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1 files changed, 801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/amun/3rd_party/blaze/util/ThreadPool.h b/src/amun/3rd_party/blaze/util/ThreadPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32c0255a
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+++ b/src/amun/3rd_party/blaze/util/ThreadPool.h
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+// \file blaze/util/ThreadPool.h
+// \brief Header file of the ThreadPool class
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Klaus Iglberger - All Rights Reserved
+// This file is part of the Blaze library. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the New (Revised) BSD License. Redistribution and use in source and binary
+// forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+// are met:
+// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+// conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+// provided with the distribution.
+// 3. Neither the names of the Blaze development group nor the names of its contributors
+// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
+// prior written permission.
+// Includes
+#include <functional>
+#include <blaze/util/Assert.h>
+#include <blaze/util/Exception.h>
+#include <blaze/util/NonCopyable.h>
+#include <blaze/util/PtrVector.h>
+#include <blaze/util/StaticAssert.h>
+#include <blaze/util/Thread.h>
+#include <blaze/util/threadpool/Task.h>
+#include <blaze/util/threadpool/TaskQueue.h>
+#include <blaze/util/Types.h>
+namespace blaze {
+/*!\defgroup threads Thread parallelization
+// \ingroup util
+// The Blaze library offers the capability to either create individual threads for specific
+// tasks (see the Thread class desciption for details) and to create a thread pool according
+// to the thread pool pattern (see the ThreadPool class description). Both class descriptions
+// offer examples for the setup of threads and the parallel execution of concurrent tasks.
+/*!\brief Implementation of a thread pool.
+// \ingroup threads
+// \section threadpool_general General
+// The ThreadPool class template represents a thread pool according to the thread pool pattern
+// (see for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_pool_pattern). It manages a certain
+// number of threads in order to process a larger number of independent tasks.
+// \image html threadpool.png
+// \image latex threadpool.eps "Thread pool pattern" width=430pt
+// The primary purpose of a thread pool is the reuse of system resources: instead of creating
+// a single thread for every individual task, threads are reused to handle several tasks. This
+// increases the performance in comparison to different threading strategies, as illustrated
+// in the graph below. The first bar indicates the sequential performance of 1000 matrix-matrix
+// multiplications of arbitrarily sized square matrices. The second bar shows the performance
+// of the same work performed by 1000 distinct threads (i.e. one thread for each matrix-matrix
+// multiplication) on a quad-core system. In this case, all cores of the system can be used,
+// but the additional overhead of creating and managing new threads prevents the expected
+// performance increase by a factor of four. The third bar illustrates the performance of four
+// threads distributing the work between them (i.e. 250 matrix-matrix multiplications per
+// thread), again using the same quad-core system. This approach nearly achieves four times
+// the performance of the sequential execution. The fourth bar represents the performance of
+// the ThreadPool class using fourth threads for the execution of the 1000 individual
+// multiplications.
+// \image html threadpool2.png
+// \image latex threadpool2.eps "Performance comparison of different thread strategies" width=450pt
+// Additionally, the thread pool approach simplifies load balancing and increases the stability
+// of the system.
+// \section threadpool_definition Class Definition
+// The implementation of the ThreadPool class template is based on the implementation of standard
+// thread functionality as provided by the C++11 standard or the Boost library. Via the four
+// template parameters it is possible to configure a ThreadPool instance as either a C++11 thread
+// pool or as Boost thread pool:
+ \code
+ template< typename TT, typename MT, typename LT, typename CT >
+ class ThreadPool;
+ \endcode
+// - TT: specifies the type of the encapsulated thread. This can either be \c std::thread,
+// \c boost::thread, or any other standard conforming thread type.
+// - MT: specifies the type of the used synchronization mutex. This can for instance be
+// \c std::mutex, \c boost::mutex, or any other standard conforming mutex type.
+// - LT: specifies the type of lock used in combination with the given mutex type. This
+// can be any standard conforming lock type, as for instance \c std::unique_lock,
+// \c boost::unique_lock.
+// - CT: specifies the type of the used condition variable. This can for instance be
+// \c std::condition_variable, \c boost::condition_variable, or any other standard
+// conforming condition variable type.
+// The following example demonstrates how to configure the ThreadPool class template as either
+// C++11 standard thread pool or as Boost thread pool:
+ \code
+ typedef blaze::ThreadPool< boost::thread
+ , boost::mutex
+ , boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>
+ , boost::condition_variable > BoostThreadPool;
+ typedef blaze::ThreadPool< std::thread
+ , std::mutex
+ , std::unique_lock<std::mutex>
+ , std::condition_variable > StdThreadPool;
+ \endcode
+// For more information about the standard thread functionality, see [1] or [2] or the current
+// documentation at the Boost homepage: www.boost.org.
+// \section threadpool_setup Using the ThreadPool class
+// The following example demonstrates the use of the ThreadPool class. In contrast to the setup
+// of individual threads (see the Thread class description for more details), it is not necessary
+// to create and manage individual threads, but only to schedules tasks for the accordingly sized
+// thread pool.
+ \code
+ // Definition of a function with no arguments that returns void
+ void function0() { ... }
+ // Definition of a functor (function object) taking two arguments and returning void
+ struct Functor2
+ {
+ void operator()( int a, int b ) { ... }
+ };
+ int main()
+ {
+ // Creating a thread pool with initially two working threads
+ StdThreadPool threadpool( 2 );
+ // Scheduling two concurrent tasks
+ threadpool.schedule( function0 );
+ threadpool.schedule( Functor2(), 4, 6 );
+ // Waiting for the thread pool to complete both tasks
+ threadpool.wait();
+ // Resizing the thread pool to four working threads
+ threadpool.resize( 4 );
+ // Scheduling other concurrent tasks
+ ...
+ threadpool.schedule( function0 );
+ ...
+ // At the end of the thread pool scope, all tasks remaining in the task queue are removed
+ // and all currently running tasks are completed. Additionally, all acquired resources are
+ // safely released.
+ }
+ \endcode
+// Note that the ThreadPool class template schedule() function allows for up to five arguments
+// for the given functions/functors.
+// \section threadpool_exception Throwing exceptions in a thread parallel environment
+// It can happen that during the execution of a given task a thread encounters an erroneous
+// situation and has to throw an exception. However, exceptions thrown in the usual way
+// cannot be caught by a try-catch-block in the main thread of execution:
+ \code
+ // Definition of a function throwing a std::runtime_error during its execution
+ void task()
+ {
+ ...
+ throw std::runtime_error( ... );
+ ...
+ }
+ // Creating a thread pool executing the throwing function. Although the setup, the scheduling
+ // of the task, the wait() function and the destruction of the thread pool are encapsuled
+ // inside a try-catch-block, the exception cannot be caught and results in an abortion of the
+ // program.
+ try {
+ StdThreadpool threadpool( 2 );
+ thread.schedule( task );
+ threadpool.wait();
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+// For a detailed explanation how to portably transport exceptions between threads, see [1] or
+// [2]. In case of the Boost library, the according Boost functionality as demonstrated in the
+// following example has to be used. Note that any function/functor scheduled for execution is
+// responsible to handle exceptions in this way!
+ \code
+ #include <boost/bind.hpp>
+ #include <boost/exception_ptr.hpp>
+ // Definition of a function that happens to throw an exception. In order to throw the
+ // exception, boost::enable_current_exception() is used in combination with throw.
+ void throwException()
+ {
+ ...
+ throw boost::enable_current_exception( std::runtime_error( ... ) );
+ ...
+ }
+ // Definition of a thread function. The try-catch-block catches the exception and uses the
+ // boost::current_exception() function to get a boost::exception_ptr object.
+ void task( boost::exception_ptr& error )
+ {
+ try {
+ throwException();
+ error = boost::exception_ptr();
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ error = boost::current_exception();
+ }
+ }
+ // The function that start a thread of execution can pass along a boost::exception_ptr object
+ // that is set in case of an exception. Note that boost::current_exception() captures the
+ // original type of the exception object. The exception can be thrown again using the
+ // boost::rethrow_exception() function.
+ void work()
+ {
+ boost::exception_ptr error;
+ StdThreadPool threadpool( 2 );
+ threadpool.schedule( boost::bind( task, boost::ref(error) ) );
+ threadpool.wait();
+ if( error ) {
+ std::cerr << " Exception during thread execution!\n\n";
+ boost::rethrow_exception( error );
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+// \section threadpool_known_issues Known issues
+// There is a known issue in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 that may cause C++11 threads to hang
+// if their destructor is executed after the \c main() function:
+// http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/747145
+// In order to circumvent this problem, for Visual Studio compilers only, it is possible to
+// explicitly resize a ThreadPool instance to 0 threads and to block until all threads have
+// been destroyed:
+ \code
+ int main()
+ {
+ static StdThreadPool threadpool( 4 );
+ // ... Using the thread pool
+ threadpool( 0, true );
+ }
+ \endcode
+// Note that this should ONLY be used before the end of the \c main() function and ONLY if the
+// threadpool will not be used anymore.
+// \section threadpool_references References
+// [1] A. Williams: C++ Concurrency in Action, Manning, 2012, ISBN: 978-1933988771\n
+// [2] B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 2013, ISBN: 978-0321563842\n
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+class ThreadPool : private NonCopyable
+ private:
+ //**Type definitions****************************************************************************
+ typedef Thread<TT,MT,LT,CT> ManagedThread; //!< Type of the managed threads.
+ typedef PtrVector<ManagedThread> Threads; //!< Type of the thread container.
+ typedef threadpool::TaskQueue TaskQueue; //!< Type of the task queue.
+ typedef MT Mutex; //!< Type of the mutex.
+ typedef LT Lock; //!< Type of a locking object.
+ typedef CT Condition; //!< Condition variable type.
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ public:
+ //**Constructor*********************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Constructor */
+ //@{
+ explicit ThreadPool( size_t n );
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Destructor */
+ //@{
+ ~ThreadPool();
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Get functions*******************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Get functions */
+ //@{
+ inline bool isEmpty() const;
+ inline size_t size() const;
+ inline size_t active() const;
+ inline size_t ready() const;
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Task scheduling*****************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Task scheduling */
+ //@{
+ template< typename Callable, typename... Args >
+ void schedule( Callable func, Args&&... args );
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Utility functions */
+ //@{
+ void resize( size_t n, bool block=false );
+ void wait();
+ void clear();
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ private:
+ //**Thread functions****************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Thread functions */
+ //@{
+ void createThread();
+ bool executeTask();
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Member variables****************************************************************************
+ /*!\name Member variables */
+ //@{
+ volatile size_t total_; //!< Total number of threads in the thread pool.
+ volatile size_t expected_; //!< Expected number of threads in the thread pool.
+ /*!< This number may differ from the total number of threads
+ during a resize of the thread pool. */
+ volatile size_t active_; //!< Number of currently active/busy threads.
+ Threads threads_; //!< The threads contained in the thread pool.
+ TaskQueue taskqueue_; //!< Task queue for the scheduled tasks.
+ mutable Mutex mutex_; //!< Synchronization mutex.
+ Condition waitForTask_; //!< Wait condition for idle threads.
+ Condition waitForThread_; //!< Wait condition for the thread management.
+ //@}
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+ //**Friend declarations*************************************************************************
+ /*! \cond BLAZE_INTERNAL */
+ friend class Thread<TT,MT,LT,CT>;
+ /*! \endcond */
+ //**********************************************************************************************
+/*!\brief Constructor for the ThreadPool class.
+// \param n Initial number of threads \f$[1..\infty)\f$.
+// This constructor creates a thread pool with initially \a n new threads. All threads are
+// initially idle until a task is scheduled.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::ThreadPool( size_t n )
+ : total_ ( 0UL ) // Total number of threads in the thread pool
+ , expected_( 0UL ) // Expected number of threads in the thread pool
+ , active_ ( 0UL ) // Number of currently active/busy threads
+ , threads_ () // The threads contained in the thread pool
+ , taskqueue_ () // Task queue for the scheduled tasks
+ , mutex_ () // Synchronization mutex
+ , waitForTask_ () // Wait condition for idle threads
+ , waitForThread_() // Wait condition for the thread management
+ resize( n );
+/*!\brief Destructor for the ThreadPool class.
+// The destructor clears all remaining tasks from the task queue and waits for the currently
+// active threads to complete their tasks.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ // Removing all currently queued tasks
+ taskqueue_.clear();
+ // Setting the expected number of threads
+ expected_ = 0UL;
+ // Notifying all idle threads
+ waitForTask_.notify_all();
+ // Waiting for all threads to terminate
+ while( total_ != 0UL ) {
+ waitForThread_.wait( lock );
+ }
+ // Joining all threads
+ for( typename Threads::Iterator thread=threads_.begin(); thread!=threads_.end(); ++thread ) {
+ thread->join();
+ }
+ // Destroying all threads
+ threads_.clear();
+/*!\brief Returns whether any tasks are scheduled for execution.
+// \return \a true in case task are scheduled, \a false otherwise.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+inline bool ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::isEmpty() const
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ return taskqueue_.isEmpty();
+/*!\brief Returns the current size of the thread pool.
+// \return The total number of threads in the thread pool.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+inline size_t ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::size() const
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ return expected_;
+/*!\brief Returns the number of currently active/busy threads.
+// \return The number of currently active threads.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+inline size_t ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::active() const
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ return active_;
+/*!\brief Returns the number of currently ready/inactive threads.
+// \return The number of currently ready threads.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+inline size_t ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::ready() const
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ return expected_ - active_;
+/*!\brief Scheduling the given function/functor for execution.
+// \param func The given function/functor.
+// \param args The arguments for the function/functor.
+// \return void
+// This function schedules the given function/functor for execution. The given function/functor
+// must be copyable, must be callable with the given type and number of arguments and must return
+// \c void.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+template< typename Callable // Type of the function/functor
+ , typename... Args > // Types of the function/functor arguments
+void ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::schedule( Callable func, Args&&... args )
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ taskqueue_.push( std::bind<void>( func, std::forward<Args>( args )... ) );
+ waitForTask_.notify_one();
+/*!\brief Changes the total number of threads in the thread pool.
+// \param n The new number of threads \f$[1..\infty)\f$.
+// \param block \a true if the function shall block, \a false if not.
+// \return void
+// \exception std::invalid_argument Invalid number of threads.
+// This function changes the size of the thread pool, i.e. changes the total number of threads
+// contained in the pool. If \a n is smaller than the current size of the thread pool, the
+// according number of threads is removed from the pool, otherwise new threads are added to
+// the pool. Via the \a block flag it is possible to block the function until the desired
+// number of threads is available.
+// Note that there is a known issue in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 that may cause C++11 threads
+// to hang if their destructor is executed after the \c main() function:
+// http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/747145
+// In order to circumvent this problem, for Visual Studio compilers only, it is possible to
+// explicitly resize a ThreadPool instance to 0 threads and to block until all threads have
+// been destroyed:
+ \code
+ int main()
+ {
+ static ThreadPool< std::thread
+ , std::mutex
+ , std::unique_lock< std::mutex >
+ , std::condition_variable > threadpool( 4 );
+ // ... Using the thread pool
+ threadpool( 0, true );
+ }
+ \endcode
+// Note that this should ONLY be used before the end of the \c main() function and ONLY if the
+// threadpool will not be used anymore.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+void ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::resize( size_t n, bool block )
+ // Checking the given number of threads
+#if !(defined _MSC_VER)
+ if( n == 0UL ) {
+ BLAZE_THROW_INVALID_ARGUMENT( "Invalid number of threads" );
+ }
+ // Adjusting the number of threads
+ {
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ // Adding new threads to the thread pool
+ if( n > expected_ ) {
+ for( size_t i=expected_; i<n; ++i )
+ createThread();
+ }
+ // Removing threads from the pool
+ else {
+ expected_ = n;
+ waitForTask_.notify_all();
+ while( block && total_ != expected_ ) {
+ waitForThread_.wait( lock );
+ }
+ }
+ // Joining and destroying any terminated thread
+ for( typename Threads::Iterator thread=threads_.begin(); thread!=threads_.end(); ) {
+ if( thread->hasTerminated() ) {
+ thread->join();
+ thread = threads_.erase( thread );
+ }
+ else ++thread;
+ }
+ }
+/*!\brief Waiting for all scheduled tasks to be completed.
+// \return void
+// This function blocks until all scheduled tasks have been completed.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+void ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::wait()
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ while( !taskqueue_.isEmpty() || active_ > 0UL ) {
+ waitForThread_.wait( lock );
+ }
+/*!\brief Removing all scheduled tasks from the thread pool.
+// \return void
+// This function removes all currently scheduled tasks from the thread pool. The total number
+// of threads remains unchanged and all active threads continue completing their tasks.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+void ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::clear()
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ taskqueue_.clear();
+/*!\brief Adding a new thread to the thread pool.
+// \return void
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+void ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::createThread()
+ threads_.pushBack( new ManagedThread( this ) );
+ ++total_;
+ ++expected_;
+ ++active_;
+/*!\brief Executing a scheduled task.
+// \return \a true in case a task was successfully finished, \a false if not.
+// This function is repeatedly called by every thread to execute one of the scheduled tasks.
+// In case there is no task available, the thread blocks and waits for a new task to be
+// scheduled.
+template< typename TT // Type of the encapsulated thread
+ , typename MT // Type of the synchronization mutex
+ , typename LT // Type of the mutex lock
+ , typename CT > // Type of the condition variable
+bool ThreadPool<TT,MT,LT,CT>::executeTask()
+ threadpool::Task task;
+ // Acquiring a scheduled task
+ {
+ Lock lock( mutex_ );
+ while( taskqueue_.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ --active_;
+ waitForThread_.notify_all();
+ if( total_ > expected_ ) {
+ --total_;
+ return false;
+ }
+ waitForTask_.wait( lock );
+ ++active_;
+ }
+ BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( !taskqueue_.isEmpty(), "Empty task queue detected" );
+ task = taskqueue_.pop();
+ }
+ // Executing the task
+ task();
+ return true;
+} // namespace blaze