How to contribute to Marian =========================== ## Reporting a bug/asking questions Did you find a bug or want to ask a question? Great! * Ensure the bug was not already reported or the question was not asked * For bugs check the [github issues]( * For answers to your question search posts on the [Google discussion group](!forum/marian-nmt) * Open a new issue/question if you're unable to find yours * For bugs please provide as much relevant information as possible, and do not forget to paste a log You are also welcome to request a new feature. Especially if you plan to help us adding it :) ## Submitting changes Whenever possible, please send a Github Pull Request with a clear list of what you've done. Feel free to also update file. We will love you forever if you provide unit or regression tests. Please follow our coding convention (below) and make sure all of your commits are atomic (learn more about _git squash_ to merge multiple commits and _git rebase -i_ to split a single huge commit into smaller pieces). Ideally test your changes by running [Marian regression tests]( locally: git clone cd marian-regression-tests.git make BRANCH= install ./ ## Coding conventions Main code style rules: * no tabs, 2 whitespaces instead * lines no longer than 80 characters * no trailing whitespaces * no space between control statements and opening brackets * `UpperCamelCase` for class names * `camelCaseWithTrailingUnderscore_` for class variables * `camelCase` for variables, methods and functions * `UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES` for constants Ideally, use the provided `.clang-format` file (in the root directory) for [ClangFormat]( to format your code, e.g. clang-format-3.8