/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include #include #include "fbgemm/Fbgemm.h" namespace fbgemm { template PackBMatrix::PackBMatrix( matrix_op_t trans, int32_t nRow, int32_t nCol, const T* smat, int32_t ld, inpType* pmat, int groups) : PackMatrix, T, accT>(nRow, nCol, pmat, groups), trans_(trans), smat_(smat), ld_(ld) { if (cpuinfo_has_x86_avx512f()) { BaseType::brow_ = PackingTraits::KCB; BaseType::bcol_ = PackingTraits::NCB; row_interleave_ = PackingTraits::ROW_INTERLEAVE; } else if (cpuinfo_has_x86_avx2()) { BaseType::brow_ = PackingTraits::KCB; BaseType::bcol_ = PackingTraits::NCB; row_interleave_ = PackingTraits::ROW_INTERLEAVE; } else { // Error assert(0 && "unknown architecure"); } if (BaseType::numRows() % groups != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "groups = " + std::to_string(groups) + " does not divide numRows = " + std::to_string(BaseType::numRows())); } // blocking for one group block_type_t block{ 0, BaseType::numRows() / BaseType::numGroups(), 0, BaseType::numCols()}; BaseType::packedBlock(block); if (!pmat) { BaseType::bufAllocatedHere_ = true; BaseType::buf_ = (T*)fbgemmAlignedAlloc( 64, BaseType::numGroups() * BaseType::blockRows() * BaseType::brow_ * BaseType::blockCols() * BaseType::bcol_ * sizeof(T)); } pack(block); } template void PackBMatrix::pack(const block_type_t& block) { assert((BaseType::blockRowSize() % row_interleave_) == 0); BaseType::packedBlock(block); bool tr = (trans_ == matrix_op_t::Transpose); for (int g = 0; g < this->numGroups(); ++g) { T* out = BaseType::getBuf() + g * this->packedBufferSize(block.row_size, block.col_size); for (int i = block.row_start; i < block.row_start + block.row_size; ++i) { for (int j = block.col_start; j < block.col_start + block.col_size; ++j) { T val = tr ? smat_[i + (g * block.col_size + j) * ld_] : smat_[(g * block.row_size + i) * ld_ + j]; out[addr(i, j)] = tconv(val, out[addr(i, j)]); } } // fill the remaining with zero. // Please see the comment in PackAMatrix.cc on zero vs zero_pt fill. for (int i = block.row_start + block.row_size; i < (block.row_start + block.row_size + row_interleave_ - 1) / row_interleave_ * row_interleave_; ++i) { for (int j = block.col_start; j < block.col_start + block.col_size; j++) { out[addr(i, j)] = tconv(0, out[addr(i, j)]); } } } // for each group } template int32_t PackBMatrix::addr(int32_t r, int32_t c) const { int32_t block_row_id = r / BaseType::blockRowSize(); int32_t brow_offset = (block_row_id * BaseType::blockCols()) * (BaseType::blockRowSize() * BaseType::blockColSize()); int32_t block_col_id = c / BaseType::blockColSize(); int32_t bcol_offset = block_col_id * BaseType::blockRowSize() * BaseType::blockColSize(); int32_t block_offset = brow_offset + bcol_offset; int32_t inblock_offset = (r % BaseType::blockRowSize() / row_interleave_) * BaseType::blockColSize() * row_interleave_ + (c % BaseType::blockColSize()) * row_interleave_ + r % row_interleave_; int32_t index = block_offset + inblock_offset; return index; } template void PackBMatrix::printPackedMatrix(std::string name) { std::cout << name << ":" << "[" << BaseType::numPackedRows() << ", " << BaseType::numPackedCols() << "]" << std::endl; std::cout << "block size:" << "[" << BaseType::blockRowSize() << ", " << BaseType::blockColSize() << "]" << std::endl; T* out = BaseType::getBuf(); for (auto nr = 0; nr < BaseType::blockRows(); ++nr) { auto rows = (nr == BaseType::blockRows() - 1) ? BaseType::lastBrow() : BaseType::blockRowSize(); for (auto nc = 0; nc < BaseType::blockCols(); ++nc) { std::cout << "block:" << nr << ", " << nc << std::endl; auto cols = (nc == BaseType::blockCols() - 1) ? BaseType::lastBcol() : BaseType::blockColSize(); for (auto r = 0; r < (rows + row_interleave_ - 1) / row_interleave_; ++r) { for (auto c = 0; c < cols * row_interleave_; ++c) { T val = out[nr * BaseType::blockCols() * BaseType::blockRowSize() * BaseType::blockColSize() + nc * BaseType::blockRowSize() * BaseType::blockColSize() + r * BaseType::blockColSize() * row_interleave_ + c]; if (std::is_integral::value) { // cast to int64 because cout doesn't print int8_t type directly std::cout << std::setw(5) << static_cast(val) << " "; } else { std::cout << std::setw(5) << val << " "; } } std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } } template bool PackBMatrix::metaEquals(const PackBMatrix& that) const { if (BaseType::numRows() != that.numRows() || BaseType::numCols() != that.numCols() || BaseType::blockRowSize() != that.blockRowSize() || BaseType::blockColSize() != that.blockColSize() || BaseType::blockRows() != that.blockRows() || BaseType::blockCols() != that.blockCols() || BaseType::numPackedRows() != that.numPackedRows() || BaseType::numPackedCols() != that.numPackedCols() || trans_ != that.trans_ || BaseType::numGroups() != that.numGroups() || row_interleave_ != that.row_interleave_) { return false; } return true; } template bool PackBMatrix::equals(const PackBMatrix& that) const { if (!metaEquals(that)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this->numRows(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < this->numCols(); ++j) { if (this->buf_[addr(i, j)] != that.buf_[that.addr(i, j)]) { return false; } } } return true; } template class PackBMatrix; template class PackBMatrix; } // namespace fbgemm