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India|s0 and|s0 Japan|s0 prime|s0 ministers|s0 meet|s0 in|s0 Tokyo|s0
India|s0 's|s0 new|s0 prime|s0 minister|s0 ,|s0 Nar|s1 endra|s0 Modi|s0 ,|s0 is|s0 meeting|s0 his|s0 Japanese|s0 counterpart|s0 ,|s0 Shin|s1 zo|s0 Abe|s0 ,|s0 in|s0 Tokyo|s0 to|s0 discuss|s0 economic|s0 and|s0 security|s0 ties|s0 ,|s0 on|s0 his|s0 first|s0 major|s0 foreign|s0 visit|s0 since|s0 winning|s0 May|s0 's|s0 election|s0 .|s0
Mr|s0 Modi|s0 is|s0 on|s0 a|s0 five-|s1 day|s0 trip|s0 to|s0 Japan|s0 to|s0 strengthen|s0 economic|s0 ties|s0 with|s0 the|s0 third|s0 largest|s0 economy|s0 in|s0 the|s0 world|s0 .|s0
high|s0 on|s0 the|s0 agenda|s0 are|s0 plans|s0 for|s0 greater|s0 nuclear|s0 co-operation|s0 .|s0
India|s0 is|s0 also|s0 reportedly|s0 hoping|s0 for|s0 a|s0 deal|s0 on|s0 defence|s0 collaboration|s0 between|s0 the|s0 two|s0 nations|s0 .|s0
Kar|s1 ra|s1 tha|s0 police|s0 arrest|s0 20-|s1 year-old|s0 after|s0 high|s0 speed|s0 motorcycle|s0 chase|s0
a|s0 motorcycle|s0 has|s0 been|s0 seized|s0 after|s0 it|s0 was|s0 ridden|s0 at|s0 12|s1 5km|s0 @/@|s0 h|s0 in|s0 a|s0 70|s1 km|s0 @/@|s0 h|s0 zone|s0 and|s0 through|s0 bush|s1 land|s0 to|s0 escape|s0 police|s0 in|s0 the|s0 Pil|s1 bara|s0 .|s0
traffic|s0 police|s0 on|s0 patrol|s0 in|s0 Kar|s1 ra|s1 tha|s0 this|s0 morning|s0 tried|s0 to|s0 pull|s0 over|s0 a|s0 blue|s0 motorcycle|s0 when|s0 they|s0 spotted|s0 it|s0 reaching|s0 12|s1 5km|s0 @/@|s0 h|s0 as|s0 it|s0 pulled|s0 out|s0 of|s0 a|s0 service|s0 station|s0 on|s0 Bath|s1 gate|s0 Road|s0 .|s0
police|s0 say|s0 the|s0 rider|s0 then|s0 failed|s0 to|s0 stop|s0 and|s0 continued|s0 on|s0 to|s0 Bur|s1 ges|s1 s|s0 Road|s0 before|s0 turning|s0 into|s0 bush|s1 land|s0 ,|s0 causing|s0 the|s0 officers|s0 to|s0 lose|s0 sight|s0 of|s0 it|s0 .|s0
the|s0 motorcycle|s0 and|s0 a|s0 person|s0 matching|s0 the|s0 description|s0 of|s0 the|s0 rider|s0 was|s0 then|s0 spotted|s0 at|s0 a|s0 house|s0 on|s0 Wal|s1 cott|s0 Way|s0 in|s0 Bulgar|s1 ra|s0 .|s0
Kar|s1 ra|s1 tha|s0 Police|s0 have|s0 charged|s0 a|s0 20-|s1 year-old|s0 man|s0 with|s0 failing|s0 to|s0 stop|s0 and|s0 reckless|s0 driving|s0 .|s0
he|s0 is|s0 due|s0 to|s0 appear|s0 in|s0 Kar|s1 ra|s1 tha|s0 Magistr|s1 ates|s0 Court|s0 on|s0 September|s0 23|s0 .|s0
the|s0 motorcycle|s0 was|s0 seized|s0 and|s0 im|s1 po|s1 unded|s0 for|s0 three|s0 months|s0 .|s0
George|s0 Web|s1 ster|s0 accused|s0 of|s0 N|s1 air|s1 n|s0 and|s0 Pit|s1 loch|s1 ry|s0 hotel|s0 rap|s1 es|s0
a|s0 man|s0 is|s0 to|s0 stand|s0 trial|s0 accused|s0 of|s0 rap|s1 ing|s0 women|s0 at|s0 two|s0 hotels|s0 .|s0
George|s0 Web|s1 ster|s0 ,|s0 28|s0 ,|s0 faced|s0 the|s0 charges|s0 during|s0 a|s0 hearing|s0 at|s0 the|s0 High|s0 Court|s0 in|s0 Glasgow|s0 .|s0
he|s0 is|s0 alleged|s0 to|s0 have|s0 raped|s0 a|s0 woman|s0 at|s0 the|s0 Scotland|s0 's|s0 Hotel|s0 in|s0 Pit|s1 loch|s1 ry|s0 in|s0 Per|s1 th|s1 shire|s0 on|s0 June|s0 7|s0 ,|s0 2013|s0 .|s0
it|s0 is|s0 claimed|s0 Web|s1 ster|s0 attacked|s0 her|s0 while|s0 she|s0 was|s0 ``|s0 unconscious|s0 ,|s0 asleep|s0 and|s0 incapable|s0 of|s0 giving|s0 consent|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
Web|s1 ster|s0 is|s0 then|s0 charged|s0 with|s0 rap|s1 ing|s0 a|s0 second|s0 woman|s0 at|s0 the|s0 Golf|s0 View|s0 Hotel|s0 in|s0 N|s1 air|s1 n|s0 in|s0 the|s0 Highlands|s0 on|s0 May|s0 4|s0 ,|s0 2014|s0 .|s0
judge|s0 Lady|s0 Ra|s1 e|s0 set|s0 a|s0 trial|s0 date|s0 for|s0 November|s0 17|s0 at|s0 the|s0 High|s0 Court|s0 in|s0 Edinburgh|s0 .|s0
re|s1 connecting|s0 With|s0 the|s0 Very|s0 American|s0 Ideal|s0 That|s0 Labor|s0 Rights|s0 Are|s0 Human|s0 Rights|s0
congres|s1 smen|s0 Keith|s0 Ell|s1 ison|s0 and|s0 John|s0 Lewis|s0 have|s0 proposed|s0 legislation|s0 to|s0 protect|s0 union|s0 organizing|s0 as|s0 a|s0 civil|s0 right|s0 .|s0
``|s0 As|s0 go|s0 unions|s0 ,|s0 so|s0 go|s0 middle-class|s0 jobs|s0 ,|s0 ''|s0 says|s0 Ell|s1 ison|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 Minnesota|s0 Democrat|s0 who|s0 serves|s0 as|s0 a|s0 Congressional|s0 Progressive|s0 C|s1 auc|s1 us|s0 co-|s1 chair|s0 .|s0
that|s0 's|s0 why|s0 I|s0 'm|s0 proud|s0 to|s0 introduce|s0 the|s0 Emp|s1 loy|s1 ee|s0 Em|s1 power|s1 ment|s0 Act|s0 with|s0 civil|s0 rights|s0 icon|s0 John|s0 Lewis|s0 .|s0
this|s0 ground-|s1 breaking|s0 legislation|s0 will|s0 give|s0 workers|s0 the|s0 same|s0 legal|s0 options|s0 for|s0 union|s0 organizing|s0 discrimination|s0 as|s0 for|s0 other|s0 forms|s0 of|s0 discrimination|s0 -|s0 stopping|s0 anti-|s1 union|s0 forces|s0 in|s0 their|s0 tracks|s0
amending|s0 the|s0 National|s0 Labor|s0 Relations|s0 Act|s0 to|s0 allow|s0 workers|s0 who|s0 face|s0 discrimination|s0 for|s0 engaging|s0 in|s0 union|s0 organizing|s0 to|s0 sue|s0 for|s0 justice|s0 in|s0 the|s0 civil|s0 courts|s0 -|s0 and|s0 to|s0 collect|s0 compensatory|s0 and|s0 punitive|s0 damages|s0 -|s0 is|s0 a|s0 sound|s0 and|s0 necessary|s0 initiative|s0 .|s0
but|s0 it|s0 in|s0 certainly|s0 not|s0 a|s0 radical|s0 initiative|s0 -|s0 at|s0 least|s0 by|s0 American|s0 standards|s0 .|s0
indeed|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 best|s0 way|s0 to|s0 understand|s0 what|s0 Ell|s1 ison|s0 ,|s0 Lewis|s0 and|s0 the|s0 co|s1 sponsors|s0 of|s0 their|s0 legislation|s0 are|s0 proposing|s0 is|s0 as|s0 a|s0 re|s1 connection|s0 with|s0 a|s0 very|s0 American|s0 idea|s0 .|s0
despite|s0 the|s0 batter|s1 ing|s0 that|s0 unions|s0 have|s0 taken|s0 in|s0 recent|s0 years|s0 -|s0 in|s0 Wisconsin|s0 ,|s0 Michigan|s0 and|s0 states|s0 across|s0 the|s0 country|s0 -|s0 Americans|s0 once|s0 encouraged|s0 countries|s0 around|s0 the|s0 world|s0 to|s0 embrace|s0 ,|s0 extend|s0 and|s0 respect|s0 labor|s0 rights|s0 .|s0
there|s0 was|s0 a|s0 time|s0 ,|s0 within|s0 the|s0 living|s0 memory|s0 of|s0 millions|s0 of|s0 Americans|s0 ,|s0 when|s0 this|s0 country|s0 champion|s1 ed|s0 democracy|s0 ,|s0 freedom|s0 of|s0 speech|s0 ,|s0 freedom|s0 of|s0 the|s0 press|s0 and|s0 the|s0 right|s0 to|s0 organize|s0 in|s0 the|s0 same|s0 breath|s0 .|s0
when|s0 the|s0 United|s0 States|s0 occupied|s0 Japan|s0 after|s0 World|s0 War|s0 II|s0 ,|s0 General|s0 Douglas|s0 Mac|s1 Arthur|s0 and|s0 his|s0 ai|s1 des|s0 encouraged|s0 the|s0 country|s0 to|s0 adopt|s0 a|s0 constitution|s0 designed|s0 to|s0 assure|s0 that|s0 Hide|s1 ki|s0 To|s1 jo|s0 's|s0 milit|s1 arized|s0 auto|s1 cracy|s0 would|s0 be|s0 replaced|s0 with|s0 democracy|s0 .|s0
fully|s0 aware|s0 that|s0 workers|s0 and|s0 their|s0 unions|s0 had|s0 a|s0 role|s0 to|s0 play|s0 in|s0 shaping|s0 the|s0 new|s0 Japan|s0 ,|s0 they|s0 included|s0 language|s0 that|s0 explicitly|s0 recognized|s0 that|s0 ``|s0 the|s0 right|s0 of|s0 workers|s0 to|s0 organize|s0 and|s0 to|s0 bargain|s0 and|s0 act|s0 collectively|s0 is|s0 guaranteed|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
when|s0 the|s0 United|s0 States|s0 occupied|s0 Germany|s0 after|s0 World|s0 War|s0 II|s0 ,|s0 General|s0 D|s1 wi|s1 ght|s0 David|s0 Eisen|s1 ho|s1 wer|s0 and|s0 his|s0 ai|s1 des|s0 urged|s0 the|s0 Germans|s0 to|s0 write|s0 a|s0 constitution|s0 that|s0 would|s0 assure|s0 that|s0 Adolf|s0 Hitler|s0 's|s0 fascism|s0 was|s0 replaced|s0 with|s0 muscular|s0 democracy|s0 .|s0
recognizing|s0 that|s0 workers|s0 would|s0 need|s0 to|s0 organize|s0 and|s0 make|s0 their|s0 voices|s0 heard|s0 in|s0 the|s0 new|s0 nation|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 Germans|s0 included|s0 a|s0 provision|s0 that|s0 explicitly|s0 declared|s0 :|s0 ``|s0 The|s0 right|s0 to|s0 form|s0 associations|s0 to|s0 safeguard|s0 and|s0 improve|s0 working|s0 and|s0 economic|s0 conditions|s0 shall|s0 be|s0 guaranteed|s0 to|s0 every|s0 individual|s0 and|s0 to|s0 every|s0 occupation|s0 or|s0 profession|s0 .|s0
agreements|s0 that|s0 restrict|s0 or|s0 seek|s0 to|s0 impair|s0 this|s0 right|s0 shall|s0 be|s0 null|s0 and|s0 void|s0 ;|s0 measures|s0 directed|s0 to|s0 this|s0 end|s0 shall|s0 be|s0 unlawful|s0 .|s0
when|s0 former|s0 First|s0 Lady|s0 Ele|s1 an|s1 or|s0 Roosevelt|s0 chaired|s0 the|s0 International|s0 Commission|s0 on|s0 Human|s0 Rights|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 drafted|s0 the|s0 Universal|s0 Declaration|s0 of|s0 Human|s0 Rights|s0 that|s0 would|s0 in|s0 1948|s0 be|s0 adopted|s0 by|s0 the|s0 United|s0 Nations|s0 as|s0 a|s0 global|s0 covenant|s0 ,|s0 Roosevelt|s0 and|s0 the|s0 dra|s1 f|s1 ters|s0 included|s0 a|s0 guarantee|s0 that|s0 ``|s0 everyone|s0 has|s0 the|s0 right|s0 to|s0 form|s0 and|s0 to|s0 join|s0 trade|s0 unions|s0 for|s0 the|s0 protection|s0 of|s0 his|s0 interests|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
for|s0 generations|s0 ,|s0 Americans|s0 accepted|s0 the|s0 basic|s0 premise|s0 that|s0 labor|s0 rights|s0 are|s0 human|s0 rights|s0 .|s0
when|s0 this|s0 country|s0 counsel|s1 ed|s0 other|s0 countries|s0 on|s0 how|s0 to|s0 forge|s0 civil|s0 and|s0 democratic|s0 societies|s0 ,|s0 Americans|s0 explained|s0 that|s0 the|s0 right|s0 to|s0 organize|s0 a|s0 trade|s0 union|s0 -|s0 and|s0 to|s0 have|s0 that|s0 trade|s0 union|s0 engage|s0 in|s0 collective|s0 bargaining|s0 as|s0 an|s0 equal|s0 partner|s0 with|s0 corporations|s0 and|s0 government|s0 agencies|s0 -|s0 had|s0 to|s0 be|s0 protected|s0 .|s0
now|s0 ,|s0 with|s0 those|s0 rights|s0 under|s0 assault|s0 in|s0 America|s0 ,|s0 it|s0 is|s0 wise|s0 ,|s0 indeed|s0 ,|s0 to|s0 recomm|s1 it|s0 to|s0 the|s0 American|s0 ideal|s0 that|s0 working|s0 people|s0 must|s0 have|s0 a|s0 right|s0 to|s0 organize|s0 and|s0 to|s0 make|s0 their|s0 voices|s0 heard|s0 in|s0 a|s0 free|s0 and|s0 open|s0 society|s0 .|s0
as|s0 the|s0 Rever|s1 end|s0 Martin|s0 Luther|s0 King|s0 Jr.|s0 said|s0 fifty|s0 years|s0 ago|s0 :|s0
history|s0 is|s0 a|s0 great|s0 teacher|s0 .|s0
now|s0 everyone|s0 knows|s0 that|s0 the|s0 labor|s0 movement|s0 did|s0 not|s0 diminish|s0 the|s0 strength|s0 of|s0 the|s0 nation|s0 but|s0 enlarged|s0 it|s0 .|s0
by|s0 raising|s0 the|s0 living|s0 standards|s0 of|s0 millions|s0 ,|s0 labor|s0 miracul|s1 ously|s0 created|s0 a|s0 market|s0 for|s0 industry|s0 and|s0 lifted|s0 the|s0 whole|s0 nation|s0 to|s0 und|s1 re|s1 amed|s0 of|s0 levels|s0 of|s0 production|s0 .|s0
those|s0 who|s0 attack|s0 labor|s0 forget|s0 these|s0 simple|s0 truths|s0 ,|s0 but|s0 history|s0 remembers|s0 them|s0 .|s0
history|s0 remembers|s0 ,|s0 as|s0 should|s0 we|s0 .|s0
the|s0 formal|s0 recognition|s0 of|s0 labor|s0 rights|s0 as|s0 human|s0 rights|s0 -|s0 and|s0 the|s0 extension|s0 of|s0 civil|s0 rights|s0 protections|s0 to|s0 prevent|s0 discrimination|s0 against|s0 labor|s0 organizing|s0 -|s0 is|s0 long|s0 overdue|s0 .|s0
Keith|s0 Ell|s1 ison|s0 and|s0 John|s0 Lewis|s0 are|s0 renewing|s0 ideals|s0 that|s0 have|s0 historically|s0 enlarged|s0 America|s0 and|s0 made|s0 real|s0 the|s0 promise|s0 of|s0 democracy|s0 .|s0
judge|s0 temporarily|s0 blocks|s0 law|s0 that|s0 could|s0 close|s0 all|s0 Louisiana|s0 abortion|s0 clinics|s0
a|s0 U.S.|s0 federal|s0 judge|s0 on|s0 Sunday|s0 temporarily|s0 blocked|s0 enforcement|s0 of|s0 a|s0 Louisiana|s0 law|s0 that|s0 advocates|s0 say|s0 would|s0 likely|s0 have|s0 closed|s0 all|s0 five|s0 abortion|s0 clinics|s0 in|s0 the|s0 state|s0 .|s0
the|s0 measure|s0 ,|s0 signed|s0 into|s0 law|s0 by|s0 Louisiana|s0 Governor|s0 Bobby|s0 Jin|s1 dal|s0 in|s0 June|s0 and|s0 due|s0 to|s0 take|s0 effect|s0 Sept|s0 .|s0 1|s0 ,|s0 would|s0 require|s0 doctors|s0 who|s0 perform|s0 abortions|s0 to|s0 have|s0 patient|s0 admitting|s0 privileges|s0 at|s0 a|s0 hospital|s0 within|s0 30|s0 miles|s0 of|s0 their|s0 practice|s0 .|s0
however|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 judge|s0 's|s0 ruling|s0 means|s0 that|s0 for|s0 the|s0 time|s0 being|s0 doctors|s0 can|s0 continue|s0 to|s0 perform|s0 legal|s0 abortions|s0 while|s0 seeking|s0 such|s0 privileges|s0 .|s0
``|s0 Pla|s1 in|s1 ti|s1 ffs|s0 will|s0 be|s0 allowed|s0 to|s0 operate|s0 lawfully|s0 while|s0 continuing|s0 their|s0 efforts|s0 to|s0 obtain|s0 privileges|s0 ,|s0 ''|s0 Federal|s0 Judge|s0 John|s0 de|s1 Grav|s1 elles|s0 wrote|s0 in|s0 the|s0 decision|s0 .|s0
a|s0 hearing|s0 will|s0 be|s0 scheduled|s0 within|s0 a|s0 month|s0 for|s0 the|s0 judge|s0 to|s0 make|s0 a|s0 more|s0 permanent|s0 ruling|s0 on|s0 the|s0 law|s0 .|s0
abortion|s0 rights|s0 activists|s0 applauded|s0 the|s0 decision|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 latest|s0 in|s0 a|s0 string|s0 of|s0 rulings|s0 against|s0 similar|s0 measures|s0 ,|s0 saying|s0 it|s0 would|s0 give|s0 doctors|s0 more|s0 time|s0 to|s0 seek|s0 hospital|s0 privileges|s0 .|s0
``|s0 Today|s0 's|s0 ruling|s0 ensures|s0 Louisiana|s0 women|s0 are|s0 safe|s0 from|s0 an|s0 under|s1 handed|s0 law|s0 that|s0 seeks|s0 to|s0 strip|s0 them|s0 of|s0 their|s0 health|s0 and|s0 rights|s0 ,|s0 ''|s0 said|s0 Nancy|s0 North|s1 up|s0 ,|s0 president|s0 and|s0 chief|s0 executive|s0 of|s0 the|s0 Center|s0 for|s0 Re|s1 productive|s0 Rights|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 su|s1 ed|s0 to|s0 block|s0 the|s0 law|s0 on|s0 behalf|s0 of|s0 three|s0 of|s0 the|s0 state|s0 's|s0 five|s0 clinics|s0 .|s0
it|s0 was|s0 not|s0 immediately|s0 clear|s0 whether|s0 the|s0 ruling|s0 applied|s0 to|s0 doctors|s0 from|s0 the|s0 two|s0 clinics|s0 who|s0 were|s0 not|s0 plain|s1 ti|s1 ffs|s0 in|s0 the|s0 suit|s0 and|s0 have|s0 also|s0 applied|s0 for|s0 admitting|s0 privileges|s0 .|s0
Louisiana|s0 is|s0 among|s0 11|s0 states|s0 that|s0 have|s0 passed|s0 similar|s0 laws|s0 ,|s0 with|s0 courts|s0 recently|s0 ruling|s0 un|s1 constitutional|s0 such|s0 measures|s0 in|s0 Alabama|s0 and|s0 Mississippi|s0 .|s0
key|s0 parts|s0 of|s0 a|s0 Texas|s0 law|s0 that|s0 would|s0 have|s0 shut|s1 tered|s0 most|s0 remaining|s0 clinics|s0 in|s0 that|s0 state|s0 were|s0 blocked|s0 by|s0 a|s0 federal|s0 judge|s0 on|s0 Friday|s0 .|s0
abortion|s0 rights|s0 campaigners|s0 ,|s0 along|s0 with|s0 the|s0 American|s0 College|s0 of|s0 obst|s1 et|s1 ri|s1 cians|s0 and|s0 Gy|s1 nec|s1 ologists|s0 and|s0 the|s0 American|s0 Medical|s0 Association|s0 ,|s0 say|s0 admitting|s0 privileges|s0 laws|s0 impose|s0 medi|s1 cally|s0 unnecessary|s0 requirements|s0 on|s0 doctors|s0 .|s0
anti-|s1 abortion|s0 advocates|s0 have|s0 countered|s0 that|s0 the|s0 measures|s0 aim|s0 to|s0 protect|s0 women|s0 's|s0 health|s0 ,|s0 though|s0 some|s0 have|s0 also|s0 lau|s1 ded|s0 their|s0 effect|s0 of|s0 shut|s1 tering|s0 clinics|s0 .|s0
only|s0 one|s0 doctor|s0 who|s0 performs|s0 abortions|s0 in|s0 Louisiana|s0 has|s0 hospital|s0 admitting|s0 privileges|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 Center|s0 for|s0 Re|s1 productive|s0 Rights|s0 said|s0 .|s0
if|s0 all|s0 other|s0 doctors|s0 in|s0 the|s0 state|s0 are|s0 forced|s0 to|s0 stop|s0 performing|s0 abortions|s0 ,|s0 that|s0 doctor|s0 ,|s0 fearful|s0 for|s0 his|s0 safety|s0 ,|s0 would|s0 stop|s0 carrying|s0 out|s0 the|s0 procedure|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 group|s0 said|s0 .|s0
in|s0 arguing|s0 against|s0 the|s0 ruling|s0 ,|s0 Louisiana|s0 officials|s0 said|s0 they|s0 would|s0 not|s0 punish|s0 doctors|s0 performing|s0 abortions|s0 while|s0 their|s0 applications|s0 for|s0 admitting|s0 privileges|s0 were|s0 pending|s0 .|s0
delayed|s0 diagnosis|s0 and|s0 inability|s0 to|s0 access|s0 best|s0 treatment|s0 mean|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 kills|s0 more|s0 in|s0 rural|s0 areas|s0
Angel|s1 ina|s0 Jo|s1 lie|s0 and|s0 her|s0 brother|s0 James|s0 have|s0 posted|s0 a|s0 video|s0 tribute|s0 to|s0 their|s0 late|s0 mother|s0 who|s0 died|s0 of|s0 O|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 in|s0 2007|s0 .|s0
women|s0 living|s0 in|s0 rural|s0 Australia|s0 are|s0 at|s0 higher|s0 risk|s0 of|s0 dying|s0 from|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 than|s0 their|s0 city|s0 counterparts|s0 .|s0
researchers|s0 analysed|s0 medical|s0 records|s0 of|s0 more|s0 than|s0 1100|s0 Australian|s0 women|s0 diagnosed|s0 with|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 in|s0 2005|s0 ,|s0 finding|s0 just|s0 35|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 lived|s0 for|s0 five|s0 years|s0 after|s0 diagnosis|s0 .|s0
lead|s0 researcher|s0 Susan|s0 Jordan|s0 ,|s0 of|s0 the|s0 Q|s1 IM|s1 R|s0 Bergh|s1 ofer|s0 Medical|s0 Research|s0 Institute|s0 ,|s0 said|s0 those|s0 living|s0 in|s0 regional|s0 and|s0 remote|s0 areas|s0 of|s0 the|s0 state|s0 were|s0 about|s0 20|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 more|s0 likely|s0 to|s0 die|s0 during|s0 the|s0 study|s0 than|s0 those|s0 in|s0 urban|s0 areas|s0 .|s0
small|s0 STU|s1 DY|s0 :|s0 new|s0 drugs|s0 may|s0 slow|s0 lung|s0 ,|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0
the|s0 researchers|s0 tracked|s0 the|s0 women|s0 's|s0 medical|s0 journeys|s0 across|s0 seven|s0 years|s0 .|s0
Dr|s0 Jordan|s0 said|s0 a|s0 woman|s0 's|s0 age|s0 at|s0 the|s0 time|s0 of|s0 diagnosis|s0 ,|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 type|s0 ,|s0 having|s0 existing|s0 illnesses|s0 and|s0 socio-economic|s0 status|s0 also|s0 impacted|s0 on|s0 survival|s0 chances|s0 .|s0
older|s0 women|s0 and|s0 those|s0 whose|s0 cancer|s0 was|s0 more|s0 advanced|s0 at|s0 the|s0 time|s0 of|s0 diagnosis|s0 had|s0 the|s0 poorest|s0 survival|s0 rates|s0 .|s0
those|s0 living|s0 in|s0 regional|s0 and|s0 remote|s0 areas|s0 of|s0 the|s0 state|s0 were|s0 about|s0 20|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 more|s0 likely|s0 to|s0 die|s0 during|s0 the|s0 study|s0 than|s0 those|s0 in|s0 urban|s0 areas|s0 .|s0
although|s0 the|s0 study|s0 was|s0 not|s0 designed|s0 to|s0 determine|s0 why|s0 women|s0 living|s0 outside|s0 the|s0 city|s0 were|s0 more|s0 likely|s0 to|s0 die|s0 from|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 ,|s0 Dr|s0 Jordan|s0 suggested|s0 delayed|s0 diagnosis|s0 and|s0 inability|s0 to|s0 access|s0 best|s0 treatment|s0 might|s0 be|s0 factors|s0 .|s0
``|s0 This|s0 disease|s0 is|s0 best|s0 treated|s0 by|s0 gyn|s1 a|s1 ecological|s0 onc|s1 ology|s0 surgeons|s0 and|s0 they|s0 're|s0 mostly|s0 based|s0 in|s0 major|s0 cities|s0 ,|s0 ''|s0 she|s0 said|s0 .|s0
despite|s0 improving|s0 tel|s1 e-|s1 medicine|s0 services|s0 to|s0 lessen|s0 the|s0 tyranny|s0 of|s0 distance|s0 ,|s0 she|s0 suggested|s0 more|s0 fl|s1 y-|s1 in|s0 ,|s0 fl|s1 y-|s1 out|s0 services|s0 to|s0 allow|s0 specialists|s0 to|s0 treat|s0 women|s0 closer|s0 to|s0 home|s0 and|s0 programs|s0 to|s0 support|s0 people|s0 in|s0 treatment|s0 away|s0 from|s0 their|s0 communities|s0 could|s0 help|s0 .|s0
Dr|s0 Jordan|s0 said|s0 regardless|s0 of|s0 geographical|s0 status|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 study|s0 found|s0 long-term|s0 survival|s0 among|s0 women|s0 with|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 was|s0 poor|s0 ,|s0 reinforcing|s0 the|s0 need|s0 for|s0 better|s0 treatment|s0 and|s0 prevention|s0 strategies|s0 .|s0
the|s0 research|s0 ,|s0 funded|s0 by|s0 the|s0 Rio|s0 T|s1 into|s0 Ride|s0 to|s0 Con|s1 quer|s0 cancer|s0 ,|s0 will|s0 be|s0 published|s0 today|s0 in|s0 the|s0 Medical|s0 Journal|s0 of|s0 Australia|s0 .|s0
in|s0 March|s0 2012|s0 ,|s0 at|s0 33|s0 years|s0 of|s0 age|s0 ,|s0 young|s0 Gold|s0 Coast|s0 m|s1 um|s0 El|s1 isha|s0 Ne|s1 ave|s0 was|s0 told|s0 that|s0 she|s0 had|s0 an|s0 aggressive|s0 form|s0 of|s0 o|s1 vari|s1 an|s0 cancer|s0 .|s0
garden|s0 centres|s0 rue|s0 fall|s0 in|s0 home|s1 owners|s0
the|s0 drop|s0 ,|s0 coupled|s0 with|s0 a|s0 particular|s0 decline|s0 in|s0 the|s0 number|s0 of|s0 home|s1 owners|s0 aged|s0 under|s0 35|s0 ,|s0 could|s0 result|s0 in|s0 garden|s0 centres|s0 losing|s0 out|s0 on|s0 tens|s0 of|s0 millions|s0 of|s0 pounds|s0 a|s0 year|s0 when|s0 today|s0 's|s0 young|s0 consumers|s0 reach|s0 the|s0 ``|s0 core|s0 gardening|s0 age|s0 group|s0 ,|s0 ''|s0 according|s0 to|s0 the|s0 HT|s1 A|s0 's|s0 study|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 was|s0 reported|s0 by|s0 the|s0 Financial|s0 Times|s0 .|s0
according|s0 to|s0 the|s0 report|s0 ,|s0 people|s0 renting|s0 properties|s0 spend|s0 an|s0 average|s0 of|s0 55|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 of|s0 the|s0 amount|s0 that|s0 those|s0 with|s0 their|s0 own|s0 homes|s0 spend|s0 on|s0 their|s0 gardens|s0 .|s0
it|s0 cited|s0 the|s0 rise|s0 in|s0 people|s0 living|s0 in|s0 highly|s0 urban|s1 ised|s0 areas|s0 with|s0 no|s0 gardens|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 popularity|s0 of|s0 paving|s0 over|s0 front|s0 gardens|s0 for|s0 parking|s0 and|s0 shrinking|s0 garden|s0 size|s0 as|s0 other|s0 factors|s0 threatening|s0 the|s0 industry|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 is|s0 worth|s0 an|s0 estimated|s0 £|s0 5|s0 billion|s0 in|s0 sales|s0 each|s0 year|s0 .|s0
greater|s0 London|s0 ,|s0 where|s0 home|s0 ownership|s0 has|s0 fallen|s0 from|s0 61|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 to|s0 43|s0 per|s0 cent|s0 in|s0 six|s0 years|s0 ,|s0 has|s0 Britain|s0 's|s0 lowest|s0 spend|s0 per|s0 household|s0 on|s0 gardening|s0 products|s0 .|s0
the|s0 HT|s1 A|s0 and|s0 Royal|s0 Hor|s1 ticultural|s0 Society|s0 said|s0 that|s0 renting|s0 property|s0 or|s0 a|s0 lack|s0 of|s0 garden|s0 space|s0 did|s0 not|s0 mean|s0 people|s0 could|s0 not|s0 grow|s0 plants|s0 .|s0
guy|s0 Bar|s1 ter|s0 ,|s0 chief|s0 hor|s1 ticultural|s0 adviser|s0 to|s0 the|s0 R|s1 HS|s0 ,|s0 said|s0 :|s0 ``|s0 Container|s0 gardening|s0 ,|s0 for|s0 example|s0 ,|s0 is|s0 especially|s0 popular|s0 with|s0 ren|s1 ters|s0 who|s0 can|s0 move|s0 their|s0 plants|s0 when|s0 they|s0 relocate|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
the|s0 HT|s1 A|s0 report|s0 identified|s0 the|s0 period|s0 between|s0 1997|s0 and|s0 2005|s0 as|s0 the|s0 garden|s0 retail|s0 sector|s0 's|s0 `|s0 golden|s0 age|s0 ''|s0 as|s0 a|s0 result|s0 of|s0 increased|s0 home|s0 ownership|s0 and|s0 economic|s0 prosperity|s0 from|s0 the|s0 late|s0 1980s|s0 to|s0 mid-|s1 1990s|s0 .|s0
it|s0 also|s0 predicted|s0 an|s0 improved|s0 market|s0 this|s0 year|s0 due|s0 to|s0 better|s0 weather|s0 following|s0 unfavourable|s0 conditions|s0 in|s0 March|s0 and|s0 April|s0 last|s0 year|s0 .|s0
in|s0 Pakistan|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 protest|s0 movement|s0 led|s0 by|s0 political|s0 opponent|s0 ,|s0 Im|s1 ran|s0 Khan|s0 ,|s0 and|s0 the|s0 spiritual|s0 leader|s0 ,|s0 Tah|s1 ir|s1 ul|s0 Qad|s1 ri|s0 ,|s0 continues|s0 .|s0
in|s0 the|s0 capital|s0 city|s0 of|s0 Islamabad|s0 ,|s0 around|s0 1000|s0 demonstrators|s0 stor|s1 med|s0 the|s0 government-|s1 run|s0 television|s0 station|s0 ,|s0 P|s1 TV|s0 .|s0
however|s0 ,|s0 information|s0 minister|s0 ,|s0 Per|s1 v|s1 ai|s1 z|s0 Ras|s1 hid|s0 ,|s0 said|s0 that|s0 soldiers|s0 had|s0 been|s0 able|s0 to|s0 force|s0 the|s0 protesters|s0 back|s0 out|s0 of|s0 the|s0 building|s0 .|s0
the|s0 TV|s0 station|s0 stopped|s0 broadcasting|s0 for|s0 approximately|s0 40|s0 minutes|s0 ,|s0 but|s0 has|s0 since|s0 begun|s0 to|s0 broadcast|s0 again|s0 .|s0
at|s0 the|s0 same|s0 time|s0 ,|s0 around|s0 3000|s0 demonstrators|s0 attempted|s0 to|s0 reach|s0 the|s0 official|s0 residency|s0 of|s0 Prime|s0 Minister|s0 Na|s1 wa|s1 z|s0 Shar|s1 if|s0 .|s0
approximately|s0 one|s0 kilometre|s0 away|s0 ,|s0 they|s0 c|s1 lashed|s0 with|s0 security|s0 security|s0 services|s0 ,|s0 armed|s0 with|s0 sticks|s0 and|s0 stones|s0 .|s0
the|s0 police|s0 used|s0 tear|s0 gas|s0 .|s0
the|s0 demonstrators|s0 demanded|s0 Shar|s1 if|s0 's|s0 resignation|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 he|s0 refused|s0 .|s0
the|s0 Pakistan|s0 Army|s0 called|s0 for|s0 a|s0 political|s0 solution|s0 to|s0 the|s0 conflict|s0 ``|s0 without|s0 delay|s0 and|s0 without|s0 resorting|s0 to|s0 violence|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
following|s0 a|s0 meeting|s0 at|s0 its|s0 headquarters|s0 on|s0 Sunday|s0 evening|s0 ,|s0 the|s0 military|s0 announced|s0 :|s0 ``|s0 The|s0 Army|s0 remains|s0 committed|s0 to|s0 its|s0 task|s0 of|s0 ensuring|s0 security|s0 for|s0 the|s0 State|s0 .|s0 ''|s0
the|s0 military|s0 plays|s0 an|s0 important|s0 role|s0 in|s0 Pakistan|s0 and|s0 has|s0 taken|s0 power|s0 by|s0 force|s0 several|s0 times|s0 in|s0 the|s0 past|s0 .|s0
the|s0 opposition|s0 politician|s0 ,|s0 Im|s1 ran|s0 Khan|s0 ,|s0 acc|s1 uses|s0 Prime|s0 Minister|s0 Shar|s1 if|s0 of|s0 rig|s1 ging|s0 the|s0 parliamentary|s0 elections|s0 ,|s0 which|s0 took|s0 place|s0 in|s0 May|s0 last|s0 year|s0 .|s0