#!/bin/bash ##################################################################### # SUMMARY: Decode intgemm 8bit avx2 # TAGS: cpu student shortlist intgemm ##################################################################### # Exit on error set -e # Skip if requirements are not met if [ ! $MRT_MARIAN_USE_MKL ]; then echo "Marian is not compiled with CPU" 1>&2 exit 100 elif ! grep -q "avx2" /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "Your CPU does not support AVX2, which is required" 1>&2 exit 100 fi # Outputs differ on CPUs supporting AVX, AVX2 or AVX512 suffix=avx2 if grep -q "avx512_vnni" /proc/cpuinfo; then suffix=avx512_vnni elif grep -q "avx512" /proc/cpuinfo; then suffix=avx512 fi prefix=intgemm_8bit_avx2 # Remove previous outputs rm -f $prefix.out $prefix.$suffix.bin # Pack the model $MRT_MARIAN/marian-conv -f $MRT_MODELS/student-eten/model.npz -t $prefix.$suffix.bin --gemm-type intgemm8avx2 test -s $prefix.$suffix.bin # Run test $MRT_MARIAN/marian-decoder \ -m $prefix.$suffix.bin -v $MRT_MODELS/student-eten/{vocab.spm,vocab.spm} \ -i newstest2018.src -o $prefix.out \ -b 1 --mini-batch 32 --maxi-batch 100 --maxi-batch-sort src -w 128 \ --shortlist $MRT_MODELS/student-eten/lex.s2t 50 50 --cpu-threads 1 \ --quiet-translation # Print current and expected BLEU for debugging python3 $MRT_TOOLS/sacrebleu/sacrebleu.py newstest2018.ref < $prefix.out | tee $prefix.out.bleu # BLEU scores calculated on AVX, AVX2, AVX512 should be very similar, but does not have to be identical tail -n1 $prefix.*.expected.bleu || true # Compare with the expected output $MRT_TOOLS/diff.sh $prefix.out $prefix.$suffix.expected > $prefix.diff # Exit with success code exit 0