SimpleIT Hugo Theme ======================== Responsive Hugo theme displaying articles by directory. Homepage displays the full directory tree structure and each section/"subsection" its own articles and nested sections. [![license](]( ![SimpleIT Hugo Theme screenshot]( **Table of Contents** - [SimpleIT Hugo Theme](#simpleit-hugo-theme) - [Features](#features) - [Nested subcategories](#nested-subcategories) - [Adding content](#adding-content) - [Adding posts without images](#adding-posts-without-images) - [Adding posts with images](#adding-posts-with-images) - [Adding images used in many posts](#adding-images-used-in-many-posts) - [Adding pages in multiple languages](#adding-pages-in-multiple-languages) - [Installation](#installation) - [As a git submodule](#as-a-git-submodule) - [If you don't have Hugo with git](#if-you-dont-have-hugo-with-git) - [Updating the theme](#updating-the-theme) - [Run locally](#run-locally) - [Theme config](#theme-config) - [Website in subdirectory](#website-in-subdirectory) - [Customizing styles for your website](#customizing-styles-for-your-website) - [Notes for developers](#notes-for-developers) - [Build](#build) - [Screenshots](#screenshots) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Websites using theme](#websites-using-theme) - [License](#license) # Features Features: - mobile-first design - two main layouts: - single page - Automatic TOCs based in content headers placed in sidebar - Choose Share Buttons type - static buttons optimized for loading speed - generated with (fast, minimal footprint) - Commenting system - Disqus - directory/category lists - If `/static/img/cover.jpg` exists, it is added as the background of the homepage header section - SEO - Hugo internal templates - Open Graph - `{{- template "_internal/opengraph.html" . -}}` - Schema metatags - `{{- template "_internal/schema.html" . -}}` - When an article is updated, it automatically generates `dateModified` *itemprop* and shows the Last Updated info in the article. It obtains the data from the [git repo]( - Twitter Cards - `{{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}}` - produces - minified HTML - SASS compiled in one *CSS* file - One *javascript* file - **Multilingual**: - In `head`: Each page specifies other languages versions in ** meta as specified in [Tell Google about localized versions of your page]( like: - `` - In `footer`: Show alternative page translations, falling back to site available languages if a specific page doesn't have translation - Analytics - Google Analytics - Bing - Monetization: - Google Adsense: - Page level - Automatic ads just setting up config key - Optional [Buy me a coffee]( button in articles - Content in tree directory structure of arbitrary depth supported - nested directories, each directory having its own articles and possible other directories - Third-party apps - Twitter Bootstrap 4 - Icons: Fontawesome 5 - Author box for each article. - Only shown in pages if `bio` is set at `[]` in configuration. - Can be hidden with frontmatter: `hide_author: true` - About me page in footer if `page_about_me_relurl` set in configuration for each language. [languages] [languages.en] page_about_me_relurl = "/about/" ## Nested subcategories The nested subcategories (aka.:sections/nested sections) get the same URLs as the directory structure, for example, the following directory/files would be available at these URLs: ~~~ PATH URL exampleSite/content/ |-- en | |-- / | |-- /a-root-level-article/ | |-- /about/ | |-- bar-first-level-section /bar-first-level-section/ | | `-- /bar-first-level-section/bar-page-in-section/ | |-- baz-first-level-section | | `-- /baz-first-level-section/ | `-- foo-first-level-section | |-- /foo-first-level-section/ | |-- foo-second-level | | |-- /foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/ | | |-- foo-third-level | | | |-- /foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/foo-third-level/ | | | `-- /foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/foo-third-level/page-at-foo-third-level/ | | `-- /foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/ | `-- /foo-first-level-section/page-at-section-level/ `-- es |-- /es/ `-- foo-seccion-primer-nivel |-- /es/foo-section-primer-nivel `-- foo-segundo-nivel |-- /es/foo-section-primer-nivel/foo-segundo-nivel `-- /es/foo-section-primer-nivel/foo-segundo-nivel/pagina-en-segundo-nivel/ ~~~ # Adding content ``` $ hugo new /
.md ``` There are two types of Posts, with and without images. The cleanest way to have them is to create a directory for those posts that have images, and put all post's images in that directory. ## Adding posts without images A post without a cover image should be created with the slug as the filename inside the directory you want, for example, to create the post `` you should create the file `/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/` *slug* will be obtained from post's filename ~~~ --- title: "Post example without images" date: 2019-01-10 subtitle: '' description: '' --- ## Overview Here I don't use any image! ~~~ ## Adding posts with images Posts with images can have two types of images: - Cover image - Displayed at the top section of the post - Used in *Facebook's OpenGraph* / *Twitter cards* metadata (a.k.a. the image that will be displayed when sharing the post in those Social Networks) - Should be defined at post's frontmatter. - Content images - Images used along the post content For example, to create the post `` you should create the directory with the *slug* name and content inside the directory as an `` file `/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/`. All images used by this post goes inside the above directory (`/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/`) And *slug* will be obtained from post's directory name. To add the cover image, so it can be displayed by OpenGraph and Twitter, add the metadata to the **resources** frontmatter section and put the image in the newly created directory `/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/victor_hugo.jpg`. The featured image resource **name** must be **cover** so it will be used as the featured image of the article. This follows the standard name name defined by Hugo for [Twitter Cards featured image]( Rest of images should be configured in an **images** array in front matter, being the first one the featured image. This will be used in Facebook's OpenGraph metadata and Twitter Cards image section, so it is displayed when sharing them. In *images* array, the full path after *content* directory preppended to image name should be used, as Hugo loads them preppending the website's domain. Then other images in same directory and used in content `/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/dcu_models.jpg` ~~~ --- title: "Post example with images in cover and content" date: 2019-01-10 subtitle: '' description: '' images: - foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/victor_hugo.jpg - foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/dcu_models.jpg resources: - name: cover # this should be the name if you want it to appear as article's featured image and used by OpenGraph and Twitter cards src: victor_hugo.jpg title: "Portrait photograph of Victor Hugo" params: #can be ommited license: "Public Domain" original: "" --- ## Overview Hey! I have an image that it is not featured, look: model diagram ~~~ Tree directory structure of `/content/foo-first-level-section/foo-second-level/page-at-foo-second-level/` would look like: ~~~ . |_ |_ dcu_models.jpg |_ victor_hugo.jpg ~~~ ## Adding images used in many posts You can also add images to site's root at `/assets/img/` and then use it directly referring them with full path `/img/....`. For example, for `my_image.png` at `/assets/img/` then it can be used in multiple posts: `example image`. ## Adding pages in multiple languages To add a new language, just specify it in the `[languages]` section of `config.toml` and create a subdirectory in `/content` as specified at [Translation by content directory ]( Then for each page or section: Set [translationKey]( for `_index` and *pages* and their slug as directory or filename. I use the slug of the section/page I am translating as the translation key, for example for `/content/en/foo/`: - EN: `/content/en/foo/` ---- translationKey = "foo" ---- - ES: `/content/es/foo-slug-in-spanish/` ---- translationKey = "foo" ---- Same process for pages. Then each level of the hierarchy will have its corresponding page in the other language, and *subdirectories* will also be translated. # Installation ## As a git submodule $ git submodule add -f themes/simpleit-hugo-theme ## If you don't have Hugo with git Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: $ cd themes $ git clone # Updating the theme After installing the theme, if you added it as a `git submodule`, you can update it with: git submodule update --remote --merge # Run locally In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server. $ hugo server -t simpleit-hugo-theme Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313) in the address bar of your browser. Or just set `theme="simpleit-hugo-theme"` in your configuration. # Theme config Have a look at [/exampleSite/config.toml]( for theme customization options. ## Website in subdirectory If the website is located in a subdirectory like `` then URLs should be generated with an absolute path with the following configuration: ~~~ canonifyURLs = true ~~~ # Customizing styles for your website If you want to change some styling to fit your own website needs, copy the following files to your website root path and edit them: - `assets/sass/custom_variables.scss`: customize variables used by Bootstrap. - `assets/sass/styles.scss`: your main website styles with all Bootstrap variables avaiable. # Notes for developers If you plan to change something or contribute to theme development keep in mind that this theme uses [npm]( to handle packages, to install its dependencies: $ cd themes/simpleit-hugo-theme $ make install All Bootstrap and Fontawesome SASS variables are available to - customizing the variables In [assets/sass/custom_variables.scss]( you can customize Bootstrap. - use variables in [assets/sass/styles.css]( For example, using Fontawesome variables like `$fa-var-twitter`, in `assets/sass/styles.scss`: ~~~ .twitter { @include fa-icon; @extend .fab; &:before { content: fa-content($fa-var-twitter); } } ~~~ or using Bootstrap variables like `$kbd-bg` , in `assets/sass/styles.scss`: ~~~ .shell { background-color: $kbd-bg; } ~~~ ## Build Building or serving the website: $ cd themes/simpleit-hugo-theme $ make build Serving the theme with changes: $ cd themes/simpleit-hugo-theme $ make serve # Screenshots Single page screenshot: ![SimpleIT Hugo Theme single page screenshot]( # Contributing Did you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the [issue tracker](// to let me know. Or make directly a [pull request](// # Websites using theme Hugo websites using this theme: - - Add your own website here with a Pull Request! # Reference - Github repo: - Page at Hugo themes site: - Hierarchical content demo: - Flat demo: # License This theme is released under the MIT License. For more information read the [License](//