/************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE.txt for license information ************************************************************************/ #include "core.h" #include "graph.h" #include "topo.h" #include "xml.h" #include // Initialize system->maxWidth. This is the per-channel (i.e. per-SM) // max speed. static float getMaxWidth(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoNode* gpu, int type) { float maxWidth = 0.0; for (int i=0; inodes[type].count; i++) { struct ncclTopoLinkList* path = gpu->paths[type]+i; float width = path->width; if (path->count == 0) continue; maxWidth = std::max(maxWidth, width); } return maxWidth; } static float getTotalWidth(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoNode* gpu) { float nvlinkWidth = 0.0, pciWidth = 0.0; for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) { struct ncclTopoLink* link = gpu->links+l; if (link->type == LINK_NVL) nvlinkWidth += link->width; if (link->type == LINK_PCI) pciWidth = link->width; } return std::max(pciWidth, nvlinkWidth); } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchInit(struct ncclTopoSystem* system) { system->maxWidth = 0.0; system->totalWidth = 0.0; int inter = system->nodes[NET].count; if (inter == 0 && system->nodes[GPU].count == 1) { system->maxWidth = LOC_WIDTH; return ncclSuccess; } for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) { struct ncclTopoNode* gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g; system->maxWidth = std::max(system->maxWidth, getMaxWidth(system, gpu, inter ? NET : GPU)); system->totalWidth = std::max(system->totalWidth, getTotalWidth(system, gpu)); } return ncclSuccess; } static ncclResult_t findRevLink(struct ncclTopoNode* node1, struct ncclTopoNode* node2, struct ncclTopoLink** revLink) { for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) { struct ncclTopoLink* link = node2->links+l; if (link->remNode == node1) { *revLink = link; return ncclSuccess; } } WARN("Could not find rev link for %d/%d -> %d/%d\n", node1->type, node1->id, node2->type, node2->id); return ncclInternalError; } // This is unfortunately needed since manipulating floats often results in rounding errors. #define SUB_ROUND(a, b) (a = roundf((a-b)*1000)/1000) static ncclResult_t followPath(struct ncclTopoLinkList* path, struct ncclTopoNode* start, int maxSteps, float speed, int* steps) { float pciSpeed = speed; for (int step=0; stepcount; step++) { struct ncclTopoNode* node = path->list[step]->remNode; if (node->type == CPU) { // Account for P2P inefficiency through Intel CPU RC if (path->type == PATH_PHB && start->type == GPU && node->cpu.arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_X86 && node->cpu.vendor == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) { pciSpeed = INTEL_P2P_OVERHEAD(speed); } } } struct ncclTopoNode* node = start; for (int step=0; steplist[step]; struct ncclTopoLink* revLink = NULL; float fwSpeed = link->type == LINK_PCI ? pciSpeed : speed; float revSpeed = 0; if (link->remNode->type == GPU && link->remNode->gpu.cudaCompCap < 80 && start->type != GPU) { if (revLink == NULL) NCCLCHECK(findRevLink(node, link->remNode, &revLink)); revSpeed += fwSpeed/8; } if (link->remNode->type == CPU && link->type == LINK_NVL) { if (revLink == NULL) NCCLCHECK(findRevLink(node, link->remNode, &revLink)); revSpeed += fwSpeed; } if (link->width < fwSpeed || (revSpeed && revLink->width < revSpeed)) { *steps = step; return ncclSuccess; } SUB_ROUND(link->width, fwSpeed); if (revSpeed) SUB_ROUND(revLink->width, revSpeed); node = link->remNode; } *steps = maxSteps; return ncclSuccess; } // Try to go from node type1/index1 to no type2/index2. mult indicates whether we are counting the bandwidth (1) or undoing (-1). static ncclResult_t ncclTopoFollowPath(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int type1, int index1, int type2, int index2, int mult, struct ncclTopoNode** node) { // First handle easy cases *node = system->nodes[type2].nodes+index2; if (type1 == -1) return ncclSuccess; struct ncclTopoNode* node1 = system->nodes[type1].nodes+index1; struct ncclTopoLinkList* path = node1->paths[type2]+index2; if (path->count == 0 ) return ncclSuccess; // Now check link type *node = NULL; int intra = type1 == GPU && type2 == GPU; float speed = intra ? graph->speedIntra : graph->speedInter; int type = intra ? graph->typeIntra : graph->typeInter; if (mult == 1 && (path->type > type)) return ncclSuccess; speed *= mult; // Check there is enough bandwidth on paths. int step = 0; NCCLCHECK(followPath(path, node1, path->count, speed, &step)); if (step < path->count) goto rewind; // Enough bandwidth : return destination node. graph->nHops += mult*path->count; *node = system->nodes[type2].nodes+index2; return ncclSuccess; rewind: // Not enough bandwidth : rewind and exit. NCCLCHECK(followPath(path, node1, step, -speed, &step)); return ncclSuccess; } static int gpuPciWidth(struct ncclTopoNode* gpu) { for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) { struct ncclTopoLink* gpuLink = gpu->links+l; if (gpuLink->type != LINK_PCI) continue; struct ncclTopoNode* pci = gpuLink->remNode; for (int l=0; lnlinks; l++) { struct ncclTopoLink* pciLink = pci->links+l; if (pciLink->remNode != gpu) continue; return std::min(gpuLink->width, pciLink->width); } } return -1; } /* Choose the order in which we try next GPUs. This is critical for the search to quickly converge to the best solution even if it eventually times out. */ struct ncclGpuScore { int g; // Retain the index int startIndex; // Least important int intraNhops; int intraWidth; int interNhops; int interPciWidth; int interWidth; // Most important }; static int cmpScore(const void * g1, const void * g2) { struct ncclGpuScore *s1 = (struct ncclGpuScore*)g1; struct ncclGpuScore *s2 = (struct ncclGpuScore*)g2; int d; if ((d = (s2->interWidth - s1->interWidth))) return d; if ((d = (s2->interPciWidth - s1->interPciWidth))) return d; if ((d = (s1->interNhops - s2->interNhops))) return d; if ((d = (s2->intraWidth - s1->intraWidth))) return d; if ((d = (s1->intraNhops - s2->intraNhops))) return d; return s1->startIndex - s2->startIndex; } static int cmpIntraScores(struct ncclGpuScore* scores, int count) { int intraWidth = scores[0].intraWidth; int intraNhops = scores[0].intraNhops; for (int i=1; inodes[GPU].count; g++) { if (system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].gpu.rank == rank) { *index = g; return ncclSuccess; } } WARN("Could not find gpu rank %d\n", rank); return ncclInternalError; } static ncclResult_t getNetIndex(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int64_t id, int* index) { for (int n=0; nnodes[NET].count; n++) { if (system->nodes[NET].nodes[n].id == id) { *index = n; return ncclSuccess; } } WARN("Could not find net id %lx\n", id); return ncclInternalError; } static ncclResult_t getNetPaths(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoLinkList** netPaths) { int netId = graph->inter[graph->nChannels*2]; int n; NCCLCHECK(getNetIndex(system, netId, &n)); *netPaths=system->nodes[NET].nodes[n].paths[GPU]; return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchNextGpuSort(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoNode* gpu, int* next, int* countPtr, int sortNet) { const uint64_t flag = 1ULL<<(graph->nChannels); int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; struct ncclTopoLinkList* paths = gpu->paths[GPU]; struct ncclTopoLinkList* netPaths = NULL; if (sortNet) NCCLCHECK(getNetPaths(system, graph, &netPaths)); struct ncclGpuScore scores[NCCL_TOPO_MAX_NODES]; memset(scores, 0, ngpus*sizeof(struct ncclGpuScore)); int start = gpu-system->nodes[GPU].nodes; int count = 0; for (int i=1; inodes[GPU].nodes[g].used & flag) continue; scores[count].g = g; scores[count].startIndex = i; scores[count].intraNhops = paths[g].count; scores[count].intraWidth = paths[g].width; if (netPaths) { scores[count].interNhops = netPaths[g].count; scores[count].interPciWidth = gpuPciWidth(system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g); scores[count].interWidth = netPaths[g].width; } count++; } // Sort GPUs qsort(scores, count, sizeof(struct ncclGpuScore), cmpScore); // Check if all have the same intra-node score in which case we go reverse for sortNet = -1 if (sortNet == -1 && cmpIntraScores(scores, count) == 0) { for (int i=0; inChannels == 0) return ncclInternalError; int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; int nextRank = graph->intra[(graph->nChannels-1)*ngpus+step+1]; for (int i=0; inodes[GPU].nodes[i].gpu.rank == nextRank) { *g = i; return ncclSuccess; } if (*g == -1) return ncclInternalError; return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* saveGraph, struct ncclTopoNode* gpu, int step, int backToNet, int backToFirstRank, int forcedOrder, int *time); ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* saveGraph, int step, int backToNet, int backToFirstRank, int forcedOrder, int *time, int type, int index, int g) { const uint64_t flag = 1ULL<<(graph->nChannels); struct ncclTopoNode* gpu; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, type, index, GPU, g, 1, &gpu)); if (gpu) { gpu->used ^= flag; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, gpu, step, backToNet, backToFirstRank, forcedOrder, time)); gpu->used ^= flag; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, type, index, GPU, g, -1, &gpu)); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoCompareGraphs(struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* refGraph, int* copy) { // 1. Constraint to get the same nChannels between Rings and Trees if (graph->nChannels < graph->minChannels) return ncclSuccess; // 2. Try to get better bandwidth if (graph->nChannels*graph->speedIntra < refGraph->nChannels*refGraph->speedIntra) return ncclSuccess; if (graph->nChannels*graph->speedIntra > refGraph->nChannels*refGraph->speedIntra) { *copy = 1; return ncclSuccess; } // 3. Less hops (but not at the price of going cross NICs) if (graph->pattern == refGraph->pattern && graph->crossNic == refGraph->crossNic && graph->nHops < refGraph->nHops) *copy = 1; return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* saveGraph, struct ncclTopoNode* gpu, int step, int backToNet, int backToFirstRank, int forcedOrder, int *time) { if ((*time) <= 0) return ncclSuccess; (*time)--; int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; if (step == ngpus) { // Determine whether we found a better solution or not int copy = 0; graph->nChannels++; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCompareGraphs(graph, saveGraph, ©)); if (copy) { memcpy(saveGraph, graph, sizeof(struct ncclTopoGraph)); if (graph->nChannels == graph->maxChannels) *time = -1; } if (graph->nChannels < graph->maxChannels) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRec(system, graph, saveGraph, time)); } graph->nChannels--; return ncclSuccess; } graph->intra[graph->nChannels*ngpus+step] = gpu->gpu.rank; int g = gpu - system->nodes[GPU].nodes; if (step == backToNet) { // first get back to NIC if (system->nodes[NET].count) { int startNetIndex; NCCLCHECK(getNetIndex(system, graph->inter[graph->nChannels*2], &startNetIndex)); struct ncclTopoNode* startNet = system->nodes[NET].nodes+startNetIndex; for (int n=0; nnodes[NET].count; n++) { struct ncclTopoNode* net = system->nodes[NET].nodes+n; if (graph->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_TREE && net->id != startNet->id) continue; // Trees are symmetric if (graph->crossNic != 1 && (net->net.asic != startNet->net.asic || net->net.port != startNet->net.port)) continue; // Balanced Tree : count half of the bandwidth on first two GPUs int nextBackToNet = -1; float speedInterSave = graph->speedInter; if (graph->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_BALANCED_TREE) { // Count half of the bandwidth on each of the first two GPUs if (step == 0) nextBackToNet = 1; else if (net->id != graph->inter[graph->nChannels*2+1]) continue; graph->speedInter /= 2; } NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, GPU, g, NET, n, 1, &net)); graph->speedInter = speedInterSave; if (net) { graph->inter[graph->nChannels*2+1] = net->id; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, gpu, step, nextBackToNet, backToFirstRank, forcedOrder, time)); if (graph->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_BALANCED_TREE) graph->speedInter /= 2; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, GPU, g, NET, n, -1, &net)); graph->speedInter = speedInterSave; } } } } else if (step < system->nodes[GPU].count-1) { // Go to next GPU int next[NCCL_TOPO_MAX_NODES]; int count; if (forcedOrder == FORCED_ORDER_PCI) { // Try the PCI order next[0] = step+1; count = 1; } else if (forcedOrder == FORCED_ORDER_REPLAY) { // Try last channel order NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoReplayGetGpu(system, graph, step, next)); count = 1; } else { // Normal search NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchNextGpuSort(system, graph, gpu, next, &count, backToNet == -1 ? 0 : backToNet == step+1 ? 1 : -1 )); } for (int i=0; iintra[graph->nChannels*ngpus], &p)); struct ncclTopoNode* firstGpu; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, GPU, g, GPU, p, 1, &firstGpu)); if (firstGpu) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, firstGpu, step+1, backToNet, -1, forcedOrder, time)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFollowPath(system, graph, GPU, g, GPU, p, -1, &firstGpu)); } } else { // Next path NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRecGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, gpu, ngpus, -1, -1, forcedOrder, time)); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchRecNet(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* saveGraph, int backToNet, int backToFirstRank, int* time) { const int speed = graph->speedInter; for (int n=0; nnodes[NET].count; n++) { struct ncclTopoNode* net = system->nodes[NET].nodes+n; struct ncclTopoNode* gpu; if (graph->collNet && net->net.collSupport == 0) continue; if (net->net.width < speed) continue; if (net->net.maxChannels == 0) continue; graph->inter[graph->nChannels*2] = net->id; for (int i=0; inodes[NET].count; i++) { if ((system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.asic == net->net.asic) && (system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.port == net->net.port)) { system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.width -= speed; } } net->net.maxChannels--; // First try to replay the last channel if (graph->nChannels > 0) { int g; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoReplayGetGpu(system, graph, -1, &g)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, FORCED_ORDER_REPLAY, time, NET, n, g)); } if (graph->nChannels == 0 || graph->sameChannels == 0) { if (graph->nChannels == 0) { // Always try the PCI order first to set a reference, but don't count in the timeout nor let it run for long int t = 1 << 10; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, FORCED_ORDER_PCI, &t, NET, n, 0)); if (t == -1) *time = -1; } // Then try the most local GPUs float maxWidth = 0; int minHops = 0xfffffff; struct ncclTopoLinkList* paths = net->paths[GPU]; for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) { if (paths[g].width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = paths[g].width; minHops = paths[g].count; } else if (paths[g].width == maxWidth && paths[g].count < minHops) { minHops = paths[g].count; } } if (maxWidth >= speed) { // In the first loop, avoid using GPUs in both directions between channels (one channel // sending from that GPU and one channel receiving to that GPU), since that usually leads // to lower BW. for (int tryGpuBidir=0; tryGpuBidir<2; tryGpuBidir++) { for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) { if (paths[g].width == maxWidth && paths[g].count == minHops) { gpu = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g; int gpuUsed = gpuPciWidth(gpu) > 0 ? 0 : 1; if (tryGpuBidir == gpuUsed) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, 0, time, NET, n, g)); } } } } } } net->net.maxChannels++; for (int i=0; inodes[NET].count; i++) { if ((system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.asic == net->net.asic) && (system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.port == net->net.port)) { system->nodes[NET].nodes[i].net.width += speed; } } } return ncclSuccess; } /* Search Patterns * * Intra-node * Ring : GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x -> GPU a * (=Split Tree Loop) * Tree : GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x * (=Split Tree) * * Inter-node * Ring : NET n -> GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x -> NET n (or m if crossNic) * Tree : NET n -> GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x * `--> NET n (or m if crossNic) * Split Tree : NET n -> GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x * `--> NET n (or m if crossNic) * Split Tree Loop : NET n -> GPU a -> GPU b -> .. -> GPU x -> GPU a * `--> NET n (or m if crossNic) */ ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchParams(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int pattern, int* backToNet, int* backToFirstRank) { if (system->nodes[NET].count) { if (pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_RING) *backToNet = system->nodes[GPU].count-1; else if (pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_SPLIT_TREE) *backToNet = 1; else *backToNet = 0; *backToFirstRank = -1; } else { *backToNet = -1; if (pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_RING) *backToFirstRank = system->nodes[GPU].count-1; else *backToFirstRank = -1; } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoSearchRec(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoGraph* saveGraph, int* time) { int backToNet, backToFirstRank; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchParams(system, graph->pattern, &backToNet, &backToFirstRank)); if (system->nodes[NET].count) { // Start from NET ncclTopoSearchRecNet(system, graph, saveGraph, backToNet, backToFirstRank, time); } else { // Intra-node only. if (graph->nChannels == 0) { // Try PCI order first NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, FORCED_ORDER_PCI, time, -1, -1, 0)); } else { // Also try to replay previous channel int g; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoReplayGetGpu(system, graph, -1, &g)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, FORCED_ORDER_REPLAY, time, -1, -1, g)); } if (graph->sameChannels == 0 || graph->nChannels == 0) { // Finally, try all other possibilities unless we are forced to use the same channels for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; g++) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchTryGpu(system, graph, saveGraph, 0, backToNet, backToFirstRank, 0, time, -1, -1, g)); } } } return ncclSuccess; } /************************************/ /* User defined graph from XML file */ /************************************/ struct kvDict kvDictLinkType[] = { { "SYS", PATH_SYS }, { "PHB", PATH_PHB }, { "PIX", PATH_PIX }, { "PXB", PATH_PXB }, { "NVL", PATH_NVL }, { "NVB", PATH_NVB}, { "LOC", PATH_LOC }, { NULL, 0 } }; ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetChannelFromXml(struct ncclXmlNode *xmlChannel, int c, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph) { int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; int* inter = graph->inter+2*c; int* intra = graph->intra+ngpus*c; int n=0, g=0; for (int s=0; snSubs; s++) { struct ncclXmlNode* sub = xmlChannel->subs[s]; int dev; NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(sub, "dev", &dev)); if (strcmp(sub->name, "net") == 0) { inter[n++] = dev; } else if (strcmp(sub->name, "gpu") == 0) { int rank = -1; for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].nodes[g].gpu.dev == dev) rank = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g].gpu.rank; } if (rank == -1) { WARN("XML Import Channel : dev %d not found.", dev); return ncclSystemError; } intra[g++] = rank; } } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetGraphFromXmlSub(struct ncclXmlNode *xmlGraph, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int* nChannels) { int id; NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "id", &id)); if (graph->id != id) return ncclSuccess; int crossNic; NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "crossnic", &crossNic)); if (graph->crossNic == 0 && crossNic == 1) return ncclSuccess; graph->crossNic = crossNic; NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "pattern", &graph->pattern)); NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "nchannels", &graph->nChannels)); NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrFloat(xmlGraph, "speedintra", &graph->speedIntra)); NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrFloat(xmlGraph, "speedinter", &graph->speedInter)); const char* str; NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttr(xmlGraph, "typeintra", &str)); NCCLCHECK(kvConvertToInt(str, &graph->typeIntra, kvDictLinkType)); NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttr(xmlGraph, "typeinter", &str)); NCCLCHECK(kvConvertToInt(str, &graph->typeInter, kvDictLinkType)); NCCLCHECK(xmlGetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "samechannels", &graph->sameChannels)); for (int s=0; snSubs; s++) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetChannelFromXml(xmlGraph->subs[s], s, system, graph)); } *nChannels = xmlGraph->nSubs; return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetGraphFromXml(struct ncclXmlNode *xmlGraphs, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int* nChannels) { for (int s=0; snSubs; s++) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetGraphFromXmlSub(xmlGraphs->subs[s], system, graph, nChannels)); } return ncclSuccess; } /* And the reverse : graph->xml */ ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetXmlFromChannel(struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int c, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclXml *xml, struct ncclXmlNode* parent) { struct ncclXmlNode* xmlChannel; int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; int* inter = graph->inter+2*c; int* intra = graph->intra+ngpus*c; NCCLCHECK(xmlAddNode(xml, parent, "channel", &xmlChannel)); struct ncclXmlNode* node; if (system->nodes[NET].count) { NCCLCHECK(xmlAddNode(xml, xmlChannel, "net", &node)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(node, "dev", inter[0])); } for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].nodes[i].gpu.rank == intra[g]) dev = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[i].gpu.dev; } if (dev == -1) { WARN("XML Export Channel : rank %d not found.", intra[g]); return ncclInternalError; } NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(node, "dev", dev)); } if (system->nodes[NET].count) { NCCLCHECK(xmlAddNode(xml, xmlChannel, "net", &node)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(node, "dev", inter[1])); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetXmlFromGraph(struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclXml *xml, struct ncclXmlNode* parent) { struct ncclXmlNode* xmlGraph; NCCLCHECK(xmlAddNode(xml, parent, "graph", &xmlGraph)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "id", graph->id)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "pattern", graph->pattern)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "crossnic", graph->crossNic)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "nchannels", graph->nChannels)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrFloat(xmlGraph, "speedintra", graph->speedIntra)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrFloat(xmlGraph, "speedinter", graph->speedInter)); const char* str; NCCLCHECK(kvConvertToStr(graph->typeIntra, &str, kvDictLinkType)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttr(xmlGraph, "typeintra", str)); NCCLCHECK(kvConvertToStr(graph->typeInter, &str, kvDictLinkType)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttr(xmlGraph, "typeinter", str)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraph, "samechannels", graph->sameChannels)); for (int c=0; cnChannels; c++) { NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetXmlFromChannel(graph, c, system, xml, xmlGraph)); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetXmlFromGraphs(int ngraphs, struct ncclTopoGraph** graphs, struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclXml *xml) { xml->maxIndex = 0; struct ncclXmlNode* xmlGraphs; NCCLCHECK(xmlAddNode(xml, NULL, "graphs", &xmlGraphs)); NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(xmlGraphs, "version", NCCL_GRAPH_XML_VERSION)); for (int g=0; gnodes[GPU].count; int crossNic = (system->nodes[NET].count > 1) && graph->crossNic ? 1 : 0; graph->speedIntra = graph->speedInter = 0; if (graph->crossNic == 2) graph->crossNic = 0; graph->typeIntra = ngpus == 1 ? PATH_LOC : PATH_NVL; graph->typeInter = PATH_PIX; graph->nChannels = 0; graph->sameChannels = 1; char* str = getenv("NCCL_GRAPH_FILE"); if (str) { INFO(NCCL_ENV, "NCCL_GRAPH_FILE set by environment to %s", str); struct ncclXml* xml; NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&xml, 1)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetXmlGraphFromFile(str, xml)); int nChannels; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetGraphFromXml(xml->nodes, system, graph, &nChannels)); INFO(NCCL_GRAPH, "Search %d : %d channels loaded from XML graph", graph->id, nChannels); free(xml); if (graph->nChannels > 0) return ncclSuccess; } if (ngpus == 1) if (graph->pattern != NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_RING) graph->pattern = NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_TREE; // SPLIT_TREE works better on older archs. int ccMin; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetCompCap(system, &ccMin, NULL)); if (ccMin < 80 && graph->pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_BALANCED_TREE) graph->pattern = NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_SPLIT_TREE; struct ncclTopoGraph tmpGraph; memcpy(&tmpGraph, graph, sizeof(struct ncclTopoGraph)); // First try crossnic, then decrease speed and finally increase speedIntra. int pass = 1; int speedIndex = 0; while (speedArray[speedIndex] > system->maxWidth && speedIndex < NSPEEDS-1) speedIndex++; tmpGraph.speedIntra = tmpGraph.speedInter = speedArray[speedIndex]; int64_t globalTimeout = NCCL_SEARCH_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT; search: int time = tmpGraph.sameChannels ? NCCL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_SAMECHANNELS : tmpGraph.pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_TREE ? NCCL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_TREE : NCCL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT; tmpGraph.nChannels = 0; globalTimeout -= time; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoSearchRec(system, &tmpGraph, graph, &time)); #if 0 printf("Pattern %d, crossNic %d, Speed %g/%g, type %d/%d, channels %d-%d sameChannels %d -> nChannels %dx%g/%g %s\n", tmpGraph.pattern, tmpGraph.crossNic, tmpGraph.speedInter, tmpGraph.speedIntra, tmpGraph.typeInter, tmpGraph.typeIntra, tmpGraph.minChannels, tmpGraph.maxChannels, tmpGraph.sameChannels, graph->nChannels, graph->speedInter, graph->speedIntra, time == 0 ? "TIMEOUT" : time == -1 ? "PERFECT" : ""); for (int c=0; cnChannels; c++) { printf("%2d : ", c); for (int g=0; gintra[c*ngpus+g]); } printf("\n"); } #endif // Optimal solution, stop here if (time == -1) goto done; if (graph->nChannels*graph->speedInter >= system->totalWidth) goto done; if (pass == 1) { // First pass, we don't have a solution yet ; try other options // Try having different channels if (tmpGraph.sameChannels == 1) { tmpGraph.sameChannels = 0; goto search; } tmpGraph.sameChannels = 1; if (time != -1) globalTimeout += time; else globalTimeout = NCCL_SEARCH_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT; if (globalTimeout < 0 && graph->nChannels) goto done; int maxTypeIntra = system->nodes[NET].count > 0 ? tmpGraph.typeInter : PATH_SYS; if (tmpGraph.typeIntra < maxTypeIntra && (graph->nChannels == 0 || tmpGraph.typeIntra < graph->typeIntra)) { tmpGraph.typeIntra += 1; goto search; } tmpGraph.typeIntra = ngpus == 1 ? PATH_LOC : PATH_NVL; if (system->nodes[NET].count > 0 && tmpGraph.typeInter < PATH_SYS && (graph->nChannels == 0 || tmpGraph.typeInter < graph->typeInter || tmpGraph.typeInter < PATH_PXB)) { tmpGraph.typeInter += 1; goto search; } tmpGraph.typeInter = PATH_PIX; // Try a simpler tree if (tmpGraph.pattern == NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_SPLIT_TREE) { tmpGraph.pattern = NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_TREE; goto search; } tmpGraph.pattern = graph->pattern; if (crossNic && tmpGraph.crossNic == 0) { // Try again with crossNic if permitted tmpGraph.crossNic = crossNic; goto search; } tmpGraph.crossNic = 0; // Decrease speed until we find a solution if ((speedIndex < NSPEEDS-1) && (graph->nChannels == 0 || (speedArray[speedIndex+1]/graph->speedInter > .49))) { tmpGraph.speedInter = tmpGraph.speedIntra = speedArray[++speedIndex]; goto search; } speedIndex = 0; while (speedArray[speedIndex] > system->maxWidth && speedIndex < NSPEEDS-1) speedIndex++; tmpGraph.speedIntra = tmpGraph.speedInter = speedArray[speedIndex]; } done: // We have a solution. Start from that solution and move to pass 2. if (pass == 1) { time = -1; memcpy(&tmpGraph, graph, sizeof(tmpGraph)); speedIndex = 0; while (speedArray[speedIndex] > graph->speedInter && speedIndex < NSPEEDS-1) speedIndex++; tmpGraph.speedIntra = tmpGraph.speedInter = speedArray[speedIndex]; tmpGraph.minChannels = graph->nChannels; pass = 2; } // 3. See if we can increase speedIntra for trees (2 nodes or collnet) if (pass == 2) { if (time != 0 && graph->pattern != NCCL_TOPO_PATTERN_RING && tmpGraph.speedIntra == graph->speedIntra && tmpGraph.speedIntra < tmpGraph.speedInter*2 && speedIndex > 0) { tmpGraph.speedIntra = speedArray[--speedIndex]; goto search; } time = -1; memcpy(&tmpGraph, graph, sizeof(tmpGraph)); } if (graph->nChannels == 0 && graph->collNet == 0) { WARN("Could not find a path for pattern %d, falling back to simple order\n", graph->pattern); for (int i=0; iintra[i] = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[i].gpu.rank; graph->inter[0] = graph->inter[1] = 0; graph->speedIntra = graph->speedInter = 0.1; graph->typeIntra = graph->typeInter = PATH_SYS; graph->nChannels = 1; } if (graph->speedIntra >= 25.0) { int dupChannels = std::min(graph->nChannels*2, graph->maxChannels); memcpy(graph->intra+graph->nChannels*ngpus, graph->intra, (dupChannels-graph->nChannels)*ngpus*sizeof(int)); memcpy(graph->inter+graph->nChannels*2,graph->inter, (dupChannels-graph->nChannels)*2*sizeof(int)); graph->speedIntra /= DIVUP(dupChannels, graph->nChannels); graph->speedInter /= DIVUP(dupChannels, graph->nChannels); graph->nChannels = dupChannels; } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoPrintGraph(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph) { INFO(NCCL_GRAPH, "Pattern %d, crossNic %d, nChannels %d, speed %f/%f, type %s/%s, sameChannels %d", graph->pattern, graph->crossNic, graph->nChannels, graph->speedIntra, graph->speedInter, topoPathTypeStr[graph->typeIntra], topoPathTypeStr[graph->typeInter], graph->sameChannels); int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; char line[1024]; for (int c=0; cnChannels; c++) { sprintf(line, "%2d :", c); int offset = strlen(line); if (system->nodes[NET].count > 0) { sprintf(line+offset, " %s/%d", topoNodeTypeStr[NET], graph->inter[2*c]); offset = strlen(line); } for (int i=0; iintra[ngpus*c+i]); offset = strlen(line); } if (system->nodes[NET].count > 0) { sprintf(line+offset, " %s/%d", topoNodeTypeStr[NET], graph->inter[2*c+1]); offset = strlen(line); } INFO(NCCL_GRAPH, "%s", line); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoDumpGraphs(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int ngraphs, struct ncclTopoGraph** graphs) { char* str = getenv("NCCL_GRAPH_DUMP_FILE"); if (str) { INFO(NCCL_ENV, "NCCL_GRAPH_DUMP_FILE set by environment to %s", str); struct ncclXml* xml; NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&xml, 1)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetXmlFromGraphs(ngraphs, graphs, system, xml)); NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoDumpXmlToFile(str, xml)); free(xml); } return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetNetDev(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int rank, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int channelId, int* dev) { if (graph) { // Honor the net device in the graph int channel = channelId%graph->nChannels; int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count; int index = graph->intra[channel*ngpus] == rank ? 0 : 1; *dev = graph->inter[channel*2+index]; } else { int64_t id; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetLocalNet(system, rank, &id, channelId)); *dev = id; } return ncclSuccess; }