/************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE.txt for license information ************************************************************************/ #include "utils.h" #include "core.h" #include "nvmlwrap.h" // Get current Compute Capability int ncclCudaCompCap() { int cudaDev; if (cudaGetDevice(&cudaDev) != cudaSuccess) return 0; int ccMajor, ccMinor; if (cudaDeviceGetAttribute(&ccMajor, cudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor, cudaDev) != cudaSuccess) return 0; if (cudaDeviceGetAttribute(&ccMinor, cudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor, cudaDev) != cudaSuccess) return 0; return ccMajor*10+ccMinor; } ncclResult_t int64ToBusId(int64_t id, char* busId) { sprintf(busId, "%04lx:%02lx:%02lx.%01lx", (id) >> 20, (id & 0xff000) >> 12, (id & 0xff0) >> 4, (id & 0xf)); return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t busIdToInt64(const char* busId, int64_t* id) { const int size = strlen(busId); char* hexStr; NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&hexStr, size)); int hexOffset = 0; for (int i=0; i= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) { hexStr[hexOffset++] = busId[i]; } else break; } hexStr[hexOffset] = '\0'; *id = strtol(hexStr, NULL, 16); free(hexStr); return ncclSuccess; } // Convert a logical cudaDev index to the NVML device minor number ncclResult_t getBusId(int cudaDev, int64_t *busId) { // On most systems, the PCI bus ID comes back as in the 0000:00:00.0 // format. Still need to allocate proper space in case PCI domain goes // higher. char busIdStr[] = "00000000:00:00.0"; CUDACHECK(cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId(busIdStr, sizeof(busIdStr), cudaDev)); NCCLCHECK(busIdToInt64(busIdStr, busId)); return ncclSuccess; } ncclResult_t getHostName(char* hostname, int maxlen, const char delim) { if (gethostname(hostname, maxlen) != 0) { strncpy(hostname, "unknown", maxlen); return ncclSystemError; } int i = 0; while ((hostname[i] != delim) && (hostname[i] != '\0') && (i < maxlen-1)) i++; hostname[i] = '\0'; return ncclSuccess; } uint64_t getHash(const char* string, int n) { // Based on DJB2, result = result * 33 + char uint64_t result = 5381; for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { result = ((result << 5) + result) + string[c]; } return result; } /* Generate a hash of the unique identifying string for this host * that will be unique for both bare-metal and container instances * Equivalent of a hash of; * * $(hostname)$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id) * * This string can be overridden by using the NCCL_HOSTID env var. */ #define HOSTID_FILE "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id" uint64_t getHostHash(void) { char hostHash[1024]; char *hostId; // Fall back is the full hostname if something fails (void) getHostName(hostHash, sizeof(hostHash), '\0'); int offset = strlen(hostHash); if ((hostId = getenv("NCCL_HOSTID")) != NULL) { INFO(NCCL_ENV, "NCCL_HOSTID set by environment to %s", hostId); strncpy(hostHash, hostId, sizeof(hostHash)); } else { FILE *file = fopen(HOSTID_FILE, "r"); if (file != NULL) { char *p; if (fscanf(file, "%ms", &p) == 1) { strncpy(hostHash+offset, p, sizeof(hostHash)-offset-1); free(p); } } fclose(file); } // Make sure the string is terminated hostHash[sizeof(hostHash)-1]='\0'; TRACE(NCCL_INIT,"unique hostname '%s'", hostHash); return getHash(hostHash, strlen(hostHash)); } /* Generate a hash of the unique identifying string for this process * that will be unique for both bare-metal and container instances * Equivalent of a hash of; * * $$ $(readlink /proc/self/ns/pid) */ uint64_t getPidHash(void) { char pname[1024]; // Start off with our pid ($$) sprintf(pname, "%ld", (long) getpid()); int plen = strlen(pname); int len = readlink("/proc/self/ns/pid", pname+plen, sizeof(pname)-1-plen); if (len < 0) len = 0; pname[plen+len]='\0'; TRACE(NCCL_INIT,"unique PID '%s'", pname); return getHash(pname, strlen(pname)); } int parseStringList(const char* string, struct netIf* ifList, int maxList) { if (!string) return 0; const char* ptr = string; int ifNum = 0; int ifC = 0; char c; do { c = *ptr; if (c == ':') { if (ifC > 0) { ifList[ifNum].prefix[ifC] = '\0'; ifList[ifNum].port = atoi(ptr+1); ifNum++; ifC = 0; } while (c != ',' && c != '\0') c = *(++ptr); } else if (c == ',' || c == '\0') { if (ifC > 0) { ifList[ifNum].prefix[ifC] = '\0'; ifList[ifNum].port = -1; ifNum++; ifC = 0; } } else { ifList[ifNum].prefix[ifC] = c; ifC++; } ptr++; } while (ifNum < maxList && c); return ifNum; } static bool matchIf(const char* string, const char* ref, bool matchExact) { // Make sure to include '\0' in the exact case int matchLen = matchExact ? strlen(string) + 1 : strlen(ref); return strncmp(string, ref, matchLen) == 0; } static bool matchPort(const int port1, const int port2) { if (port1 == -1) return true; if (port2 == -1) return true; if (port1 == port2) return true; return false; } bool matchIfList(const char* string, int port, struct netIf* ifList, int listSize, bool matchExact) { // Make an exception for the case where no user list is defined if (listSize == 0) return true; for (int i=0; i