/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "fbgemm/FbgemmI8Spmdm.h" #include "src/RefImplementations.h" #include "BenchUtils.h" using namespace std; using namespace fbgemm; int main() { const vector> shapes = { // M, N, K {1024, 1024, 1024}, {511, 512, 512}, }; // SpMDM is often memory BW bound so we want to flush LLC. bool flush = true; std::vector llc; if (flush) { llc.resize(128 * 1024 * 1024, 1.0); } constexpr int NWARMUP = 4; constexpr int NITER = 16; #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN cout << "WARNING: the timer may be inaccurate when used by multiple threads." << endl; cout << "M, " << "N, " << "K, " << "Density, " << "Accumulation, " << "Initialize (ms), " << "Transpose uint8 (ms), " << "Transpose 32xN (ms), " << "Compute (ms), " << "Transpose 32xN (ms), " << "Total (ms), " << "GB/s, " << "GOPs" << endl; #else cout << "M, " << "N, " << "K, " << "Density, " << "Accumulation, " << "GB/s, " << "GOPs" << endl; #endif for (const auto& shape : shapes) { for (float density : {0.0001f, 0.001f, 0.01f, 0.1f, 1.0f}) { for (bool accumulation : {false, true}) { int M = shape[0]; int N = shape[1]; int K = shape[2]; cout << M << ", " << N << ", " << K << ", "; aligned_vector A(M * K); randFill(A, 0, 255); fbgemm::CompressedSparseColumn B_csc(K, N); vector C(M * N); vector C_ref(C.size()); for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { C_ref[i * N + j] = i + j; } } // deterministic random number std::default_random_engine eng; binomial_distribution<> per_col_nnz_dist(K, density); uniform_int_distribution<> value_dist( numeric_limits::min() / 2, numeric_limits::max() / 2); vector row_indices(K); int total_nnz = 0; for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { B_csc.ColPtr()[j] = total_nnz; int nnz_of_j = per_col_nnz_dist(eng); total_nnz += nnz_of_j; iota(row_indices.begin(), row_indices.end(), 0); shuffle(row_indices.begin(), row_indices.end(), eng); sort(row_indices.begin(), row_indices.begin() + nnz_of_j); for (int k = 0; k < nnz_of_j; ++k) { B_csc.RowIdx().push_back(row_indices[k]); B_csc.Values().push_back(value_dist(eng)); } } B_csc.ColPtr()[N] = total_nnz; double ttot = 0; #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN double total_initial_time = 0.0; double total_transpose_uint8_time = 0.0; double total_transpose_32xN_time = 0.0; double total_compute_time = 0.0; double total_transpose_Nx32_time = 0.0; double total_run_time = 0.0; #endif double ops = double(NITER) * B_csc.NumOfNonZeros() * M * 2; double bytes = double(NITER) * (M * N * sizeof(int32_t) + M * K + B_csc.NumOfNonZeros() * (sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(int8_t)) + B_csc.ColPtr().size() * sizeof(int32_t)); spmdm_ref(M, A.data(), K, B_csc, accumulation, C_ref.data(), N); chrono::time_point t_begin, t_end; for (int iter = 0; iter < NWARMUP + NITER; ++iter) { for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { C[i * N + j] = i + j; } } llc_flush(llc); t_begin = chrono::system_clock::now(); #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN spmdm_initial_time = 0.0; spmdm_transpose_uint8_time = 0.0; spmdm_transpose_32xN_time = 0.0; spmdm_compute_time = 0.0; spmdm_transpose_Nx32_time = 0.0; spmdm_run_time = 0.0; #endif #ifndef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN #pragma omp parallel #endif { #if defined (FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN) || !defined(_OPENMP) int num_threads = 1; int tid = 0; #else int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads(); int tid = omp_get_thread_num(); #endif int i_per_thread = ((M + 31) / 32 + num_threads - 1) / num_threads * 32; int i_begin = std::min(tid * i_per_thread, M); int i_end = std::min(i_begin + i_per_thread, M); block_type_t block = {i_begin, i_end - i_begin, 0, N}; B_csc.SpMDM( block, A.data(), K, accumulation, C.data() + i_begin * N, N); } t_end = chrono::system_clock::now(); if (iter >= NWARMUP) { double dt = chrono::duration(t_end - t_begin).count(); // double dt = chrono::duration_cast(t_end - // t_begin).count(); ttot += dt; #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN total_initial_time += spmdm_initial_time; total_transpose_uint8_time += spmdm_transpose_uint8_time; total_transpose_32xN_time += spmdm_transpose_32xN_time; total_compute_time += spmdm_compute_time; total_transpose_Nx32_time += spmdm_transpose_Nx32_time; total_run_time += spmdm_run_time; #endif } } compare_buffers(C_ref.data(), C.data(), M, N, N, 5, 0); cout << fixed << B_csc.Density() << ", " << accumulation << ", "; #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN cout << fixed << total_initial_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", " << total_transpose_uint8_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", " << total_transpose_32xN_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", " << total_compute_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", " << total_transpose_Nx32_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", " << total_run_time / (double)NITER / 1e6 << ", "; #endif // Report performance cout << fixed << bytes / ttot / 1e9 << ", " << ops / ttot / 1e9 << endl; } // accumulation } // for each density } // for each shape return 0; }