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github.com/marian-nmt/marian-regression-tests.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
path: root/tests
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authorRoman Grundkiewicz <rgrundki@exseed.ed.ac.uk>2020-04-11 16:42:51 +0300
committerRoman Grundkiewicz <rgrundki@exseed.ed.ac.uk>2020-04-11 16:42:51 +0300
commitde24a6ec3d27a68eb8e0e66e98e3ef255adfdb96 (patch)
treef86badc390feb43e1e09d0a10f4ca3f34a59bf96 /tests
parent377d86532626865a0de8ae7c1d0c8b46f7fe3bb5 (diff)
Add missing valid.tsv
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 50 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.expected b/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.expected
index 2f21674..8f5856d 100644
--- a/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.expected
+++ b/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.expected
@@ -1,50 +1,25 @@
-Resumption of the session
-I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Friday, 17 December, and I wish you all the best at the end of the year and hope that you had beautiful holidays.
-As you have seen, the dreaded equot is the oquot; Millenium syquot has not happened, but citizens of some of our Member States have become victims of terrible natural disasters.
-Parliament wishes to hold a debate during this part-session in the next few days.
-Today I would ask you to observe a minute's silence in memory of all the victims of storm , particularly in the various countries of the European Union.
-I ask you to observe a minute's silence.
-(The House rose and observed a minute's silence)
-Madam President, on a point of order.
-As you know from the press and television, there were several bomb explosions in Sri Lanka with many deaths.
-One of the victims of the attacks in Sri Lanka recently was Mr Kumar Ponnambalam , who only visited the European Parliament a few months ago.
-It would be appropriate for you, Madam President, to send a letter to the President of Sri Lanka to express Parliament's regret at the violent death of Sri Lanka and other citizens of Sri Lanka and ask them to do all they can to find a peaceful solution to this very difficult situation?
-Mr Evans, I think that such an initiative is entirely appropriate.
-If the House agrees, I will follow Mr Evans's proposal.
-Madam President, on a point of order.
-Could you give me an information on Article 143 on the inadmissibility?
-My question concerns a matter which will be raised on Thursday and which I shall refer to again.
-On Thursday, Parliament will deal with the Cunha report on multi-annual guidance programmes, which is proposed in paragraph 6 that countries which do not comply with their fleet reductions should be subject to a kind of quotas every year.
-These penalties are to be imposed, despite the principle of relative stability.
-I believe that the principle of relative stability is a fundamental principle of the common fisheries policy and a proposal to undermine it would be legally inadmissible.
-I would like to know whether it is possible to object to a document that is simply a report and not a legislative proposal, and whether I am authorised to do so on Thursday.
-That is exactly what you can do if you want to raise this issue, that is, on Thursday at the beginning of the debate on the report.
-Unfortunately, the first this year of the European Parliament coincides with the fact that in the United States, in Texas , on Thursday this week, the execution of a 34-year-old man called Hicks sentenced to death.
-At the request of a French Member, Mr Zimeray, a petition has already been submitted, signed by many of them, including myself.
-However, in accordance with the line taken by the European Parliament and by the whole of the European Union, I would ask you to use all the influence of your office and the institution that you represent in the presidential candidate and Governor of Texas , George W. Bush , who is authorised to suspend the death sentence and to condemn the sentenced.
-All this is in line with the principles we have always defended.
-Thank you, Mr Segni, and I am happy to do that.
-That is entirely in line with the position that we as Parliament have always maintained.
-Madam President, I would like to draw your attention to a case which this Parliament has repeatedly referred to.
-That is the case of Alexander Nikitin.
-We are all pleased that the court has made it clear and made it clear that Russia is also constitutional law in Russia.
-However, it is now the case that he should be charged again, because the Public Prosecutor's office is appealing.
-We know and we have found it in very many resolutions - particularly during the last part-session of last year - that this is not only a legal case and that it is wrong to blame Alexander Nikitin crime and the Advisory Council, because we as a person have a benefit from its results.
-These results are the basis for the European programmes for the protection of the Barent Sea, which is why I would ask you to consider a letter which describes you with the most important facts and to clarify this position in line with Parliament's decisions in Russia.
-Mrs Schroedter, I am happy to look into the relevant facts if I have your letter.
-Madam President, first of all I would like to thank you for keeping the word and now, in the first part-session of the new year, the offer of television programmes in our offices has indeed been broadened.
-Nevertheless, Madam President, my request was not met.
-We now have two Finnish and Portuguese Presidencies, but I had asked for a Dutch programme, but I had asked for a Dutch programme, because we Dutch would also like to follow the news if we are sent here every month.
-I would therefore ask you once again to ensure that a Dutch channel is included.
-I can inform you that this item on Wednesday's agenda is on Wednesday's agenda.
-I hope that it will be decided on your behalf.
-Madam President, can you tell me why this Parliament does not comply with the safety regulations that it has adopted itself?
-Why was air quality in this building not a single time since our election?
-That is why the Committee on Employment has not met a single time since 1998?
-Why has there been no fire protection exercise in Brussels or in Strasbourg?
-Why do we not find fire protection?
-Why was nothing done after my accident to make the trails safer?
-Why is the smoking ban not enforced in the non-smokers?
-It is a disgrace that we are adopting rules that we do not respect ourselves.
-Mrs Lynne, you are quite right, and I will check whether all this is really the case.
-I will also put the question to the quaestors.
+The Commission finds it hard to accept reductions to EUR 50 million.
+The debate is closed.
+We shall now proceed to the vote.
+After the vote on the amendments
+With your permission, I would like to speak briefly after the vote.
+(Parliament adopted the legislative resolution)
+I would be delighted if it were also intended for people who need it, such as pensioners.
+Mr President, very briefly on the texts adopted yesterday.
+Thank you, Mrs Thyssen.
+Mrs Reding has mentioned this.
+Could you please correct that?
+Mrs Lulling, I cannot correct that because this report does not concern you at all.
+As you rightly said, on 16 September, you were elected, and this report backs the state of 13 June.
+They replaced Mrs Reding.
+There will therefore be another report which, I hope, will confirm your mandate.
+Mr President, because it is Christmas, I would like you to give me time!
+I would like to thank you and clarify a misunderstanding.
+The President has the right to put a question to the Commission.
+That concludes the agenda, ladies and gentlemen.
+Mr Manders has the floor for a point of order.
+I would even like to allow me to name the Commission and the Council, even if they are not present.
+Adjournment of the session
+I declare the session of the European Parliament adjourned.
+(The sitting was closed at 10.50 p.m.)
diff --git a/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.tsv b/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dee133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/interface/input-tsv/valid.tsv
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+die Zuschußkürzung auf 50 Millionen Euro ist für die Kommission schwer zu akzeptieren . the Commission finds it difficult to accept a reduction of the subsidy to EUR 50 million .
+die Aussprache ist geschlossen . the debate is closed .
+wir kommen nun zur Abstimmung . we shall now proceed to the vote .
+nach der Abstimmung über die Änderungsanträge following the vote on the amendments
+ich möchte mit Ihrer Erlaubnis gleich nach der Abstimmung kurz um das Wort bitten . if you would allow me , I would like to take up a few minutes after the votes .
+einverstanden . you may do so .
+( das Parlament nimmt die legislative Entschließung an . ) Erklärungen zur Abstimmung ( Parliament approved the legislative resolution ) EXPLANATIONS OF VOTE
+es wäre mir eine Freude , wenn sie auch für Personen bestimmt würden , die ihrer bedürfen , wie die Rentner . I would be pleased if it was given to people who need it , such as pensioners .
+Herr Präsident ! ganz kurz zu den gestern angenommenen Texten . Mr President , very briefly on a point of order regarding the texts adopted yesterday .
+vielen Dank , Frau Thyssen . thank you very much , Mrs Thyssen .
+Frau Reding ist darin genannt . Mrs Reding &apos; s name is there instead .
+können Sie das bitte korrigieren ? would you please rectify this ?
+Frau Lulling , ich kann das nicht korrigieren , denn dieser Bericht betrifft Sie gar nicht . Mrs Lulling , I cannot rectify this because this report does not affect you .
+wie Sie richtig sagten , wurden Sie am 16. September gewählt , und dieser Bericht gibt den Stand vom 13. Juni wieder . you were elected on 16 September - as you quite rightly said - and this report concerns those who were elected on 13 June .
+sie sind an die Stelle von Frau Reding getreten . you replaced Mrs Reding .
+es wird also einen weiteren Bericht geben , der , wie ich hoffe , Ihr Mandat bestätigen wird . there will therefore be another report , which will , I hope , confirm your mandate .
+Herr Präsident ! weil ja jetzt Weihnachten ist , möchte ich , daß Sie mir kurz Zeit geben ! Mr President , as it is now Christmas , I would be grateful if you would allow me to speak for a moment .
+ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken und ein Mißverständnis aufklären . I would like to thank you and clear up a misunderstanding .
+der Präsident hat das Recht , einem Abgeordneten eine Frage an die Kommission einzuräumen . the President is entitled to allow an MEP to ask a question of the Commission .
+damit , meine Damen und Herren , hat das Parlament die Tagesordnung abgearbeitet . having said that , Parliament has reached the end of the agenda .
+das Wort hat Herr Manders zur Geschäftsordnung . Mr Manders has the floor for a procedural motion .
+ich möchte mir sogar erlauben , die Kommission und den Rat zu nennen , auch wenn sie nicht anwesend sind . I would also like , although they are absent , to mention the Commission and the Council .
+Unterbrechung der Sitzungsperiode adjournment of the session
+ich erkläre die Sitzungsperiode des Europäischen Parlaments für unterbrochen . I declare the session of the European Parliament adjourned .
+( die Sitzung wird um 10.50 Uhr geschlossen . ) ( the sitting was closed at 10.50 a.m. )