/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once // WARNING: this is a legacy fp16 fbgemm implementation and will soon be // upgraded to match with new fbgemm interface. #include #include #include #include #include "Types.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace fbgemm { /// class that performs packing of matrix in /// row-major format into /// internal packed blocked-row major format class PackedGemmMatrixFP16 { public: // takes smat input mamtrix in row-major format; // packs it into gemm-friendly blocked format; // allocate space and sets up all the internal variables; // also premultiplies by alpha during packing. // brow_ contains tile size along k dimension // and also is # of fmas updates into int16 container // before flushing into fp32. // the smaller the brow_, the higher overhead // of flushing is. // kernel_ncol_blocks is the number of column blocks (in the size of 8 fp16, // or 128 bit, or 1 xmm register size) in the kernel. Because the batch size // can be dynamic and we need to prepack the weight matrix B, the internal // packing layout of the weight matrix and kernel_ncol_blocks have to be // fixed. We can choose kernel_ncol_blocks = 1 (with kernels of 1x1~14x1 // register layouts), 2 (with kernels of 1x2~6x2 register layout), or 3 (with // kernels of 1x3~4x3 register layout). PackedGemmMatrixFP16( const matrix_op_t trans, const int nrow, const int ncol, const float alpha, const float* smat, const int brow = 512, const int kernel_ncol_blocks = 2) : nrow_(nrow), ncol_(ncol), brow_(brow), kernel_ncol_blocks_(kernel_ncol_blocks) { initializeParam(); initializeMemory(); // copy source matrix into packed matrix this->packFromSrc(trans, alpha, smat); } PackedGemmMatrixFP16( const int nrow, const int ncol, const int brow, const int last_brow, const int bcol, const int nbrow, const int nbcol, const uint64_t size, const int kernel_ncol_blocks = 2) : nrow_(nrow), ncol_(ncol), brow_(brow), last_brow_(last_brow), bcol_(bcol), nbrow_(nbrow), nbcol_(nbcol), size_(size), kernel_ncol_blocks_(kernel_ncol_blocks) { initializeMemory(); } void initializeParam() { bcol_ = 8 * kernelNumColBlocks(); // set up internal packing parameters nbrow_ = ((numRows() % blockRowSize()) == 0) ? (numRows() / blockRowSize()) : ((numRows() + blockRowSize()) / blockRowSize()); last_brow_ = ((nrow_ % blockRowSize()) == 0) ? blockRowSize() : (nrow_ % blockRowSize()); nbcol_ = ((numCols() % blockColSize()) == 0) ? (numCols() / blockColSize()) : ((numCols() + blockColSize()) / blockColSize()); if (numCols() != blockColSize() * nbcol_) { #ifdef VLOG VLOG(0) << "Packer warning: ncol(" << numCols() << ") is not a multiple of internal block size (" << blockColSize() << ")"; VLOG(0) << "lefover is currently done via MKL: hence overhead will inccur"; #endif } } void initializeMemory() { // allocate and initialize packed memory const int padding = 1024; // required by sw pipelined kernels size_ = (blockRowSize() * nbrow_) * (blockColSize() * nbcol_); // pmat_ = (float16 *)aligned_alloc(64, matSize() * sizeof(float16) + // padding); posix_memalign((void**)&pmat_, 64, matSize() * sizeof(float16) + padding); for (auto i = 0; i < matSize(); i++) { pmat_[i] = tconv(0.f, pmat_[i]); } } ~PackedGemmMatrixFP16() { free(pmat_); } // protected: // blocked row-major format address arithmetic uint64_t addr(const int r_, const int c_) const { uint64_t r = (uint64_t)r_; uint64_t c = (uint64_t)c_; uint64_t block_row_id = r / blockRowSize(), brow_offset = (block_row_id * nbcol_) * (blockRowSize() * blockColSize()); uint64_t block_col_id = c / blockColSize(), bcol_offset = block_col_id * ((block_row_id != nbrow_ - 1) ? (blockRowSize() * blockColSize()) : (last_brow_ * blockColSize())); uint64_t block_offset = brow_offset + bcol_offset; uint64_t inblock_offset = r % blockRowSize() * blockColSize() + c % blockColSize(); uint64_t index = block_offset + inblock_offset; assert(index < matSize()); return index; } void packFromSrc(const matrix_op_t trans, const float alpha, const float* smat) { bool tr = (trans == matrix_op_t::Transpose); // pack for (int i = 0; i < numRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numCols(); j++) { pmat_[addr(i, j)] = tconv( alpha * ((tr == false) ? smat[i * numCols() + j] : smat[i + numRows() * j]), pmat_[addr(i, j)]); } } } const float16& operator()(const int r, const int c) const { uint64_t a = addr(r, c); assert(r < numRows()); assert(c < numCols()); assert(a < this->matSize()); return pmat_[a]; } int matSize() const { return size_; } int numRows() const { return nrow_; } int numCols() const { return ncol_; } int lastBrow() const { return last_brow_; } int numBrow() const { return nbrow_; } int numBcol() const { return nbcol_; } float16* pmat() const { return pmat_; } inline int blockRowSize() const { return brow_; } inline int blockColSize() const { return bcol_; } inline int kernelNumColBlocks() const { return kernel_ncol_blocks_; } int nrow_, ncol_; int brow_, last_brow_, bcol_; int nbrow_, nbcol_; uint64_t size_; int kernel_ncol_blocks_; float16* pmat_; friend void cblas_gemm_compute( const matrix_op_t transa, const int m, const float* A, const PackedGemmMatrixFP16& Bp, const float beta, float* C, int thread_id, int num_threads); }; /** * restrictions: transa == CblasNoTrans */ extern void cblas_gemm_compute( const matrix_op_t transa, const int m, const float* A, const PackedGemmMatrixFP16& Bp, const float beta, float* C, int thread_id = 0, int num_threads = 1); }; // namespace fbgemm