/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once /** * Top level include file for FBGEMM. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ConvUtils.h" #include "FbgemmI8Spmdm.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "FbgemmBuild.h" #include "QuantUtilsAvx2.h" // Turning on this option will print out time breakdown of each stage (e.g., // input packing, the main GEMM kernel, each output processing pipeline). // Please note that currently this option won't report accurate timing if // multiple threads are used. // #define FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN #ifdef FBGEMM_MEASURE_TIME_BREAKDOWN #include #include extern double packing_time; extern double computing_time; extern double kernel_time; extern double postprocessing_time; extern double run_time; #endif namespace fbgemm { /** * @brief Templatized struct for packing parameters for A and B matrices. * * @tparam T input type * @tparam accT the type used for accumulation * @tparam instSet anyarch/avx2/avx512 * @tparam int8Type an auxiliary template parameter to specialize for 8-bit * input types. */ template < typename T, typename accT, inst_set_t instSet, typename int8Type = void> struct PackingTraits; // type specialized implementation in an include file #include "PackingTraits-inl.h" /** * @brief Base class for packing matrices for higher GEMM performance. * * Matrix is tiled into blockRows() * blockCols() blocks. * Each block is with size blockRowSize() * blockColSize(). * This class is designed using CRTP * (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern) * * @tparam PT actual packing type, e.g., PackAWithRowOffset */ template class PackMatrix { public: PackMatrix() = delete; // no default constructor /** * @param rows total number of rows in the matrix * (packed rows can be less than rows). * @param cols total number of columns in the matrix * @param pmat A buffer to contain the packed matrix. * If nullptr, a buffer owned by PackMatrix will be allocated * internally to contain the packed matrix. * For non-constant matrices like activation matrices, the client * code may want to pass a pre-allocated pmat to avoid the * overhead of internal memory allocation everytime a PackMatrix * is constructed. The client code can query how big patm should * be with packedBufferSize function. * @param groups when groups > 1, we compute groups number of GEMMs each * multiplies A.rows by A.cols/A.groups matrix with * B.rows/B.groups by B.cols matrix (in conventional BLAS * terminology, this is a batched GEMM but we use the name group * to follow deep learning terminology). The result matrix has * dimension A.rows by B.cols*B.groups . * A.groups must be same as B.groups, A.groups must divide * A.cols, and B.groups must divide B.rows and C.cols. */ PackMatrix( std::int32_t rows, std::int32_t cols, inpType* pmat, int groups = 1); /** * @return true usually when the matrix is constant matrix (e.g., weight * matrices) that can be prepacked */ bool isPrePacked() const { return static_cast(this)->isPrePacked(); } /** * @return true if this is the first input matrix in GEMM (i.e., A in C = A * * B) */ static constexpr bool isA() { return PT::isA(); } /** * @brief The size of the buffer used for packing (The size is in number of * elements). * * rows and cols are only used for fully packing, i.e., for B matrix. The * client code can use this function to query how big the buffer used for * packing should be. */ static int packedBufferSize(int rows = 0, int cols = 0); /** * @return Pointer to a buffer containing row offset results. Some packing * objects fuse row offset computation for later requantization step. */ std::int32_t* getRowOffsetBuffer() const { return static_cast(this)->getRowOffsetBuffer(); } /** * @brief When k loop is also tiled/blocked, this function is used to check if * have executed computations for the last k block so that we can perform * post-GEMM operations. */ bool isThisLastKBlock(int block_id) const { return static_cast(this)->isThisLastKBlock(block_id); } /** * @brief Actual packing of a block of the source matrix in pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block) { static_cast(this)->pack(block); } std::int32_t numRows() const { return nrows_; } std::int32_t numCols() const { return ncols_; } /** * @return The number of rows in each block */ std::int32_t blockRowSize() const { return brow_; } /** * @return The number of columns in each block */ std::int32_t blockColSize() const { return bcol_; } /** * @return The number of blocks along rows */ std::int32_t blockRows() const { return nbrow_; } /** * @return The number of blocks along columns */ std::int32_t blockCols() const { return nbcol_; } /** * @return The number of the rows in the currently packed block of a matrix. * For pre-packed (i.e., fully-packed), it's equal to the total number * of rows. */ std::int32_t numPackedRows() const { return packedBlock_.row_size; } /** * @return The number of columns in the currently packed block of a matrix. * For pre-packed (i.e., fully-packed), it's equal to the number of * columns. */ std::int32_t numPackedCols() const { return packedBlock_.col_size; } /** * @return The first row of the block we're working on. */ std::int32_t packedRowStart() const { return packedBlock_.row_start; } /** * @return The beginning of (rowBlockNum, colBlockNum)th block */ inpType* getBuf(std::int32_t rowBlockNum = 0, std::int32_t colBlockNum = 0) { return buf_ + blockRowSize() * blockColSize() * rowBlockNum + blockRowSize() * blockColSize() * blockCols() * colBlockNum; } /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name) { static_cast(this)->printPackedMatrix(name); } /** * @return The number of rows in the last row block. */ std::int32_t lastBrow() const { return last_brow_; } /** * @return The number of columns in the last column block. */ std::int32_t lastBcol() const { return last_bcol_; } int numGroups() const { return G_; } /** * @return True if the last column block has fewer columns than the block * size. */ bool isThereColRemainder() const { return last_bcol_ != blockColSize(); } virtual ~PackMatrix() { if (bufAllocatedHere_) { free(buf_); } } protected: /** * Set which block we're packing */ void packedBlock(const block_type_t& block) { packedBlock_ = block; nbrow_ = (numPackedRows() + blockRowSize() - 1) / blockRowSize(); nbcol_ = (numPackedCols() + blockColSize() - 1) / blockColSize(); last_brow_ = ((numPackedRows() % blockRowSize()) == 0) ? blockRowSize() : (numPackedRows() % blockRowSize()); last_bcol_ = ((numPackedCols() % blockColSize()) == 0) ? blockColSize() : (numPackedCols() % blockColSize()); } inpType* buf_; std::int32_t brow_; ///< the number of rows in each block std::int32_t bcol_; ///< the number of columns in each block std::int32_t nbrow_; ///< the number of blocks along rows std::int32_t nbcol_; ///< the number of blocks along columns bool bufAllocatedHere_; private: std::int32_t nrows_, ncols_; int G_; block_type_t packedBlock_; ///< The block in the source matrix just packed std::int32_t last_brow_, last_bcol_; }; /** * @brief Matrix packed for the first input matrix in GEMM (usually * activation). The source matrix is already quantized. Default * accumulation type is int32. */ template class FBGEMM_API PackAMatrix final : public PackMatrix, T, accT> { public: using This = PackAMatrix; using BaseType = PackMatrix; using inpType = T; using accType = accT; PackAMatrix() = delete; // no default constructor PackAMatrix( matrix_op_t trans, std::int32_t nRow, std::int32_t nCol, const inpType* smat, std::int32_t ld, inpType* pmat = nullptr, int groups = 1); /** * Activation matrices are not constant so cannot amortize the cost of * pre-packing. */ bool isPrePacked() const { return false; } /** * @return True if this is used as A matrix. */ static constexpr bool isA() { return true; } /** * @return A pointer to the row offset buffer. There is no row offset buffer * calculations with this packing class, hence, it returns nullptr. */ std::int32_t* getRowOffsetBuffer() const { return nullptr; } /** * @return Offset of the element in the packed matrix that was at (i, j) in * the source matrix. */ std::int32_t addr(std::int32_t i, std::int32_t j) const; /** * @brief Packs a block of source matrix into pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block); /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name); private: matrix_op_t trans_; const T* smat_; std::int32_t ld_; std::int32_t row_interleave_B_; }; /** * @brief Matrix packed for the second input matrix in GEMM (usually weight). * The source matrix is already quantized. Default accumulation * type is int32. */ template class FBGEMM_API PackBMatrix final : public PackMatrix, T, accT> { public: using This = PackBMatrix; using BaseType = PackMatrix; using inpType = T; using accType = accT; PackBMatrix() = delete; // no default constructor /** * @params groups if > 1 and trans == NoTranspose, smat is nRow x nCol with * groups are vertically concatenated: each group is * (nRow / groups) x nCol . * if > 1 and trans == Transpose, smat is (nCol * groups) x * (nRow / groups) with groups are horizontally concatenated: * each group is nCol x (nRow / groups) . Each group is * transposed and vertically concatenated to match with the * NoTranspose case. */ PackBMatrix( matrix_op_t trans, std::int32_t nRow, std::int32_t nCol, const inpType* smat, std::int32_t ld, inpType* pmat = nullptr, int groups = 1); /** * Weight matrices are usually constant so worth pre-packing. */ bool isPrePacked() const { return true; } /** * @return True if to be used as A matrix, False otherwise. */ static constexpr bool isA() { return false; } /** * @brief When k loop is also tiled/blocked, this function is used to check if * have executed computations for the last k block so that we can perform * post-GEMM operations. */ bool isThisLastKBlock(int block_id) const { return (BaseType::blockRows() - 1) == block_id; } /** * @return Offset of the element in the packed matrix that was at (i, j) in * the source matrix. */ std::int32_t addr(std::int32_t i, std::int32_t j) const; /** * @brief Packs a block of source matrix into pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block); /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name); /** * @return true if meta information like matrix shape is the same. */ bool metaEquals(const PackBMatrix& that) const; /** * @return true if matrices are the same. */ bool equals(const PackBMatrix& that) const; ~PackBMatrix() {} private: matrix_op_t trans_; const T* smat_; std::int32_t ld_; std::int32_t row_interleave_; }; /** * @brief Matrix packed for the first input matrix in GEMM (usually activation), * and row offsets used for requantization is computed during packing. * Im2col is fused with packing here. The source matrix is already * quantized. */ template class FBGEMM_API PackAWithIm2Col : public PackMatrix, T, accT> { public: using This = PackAWithIm2Col; using BaseType = PackMatrix; using inpType = T; using accType = accT; PackAWithIm2Col() = delete; // no default constructor /** * @param zero_pt the quantized value that maps to 0.0f floating-point number. * @params row_offset If nullptr, this constructor internally allocates a * buffer and owns it. Otherwise, this class doesn't own * the buffer. The buffer will be populated when pack * function is called. */ PackAWithIm2Col( const conv_param_t& conv_param, const T* sdata, inpType* pmat = nullptr, std::int32_t zero_pt = 0, std::int32_t* row_offset = nullptr); /** * Activation matrices are not constant so cannot amortize the cost of * pre-packing. */ bool isPrePacked() const { return false; } /** * @return True if this is used as A matrix. */ static constexpr bool isA() { return true; } /** * @brief Packs a block of source matrix into pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block); /** * @return A pointer to the row offset buffer. */ std::int32_t* getRowOffsetBuffer() const { return row_offset_; } /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name); /** * @return Size of row offset buffer in number of elements */ static int rowOffsetBufferSize(); ~PackAWithIm2Col() { if (rowOffsetAllocatedHere) { free(row_offset_); } } private: const conv_param_t& conv_p_; const T* sdata_; std::int32_t zero_pt_; std::int32_t* row_offset_; bool rowOffsetAllocatedHere; std::int32_t row_interleave_B_; }; /** * @brief Matrix packed for the first input matrix in GEMM (usually activation), * and row offsets used for requantization is computed during packing. * The source matrix is already quantized. */ template class FBGEMM_API PackAWithRowOffset final : public PackMatrix, T, accT> { public: using This = PackAWithRowOffset; using BaseType = PackMatrix; using inpType = T; using accType = accT; PackAWithRowOffset() = delete; // no default constructor /** * @params row_offset If nullptr, this constructor internally allocates a * buffer and owns it. Otherwise, this class doesn't own * the buffer. The buffer will be populated when pack * function is called. */ PackAWithRowOffset( matrix_op_t trans, std::uint32_t nRow, std::uint32_t nCol, const T* smat, std::uint32_t ld, inpType* pmat = nullptr, int groups = 1, std::int32_t* row_offset = nullptr); /** * Activation matrices are not constant so cannot amortize the cost of * pre-packing. */ bool isPrePacked() const { return false; } /** * @return True if this is used as A matrix. */ static constexpr bool isA() { return true; } /** * @return Offset of the element in the packed matrix that was at (i, j) in * the source matrix */ std::int32_t addr(std::int32_t i, std::int32_t j) const; /** * @brief Packs a block of source matrix into pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block); /** * @return A pointer to the row offset buffer. */ std::int32_t* getRowOffsetBuffer() const { return row_offset_; } /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name); /** * @return size of row offset buffer in number of elements */ static int rowOffsetBufferSize(); ~PackAWithRowOffset() { if (rowOffsetAllocatedHere) { free(row_offset_); } } private: matrix_op_t trans_; const T* smat_; std::uint32_t ld_; std::int32_t* row_offset_; bool rowOffsetAllocatedHere; std::int32_t row_interleave_B_; }; /** * @brief Matrix packed for the first input matrix in GEMM (usually activation), * and row offsets used for requantization is computed during packing. * The source matrix is in fp32 and quantized during packing. */ template class FBGEMM_API PackAWithQuantRowOffset final : public PackMatrix, T, accT> { public: using This = PackAWithQuantRowOffset; using BaseType = PackMatrix; using inpType = T; using accType = accT; PackAWithQuantRowOffset() = delete; // no default constructor /** * @params row_offset If nullptr, this constructor internally allocates a * buffer and owns it. Otherwise, this class doesn't own * the buffer. The buffer will be populated when pack * function is called. */ PackAWithQuantRowOffset( matrix_op_t trans, std::int32_t nRow, std::int32_t nCol, const float* smat, std::int32_t ld, inpType* pmat = nullptr, float scale = 1.0f, std::int32_t zero_pt = 0, int groups = 1, std::int32_t* row_offset = nullptr); /** * Activation matrices are not constant so cannot amortize the cost of * pre-packing. */ bool isPrePacked() const { return false; } /** * @return True if this is used as A matrix. */ static constexpr bool isA() { return true; } /** * @return offset of the element in the packed matrix that was at (i, j) in * the source matrix */ std::int32_t addr(std::int32_t i, std::int32_t j) const; /** * @brief Packs a block of source matrix into pmat buffer. */ void pack(const block_type_t& block); /** * @return A pointer to the row offset buffer. */ std::int32_t* getRowOffsetBuffer() const { return row_offset_; } /** * @brief Print the packed block. */ void printPackedMatrix(std::string name); /** * @return Size of row offset buffer in number of elements */ static int rowOffsetBufferSize(); ~PackAWithQuantRowOffset() { if (rowOffsetAllocatedHere) { free(row_offset_); } } private: matrix_op_t trans_; const float* smat_; std::int32_t ld_; float scale_; std::int32_t zero_pt_; std::int32_t* row_offset_; bool rowOffsetAllocatedHere; std::int32_t row_interleave_B_; }; /* * * Post Processing of outputs * */ /** * @brief Does nothing. NoOp. Used as the last operation in the output * processing pipeline. * */ template class FBGEMM_API DoNothing { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; DoNothing() {} template int f( outType* /* unused */, inpType* /* unused */, const block_type_t& /* unused */, int /* unused */, int /* unused */) const { return 0; } }; /** * @brief Copy data pointed by inp ptr to out ptr when * inp ptr and out ptr are not the same. * inp buffer: row and column start points: (0, 0) * output buffer: row and column start points: * (block.row_start, block.col_start) * * This is the output processing stage that should passed when there is no * requantization and output is required in the same format as internal buffer * used for accumulation. */ template < typename outT = std::int32_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class FBGEMM_API memCopy { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; explicit memCopy(nextOPType& nextop) : nextop_(nextop) {} template inline int f( outType* out, inpType* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: nextOPType& nextop_; }; /** * @brief Perform scaling on accumulated data. */ template < typename outT = std::int32_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class ScaleOP { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; explicit ScaleOP(inpType scalingFactor) : scalingFactor_(scalingFactor) {} template inline int f( outType* out, inpType* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: inpType scalingFactor_; }; /** * @brief Perform Relu on accumulated data. */ template < typename outT = std::int32_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class ReluOutput { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; explicit ReluOutput(inpType zero_pt) : zero_pt_(zero_pt) {} template inline int f( outType* out, inpType* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: inpType zero_pt_; }; /** * @brief Perform Dense-Matrix * Sparse-Matrix as a part the of output * processing pipeline. * * SPMDM (SParse Matrix times Dense Matrix) inplace on the 32-bit input buffer * (inp). After modifying the input buffer, pass it to the next op. * When groups > 1, each group is numRows() x (numCols()/groups) matrix. */ template < typename outT = std::int32_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class FBGEMM_API DoSpmdmOnInpBuffer { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; DoSpmdmOnInpBuffer( nextOPType& nextop, const std::uint8_t* A, int lda, const CompressedSparseColumn& B_csc, int groups = 1) : nextop_(nextop), A_(A), lda_(lda), B_csc_(B_csc), groups_(groups) {} template inline int f( outT* out, inT* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: nextOPType& nextop_; const std::uint8_t* A_; const int lda_; const CompressedSparseColumn& B_csc_; const int groups_; }; /** * @brief Perform Dense-Matrix * Sparse-Matrix as a part the of output * processing pipeline. * * SPMDM (SParse Matrix times Dense Matrix) inplace on the 32-bit input buffer * (inp). After modifying the input buffer, pass it to the next op. * When groups > 1, each group is numRows() x (numCols()/groups) matrix. */ template < typename outT = std::int32_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class FBGEMM_API DoSConvOnInpBuffer { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; DoSConvOnInpBuffer( nextOPType& nextop, const std::uint8_t* A, const conv_param_t<>& conv_p, std::int32_t A_zero_point, const CompressedSparseColumn& B_csc, int groups = 1) : nextop_(nextop), A_(A), conv_p_(conv_p), A_zero_point_(A_zero_point), B_csc_(B_csc) {} template inline int f( outT* out, inT* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: nextOPType& nextop_; const std::uint8_t* A_; const conv_param_t<>& conv_p_; const std::int32_t A_zero_point_; const CompressedSparseColumn& B_csc_; }; /** * @brief Requantize values in inp buffer and write to out buffer. * pass the out buffer to next op for further processing. */ template < bool FUSE_RELU, QuantizationGranularity Q_GRAN = QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR, typename outT = std::uint8_t, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class FBGEMM_API ReQuantizeOutput { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; /** * @params C_multiplier The length of this array is * 1 when Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR, * groups when Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP, * nCol if Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::OUT_CHANNEL * @params Bq_zero_point The length of this array should be the same as * C_multiplier. * @params row_offsets Typically, this should've been computed by a * PackAMatrix and should be obtained by * PackMatrix::getRowOffsetBuffer(). * If Bq_zero_point == 0 (symmetric quantization of B * matrix), we can pass nullptr. * @params col_offsets This should be pre-computed for example using * col_offsets_with_zero_pt_s8acc32_ref. * The length should be nCol. * See PackedRequantizeTest.cc for an example. * TODO: if Aq_zero_point == 0, allow passing nullptr. * @params bias can be nullptr otherwise the length should be nCol */ ReQuantizeOutput( nextOPType& nextop, const float* C_multiplier, std::int32_t C_zero_point, std::int32_t Aq_zero_point, const std::int32_t* Bq_zero_point, const std::int32_t* row_offsets, const std::int32_t* col_offsets, const std::int32_t* bias, std::uint32_t nCol, int groups = 1) : nextop_(nextop), C_multiplier_(C_multiplier), C_zero_point_(C_zero_point), Aq_zero_point_(Aq_zero_point), Bq_zero_point_(Bq_zero_point), q_row_offsets_(row_offsets), q_col_offsets_(col_offsets), bias_(bias), ncols_(nCol), groups_(groups) {} template inline int f( outT* out, const inT* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: nextOPType& nextop_; const float* C_multiplier_; std::int32_t C_zero_point_; std::int32_t Aq_zero_point_; const std::int32_t* Bq_zero_point_; const std::int32_t* q_row_offsets_; const std::int32_t* q_col_offsets_; const std::int32_t* bias_; std::uint32_t ncols_; int groups_; }; /** * @brief Requantize to convert accumulated data to be used as float, i.e., the * output would be used as float. */ template < bool FUSE_RELU, QuantizationGranularity Q_GRAN = QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR, typename outT = float, typename inT = std::int32_t, typename nextOPType = DoNothing> class FBGEMM_API ReQuantizeForFloat { public: using outType = outT; using inpType = inT; /** * @params Bq_scale The length of this array is * 1 when Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR, * groups when Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP, * nCol if Q_GRAN == QuantizationGranularity::OUT_CHANNEL * @params Bq_zero_point The length of this array should be the same as * Bq_scale. * @params row_offsets Typically, this should've been computed by a * PackAMatrix and should be obtained by * PackMatrix::getRowOffsetBuffer(). * If Bq_zero_point == 0 (symmetric quantization of B * matrix), we can pass nullptr. * @params col_offsets This should be pre-computed for example using * col_offsets_with_zero_pt_s8acc32_ref. * The length should be nCol. * See PackedRequantizeTest.cc for an example. * TODO: if Aq_zero_point == 0, allow passing nullptr. * @params bias can be nullptr otherwise the length should be nCol */ ReQuantizeForFloat( nextOPType& nextop, float Aq_scale, const float* Bq_scale, std::int32_t Aq_zero_point, const std::int32_t* Bq_zero_point, const std::int32_t* row_offsets, const std::int32_t* col_offsets, const float* bias, std::uint32_t nCol, int groups = 1) : nextop_(nextop), Aq_scale_(Aq_scale), Bq_scale_(Bq_scale), Aq_zero_point_(Aq_zero_point), Bq_zero_point_(Bq_zero_point), q_row_offsets_(row_offsets), q_col_offsets_(col_offsets), bias_(bias), ncols_(nCol), groups_(groups) {} template inline int f( outT* out, inT* inp, const block_type_t& block, int ld_out, int ld_in) const; private: nextOPType& nextop_; float Aq_scale_; const float* Bq_scale_; std::int32_t Aq_zero_point_; const std::int32_t* Bq_zero_point_; const std::int32_t* q_row_offsets_; const std::int32_t* q_col_offsets_; const float* bias_; std::uint32_t ncols_; int groups_; }; // type specialized implementation in an include file #include "OutputProcessing-inl.h" /* * * ####### GEMM related functions ####### * */ /** * Matrix B must be prepacked. For matrix A, packA.pack function is called to * pack it. * * @tparam packingAMatrix processing of A matrix while packing, * e.g., PackAWithQuantRowOffset * * @tparam packingBMatrix processing of B matrix while packing, * e.g., pre-multiply by alpha * @tparam cT data type of C matrix * @tparam processOutputType further processing of outputs, e.g., Relu */ template < typename packingAMatrix, typename packingBMatrix, typename cT, typename processOutputType> FBGEMM_API void fbgemmPacked( PackMatrix< packingAMatrix, typename packingAMatrix::inpType, typename packingAMatrix::accType>& packA, PackMatrix< packingBMatrix, typename packingBMatrix::inpType, typename packingBMatrix::accType>& packB, cT* C, std::int32_t* C_buffer, std::uint32_t ldc, const processOutputType& outProcess, int thread_id, int num_threads); /** * @brief Perform depthwise separable convolution */ template < typename packingAMatrix, typename packingBMatrix, typename outT, typename processOutputType> void convDepthwiseSeparable( const conv_param_t<>& conv_param_dw, const conv_param_t<>& conv_param_1x1, packingAMatrix& packdw, packingBMatrix& packed_1x1, outT* out, const processOutputType& output); /** * @brief Allocate __size bytes of uninitialized storage whose alignment is * specified by __align. */ static void* fbgemmAlignedAlloc(size_t __align, size_t __size) { void* aligned_mem; if (posix_memalign(&aligned_mem, __align, __size)) return 0; return aligned_mem; } /** * @brief Are we running on a fbgemm supported cpu? */ FBGEMM_API bool fbgemmSupportedCPU(); /* * @brief Partition the workload between 0 and m into num_threads segments. Each * thread gets a multiple of mr, except that the last one might receive the * fringe case. Return the start and end index of each thread. * Example: mr = 8 * m mRegBlocks mRegRemainder num_thread_left _right th0 th1 th2 * 120 15 0 0 3 40 40 40 * 123 15 3 0 3 40 40 43 * 133 16 5 1 2 48 40 45 * 140 17 4 2 1 48 48 44 * 146 18 2 0 3 48 48 50 * 144 18 0 0 3 48 48 48 * * ToDo: Make this routine more general: partition the workload between any * intervals. We can then reuse this routine for the nested parallel workload * distribution. */ static void fbgemmGetRange( int num_threads, int thread_id, int m, int mr, int& start, int& end) { int mRegBlocks = m / mr; int mRegRemainder = m % mr; int m_blk_per_thread = mRegBlocks / num_threads; int num_thread_left = mRegBlocks % num_threads; // int num_thread_right = num_threads - num_thread_left; int m_blk_left, m_blk_right; if (num_thread_left == 0) { m_blk_left = m_blk_per_thread; m_blk_right = m_blk_per_thread; } else { m_blk_left = m_blk_per_thread + 1; m_blk_right = m_blk_per_thread; } int size_left = m_blk_left * mr; int size_right = m_blk_right * mr; if (thread_id < num_thread_left) { start = 0 + thread_id * size_left; end = 0 + (thread_id + 1) * size_left; } else { // thread_id >= num_thread_left start = num_thread_left * size_left + (thread_id - num_thread_left) * size_right; end = num_thread_left * size_left + (thread_id - num_thread_left + 1) * size_right; if (thread_id == num_threads - 1) end += mRegRemainder; } } } // namespace fbgemm