# Axiom - A Hugo Theme Axiom is designed to make the readers of your content and the search engines happy. Designed with a modular structure, and fully customizable in every way, Axiom adapts to your project, instead of forcing an opinionated structure. 🙌 Follow [Axiom](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=axiomtheme) on Twitter to stay up-to-date with the latest news. ## Getting Started To learn more, see the Quick Start, Documentation, and Live Example resources below: - Axiom Resources: - [Quick Start](https://www.axiomtheme.com/docs/quick-start/) - [Documentation](https://www.axiomtheme.com/docs/) - [Live Example](https://axiom-example.netlify.app/) - Axiom Repositories: - [Axiom Theme](https://github.com/marketempower/axiom) - [Axiom Example](https://github.com/marketempower/axiom-example) ![Axiom Screenshot](https://github.com/marketempower/axiom/raw/master/images/example.png) # License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: [CC-BY-SA-4.0](https://github.com/marketempower/axiom/blob/master/LICENSE). Copyright 2020 [Jhaura Wachsman](https://www.jhaurawachsman.com/)