/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once #include #include "GenerateKernel.h" #include "fbgemm/Fbgemm.h" namespace fbgemm { /** * @brief Execute Engine for the macro-kernel and output processing. * ExecuteKernel is a derived class of CodeGenBase. */ template < typename packingAMatrix, typename packingBMatrix, typename cT, typename processOutputType> class ExecuteKernel : public CodeGenBase< typename packingAMatrix::inpType, typename packingBMatrix::inpType, cT, typename packingBMatrix::accType> { public: ExecuteKernel( PackMatrix< packingAMatrix, typename packingAMatrix::inpType, typename packingAMatrix::accType>& packA, PackMatrix< packingBMatrix, typename packingBMatrix::inpType, typename packingBMatrix::accType>& packB, int32_t kBlock, cT* matC, typename packingBMatrix::accType* C_buffer, int32_t ldc, const processOutputType& outputProcess, int thread_id, int num_threads); void execute(int kBlock); private: PackMatrix< packingAMatrix, typename packingAMatrix::inpType, typename packingAMatrix::accType>& packedA_; ///< Packed block of matrix A. PackMatrix< packingBMatrix, typename packingBMatrix::inpType, typename packingBMatrix::accType>& packedB_; ///< Packed matrix B. int32_t kBlock_; ///< Block ID in the k dimension. cT* matC_; ///< Output for matrix C. typename packingAMatrix::accType* C_buffer_; ///< the accumulation buffer for matrix C. int32_t ldc_; ///< the leading dimension of matrix C. const processOutputType& outputProcess_; ///< output processing function for ///< the C tile in the macro-kernel. }; } // namespace fbgemm