#include "intgemm.h" // This is just for AlignedVector, which helps managed 64-byte aligned memory. // Feel free to manage memory yourself. #include "aligned.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include #include #include int main() { using intgemm::Index; const Index A_rows = 1; // The shared dimension: A's columns and B's rows. const Index width = 64; const Index B_cols = 8; // This is a simple vector class that allocates memory aligned to 64 bytes. // You don't have to use it; just use aligned_alloc and friends directly. using intgemm::AlignedVector; AlignedVector A(A_rows * width); AlignedVector B(width * B_cols); // Fill with random values in range [-2, 2]. std::mt19937 gen; std::uniform_real_distribution dist(-2.f, 2.f); gen.seed(1); for (auto& it : A) { it = dist(gen); } for (auto& it : B) { it = dist(gen); } // Compute the top left corner of C as a sanity check. float top_left_reference = 0.0; for (Index w = 0; w < width; ++w) { top_left_reference += A[w] * B[w * B_cols]; } // 16-bit multiplication. { // For 16-bit, Jacob Devlin recommends 1024 so as to not overflow in 32-bit accumulation. float quant_mult = 1024.0; AlignedVector A_prepared(A.size()); AlignedVector B_prepared(B.size()); // Quantize A. intgemm::Int16::PrepareA(A.begin(), A_prepared.begin(), quant_mult, A_rows, width); // Quantize and reshape B. // Typically you will do this once when parameters are loaded, not every time. intgemm::Int16::PrepareB(B.begin(), B_prepared.begin(), quant_mult, width, B_cols); AlignedVector C(A_rows * B_cols); // Do the actual multiply. intgemm::Int16::Multiply(A_prepared.begin(), B_prepared.begin(), A_rows, width, B_cols, intgemm::callbacks::UnquantizeAndWrite(1.0 / (quant_mult * quant_mult), C.begin())); // Sanity check. C will be row major. assert(fabs(C[0] - top_left_reference) < 0.05); } // 8-bit multiplication. { // For 8-bit a good quantization multiplier is 127 / largest absolute value.. float quant_mult = 127.0 / 2.0; AlignedVector A_prepared(A.size()); AlignedVector B_prepared(B.size()); // Quantize A. intgemm::Int8::PrepareA(A.begin(), A_prepared.begin(), quant_mult, A_rows, width); // Quantize and reshape B. // Typically you will do this once when parameters are loaded, not every time. intgemm::Int8::PrepareB(B.begin(), B_prepared.begin(), quant_mult, width, B_cols); AlignedVector C(A_rows * B_cols); // Do the actual multiply. intgemm::Int8::Multiply(A_prepared.begin(), B_prepared.begin(), A_rows, width, B_cols, intgemm::callbacks::UnquantizeAndWrite(1.0 / (quant_mult * quant_mult), C.begin())); // Sanity check. C will be row major. assert(fabs(C[0] - top_left_reference) < 0.05); } }