require 'optparse' module Twine module CLI NEEDED_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS = { 'generate-localization-file' => 3, 'generate-all-localization-files' => 3, 'consume-localization-file' => 3, 'consume-all-localization-files' => 3, 'generate-loc-drop' => 3, 'consume-loc-drop' => 3, 'validate-twine-file' => 2 } def self.parse(args) options = { include: :all } parser = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: twine COMMAND TWINE_FILE [INPUT_OR_OUTPUT_PATH] [--lang LANG1,LANG2...] [--tags TAG1,TAG2,TAG3...] [--format FORMAT]' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'The purpose of this script is to convert back and forth between multiple data formats, allowing us to treat our strings (and translations) as data stored in a text file. We can then use the data file to create drops for the localization team, consume similar drops returned by the localization team, and create formatted localization files to ship with your products.' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Commands:' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- generate-localization-file' opts.separator ' Generates a localization file in a certain LANGUAGE given a particular FORMAT. This script will attempt to guess both the language and the format given the filename and extension. For example, "ko.xml" will generate a Korean language file for Android.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- generate-all-localization-files' opts.separator ' Generates all the localization files necessary for a given project. The parent directory to all of the locale-specific directories in your project should be specified as the INPUT_OR_OUTPUT_PATH. This command will most often be executed by your build script so that each build always contains the most recent translations.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- consume-localization-file' opts.separator ' Slurps all of the translations from a localization file into the specified TWINE_FILE. If you have some files returned to you by your translators you can use this command to incorporate all of their changes. This script will attempt to guess both the language and the format given the filename and extension. For example, "ja.strings" will assume that the file is a Japanese iOS strings file.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- consume-all-localization-files' opts.separator ' Slurps all of the translations from a directory into the specified TWINE_FILE. If you have some files returned to you by your translators you can use this command to incorporate all of their changes. This script will attempt to guess both the language and the format given the filename and extension. For example, "ja.strings" will assume that the file is a Japanese iOS strings file.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- generate-loc-drop' opts.separator ' Generates a zip archive of localization files in a given format. The purpose of this command is to create a very simple archive that can be handed off to a translation team. The translation team can unzip the archive, translate all of the strings in the archived files, zip everything back up, and then hand that final archive back to be consumed by the consume-loc-drop command.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- consume-loc-drop' opts.separator ' Consumes an archive of translated files. This archive should be in the same format as the one created by the generate-loc-drop command.' opts.separator '' opts.separator '- validate-twine-file' opts.separator ' Validates that the given Twine file is parseable, contains no duplicates, and that no key contains invalid characters. Exits with a non-zero exit code if those criteria are not met.' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'General Options:' opts.separator '' opts.on('-l', '--lang LANGUAGES', Array, 'The language code(s) to use for the specified action.') do |l| options[:languages] = l end opts.on('-t', '--tags TAG1,TAG2,TAG3', Array, 'The tag(s) to use for the specified action. Only definitions with ANY of the specified tags will be processed.', ' Specify this option multiple times to only include definitions with ALL of the specified tags. Prefix a tag', ' with ~ to include definitions NOT containing that tag. Omit this option to match all definitions in the Twine', ' data file.') do |t| options[:tags] = (options[:tags] || []) << t end opts.on('-u', '--[no-]untagged', 'If you have specified tags using the --tags flag, then only those tags will be selected. If you also want to select', ' all definitions that are untagged, then you can specify this option to do so.') do |u| options[:untagged] = u end formats = opts.on('-f', '--format FORMAT', formats, "The file format to read or write: (#{formats.join(', ')}).", " Additional formatters can be placed in the formats/ directory.") do |f| options[:format] = f end opts.on('-a', '--[no-]consume-all', 'Normally, when consuming a localization file, Twine will ignore any translation keys that do not exist in your Twine file.') do |a| options[:consume_all] = true end opts.on('-i', '--include SET', [:all, :translated, :untranslated], "This flag will determine which definitions are included when generating localization files. It's possible values are:", " all: All definitions both translated and untranslated for the specified language are included. This is the default value.", " translated: Only definitions with translation for the specified language are included.", " untranslated: Only definitions without translation for the specified language are included.") do |i| options[:include] = i end opts.on('-o', '--output-file OUTPUT_FILE', 'Write a new Twine file at this location instead of replacing the original file. This flag is only useful when', ' running the consume-localization-file or consume-loc-drop commands.') do |o| options[:output_path] = o end opts.on('-n', '--file-name FILE_NAME', 'When running the generate-all-localization-files command, this flag may be used to overwrite the default file name of', ' the format.') do |n| options[:file_name] = n end opts.on('-r', '--[no-]create-folders', "When running the generate-all-localization-files command, this flag may be used to create output folders for all languages,", " if they don't exist yet. As a result all languages will be exported, not only the ones where an output folder already", " exists.") do |r| options[:create_folders] = r end opts.on('-d', '--developer-language LANG', 'When writing the Twine data file, set the specified language as the "developer language". In practice, this just', ' means that this language will appear first in the Twine data file. When generating files this language will be', ' used as default language and its translations will be used if a definition is not localized for the output language.') do |d| options[:developer_language] = d end opts.on('-c', '--[no-]consume-comments', 'Normally, when consuming a localization file, Twine will ignore all comments in the file. With this flag set, any comments', ' encountered will be read and parsed into the Twine data file. This is especially useful when creating your first', ' Twine data file from an existing project.') do |c| options[:consume_comments] = c end opts.on('-e', '--encoding ENCODING', 'Twine defaults to encoding all output files in UTF-8. This flag will tell Twine to use an alternate encoding for these', ' files. For example, you could use this to write Apple .strings files in UTF-16. When reading files, Twine does its best', " to determine the encoding automatically. However, if the files are UTF-16 without BOM, you need to specify if it's", ' UTF-16LE or UTF16-BE.') do |e| options[:output_encoding] = e end opts.on('--[no-]validate', 'Validate the Twine file before formatting it.') do |validate| options[:validate] = validate end opts.on('-p', '--[no-]pedantic', 'When validating a Twine file, perform additional checks that go beyond pure validity (like presence of tags).') do |p| options[:pedantic] = p end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message.') do |h| puts exit end opts.on('--version', 'Print the version number and exit.') do puts "Twine version #{Twine::VERSION}" exit end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Examples:' opts.separator '' opts.separator '> twine generate-localization-file twine.txt ko.xml --tags FT' opts.separator '> twine generate-all-localization-files twine.txt Resources/Locales/ --tags FT,FB' opts.separator '> twine consume-localization-file twine.txt ja.strings' opts.separator '> twine consume-all-localization-files twine.txt Resources/Locales/ --developer-language en --tags DefaultTag1,DefaultTag2' opts.separator '> twine generate-loc-drop twine.txt --tags FT,FB --format android --lang de,en,en-GB,ja,ko' opts.separator '> twine consume-loc-drop twine.txt' opts.separator '> twine validate-twine-file twine.txt' end begin parser.parse! args rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e Twine::stderr.puts e.message exit false end if args.length == 0 puts exit false end # TODO: Remove this mapping of deprecated commands some time in the future - added on 31.03. deprecated_command_mappings = { 'generate-string-file' => 'generate-localization-file', 'generate-all-string-file' => 'generate-all-localization-files', 'consume-string-file' => 'consume-localization-file', 'consume-all-string-files' => 'consume-all-localization-files' } mapped_command = deprecated_command_mappings[args[0]] if mapped_command Twine::stderr.puts "WARNING: Twine commands names have changed. `#{args[0]}` is now `#{mapped_command}`. The old command is deprecated will soon stop working. For more information please check the documentation at" args[0] = mapped_command end number_of_needed_arguments = NEEDED_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS[args[0]] unless number_of_needed_arguments raise "Invalid command: #{args[0]}" end options[:command] = args[0] if args.length < 2 raise 'You must specify your twine file.' end options[:twine_file] = args[1] if args.length < number_of_needed_arguments raise 'Not enough arguments.' elsif args.length > number_of_needed_arguments raise "Unknown argument: #{args[number_of_needed_arguments]}" end case options[:command] when 'generate-localization-file' options[:output_path] = args[2] if options[:languages] and options[:languages].length > 1 raise 'Please only specify a single language for the generate-localization-file command.' end when 'generate-all-localization-files' options[:output_path] = args[2] when 'consume-localization-file' options[:input_path] = args[2] if options[:languages] and options[:languages].length > 1 raise 'Please only specify a single language for the consume-localization-file command.' end when 'consume-all-localization-files' options[:input_path] = args[2] when 'generate-loc-drop' options[:output_path] = args[2] if !options[:format] raise 'You must specify a format.' end when 'consume-loc-drop' options[:input_path] = args[2] when 'validate-twine-file' end return options end end end