module Twine module Formatters class Django < Abstract def format_name 'django' end def extension '.po' end def can_handle_directory?(path) Dir.entries(path).any? { |item| /^.+\.po$/.match(item) } end def default_file_name return 'strings.po' end def determine_language_given_path(path) path_arr = path.split(File::SEPARATOR) path_arr.each do |segment| match = /(..)\.po$/.match(segment) if match return match[1] end end return end def read(io, lang) comment_regex = /#\. *"?(.*)"?$/ key_regex = /msgid *"(.*)"$/ value_regex = /msgstr *"(.*)"$/m last_comment = nil while line = io.gets comment_match = comment_regex.match(line) if comment_match comment = comment_match[1] end key_match = key_regex.match(line) if key_match key = key_match[1].gsub('\\"', '"') end value_match = value_regex.match(line) if value_match value = value_match[1].gsub(/"\n"/, '').gsub('\\"', '"') end if key and key.length > 0 and value and value.length > 0 set_translation_for_key(key, lang, value) if comment and comment.length > 0 and !comment.start_with?("--------- ") set_comment_for_key(key, comment) end key = nil value = nil comment = nil end end end def format_file(lang) @default_lang = @strings.language_codes[0] result = super @default_lang = nil result end def format_header(lang) "##\n # Django Strings File\n # Generated by Twine #{Twine::VERSION}\n # Language: #{lang}\n" end def format_section_header(section) "#--------- #{} ---------#\n" end def format_row(row, lang) [format_comment(row, lang), format_base_translation(row), format_key_value(row, lang)].compact.join end def format_base_translation(row) base_translation = row.translations[@default_lang] "# base translation: \"#{base_translation}\"\n" if base_translation end def key_value_pattern "msgid \"%{key}\"\n" + "msgstr \"%{value}\"\n" end def format_comment(row, lang) "#. #{escape_quotes(row.comment)}\n" if row.comment end def format_key(key) escape_quotes(key) end def format_value(value) escape_quotes(value) end end end end Twine::Formatters.formatters <<