const kIrrelevantPos = numeric_limits::max() - 1; bool DeleteNotUploadedEditsConfirmation() { QMessageBox msb; msb.setText("Some map edits are not uploaded yet. Are you sure you want to delete map anyway?"); msb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel); msb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); return QMessageBox::Yes == msb.exec(); } } // namespace namespace qt { UpdateDialog::UpdateDialog(QWidget * parent, Framework & framework) : QDialog(parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint), m_framework(framework), m_observerSlotId(0) { setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); QPushButton * closeButton = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("Close"), this); closeButton->setDefault(true); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCloseClick())); m_tree = new QTreeWidget(this); m_tree->setColumnCount(KNumberOfColumns); QStringList columnLabels; columnLabels << tr("Country") << tr("Status") << tr("Size") << tr("Matched by") << tr("Rank"); m_tree->setHeaderLabels(columnLabels); m_tree->setColumnHidden(KColumnIndexPositionInRanking, true); m_tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(KColumnIndexCountry, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(KColumnIndexStatus, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(KColumnIndexMatchedBy, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(KColumnIndexPositionInRanking, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); connect(m_tree, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(OnItemClick(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); horizontalLayout->addStretch(); horizontalLayout->addWidget(closeButton); QLabel * localeLabel = new QLabel(tr("locale:")); QLineEdit * localeEdit = new QLineEdit(this); localeEdit->setText(m_locale.c_str()); connect(localeEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString const &)), this, SLOT(OnLocaleTextChanged(QString const &))); QLabel * queryLabel = new QLabel(tr("search query:")); QLineEdit * queryEdit = new QLineEdit(this); connect(queryEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString const &)), this, SLOT(OnQueryTextChanged(QString const &))); QGridLayout * inputLayout = new QGridLayout(); // widget, row, column inputLayout->addWidget(localeLabel, 0, 0); inputLayout->addWidget(localeEdit, 0, 1); inputLayout->addWidget(queryLabel, 1, 0); inputLayout->addWidget(queryEdit, 1, 1); QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); verticalLayout->addLayout(inputLayout); verticalLayout->addWidget(m_tree); verticalLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout); setLayout(verticalLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Geographical Regions")); resize(900, 600); // We want to receive all download progress and result events. using namespace std::placeholders; m_observerSlotId = GetStorage().Subscribe(bind(&UpdateDialog::OnCountryChanged, this, _1), bind(&UpdateDialog::OnCountryDownloadProgress, this, _1, _2)); } UpdateDialog::~UpdateDialog() { // Tell download manager that we're gone. GetStorage().Unsubscribe(m_observerSlotId); } /// when user clicks on any map row in the table void UpdateDialog::OnItemClick(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column) { CountryId const countryId = GetCountryIdByTreeItem(item); Storage & st = GetStorage(); NodeAttrs attrs; st.GetNodeAttrs(countryId, attrs); CountriesVec children; st.GetChildren(countryId, children); // For group process only click on the column #. if (!children.empty() && column != 1) return; switch (attrs.m_status) { case NodeStatus::OnDiskOutOfDate: { // Map is already downloaded, so ask user about deleting. QMessageBox ask(this); ask.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); ask.setText(tr("Do you want to update or delete %1?").arg(countryId.c_str())); QPushButton * const btnUpdate = ask.addButton(tr("Update"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton * const btnDelete = ask.addButton(tr("Delete"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton * const btnCancel = ask.addButton(tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::NoRole); UNUSED_VALUE(btnCancel); ask.exec(); QAbstractButton * const res = ask.clickedButton(); if (res == btnUpdate) st.UpdateNode(countryId); else if (res == btnDelete) { if (!m_framework.HasUnsavedEdits(countryId) || DeleteNotUploadedEditsConfirmation()) st.DeleteNode(countryId); } } break; case NodeStatus::OnDisk: { // Map is already downloaded, so ask user about deleting. QMessageBox ask(this); ask.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); ask.setText(tr("Do you want to delete %1?").arg(countryId.c_str())); QPushButton * const btnDelete = ask.addButton(tr("Delete"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton * const btnCancel = ask.addButton(tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::NoRole); UNUSED_VALUE(btnCancel); ask.exec(); QAbstractButton * const res = ask.clickedButton(); if (res == btnDelete) { if (!m_framework.HasUnsavedEdits(countryId) || DeleteNotUploadedEditsConfirmation()) st.DeleteNode(countryId); } } break; case NodeStatus::NotDownloaded: case NodeStatus::Error: case NodeStatus::Partly: st.DownloadNode(countryId); break; case NodeStatus::InQueue: case NodeStatus::Downloading: st.DeleteNode(countryId); break; case NodeStatus::Applying: // Do nothing. break; default: ASSERT(false, ("We shouldn't be here")); break; } } void UpdateDialog::OnCloseClick() { done(0); } void UpdateDialog::OnLocaleTextChanged(QString const & text) { m_locale.assign(text.toUtf8().constData()); strings::Trim(m_locale); RefillTree(); } void UpdateDialog::OnQueryTextChanged(QString const & text) { m_query.assign(text.toUtf8().constData()); RefillTree(); } void UpdateDialog::RefillTree() { m_tree->clear(); m_treeItemByCountryId.clear(); ++m_fillTreeTimestamp; string trimmed = m_query; strings::Trim(trimmed); if (trimmed.empty()) FillTree({} /* filter */, m_fillTreeTimestamp); else StartSearchInDownloader(); } void UpdateDialog::StartSearchInDownloader() { CHECK(!m_query.empty(), ()); auto const timestamp = m_fillTreeTimestamp; DownloaderSearchParams params; params.m_query = m_query; params.m_inputLocale = m_locale; auto const query = m_query; params.m_onResults = [this, timestamp, query](DownloaderSearchResults const & results) { Filter filter; for (size_t i = 0; i < results.m_results.size(); ++i) { auto const & res = results.m_results[i]; auto const added = filter.emplace(res.m_countryId, make_pair(i + 1, res.m_matchedName)); if (!added.second) LOG(LWARNING, ("Duplicate CountryId in results for query:", query)); } FillTree(filter, timestamp); }; m_framework.SearchInDownloader(params); } void UpdateDialog::FillTree(boost::optional const & filter, uint64_t timestamp) { CHECK_THREAD_CHECKER(m_threadChecker, ()); if (m_fillTreeTimestamp != timestamp) return; m_tree->setSortingEnabled(false); m_tree->clear(); auto const rootId = m_framework.GetStorage().GetRootId(); FillTreeImpl(nullptr /* parent */, rootId, filter); // Expand the root. ASSERT_EQUAL(m_tree->topLevelItemCount(), 1, ()); m_tree->topLevelItem(0)->setExpanded(true); m_tree->sortItems(KColumnIndexPositionInRanking, Qt::AscendingOrder); m_tree->setSortingEnabled(true); } void UpdateDialog::FillTreeImpl(QTreeWidgetItem * parent, CountryId const & countryId, boost::optional const & filter) { CountriesVec children; GetStorage().GetChildren(countryId, children); size_t posInRanking = kInvalidPos; string matchedBy; if (filter) { auto const it = filter->find(countryId); if (it != filter->end()) { posInRanking = it->second.first; matchedBy = it->second.second; } } else { posInRanking = kIrrelevantPos; } if (children.empty()) { if (filter && posInRanking == kInvalidPos) return; QTreeWidgetItem * item = CreateTreeItem(countryId, posInRanking, matchedBy, parent); UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(item, countryId); return; } QTreeWidgetItem * item = CreateTreeItem(countryId, posInRanking, matchedBy, parent); UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(item, countryId); if (filter && posInRanking != kInvalidPos) { // Filter matches to the group name, do not filter the group. for (auto const & child : children) FillTreeImpl(item, child, {} /* filter */); return; } // Filter does not match to the group, but children can. for (auto const & child : children) FillTreeImpl(item, child, filter); // Drop the item if it has no children. if (filter && item->childCount() == 0 && parent != nullptr) { parent->removeChild(item); item = nullptr; } } /// Changes row's text color void SetRowColor(QTreeWidgetItem & item, QColor const & color) { for (int column = 0; column < item.columnCount(); ++column) item.setTextColor(column, color); } void UpdateDialog::UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(CountryId const & countryId) { auto const items = GetTreeItemsByCountryId(countryId); for (auto const item : items) UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(item, countryId); } void UpdateDialog::UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(QTreeWidgetItem * item, CountryId const & countryId) { Storage const & st = GetStorage(); QColor rowColor; QString statusString; LocalAndRemoteSize size(0, 0); CountriesVec children; st.GetChildren(countryId, children); NodeAttrs attrs; st.GetNodeAttrs(countryId, attrs); size.first = attrs.m_downloadingProgress.first; size.second = attrs.m_mwmSize; switch (attrs.m_status) { case NodeStatus::NotDownloaded: ASSERT(size.second > 0, (countryId)); statusString = tr("Click to download"); rowColor = COLOR_NOTDOWNLOADED; break; case NodeStatus::OnDisk: case NodeStatus::Partly: statusString = tr("Installed (click to delete)"); rowColor = COLOR_ONDISK; break; case NodeStatus::OnDiskOutOfDate: statusString = tr("Out of date (click to update or delete)"); rowColor = COLOR_OUTOFDATE; break; case NodeStatus::Error: statusString = tr("Download has failed"); rowColor = COLOR_DOWNLOADFAILED; break; case NodeStatus::Downloading: statusString = tr("Downloading ..."); rowColor = COLOR_INPROGRESS; break; case NodeStatus::Applying: statusString = tr("Applying ..."); rowColor = COLOR_INPROGRESS; break; case NodeStatus::InQueue: statusString = tr("Marked for download"); rowColor = COLOR_INQUEUE; break; default: ASSERT(false, ("We shouldn't be here")); break; } if (!statusString.isEmpty()) item->setText(KColumnIndexStatus, statusString); if (size.second > 0) { int const halfMb = 512 * 1024; int const Mb = 1024 * 1024; if (size.second > Mb) { item->setText(KColumnIndexSize, QString("%1/%2 MB").arg( uint((size.first + halfMb) / Mb)).arg(uint((size.second + halfMb) / Mb))); } else { item->setText(KColumnIndexSize, QString("%1/%2 kB").arg( uint((size.first + 1023) / 1024)).arg(uint((size.second + 1023) / 1024))); } item->setData(KColumnIndexSize, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(static_cast(size.second))); } // Commented out because it looks terrible on black backgrounds. // if (!statusString.isEmpty()) // SetRowColor(*item, rowColor); } QString UpdateDialog::GetNodeName(CountryId const & countryId) { // QString const text = QString::fromUtf8(GetStorage().CountryName(countryId).c_str()); // ??? NodeAttrs attrs; GetStorage().GetNodeAttrs(countryId, attrs); return attrs.m_nodeLocalName.c_str(); } QTreeWidgetItem * UpdateDialog::CreateTreeItem(CountryId const & countryId, size_t posInRanking, string matchedBy, QTreeWidgetItem * parent) { QString const text = GetNodeName(countryId); QTreeWidgetItem * item = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent, QStringList(text)); item->setData(KColumnIndexCountry, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(countryId.c_str())); auto const pos = QVariant(static_cast(posInRanking)); item->setData(KColumnIndexPositionInRanking, Qt::DisplayRole, pos); auto const matched = QVariant(matchedBy.c_str()); item->setData(KColumnIndexMatchedBy, Qt::DisplayRole, matched); if (parent == nullptr) m_tree->addTopLevelItem(item); m_treeItemByCountryId.insert(make_pair(countryId, item)); return item; } vector UpdateDialog::GetTreeItemsByCountryId(CountryId const & countryId) { vector res; auto const p = m_treeItemByCountryId.equal_range(countryId); for (auto i = p.first; i != p.second; ++i) res.emplace_back(i->second); return res; } CountryId UpdateDialog::GetCountryIdByTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item) { return item->data(KColumnIndexCountry, Qt::UserRole).toString().toUtf8().constData(); } void UpdateDialog::OnCountryChanged(CountryId const & countryId) { UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(countryId); // Now core does not support callbacks about parent country change, therefore emulate it. auto const items = GetTreeItemsByCountryId(countryId); for (auto const item : items) { for (auto p = item->parent(); p != nullptr; p = p->parent()) UpdateRowWithCountryInfo(GetCountryIdByTreeItem(p)); } } void UpdateDialog::OnCountryDownloadProgress(CountryId const & countryId, MapFilesDownloader::Progress const & progress) { auto const items = GetTreeItemsByCountryId(countryId); for (auto const item : items) item->setText(KColumnIndexSize, QString("%1%").arg(progress.first * 100 / progress.second)); } void UpdateDialog::ShowModal() { // If called for the first time. if (!m_tree->topLevelItemCount()) FillTree({} /* filter */, m_fillTreeTimestamp); exec(); } } // namespace qt