#pragma once #include #include "common/hash.h" #include "functional/functional.h" #include "graph/node.h" #include "tensors/tensor_operators.h" #ifdef CUDNN #include "tensors/gpu/cudnn_wrappers.h" #endif namespace marian { class LambdaNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: typedef const std::vector& Inputs; typedef std::function LambdaNodeFunctor; std::unique_ptr forward_; std::unique_ptr backward_; public: LambdaNodeOp(Inputs inputs, Shape shape, Type type, LambdaNodeFunctor forward) : NaryNodeOp(inputs, shape, type), forward_(new LambdaNodeFunctor(forward)) { Node::trainable_ = !!backward_; } LambdaNodeOp(Inputs inputs, Shape shape, Type type, LambdaNodeFunctor forward, LambdaNodeFunctor backward) : NaryNodeOp(inputs, shape, type), forward_(new LambdaNodeFunctor(forward)), backward_(new LambdaNodeFunctor(backward)) { } void forward() override { (*forward_)(this, children_); } void backward() override { ABORT_IF(!backward_, "No backward lambda given?"); (*backward_)(this, children_); } const std::string type() override { return "lambda"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, forward_.get()); util::hash_combine(seed, backward_.get()); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(forward_ != cnode->forward_) // pointer compare on purpose return false; if(backward_ != cnode->backward_) // pointer compare on purpose return false; return true; } }; class DotNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: friend class SerializationHelpers; bool transA_; bool transB_; float scalar_; public: DotNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB, float scalar) : NaryNodeOp({a, b}, newShape(a, b, transA, transB)), transA_(transA), transB_(transB), scalar_(scalar) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB) { auto shapeA = a->shape(); if(transA) { shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 2, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 1]); shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 1, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 2]); } auto shapeB = b->shape(); if(transB) { shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 2, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 1]); // @TODO: why not use negative indices? shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 1, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 2]); } Shape outShape = shapeA; outShape.set(outShape.size() - 1, shapeB[shapeB.size() - 1]); ABORT_IF(shapeA[shapeA.size() - 1] != shapeB[shapeB.size() - 2], "Matrix product requires inner dimensions to match in {}{} * {}{}", std::string(shapeA), transA, std::string(shapeB), transB); return outShape; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { // C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) return {NodeOp(Prod(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), transA_, transB_, 0.f, scalar_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { // D is the adjoint, the matrix of derivatives // df/dA += alpha * dot(D, op(B).T) // df/dB += alpha * dot(op(A).T, D) // beta set to 1.0 in gemm, C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) + beta * C // to sum gradients from different graph parts auto isParameter = [](Expr p) { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast(p) != nullptr; }; // if child A is not a parameter (i.e. activations) use computeType float32 for accumulation Type computeTypeA = child(0)->trainable() ? child(0)->grad()->type() : Type::float32; if(!isParameter(child(0)) && computeTypeA == Type::float16) computeTypeA = Type::float32; // if child B is not a parameter (i.e. activations) use computeType float32 for accumulation Type computeTypeB = child(1)->trainable() ? child(1)->grad()->type() : Type::float32; if(!isParameter(child(1)) && computeTypeB == Type::float16) computeTypeB = Type::float32; if(!transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB))}; if(transA_ && !transB_) return {NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), adj_, false, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), adj_, false, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB))}; if(transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), adj_, true, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB))}; return {NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), adj_, true, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB))}; } const std::string type() override { return "dot"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, transA_); util::hash_combine(seed, transB_); util::hash_combine(seed, scalar_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transA_ != cnode->transA_) return false; if(transB_ != cnode->transB_) return false; if(scalar_ != cnode->scalar_) return false; return true; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; class AffineNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: friend class SerializationHelpers; bool transA_; bool transB_; float scalar_; public: AffineNodeOp(const std::vector& nodes, bool transA, bool transB, float scalar) : NaryNodeOp(nodes, newShape(nodes[0], nodes[1], transA, transB)), transA_(transA), transB_(transB), scalar_(scalar) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB) { auto shapeA = a->shape(); if(transA) { shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 2, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 1]); shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 1, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 2]); } auto shapeB = b->shape(); if(transB) { shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 2, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 1]); shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 1, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 2]); } Shape outShape = shapeA; outShape.set(outShape.size() - 1, shapeB[shapeB.size() - 1]); ABORT_IF(shapeA[shapeA.size() - 1] != shapeB[shapeB.size() - 2], "Matrix product requires inner dimensions to match in {}{} * {}{}", std::string(shapeA), transA, std::string(shapeB), transB); return outShape; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Affine(val_, graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), transA_, transB_, 0.f, scalar_, /*doRelu=*/false)) }; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { // D is the adjoint, the matrix of derivatives // df/dA += alpha * dot(D, op(B).T) // df/dB += alpha * dot(op(A).T, D) // beta set to 1.0 in gemm, C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) + beta * C // to sum gradients from different graph parts auto isParameter = [](Expr p) { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast(p) != nullptr; }; // if child A is not a parameter (i.e. activations) use computeType float32 for accumulation Type computeTypeA = child(0)->trainable() ? child(0)->grad()->type() : Type::float32; if(!isParameter(child(0)) && computeTypeA == Type::float16) computeTypeA = Type::float32; // if child B is not a parameter (i.e. activations) use computeType float32 for accumulation Type computeTypeB = child(1)->trainable() ? child(1)->grad()->type() : Type::float32; if(!isParameter(child(1)) && computeTypeB == Type::float16) computeTypeB = Type::float32; // if child C (bias) is not a parameter (i.e. activations) use computeType float32 for accumulation Type computeTypeC = child(2)->trainable() ? child(2)->grad()->type() : Type::float32; if(!isParameter(child(2)) && computeTypeC == Type::float16) computeTypeC = Type::float32; // We reduce bias gradients with a matrix multiply if(!transA_ && transB_) return { NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB)), NodeOp(Prod(child(2)->grad(), child(3)->val(), adj_, true, false, 0.f, 1.f, computeTypeC)) }; if(transA_ && !transB_) return { NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), adj_, false, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), adj_, false, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB)), NodeOp(Prod(child(2)->grad(), child(3)->val(), adj_, true, false, 0.f, 1.f, computeTypeC)) }; if(transA_ && transB_) return { NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), adj_, true, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB)), NodeOp(Prod(child(2)->grad(), child(3)->val(), adj_, true, false, 0.f, 1.f, computeTypeC)) }; return { NodeOp(Prod(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, true, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeA)), NodeOp(Prod(child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), adj_, true, false, 1.0, scalar_, computeTypeB)), NodeOp(Prod(child(2)->grad(), child(3)->val(), adj_, true, false, 0.f, 1.f, computeTypeC)) }; } const std::string type() override { return "affine"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, transA_); util::hash_combine(seed, transB_); util::hash_combine(seed, scalar_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transA_ != cnode->transA_) return false; if(transB_ != cnode->transB_) return false; if(scalar_ != cnode->scalar_) return false; return true; } }; class AffineWithReluNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: friend class SerializationHelpers; bool transA_; bool transB_; float scalar_; public: AffineWithReluNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, Expr bias, bool transA, bool transB, float scalar) : NaryNodeOp({a, b, bias}, newShape(a, b, transA, transB)), transA_(transA), transB_(transB), scalar_(scalar) { ABORT_IF(!graph()->isInference() || graph()->getDeviceId().type != DeviceType::gpu, "AffineWithReluNodeOp currently only supported for inference on GPU"); } Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB) { auto shapeA = a->shape(); if(transA) { shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 2, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 1]); shapeA.set(shapeA.size() - 1, a->shape()[shapeA.size() - 2]); } auto shapeB = b->shape(); if(transB) { shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 2, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 1]); shapeB.set(shapeB.size() - 1, b->shape()[shapeB.size() - 2]); } Shape outShape = shapeA; outShape.set(outShape.size() - 1, shapeB[shapeB.size() - 1]); ABORT_IF(shapeA[shapeA.size() - 1] != shapeB[shapeB.size() - 2], "Matrix product requires inner dimensions to match in {}{} * {}{}", std::string(shapeA), transA, std::string(shapeB), transB); return outShape; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { ABORT_IF(!graph()->isInference() || graph()->getDeviceId().type != DeviceType::gpu, "AffineWithReluNodeOp currently only supported for inference on GPU"); return { NodeOp(Affine(val_, graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), transA_, transB_, 0.f, scalar_, /*doRelu=*/true)) }; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { ABORT("AffineWithReluNodeOp cannot be used for training??"); return {}; } const std::string type() override { return "affineWithRelu"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, transA_); util::hash_combine(seed, transB_); util::hash_combine(seed, scalar_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transA_ != cnode->transA_) return false; if(transB_ != cnode->transB_) return false; if(scalar_ != cnode->scalar_) return false; return true; } }; class DotBatchedNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: friend class SerializationHelpers; bool transA_; bool transB_; float scalar_; public: DotBatchedNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB, float scalar) : NaryNodeOp({a, b}, newShape(a, b, transA, transB)), transA_(transA), transB_(transB), scalar_(scalar) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB) { auto shapeA = a->shape(); if(transA) { shapeA.set(-2, a->shape()[-1]); shapeA.set(-1, a->shape()[-2]); } auto shapeB = b->shape(); if(transB) { shapeB.set(-2, b->shape()[-1]); shapeB.set(-1, b->shape()[-2]); } ABORT_IF(shapeA[-1] != shapeB[-2], "Batched matrix product requires inner dimensions to match in {}{} * {}{}", std::string(shapeA), transA, std::string(shapeB), transB); // create shapes for batch dimensions only auto shapeBatchA = shapeA; shapeBatchA.set(-1, 1); shapeBatchA.set(-2, 1); auto shapeBatchB = shapeB; shapeBatchB.set(-1, 1); shapeBatchB.set(-2, 1); // broadcast batch dimensions auto shapeOut = Shape::broadcast({shapeBatchA, shapeBatchB}); // set non-batch dimensions in output shapeOut.set(-2, shapeA[-2]); shapeOut.set(-1, shapeB[-1]); return shapeOut; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { // C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) return {NodeOp(ProdBatched(val_, graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), transA_, transB_, 0.f, scalar_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { // D is the adjoint, the matrix of derivatives // df/dA += alpha * dot(D, op(B).T) // df/dB += alpha * dot(op(A).T, D) // beta set to 1.0 in gemm, C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) + beta * C // to sum gradients from different graph parts if(!transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, false, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; if(transA_ && !transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(1)->val(), adj_, false, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), adj_, false, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; if(transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(1)->val(), adj_, true, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, true, 1.0, scalar_))}; return {NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatched(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), adj_, true, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "bdot"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, transA_); util::hash_combine(seed, transB_); util::hash_combine(seed, scalar_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transA_ != cnode->transA_) return false; if(transB_ != cnode->transB_) return false; if(scalar_ != cnode->scalar_) return false; return true; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; class DotBatchedLegacyNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: friend class SerializationHelpers; bool transA_; bool transB_; float scalar_; public: DotBatchedLegacyNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB, float scalar) : NaryNodeOp({a, b}, newShape(a, b, transA, transB)), transA_(transA), transB_(transB), scalar_(scalar) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, bool transA, bool transB) { auto shapeA = a->shape(); if(transA) { shapeA.set(-2, a->shape()[-1]); shapeA.set(-1, a->shape()[-2]); } auto shapeB = b->shape(); if(transB) { shapeB.set(-2, b->shape()[-1]); shapeB.set(-1, b->shape()[-2]); } Shape outShape = shapeA; outShape.set(-1, shapeB[-1]); ABORT_IF(shapeA[-1] != shapeB[-2], "Batched matrix product requires inner dimensions to match in {}{} * {}{}", std::string(shapeA), transA, std::string(shapeB), transB); return outShape; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { // C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) return {NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(val_, graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), transA_, transB_, 0.f, scalar_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { // D is the adjoint, the matrix of derivatives // df/dA += alpha * dot(D, op(B).T) // df/dB += alpha * dot(op(A).T, D) // beta set to 1.0 in gemm, C = alpha * dot(op(A), op(B)) + beta * C // to sum gradients from different graph parts if(!transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, false, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; if(transA_ && !transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(1)->val(), adj_, false, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), adj_, false, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; if(transA_ && transB_) return {NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(1)->val(), adj_, true, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(0)->val(), true, true, 1.0, scalar_))}; return {NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(0)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), adj_, child(1)->val(), false, true, 1.0, scalar_)), NodeOp(ProdBatchedLegacy(child(1)->grad(), graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), adj_, true, false, 1.0, scalar_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "bdot_legacy"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, transA_); util::hash_combine(seed, transB_); util::hash_combine(seed, scalar_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transA_ != cnode->transA_) return false; if(transB_ != cnode->transB_) return false; if(scalar_ != cnode->scalar_) return false; return true; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; // Note: To reduce code duplication, we use the same NodeOp for C = op(S) x D and C = D x op(S). // Set swapOperands to select the latter. class CSRDotNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { bool transS_; bool swapOperands_; public: CSRDotNodeOp(const Shape& S_shape, Expr S_values, Expr S_indices, Expr S_offsets, Expr D, bool transS, bool swapOperands) : NaryNodeOp({ S_values, S_indices, S_offsets, D }, newShape(S_shape, S_values, S_indices, S_offsets, D, transS, swapOperands), NaryNodeOp::commonType({S_values, D})), transS_(transS), swapOperands_(swapOperands) { matchOrAbort(S_indices->value_type()); matchOrAbort(S_offsets->value_type()); ABORT_IF(swapOperands_, "Implementation for this is wonky, if you use this tell us."); } Shape newShape(const Shape& S_shape, Expr S_values, Expr S_indices, Expr S_offsets, Expr D, bool transS, bool swapOperands) { ABORT_IF(S_values->shape().size() != 1 || S_indices->shape().size() != 1 || S_offsets->shape().size() != 1, "Sparse matrix components must all be vectors"); ABORT_IF(S_values->shape() != S_indices->shape(), "Sparse matrix values and indices must have the same shape"); ABORT_IF(S_shape.size() != 2, "Sparse matrix must have rank 2"); ABORT_IF(S_offsets->shape()[0] - 1 != S_shape[0], "Sparse matrix offset vector has incorrect size"); auto outShape = D->shape(); ABORT_IF(S_shape[transS == swapOperands ? 1 : 0] != outShape[-(int)swapOperands], "Matrix product requires inner dimensions to match"); outShape.set(-(int)swapOperands, S_shape[transS != swapOperands]); return outShape; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(CSRProd(val_, graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), child(3)->val(), /*transS=*/transS_, /*swapOperands=*/swapOperands_, /*beta=*/0))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return { nullptr, // can't backprop into the sparse matrix (the gradient is dense) nullptr, nullptr, NodeOp(CSRProd(child(3)->grad(), // child(3) = D graph()->allocator(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), // children(0..2) = A adj_, /*transS=*/!transS_, /*swapOperands=*/swapOperands_, /*beta=*/1))}; } const std::string type() override { return "csr_dot"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); for(auto s : shape()) util::hash_combine(seed, s); util::hash_combine(seed, transS_); util::hash_combine(seed, swapOperands_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(transS_ != cnode->transS_) return false; if(shape() != cnode->shape()) return false; if(swapOperands_ != cnode->swapOperands_) return false; return true; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; struct ScalarProductNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { ScalarProductNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, int axis) : NaryNodeOp({a, b}, newShape(a, b, axis)) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b, int axis) { Shape full = Shape::broadcast({a, b}); axis_ = full.axis(axis); full.set(axis_, 1); return full; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Reduce(_1 * _2, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add(_1 * _2, child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), adj_)), NodeOp(Add(_1 * _2, child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), adj_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "scalar-product"; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, axis_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(axis_ != cnode->axis_) return false; return true; } int axis_; }; struct RowsNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { RowsNodeOp(Expr a, Expr indices) : NaryNodeOp({a, indices}, newShape(a, indices), a->value_type()) { matchOrAbort(indices->value_type()); } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( CopyRows(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(PasteRows(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val()))}; } Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr indices) { Shape shape = a->shape(); ABORT_IF(shape.size() != 2, "rows operator can only be used with 2-dimensional tensors"); shape.set(0, (int)indices->shape().elements()); return shape; } const std::string type() override { return "rows"; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; // This operation gathers elements of a tensor along an axis. // This is like PyTorch gather(). // For example, this can be used for: // - Same index applied to all batch items: // 'index' has 1 in the axes that match batch axes in the input, and axis set to the one axis that gets selected over. // Example: Selecting Transformer head 0, i.e. return a[:,1,:,:] // axis = -3 // a : (B, H , S, T) B=batch dim, H=#heads, S=src length, T=trg length // idx: ( #1#, 1, 1) #1# denotes 'axis'. All values are zero. // out: (B, 1 , S, T) out[b, 0, s, t] == a[b, idx[/*0,*/ 0, s, t], s, t] // - Same data with batched indices (today's rows()): // 'data' has 1 in the batch axes. // Example: Embedding lookup as done today using rows(): // axis = -2 // e : ( V , E) V=vocab size, E=embedding dimension // idx: (#(B*S)#, 1) B=batch size, S=source length, idx values are in range 0..V-1 // out: ( (B*S) , E) out[b, s, e] == e[/*0,*/ idx[b, s, 0], e] // - Batched selection (x-ent scenario): Both 'index' and 'data' have matching batch axes. // Example: Cross-entropy loss as -gather(logSoftmax(logits), groundTruth, axis=-1): // axis = -1 // lp : (B, T, V ) B=batch size, T=trg length, V=vocab size // idx: (B, T, #1#) idx values are in range 0..V-1 // out: (B, T, 1 ) out[b,t,0] == lp[b, t, idx[b, t, 0]] // Example for 2D tensor with axis=0: // | t[index[0, 0] 0] t[index[0, 1] 1] | // | t[index[1, 0] 0] t[index[1, 1] 1] | // And for axis 1: // | t[0 index[0, 0]] t[0 index[0, 1]] | // | t[1 index[1, 0]] t[1 index[1, 1]] | // For a 3-D tensor the output is specified by: // out[i][j][k] = input[index[i][j][k]][j][k] # if dim == 0 // out[i][j][k] = input[i][index[i][j][k]][k] # if dim == 1 // out[i][j][k] = input[i][j][index[i][j][k]] # if dim == 2 // 'a' and 'indices' must have the same rank. struct GatherNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { GatherNodeOp(Expr a, int axis, Expr indices) : NaryNodeOp({a, indices}, newShape(a, axis, indices), a->value_type()), axis_(a->shape().axis(axis)) { matchOrAbort(indices->value_type()); } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( Select(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), axis_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( Insert(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val(), axis_))}; } Shape newShape(Expr a, int axis, Expr indices) { Shape shape = a->shape(); axis = shape.axis(axis); auto rank = shape.size(); ABORT_IF(rank != indices->shape().size(), "Mismatching ranks for input ({}) and indices ({})", std::string(shape), std::string(indices->shape())); axis = a->shape().axis(axis); shape.set(axis, indices->shape()[axis]); for (size_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i) { if (i != axis) { ABORT_IF(indices->shape()[i] != shape[i] && indices->shape()[i] != 1, "Dimensions must match or broadcast for input ({}) and indices ({})", std::string(shape), std::string(indices->shape())); } } return shape; } const std::string type() override { return "gather"; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } virtual size_t hash() override { if(!hash_) { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, axis_); hash_ = seed; } return hash_; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(axis_ != cnode->axis_) return false; return true; } private: friend class SerializationHelpers; int axis_; }; struct ColsNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { ColsNodeOp(Expr a, Expr indices) : NaryNodeOp({a, indices}, newShape(a, indices), a->value_type()) { matchOrAbort(indices->value_type()); } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(CopyCols(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(PasteCols(child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val()))}; } Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr indices) { Shape shape = a->shape(); shape.set(1, (int)indices->shape().elements()); return shape; } const std::string type() override { return "cols"; } const std::string color() override { return "orange"; } }; struct ElementBinaryNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { ElementBinaryNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : NaryNodeOp({a, b}, newShape(a, b)) {} Shape newShape(Expr a, Expr b) { return Shape::broadcast({a, b}); } const std::string color() override { return "yellow"; } }; struct PlusNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { PlusNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Element(_1 = _2 + _3, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add(_1, child(0)->grad(), adj_)), NodeOp(Add(_1, child(1)->grad(), adj_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "+"; } }; struct MinusNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { MinusNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Element(_1 = _2 - _3, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add(_1, child(0)->grad(), adj_)), NodeOp(Add(-_1, child(1)->grad(), adj_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "-"; } }; struct MultNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { MultNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Element(_1 = _2 * _3, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add(_1 * _2, child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val())), NodeOp(Add(_1 * _2, child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val()))}; } const std::string type() override { return "*"; } }; struct DivNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { DivNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Element(_1 = _2 / _3, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Add(_1 * 1.0f / _2, child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(1)->val())), NodeOp(Add(-_1 * _2 / (_3 * _3), child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } const std::string type() override { return "/"; } }; // struct PowNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { // public: // template // PowNodeOp(Args... args) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(args...) {} // // NodeOps forwardOps() { // return {NodeOp(Element(_1 = Pow(_2, _3), val_, // child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; // } // // NodeOps backwardOps() { // return { // NodeOp(Add(_2 * Pow(_1, _2 - 1.f) * _3, // child(0)->grad(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), adj_)), // NodeOp(Add(Pow(_1, _2) * Log(_1) * _3, // child(1)->grad(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), adj_)) // // }; // } // // const std::string type() { return "pow"; } //}; struct LogAddExpNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { LogAddExpNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Element( _1 = logaddexp(_2, _3), val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; // d/dx (ln( exp(x) + (exp(y)) = exp(x) / (exp(x) + exp(y)) = 1 / (1 + // exp(y-x)) = sigmoid(x-y) return {NodeOp(Add(_1 * sigmoid(_2 - _3), child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val())), NodeOp(Add(_1 * sigmoid(_3 - _2), child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } // TODO: this is not a "type" (as in data type). It's an operator name. const std::string type() override { return "logaddexp"; } }; struct MaximumNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { MaximumNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp( Element(_1 = max(_2, _3), val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add((_2 > _3) * _1, child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val())), NodeOp(Add((_2 <= _3) * _1, child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } const std::string type() override { return "max"; } }; // TODO: lotsa code dup here! struct MinimumNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { MinimumNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp( Element(_1 = min(_2, _3), val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return {NodeOp(Add((_2 < _3) * _1, child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val())), NodeOp(Add((_2 >= _3) * _1, child(1)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } const std::string type() override { return "min"; } }; struct CmpNodeOp : public ElementBinaryNodeOp { CmpNodeOp(Expr a, Expr b, int cmp_, bool not_) : ElementBinaryNodeOp(a, b), cmp_(cmp_), not_(not_) { //setTrainable(false); // has no gradient // Note: ^^ Disabled because it currently causing Marian to choke, for unknown reasons. // Not setting this will not change the result since the vector of gradient functions is empty. } NodeOps forwardOps() override { using namespace functional; return { NodeOp(Element(_1 = ((((_2 > _3) - (_2 < _3)) == (float)cmp_) != not_), val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {}; } const std::string type() override { switch (cmp_) { case -1: return not_ ? "ge" : "lt"; case 0: return not_ ? "ne" : "eq"; case 1: return not_ ? "le" : "gt"; } ABORT("Should not get here??"); } virtual size_t hash() override { if(!hash_) { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, cmp_); util::hash_combine(seed, not_); hash_ = seed; } return hash_; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(cmp_ != cnode->cmp_) return false; if(not_ != cnode->not_) return false; return true; } private: int cmp_; // -1: less; 0: equal; 1: greater bool not_; // invert result if true }; // In each j-th row, take the corresponding j-th label index i from indices and compute: // For each vocabulary item v, the only non-zero element in a row in the sum is the item // that matches the label indexed by i (the picked element). // C = sum_{v in V}(-logsoftmax(A) * delta(v, i) = -logsoftmax(A)[i] class CrossEntropyNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { private: float labelSmoothingAlpha_; public: CrossEntropyNodeOp(Expr a, Expr indices, float labelSmoothingAlpha, Type outputType = Type::float32) : NaryNodeOp({a, indices}, newShape(a), outputType), labelSmoothingAlpha_(labelSmoothingAlpha) { matchOrAbort(indices->value_type()); int rows = a->shape().elements() / a->shape()[-1]; int labels = indices->shape().elements(); ABORT_IF(rows != labels, "Number of examples and labels does not match: {} != {}", rows, labels); } Shape newShape(Expr a) { Shape shape1 = a->shape(); shape1.set(a->shape().size() - 1, 1); return shape1; } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(CrossEntropyPick(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), labelSmoothingAlpha_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(CrossEntropyPickBackward( child(0)->grad(), adj_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), labelSmoothingAlpha_))}; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, labelSmoothingAlpha_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(labelSmoothingAlpha_ != cnode->labelSmoothingAlpha_) return false; return true; } const std::string type() override { return "x-ent"; } }; struct ConcatenateNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { ConcatenateNodeOp(const std::vector& nodes, int axis) : NaryNodeOp(nodes, newShape(nodes, axis)) { } Shape newShape(const std::vector& nodes, int ax) { ABORT_IF(nodes.empty(), "No child nodes given"); Shape shape = nodes[0]->shape(); axis_ = shape.axis(ax); int sum = 0; auto checkShape = shape; for(auto child : nodes) { checkShape.set(axis_, child->shape()[axis_]); // don't abort on different sizes on axis dim. ABORT_IF(checkShape != child->shape(), "Child shapes {} and {} cannot be concatenated along axis {}", shape, child->shape(), ax); sum += child->shape()[axis_]; } shape.set(axis_, sum); return shape; } void forward() override { std::vector concatenees; for(size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) concatenees.push_back(child(i)->val()); Concatenate(val_, concatenees, axis_); } void backward() override { std::vector deconcatenees; for(size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) { auto childPtr = child(i); childPtr->set_zero_adjoint(); // @TODO: this is a hotfix, do this properly deconcatenees.push_back(childPtr->grad()); } Deconcatenate(deconcatenees, adj_, axis_); } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, axis_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(axis_ != cnode->axis_) return false; return true; } const std::string type() override { return "concat"; } private: friend class SerializationHelpers; int axis_; }; // layer norm along last axis struct LayerNormalizationOp : public NaryNodeOp { public: LayerNormalizationOp(const std::vector& nodes, float eps = 1e-9) : NaryNodeOp(nodes), eps_(eps) { // @TODO: dimension check } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( LayerNormalization(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->val() : nullptr, eps_))}; } // @BUGBUG: backward has not been tested for broadcasting gamma/beta NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( LayerNormalizationGrad( graph()->allocator(), child(0)->grad(), child(1)->grad(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->grad() : nullptr, adj_, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->val() : nullptr, eps_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "layer_normalization"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, eps_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(eps_ != cnode->eps_) return false; return true; } private: friend class SerializationHelpers; // @TODO: use the same name for this as SqrtNodeOp float eps_; }; // RMS norm along last axis struct RMSNormalizationOp : public NaryNodeOp { public: RMSNormalizationOp(const std::vector& nodes, float eps = 1e-9) : NaryNodeOp(nodes), eps_(eps) { // @TODO: dimension check } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( RMSNormalization(val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->val() : nullptr, eps_))}; } // @BUGBUG: backward has not been tested for broadcasting gamma/beta NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp( RMSNormalizationGrad( graph()->allocator(), child(0)->grad(), child(1)->grad(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->grad() : nullptr, adj_, val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), (children_.size() == 3) ? child(2)->val() : nullptr, eps_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "rms_normalization"; } virtual size_t hash() override { size_t seed = NaryNodeOp::hash(); util::hash_combine(seed, eps_); return seed; } virtual bool equal(Expr node) override { if(!NaryNodeOp::equal(node)) return false; auto cnode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node); if(!cnode) return false; if(eps_ != cnode->eps_) return false; return true; } private: friend class SerializationHelpers; // @TODO: use the same name for this as SqrtNodeOp float eps_; }; struct HighwayNodeOp : public NaryNodeOp { HighwayNodeOp(const std::vector& nodes) : NaryNodeOp(nodes) {} NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(HighwayForward( val_, child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val()))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(HighwayBackward(child(0)->grad(), child(1)->grad(), child(2)->grad(), child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), adj_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "highway"; } }; #ifdef CUDNN class ConvolutionOp : public NaryNodeOp { public: ConvolutionOp(const std::vector& nodes, int hPad = 0, int wPad = 0, int hStride = 1, int wStride = 1) : NaryNodeOp(nodes), conv_(nodes[1]->shape(), nodes[2]->shape(), hPad, wPad, hStride, wStride) { conv_.getOutputShape(nodes[0]->shape(), shape_); } NodeOps forwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(conv_.forward( child(0)->val(), child(1)->val(), child(2)->val(), val_))}; } NodeOps backwardOps() override { return {NodeOp(conv_.backward(child(0)->val(), child(0)->grad(), child(1)->val(), child(1)->grad(), child(2)->grad(), adj_))}; } const std::string type() override { return "layer_convolution"; } protected: ConvolutionWrapper conv_; }; #endif } // namespace marian