/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include #include "QuantizationHelpers.h" #include "TestUtils.h" #include "bench/BenchUtils.h" #include "fbgemm/Fbgemm.h" #include "src/RefImplementations.h" using namespace std; using namespace fbgemm; vector transposeVals{matrix_op_t::NoTranspose, matrix_op_t::Transpose}; vector qGranularityVals{ QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR, QuantizationGranularity::GROUP, QuantizationGranularity::OUT_CHANNEL}; namespace { class fbgemmu8s8acc32WithQuantGranularityTest : public testing::TestWithParam< tuple> {}; class fbgemmu8s8acc32Test : public testing::TestWithParam> {}; }; // namespace INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( InstantiationName, fbgemmu8s8acc32WithQuantGranularityTest, ::testing::Combine( ::testing::ValuesIn(transposeVals), ::testing::ValuesIn(transposeVals), ::testing::Bool(), ::testing::ValuesIn(qGranularityVals))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( InstantiationName, fbgemmu8s8acc32Test, ::testing::Combine( ::testing::ValuesIn(transposeVals), ::testing::ValuesIn(transposeVals), ::testing::Bool())); /** * @brief Shapes for unit test. */ static vector> GetShapes_() { // NMT vector> shapes = { // {M, N, K} {1, 128, 512}, {1, 1024, 256}, {1, 2048, 512}, {1, 2048, 513}, {1, 2048, 514}, {6, 512, 512}, {6, 2048, 512}, {6, 256, 1024}, {6, 1024, 256}, {6, 2048, 256}, {6, 2048, 257}, {6, 2048, 258}, {102, 1024, 512}, {102, 2323, 256}, {102, 512, 256}, {102, 512, 257}, {102, 512, 258}, {1024, 512, 258}, }; return shapes; } /** * @brief Unit test for uint8 matrix A, int8 matrix B, and 32-bit * accumulation. Output processing: requantization -> nothing */ TEST_P(fbgemmu8s8acc32WithQuantGranularityTest, Test) { vector> shapes(GetShapes_()); matrix_op_t atrans, btrans; bool test_ld; QuantizationGranularity q_granularity; tie(atrans, btrans, test_ld, q_granularity) = GetParam(); for (auto shape : shapes) { for (int groups : {1, 3, 4}) { for (bool test_bias : {false, true}) { int m = shape[0]; int n = shape[1]; int k = shape[2]; if (k % groups != 0) { continue; } int k_per_group = k / groups; // mxk matrix aligned_vector Aint8(m * k); // kxn matrix aligned_vector Bint8_ref(k * n); aligned_vector Cint32_ref(m * n * groups); aligned_vector Cint8_ref(Cint32_ref.size()); aligned_vector Cint32_fb(Cint32_ref.size()); aligned_vector Cint8_fb(Cint32_ref.size()); aligned_vector Cint32_buffer(Cint32_ref.size()); randFill(Aint8, 0, 255); int32_t Aint8_zero_point = 43; randFill(Bint8_ref, -128, 127); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { avoidOverflow( m, n, k_per_group, Aint8.data() + g * k_per_group, k, Bint8_ref.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n); } aligned_vector Bint8(Bint8_ref); // initialize bias aligned_vector bias_int32(groups * n); int32_t* bias = nullptr; if (test_bias) { randFill(bias_int32, -128, 127); bias = bias_int32.data(); } if (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Bint8_temp(Bint8.size()); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { transpose_matrix( k_per_group, n, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n, Bint8_temp.data() + g * k_per_group * n, k_per_group); } Bint8 = Bint8_temp; } // To test lda != k , we just reduce k by half and use the original k // as lda. int n_adjusted = n; if (test_ld) { if (btrans == matrix_op_t::NoTranspose) { n_adjusted = std::max(n / 2, 1); } } int ncols_per_quant_group = groups * n_adjusted; if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP) { ncols_per_quant_group = n_adjusted; } else if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::OUT_CHANNEL) { ncols_per_quant_group = 1; } aligned_vector Bint8_zero_point( groups * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group); randFill(Bint8_zero_point, -50, -10); // computing column offset vector col_offsets(groups * n_adjusted); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { col_offsets_with_zero_pt_s8acc32_ref( k_per_group, n_adjusted, n, Bint8_ref.data() + g * k_per_group * n, Bint8_zero_point.data() + g * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group, col_offsets.data() + g * n_adjusted, ncols_per_quant_group); } vector row_offsets(m); aligned_vector C_multiplier(Bint8_zero_point.size()); randFill(C_multiplier, 0.001234f / 2, 0.001234f * 3 / 2); int32_t C_zero_pt = 5; for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { matmul_u8i8acc32_ref( m, n_adjusted, k_per_group, k, n, groups * n, Aint8.data() + g * k_per_group, Bint8_ref.data() + g * k_per_group * n, Cint32_ref.data() + g * n_adjusted); row_offsets_u8acc32_ref( m, k_per_group, k, Aint8.data() + g * k_per_group, row_offsets.data()); requantize_u8acc32_ref( m, n_adjusted, groups * n, Cint32_ref.data() + g * n_adjusted, Cint8_ref.data() + g * n_adjusted, C_multiplier.data() + g * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group, C_zero_pt, Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data() + g * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group, row_offsets.data(), col_offsets.data() + g * n_adjusted, bias ? (bias + g * n_adjusted) : nullptr, ncols_per_quant_group); } if (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Aint8_temp(Aint8.size()); transpose_matrix(m, k, Aint8.data(), k, Aint8_temp.data(), m); Aint8 = Aint8_temp; } PackBMatrix packedBN( btrans, k, n_adjusted, Bint8.data(), (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? k_per_group : n, nullptr, groups); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel #endif { vector row_offset_buf( PackAWithRowOffset::rowOffsetBufferSize()); PackAWithRowOffset packAN( atrans, m, k, Aint8.data(), (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? m : k, nullptr, groups); int num_threads = fbgemm_get_num_threads(); int tid = fbgemm_get_thread_num(); DoNothing<> doNothingObj{}; if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR) { ReQuantizeOutput outputProcObj( doNothingObj, C_multiplier.data(), C_zero_pt, Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), bias, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cint8_fb.data(), Cint32_buffer.data(), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } else if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP) { ReQuantizeOutput outputProcObj( doNothingObj, C_multiplier.data(), C_zero_pt, Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), bias, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cint8_fb.data(), Cint32_buffer.data(), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } else { ReQuantizeOutput outputProcObj( doNothingObj, C_multiplier.data(), C_zero_pt, Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), bias, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cint8_fb.data(), Cint32_buffer.data(), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } } // printMatrix(matrix_op_t::NoTranspose, Cint32_local.data(), // m, n_adjusted, n, "C local"); compare_validate_buffers( Cint8_ref.data(), Cint8_fb.data(), m, groups * n_adjusted, groups * n, static_cast(0)); } // test_bias } // for each groups } // for each shape } /** * @brief Unit test for uint8 matrix A, int8 matrix B, and 32-bit * accumulation. Directly output fp32 matrix C. Output processing: * requantization -> nothing */ TEST_P(fbgemmu8s8acc32WithQuantGranularityTest, TestFloatInputOutput) { vector> shapes(GetShapes_()); matrix_op_t atrans, btrans; bool test_ld; QuantizationGranularity q_granularity; tie(atrans, btrans, test_ld, q_granularity) = GetParam(); for (auto shape : shapes) { for (int groups : {1, 3, 4}) { int m = shape[0]; int n = shape[1]; int k = shape[2]; if (k % groups != 0) { continue; } int k_per_group = k / groups; aligned_vector Afp32(m * k); aligned_vector Aint8(Afp32.size()); aligned_vector Bfp32(k * n); aligned_vector Bint8(Bfp32.size()); aligned_vector Cfp32_ref(m * n * groups); aligned_vector Cfp32_fb(Cfp32_ref.size()); aligned_vector Cint8_fb(Cfp32_ref.size()); aligned_vector Cint32_buffer(Cfp32_ref.size()); randFill(Aint8, 0, 255); int32_t Aint8_zero_point = 43; float Aint8_scale = 0.11; for (auto i = 0; i < Afp32.size(); ++i) { Afp32[i] = Aint8_scale * (Aint8[i] - Aint8_zero_point); } randFill(Bint8, -128, 127); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { avoidOverflow( m, n, k_per_group, Aint8.data() + g * k_per_group, k, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n); } // To test lda != k , we just reduce k by half and use the original k // as lda. int n_adjusted = n; if (test_ld) { if (btrans == matrix_op_t::NoTranspose) { n_adjusted = std::max(n / 2, 1); } } int ncols_per_quant_group = groups * n_adjusted; if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP) { ncols_per_quant_group = n_adjusted; } else if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::OUT_CHANNEL) { ncols_per_quant_group = 1; } aligned_vector Bint8_zero_point( groups * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group); randFill(Bint8_zero_point, -50, -10); aligned_vector Bint8_scale(Bint8_zero_point.size()); randFill(Bint8_scale, 0.49f / 2, 0.49f * 3 / 2); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { int g = i / k_per_group; for (int j = 0; j < n_adjusted; ++j) { int quant_group = (g * n_adjusted + j) / ncols_per_quant_group; Bfp32[i * n + j] = Bint8_scale[quant_group] * (Bint8[i * n + j] - Bint8_zero_point[quant_group]); } } // computing column offset vector col_offsets(groups * n_adjusted); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { col_offsets_with_zero_pt_s8acc32_ref( k_per_group, n_adjusted, n, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, Bint8_zero_point.data() + g * n_adjusted / ncols_per_quant_group, col_offsets.data() + g * n_adjusted, ncols_per_quant_group); } if (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Bint8_temp(Bint8.size()); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { transpose_matrix( k_per_group, n, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n, Bint8_temp.data() + g * k_per_group * n, k_per_group); } Bint8 = Bint8_temp; } for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { matmul_fp_ref( m, n_adjusted, k_per_group, k, n, groups * n, Afp32.data() + g * k_per_group, Bfp32.data() + g * k_per_group * n, Cfp32_ref.data() + g * n_adjusted); } if (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Afp32_temp(Afp32.size()); transpose_matrix(m, k, Afp32.data(), k, Afp32_temp.data(), m); Afp32 = Afp32_temp; } PackBMatrix packedBN( btrans, k, n_adjusted, Bint8.data(), (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? k_per_group : n, nullptr, groups); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel #endif { vector row_offset_buf( PackAWithQuantRowOffset::rowOffsetBufferSize()); PackAWithQuantRowOffset packAN( atrans, m, k, Afp32.data(), (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? m : k, nullptr, /*buffer for packed matrix*/ Aint8_scale, Aint8_zero_point, groups, // This is just to test row_offset_buf = nullptr with at least // one configuration. groups == 3 ? nullptr : row_offset_buf.data()); int num_threads = fbgemm_get_num_threads(); int tid = fbgemm_get_thread_num(); DoNothing doNothingObj{}; if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::TENSOR) { ReQuantizeForFloat outputProcObj( doNothingObj, Aint8_scale, Bint8_scale.data(), Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), nullptr, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cfp32_fb.data(), reinterpret_cast(Cfp32_fb.data()), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } else if (q_granularity == QuantizationGranularity::GROUP) { ReQuantizeForFloat outputProcObj( doNothingObj, Aint8_scale, Bint8_scale.data(), Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), nullptr, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cfp32_fb.data(), reinterpret_cast(Cfp32_fb.data()), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } else { ReQuantizeForFloat outputProcObj( doNothingObj, Aint8_scale, Bint8_scale.data(), Aint8_zero_point, Bint8_zero_point.data(), packAN.getRowOffsetBuffer(), col_offsets.data(), nullptr, groups * n_adjusted, groups); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cfp32_fb.data(), reinterpret_cast(Cfp32_fb.data()), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } } float maximum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < groups * n_adjusted; ++j) { float c = Cfp32_ref[i * groups * n + j]; maximum = std::max(maximum, std::abs(c)); } } compare_validate_buffers( Cfp32_ref.data(), Cfp32_fb.data(), m, groups * n_adjusted, groups * n, maximum * 1e-5f); } // for each groups } // for each shape } /** * @brief Unit test for uint8 matrix A, int8 matrix B, and 32-bit * accumulation. Output processing: requantization -> nothing. Symmetric: the * zero point is 0. */ TEST_P(fbgemmu8s8acc32Test, TestSymmetricQuantizedInputOutput) { vector> shapes(GetShapes_()); matrix_op_t atrans, btrans; bool test_ld; tie(atrans, btrans, test_ld) = GetParam(); for (auto shape : shapes) { for (int groups : {1, 3, 4}) { int m = shape[0]; int n = shape[1]; int k = shape[2]; if (k % groups != 0) { continue; } int k_per_group = k / groups; aligned_vector Aint8(m * k); aligned_vector Bint8(k * n); aligned_vector Cfp32_ref(m * n * groups); aligned_vector Cint32_fb(Cfp32_ref.size()); randFill(Aint8, 0, 255); aligned_vector Afp32(Aint8.begin(), Aint8.end()); // initialize B matrix randFill(Bint8, -128, 127); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { avoidOverflow( m, n, k_per_group, Aint8.data() + g * k_per_group, k, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n); } aligned_vector Bfp32(Bint8.begin(), Bint8.end()); // To test lda != k , we just reduce k by half and use the original k // as lda. int n_adjusted = n; if (test_ld) { if (btrans == matrix_op_t::NoTranspose) { n_adjusted = std::max(n / 2, 1); } } if (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Aint8_temp(Aint8.size()); transpose_matrix(m, k, Aint8.data(), k, Aint8_temp.data(), m); Aint8 = Aint8_temp; } if (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) { aligned_vector Bint8_temp(Bint8.size()); for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { transpose_matrix( k_per_group, n, Bint8.data() + g * k_per_group * n, n, Bint8_temp.data() + g * k_per_group * n, k_per_group); } Bint8 = Bint8_temp; } for (int g = 0; g < groups; ++g) { matmul_fp_ref( m, n_adjusted, k_per_group, k, n, groups * n, Afp32.data() + g * k_per_group, Bfp32.data() + g * k_per_group * n, Cfp32_ref.data() + g * n_adjusted); } // B zero point defaults to 0 PackBMatrix packedBN( btrans, k, n_adjusted, Bint8.data(), (btrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? k_per_group : n, nullptr, groups); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel #endif { // A zero point and row offset not required PackAMatrix packAN( atrans, m, k, Aint8.data(), (atrans == matrix_op_t::Transpose) ? m : k, nullptr, groups); DoNothing doNothingObj{}; memCopy<> outputProcObj(doNothingObj); int num_threads = fbgemm_get_num_threads(); int tid = fbgemm_get_thread_num(); fbgemmPacked( packAN, packedBN, Cint32_fb.data(), Cint32_fb.data(), groups * n, outputProcObj, tid, num_threads); } // correctness check for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < groups * n_adjusted; ++j) { float expected = Cfp32_ref[i * groups * n + j]; int32_t actual = Cint32_fb[i * groups * n + j]; EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual) << "GEMM results differ at (" << i << ", " << j << "). ref " << expected << " FBGemm " << actual; } } } // for each groups } // for each shape }