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85 files changed, 324 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ar.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ar.json
index e2e1e01d86..c2b944c649 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ar.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ar.json
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "مرحباً.. وجدت تطبيقاً رائعاً مفتوح المصدر: Piwik!\n\nسيمكنك بايويك من تتبع زوار موقعك مجاناً، ويتوجب عليك حقاً أن تجربه الآن!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik هو برنامج احصائيات ويب مجاني ومفتوح المصدر، إمتلك بياناتك",
"ShareThis": "شارك هذا",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "عرض كود JaveScript الذي سيتم إدخاله.",
"SkipToContent": "تجاوز للمحتوى",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "تقدَّم إلى الصفحة الآمنة للدفع ببطاقة الائتمان (Paypal) لتصبح داعماً لـ Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/bg.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/bg.json
index 2cb31a7a17..e4afb1a111 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/bg.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/bg.json
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Възможно е конфигурацията на Piwik да е неправилна (това се случва когато Piwik е бил изместен на нов сървър или друг адрес). Вие можете или %1$sда щракнете тук и да добавите %2$s като валиден Piwik адрес (ако сте сигурни в достоверността му)%3$s, или %4$sда щракнете тук и да посетите %5$s, за да достъпите Piwik безпасно%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "В момента достъпвате Piwik от %1$s, но Piwik е настроен да работи чрез този адрес: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript трябва да бъде разрешен за да използвате Piwik в стандартен изглед.<br \/>Същото е ако JavaScript не е разрешен или браузъра не го поддържа.<br \/>За да използвате стандартен изглед разрешете JavaScript от настройките на Вашия браузър и %1$sопитайте отново%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Открийте разликата: %1$sДарете%2$s за фонд Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Направете еднократно дарение",
"Menu": "Меню",
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Здравейте! Туко-що открих прекрасен софтуер с отворен код: Piwik! Piwik позволява проследяването на посетителите на даден сайт безплатно. Задължително трябва да го пробвате!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Софтуер с отворен код за уеб анализ. Притежавайте вашите собствени данни.",
"ShareThis": "Сподели това",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Покажи JavaScript кода за вмъкване в сайта",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Пристъпете към сигурната страница за плащане (PayPal) за да станете Piwik Supporter!",
"SupportPiwik": "Подкрепи Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ca.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ca.json
index 8c3d592702..e62e5c8e4d 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ca.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ca.json
@@ -15,14 +15,12 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Pot ser que el Piwik estigui mal configurat (per exemple, si el Piwik s'ha mogut a un nou servidor o URL). Podeu %1$sfer click aquí i afegir %2$s com el nom de la màquina vàlid (si hi confieu)%3$s, o bé %4$s fer click aquí %5$s per accedir al piwik de forma segura%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Esteu accedint al Piwik desde %1$s, però el Piwik està configurat per escoltar a l'adreça: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "S'ha de tenir el Javascript activat per vistualitzar la vista estàndar del Piwik.<br\/> No obstant això, sembla que el Javascript esta deshabilitat or no està suportat pel vostre navegador<br\/> Per utilitzar la vista estàndarc, activeu el Javascript canviant les opcions del navegador i %1$storneu-ho a probar%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% del %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Contribuieu a les millores: %1$sDonar ara%2$s per col·laborar amb Piwik 2.0!",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Esteu identificat com a '%s' però sembla que no teniu cap permís establert al Piwik. %s Pregunteu al vostre administrador de Piwik (feu click per enviar un email)%s que us dongui access per veure un lloc web.",
"PageOf": "%1$s de %2$s",
"PeriodRange": "Rang",
"ReportGeneratedOn": "Informe generat el %s",
"ReportGeneratedXAgo": "Informe generat fa %s",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Mostra el codi JavaScript necessari",
"ThereIsNoDataForThisReport": "No hi ha informació per aquest informe.",
"UnFlattenDataTable": "Aquest informe es pla %s Feu-lo jeràrquic",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/cs.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/cs.json
index 3ebc6b1443..b2a02bb644 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/cs.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/cs.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik může být špatně nakonfigurován, například pokud byl přesunut na nový server nebo URL. Můžete %1$skliknout zde a přidat %2$s jako platné jméno hostitele Piwiku (pokud mu důvěřujete)%3$s, nebo %4$s klikněte zde%5$s pro bezpečný přístup k Piwiku%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Nyní přistupujete k Piwiku z %1$s, ale byl nakonfigurován, aby naslouchal na následující adrese: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Musíte mít zapnutý JavaScript, jinak Piwik nezobrazíte.<br \/> Nebo jen není Váš prohlížeč mezi podporovanými.<br \/>Pro běžné zobrazení zapněte JavaScript ve svém prohlížeči, poté %1$szkuste znovu%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Udělej změnu: %1$sPřispěj na vývoj%2$s nové verze Piwik 2.0",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Provést jednorázový dar.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Nazdar! Zrovna jsem našel skvělý open source software Piwik!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Bezplatná webová analytika. Vlastni svá data.",
"ShareThis": "Sdílet",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Zobrazit JavaScriptový kód ke vložení",
"SkipToContent": "Přejít k obsahu",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Pokračujte na zabezpečenou platební stránku (Paypal), pokud se chcete stát podpůrcem Piwiku.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/da.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/da.json
index 81bacceca6..88a490b1d0 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/da.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/da.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik kan være konfigureret forkert (f.eks. Hvis Piwik for nylig blev flyttet til en ny server eller en URL-adresse). Du kan enten %1$sklikke her og føje %2$s som gyldigt Piwik værtsnavn (hvis du har tillid til det) %3$s eller %4$sklikke her og få %5$s adgang til Piwik sikkert %6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Du tilgår Piwik fra %1$s, men Piwik er konfigureret til at køre på denne adresse: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaSript skal være aktiveret for at Piwik kan bruges i standardvisning. JavaScript er enten deaktiveret eller ikke understøttet i netlæseren.<br \/>For at bruge standardvisning, aktiver JavaScript i indstillingerne for netlæseren, og %1$s prøv igen %2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Gør en forskel: %1$sGiv et bidrag nu%2$s og støt Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Foretag engangsdonation, i stedet.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hej! Jeg har lige fundet et fantastisk open source program: Piwik!\n\nPiwik kan gratis spore besøgende på din hjemmeside. Du bør helt klart undersøge det!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Gratis og open source internet analyse. Ej dine egne data.",
"ShareThis": "Del dette",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Vis JavaScript-koden til at indsætte.",
"SkipToContent": "Gå til indhold",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Fortsæt til sikker kreditkort betalingsside (Paypal) for at blive en Piwik supporter!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/de.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/de.json
index e30cbf13c5..7d9e83a1db 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/de.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/de.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik könnte falsch konfiguriert sein (zum Beispiel wenn Piwik vor kurzem auf einen neuen Server oder eine neue URL umgezogen ist). Sie können entweder %1$shier klicken und %2$s als gültigen Hostnamen hinzufügen (wenn Sie ihm vertrauen)%3$s, oder %4$shier klicken um Piwik unter %5$s sicher zu betreten%6$s",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Sie betreten Piwik aktuell von %1$s, allerdings wurde Piwik so konfiguriert, dass es unter dieser Adresse läuft: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript muss aktiviert sein, um die Standardansicht von Piwik zu benutzen.<br\/>Es scheint jedoch so, als wäre JavaScript bei Ihnen deaktiviert bzw. würde nicht von Ihrem Browser unterstützt.<br \/>Um die Standardansicht zu benutzen, aktivieren Sie JavaScript in Ihren Browseroptionen und %1$sversuchen Sie es erneut%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Machen Sie den Unterschied: %1$sSpenden Sie jetzt%2$s und unterstützen Sie so Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Stattdessen einmalig spenden.",
"Menu": "Menü",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hi! Ich habe gerade diese großartige Open Soruce Software gefunden: Piwik!\nPiwik ermöglicht es Besucher einer Website zu tracken und ist kostenlos. Du solltest es dir unbedingt einmal ansehen!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Kostenlose und Open Source Web Analyse. Behalten Sie Ihre Daten.",
"ShareThis": "Teilen",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Den einzufügenden JavaScript-Code anzeigen",
"SkipToContent": "Zum Inhalt wechseln",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Weiter zur sicheren Seite für Kreditkartenzahlung (Paypal) um ein Unterstützer von Piwik zu werden.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/el.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/el.json
index 5afc2bba4b..9fea9102c1 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/el.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/el.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Το Piwik μπορεί να είναι λάθος ρυθμισμένο (για  παράδειγμα, αν το Piwik πρόσφατα μεταφέρθηκε σε ένα νέο εξυπηρετητή ή URL). Μπορείτε είτε %1$sνα κάνετε κλικ εδώ και να προσθέσετε %2$s ως έγκυρο όνομα εξυπηρετητή του Piwik (αν τον εμπιστεύεστε)%3$s ή %4$sνα κάνετε κλικ εδώ και πηγαίνετε στο %5$s για να έχουν πρόσβαση με ασφάλεια Piwik%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Θα έχετε πρόσβαση τώρα στο Piwik από το %1$s, αλλά το Piwik έχει ρυθμιστεί να τρέχει σε αυτή τη διεύθυνση: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Η JavaScript πρέπει να ενεργοποιηθεί για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Piwik στη βασική του μορφή.<br \/>Ωστόσο, φαίνεται ότι η JavaScript είναι είτε απενεργοποιημένη ή δεν υποστηρίζεται από τον φυλλομετρητή σας.<br \/>Για τη χρήση της βασικής μορφής, ενεργοποιήστε τη JavaScript αλλάζοντας της ρυθμίσεις του φυλλομετρητή σας και %1$sδοκιμάστε ξανά%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Κάντε τη διαφορά: %1$sΔωρίστε τώρα%2$s για τη χρηματοδότηση του Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Εναλλακτικά, κάντε μια εφάπαξ δωρεά.",
"Menu": "Μενού",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Γεια σας! Βρήκα μόνο ένα καταπληκτικό λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα: το Piwik!\n\nΤο Piwik θα σας επιτρέψει να παρακολουθείτε τους επισκέπτες στην ιστοσελίδα σας δωρεάν. Καλό θα είναι να το δείτε!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Δωρεάν και ανοικτού κώδικα στατιστικά ιστοσελίδων. Κρατήστε δικά σας τα δεδομένα.",
"ShareThis": "Μοιραστείτε το",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Εμφάνιση του κώδικα της Javascript προς εισαγωγή",
"SkipToContent": "Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Προχωρήστε σε μια ασφαλή σελίδα πληρωμής με πιστωτική κάρτα (Paypal) για να γίνετε Υποστηρικτής του Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/en.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/en.json
index b8eedef46a..a6bab4a544 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/en.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/en.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik may be misconfigured (for example, if Piwik was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Piwik hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Piwik safely%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "You are now accessing Piwik from %1$s, but Piwik has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Piwik in standard view.<br \/>However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br \/>To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Make a difference: %1$sDonate now%2$s to fund Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Make a one time donation, instead.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Piwik!\n\nPiwik will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Free\/libre web analytics. Own your data.",
"ShareThis": "Share this",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Show the JavaScript code to insert",
"SkipToContent": "Skip to content",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Piwik Supporter!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/et.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/et.json
index 5b9ef18191..75197d163a 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/et.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/et.json
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"FlattenDataTable": "Antud raport on hierarhiline %s Tee see lamedaks",
"HowMuchIsPiwikWorth": "Kui palju on Piwik sulle väärt?",
"IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation": "Ebapopulaarsed read on peidetud %s Kuva kõik read",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom%.%longMonthFrom% - %dayTo%.%longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Aita kaasa: %1$sAnneta%2$s Piwik 2.0 arendamiseks!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Või tee hoopis ühekordne annetus.",
"PageOf": "%1$s \/ %2$s",
@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@
"ReportGeneratedXAgo": "Raport genereeritud %s tagasi",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Tasuta ja avatud lähtekoodiga veebianalüütika tarkvara. Oma enda andmeid!",
"ShareThis": "Jaga seda",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom%.%shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo%.%shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Näita sisestatavat JavaScript koodi",
"SupportPiwik": "Toeta Piwikut!",
"TableNoData": "Antud tabeli jaoks andmed puuduvad.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fa.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fa.json
index 6de7f5b881..26f701e2c2 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fa.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fa.json
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"HowMuchIsPiwikWorth": "چقدر پیویک برای شما ارزش دارد؟",
"InjectedHostEmailBody": "درود، من امروز برای دسترسی به پیویک تلاش کردم و هشدار نام هاست نامشخص را دریافت کردم.",
"InjectedHostEmailSubject": "دسترسی به پیویک توسط یک میزبان ناشناخته انجام شده است: %s",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "یک تفاوت ایجاد کنید: %1$sبه پیویک هدیه بدهید%2$s تا در پیویک 2.0 سرمایه گذاری کنیم!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "یک بار کمک مالی انجام دهید.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "شما به عنوان %s وارد شده اید , اما به نظر می رسد که شما اجازه دسترسی به هیچ بخشی از پیویک را ندارید. %s از مدیریت پیویک تان بخواهید (برای ارسال ایمیل کلیک کنید)%s تا به شما دسترسی \"مشاهده\" یک وبسایت را بدهد.",
@@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "سلام! من قسمت بزرگی از نرم افزار های متن باز را پیدا کرده ام : Piwik!\n\nPiwik به شما این امکان را می دهد که بازدیدکنندگان سایت خود را به رایگان مشاهده نمایید. شما حتما باید این برنامه را آزمایش نمایید!",
"SharePiwikShort": "پیویک! تحلیل آمار وب متن باز و رایگان. صاحب داده هایتان باشید.",
"ShareThis": "این را به اشتراک بگذارید",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "نمایش کد جاوا اسکریپت برای اضافه نمودن",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "در حال پردازش کریدیت کارت برای اتصال امن به درگاه پرداخت. پیویک از پی پال هم ساپورت میکند.",
"SupportPiwik": "ازپیویک حمایت کنید!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fi.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fi.json
index e95f65ef61..396119d87e 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fi.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fi.json
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik saattaa olla väärin asennettu (esim. jos Piwik on hiljattain siirretty uuteen serveriin tai URL:ään). Voit joko %1$sklikata tästä ja lisätä %2$s ja lisätä päteväksi Piwik isäntänimeksi (jos luotat siihen)%3$s, tai %4$sklikata tästä ja %5$s siirtyäksesi Piwikiin turvallisesti%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Käytät Piwikiä osoitteesta %1$s, mutta Piwik on konfiguroitu ajettavaksi tässä osoitteessa: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScriptin täytyy olla käytössä normaalinäkymässä.<br \/>JavaScript ei ole päällä tai ei ole tuettu selaimessasi.<br \/>Ota JavaScript käyttöön selaimesi asetuksista ja %1$syritä uudelleen%2$s.<br\/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom%.%longMonthFrom%. - %dayTo%.%longMonthTo%.%longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Ole mukana vaikuttamassa: %1$sTee lahjoitus%2$s Piwik 2.0 version rahoittamiseksi!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Lahjoita kertasumma.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Olet kirjautuneena sisään käyttäjänä '%s', mutta sinulla ei ole mitään oikeuksia Piwikissä. %sPyydä Piwikin ylläpitäjää (klikkaa avataksesi sähköpostin)%s antamaan katseluoikeudet verkkosivuun.",
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hei! Löysin juuri mahtavan avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmiston: Piwik!\n\nPiwikin avulla voit seurata verkkosivusi kävijöitä ilmaiseksi. Kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Ilmainen ja avoimen lähdekoodin verkkoanalyysi. Hallitse omaa dataasi.",
"ShareThis": "Jaa tämä",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom%.%shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo%.%shortMonthTo%.%shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Näytä lisättävä Javascript-koodi",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Jatka turvalliselle luottokorttimaksusivulle (Paypal) ryhtyäksesi Piwikin tukijaksi!",
"SupportPiwik": "Tue Piwikiä!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fr.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fr.json
index 3246f768be..dc5980c335 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fr.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/fr.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik est probablement mal configuré (par exemple, si Piwik a récemment été déplacé vers un nouveau serveur ou une nouvelle URL). Vous pouvez ou %1$scliquer ici et l'ajouter %2$s en tant que nom d'hôte Piwik valide (si vous lui faites confiance)%3$s, ou %4$s cliquer ici et accéder %5$s à Piwik de manière sécurisée%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Vous accédez maintenant à Piwik depuis %1$s, mais Piwik a été configuré pour s'exécuter à cette adresse : %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript doit être activé pour que vous puissiez utiliser Piwik de manière basique.<br \/>Cependant, il semble que JasvaScript ne soit pas supporté ou soit désactivé sur votre navigateur.<br \/>Pour utiliser l'interface basique, activez JavaScript en modifiant les options de votre navigateur, ensuite %1$sessayez encore%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Faites une différence : %1$sDonnez Maintenant%2$s pour financer Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Faire un don unique à la place.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Salut ! Je viens juste de trouver un bon logiciel libre : Piwik !\nPiwik va te permettre de suivre les visiteurs de ton site web gratuitement. Tu devrais vraiment aller voir !",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Analyse web gratuite et libre. Maîtrisez vos données.",
"ShareThis": "Partager ceci",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Afficher le code JavaScript à insérer",
"SkipToContent": "Passer au contenu",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Procéder à un paiement par carte de crédit sécurisé (Paypal) pour devenir un bienfaiteur de Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/hi.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/hi.json
index 0da62876ed..719ccb4c60 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/hi.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/hi.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik गलत हो सकता है (उदाहरण के लिए, अगर Piwik हाल ही में एक नया सर्वर या यूआरएल के लिए ले जाया गया था)आप या तो यहाँ %1$sक्लिक करें और परिचारक नाम वैध Piwik (यदि आप इसे पर भरोसा है अगर)%3$s के %4$s रूप में जोड़े%2$s, या यहाँ क्लिक करें और %5$sसुरक्षित रूप से Piwik तक पहुँच सकते हैं%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "%2$sअब आप%1$s Piwik से पहुँच रहे हैं, लेकिन Piwik इस पते पर चलाने के लिए समाकृति किया गया है:",
"JavascriptDisabled": "आप मानक दृश्य में Piwik का उपयोग करने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट क्रम में सक्षम होना चाहिए. <br \/> हालांकि, ऐसा लगता है कि या तो जावास्क्रिप्ट आपके ब्राउज़र से अक्षम या समर्थित नहीं है.<br \/>मानक दृश्य का उपयोग करने के लिए, अपने ब्राउज़र के विकल्प बदलकर JavaScript सक्षम करें, तब %1$s फिर कोशिश करें %2$s. <br\/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "एक फर्क: निधि Piwik 2.0 के लिए %1$sअभी दान करे%2$s!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "इसके बजाय, एक समय दान करें.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "आप '%s' के रूप में लॉग इन किया है, लेकिन यह आपको Piwik में निर्धारित कोई भी अनुमति नहीं है लगता है. एक वेबसाइट पर 'दृश्य' पहुंच देने के लिए आपके %sPiwik व्यवस्थापक (ईमेल के लिए क्लिक करें)%s से पूछो.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/id.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/id.json
index 2ea8b3d5af..8de1d7e590 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/id.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/id.json
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik mungkin salah konfigurasi (sebagai contoh, bila Piwik baru saja dipindah ke peladen atau URL baru). Anda dapat memilih %1$sklik di sini dan menambah%2$s sebagai nama inang Piwik sahih (bila Anda mempercayai ini)%3$s, atau %4$sklik di sini dan menuju %5$s akses Piwik secara aman%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Sekarang Anda mengakses Piwik dari %1$s, tetapi Piwik telah diatur untuk berjalan di alamat ini: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript harus diaktifkan untuk melihat Piwik di tampilan standar. <br \/>Namun, tampaknya JavaScript dimatikan atau tidak didukung oleh peramban Anda. <br \/>Untuk menggunakan tampilan standar, aktifkan JavaScript dengan mengubah pengaturab peramban Anda, lalu %1$scoba lagi%2$s. <br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Buat perbedaan: %1$sMenyumbang sekarang%2$s untuk mendanai Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Buat satu kali sumbangan saja.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Anda masuk sebagai '%s' tetapi sepertinya Anda tidak memiliki izin apapun di Piwik. %s Tanyakan kepada pengelola Piwik Anda (klik untuk kirim surel)%s untuk memberikan akses 'Lihat' ke situs.",
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hai! Saya baru saja menemukan sebuah kepingan luar biasa perangkat lunak sumber terbuka: Piwik!\n\nPiwik memungkinkan kamu untuk melacak pengunjung situs kamu secara gratis. Kamu harus segera melihatnya!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Analisis ramatraya sumber terbuka dan gratis. Miliki sendiri data Anda.",
"ShareThis": "Bagi ini",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Tampilkan kode JavaScript untuk disisipkan",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Meneruskan ke halaman pembayaran aman kartu kredit (Paypal) untuk to menjadi pendukung Piwik!",
"SupportPiwik": "Dukung!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/it.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/it.json
index e328f859b5..dcd55b660f 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/it.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/it.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik può essere configurato in modo errato (ad esempio, se Piwik è stato recentemente spostato in un nuovo server o URL). È possibile %1$sFare clic qui e aggiungere %2$s come hostname valido per Piwik (se ti fidi di esso)%3$s, o %4$sFare clic qui e andare a %5$s per accedere in modo sicuro a Piwik%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Stai accedendo a Piwik da %1$s ma Piwik è stato configuraato per girare a questo indirizzo: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript deve essere abilitato per poter utilizzare Piwik in visualizzazione standard.<br \/>Tuttavia, sembra che JavaScript sia disabilitato o non supportato dal tuo browser.<br \/> Per utilizzare la visualizzazione standard, attiva JavaScript modificando le opzioni del browser, quindi %1$sprova ancora%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Fa' la differenza: %1$sDona adesso%2$s per finanziare Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Fa' una donazione unica.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Salve! Ho giusto trovato un bel software open source: Piwik!\n\nPiwik vi permetterà di tracciare i visitatori del vostro sito gratuitamente. Dovreste provarlo!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Statistiche web gratuite e open source. Entrate in possesso dei vostri dati.",
"ShareThis": "Condividi",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Mostra il codice JavaScript da inserire",
"SkipToContent": "Vai al contenuto",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Procedi su una pagina sicura di pagamento con carta di credito (Paypal) per diventare un Sostenitore di Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ja.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ja.json
index 96cf5a56c8..6efb5237e9 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ja.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ja.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik が誤って構成された可能性があります。( Piwik が最近新しいサーバーや URL に移動された等) 有効な Piwik ホスト名 (信用できる場合) として、%1$sclick here and add %2$s %3$s, または、 %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Piwik safely%6$s 。",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "現在 %1$s から Piwik にアクセスしていますが、 Piwik は以下のアドレスで実行するように設定されています。: %2$s",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Piwik を標準ビューで使用するには JavaScript が有効である必要がありますが、<br \/>あなたのブラウザでは無効になっているか、サポートされないようです。<br \/>標準ビューで使用するために、ブラウザのオプションを変更して JavaScript を有効にしてから<br \/>%1$s再試行してください%2$s。<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "ぜひ、新しい変化を生み出してください : Piwik 2.0 基金に %1$sDonate now%2$s !",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "代わりに寄与をする",
"Menu": "メニュー",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "素晴らしい無償ソフトウェアが見つかりました ! : Piwik です! Piwik はあなたのウェブサイト訪問者を無料で追跡します。要チェック !",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik !フリーでオープンソースのウェブ解析、あなたのデータを所有できます",
"ShareThis": "共有する",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "挿入する javascript コードを表示",
"SkipToContent": "コンテンツへスキップ",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Piwik サポーターになるには、安全なクレジットカード決済 ( Paypal ) ページにお進みください !",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ko.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ko.json
index 25942ac49a..f43ee7f5ae 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ko.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ko.json
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik이 잘못 구성된 것 같습니다 (예를 들어, Piwik이 최근에 새로운 서버 또는 URL로 이동됨). 유효한 Piwik 호스트네임을 (신뢰하는 경우) %1$s이곳을 클릭하여 추가%2$s할 수 있습니다 %3$s, 또는 %4$s이곳을 클릭하여 이동%5$s하는 것으로 Piwik의 안전한 %6$s로 접근할 수 있습니다.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "당신은 지금 %1$s에서 Piwik에 접근하고 있지만 Piwik은 다음 주소로 실행되도록 구성되어 있습니다: %2$s",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Piwik의 표준보기를 이용하려면 JavaScript가가 활성화되어 있어야 합니다.<br \/>하지만, 당신의 브라우저는 활성화되어있지 않거나 지원되지 않는 것 같습니다.<br \/>표준보기를 이용하려면 브라우저 옵션을 변경하여 JavaScript를 활성화하고 <br \/> %1$s다시 시도하세요%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "개발 지원: Piwik 2.0에 %1$s기부해 주세요%2$s!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "또는, 한 번만 기부합니다.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "'%s'로 로그인되었지만 권한이 설정되어 있지 않습니다. %s Piwik 관리자(클릭 이메일) %s에 '보기'권한을 부여 받으세요.",
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Piwik! 이라는 멋진 오픈소스를 발견했습니다. Piwik은 웹사이트의 방문자를 추적할 수 있는 무료 분석 도구입니다. 꼭 확인해 보세요!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik은 오픈소스기반 무료 웹 분석 도구입니다. 이제 소중한 정보를 소유하세요!",
"ShareThis": "공유하기",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%shortMonthFrom% %dayFrom% - %shortYearTo% %shortMonthTo% %dayTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "삽입할 자바스크립트 코드 보기",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Piwik의 후원자가 되기 위해서 보안 신용카드 결제 페이지 (페이팔)로 이동합니다!",
"SupportPiwik": "Piwik 지원!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nb.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nb.json
index beecaa88ec..91308236ff 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nb.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nb.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik kan være feilkonfigurert (for eksempel hvis Piwik nylig var flyttet til en ny tjener eller ny URL). Du kan enten %1$sklikke her og legge til %2$s som et gyldig Piwik-vertsnavn (hvis du stoler på det)%3$s eller %4$sklikk her og gå til %5$s for sikker tilgang til Piwik%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Du har tilgang til Piwik fra %1$s, men Piwik er konfigurert til å kjøre på adressen: %2$s",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript må være aktivert for at du skal kunne bruke Piwik i standardvisning.<br \/>Det ser ut til at JavaScript enten er deaktivert eller ikke støttet av din nettleser.<br \/>For å bruke standardvisning, må du aktivere JavaScript i nettleserinnstillingene og deretter %1$sprøve igjen%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Gjør en forskjell: %1$sDoner nå%2$s for å finansiere Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Bidra med en engangsdonasjon i stedet.",
"Menu": "Meny",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hei! Jeg har nettopp funnet et bra stykke fri programvare: Piwik!\n\nPiwik lar deg spore besøkende på ditt nettsted gratis. Du bør definitivt prøve det ut.",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Gratis og åpen kildekode web analyse. Du eier dataene.",
"ShareThis": "Del dette",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Vis JavaScript-koden til å sette inn på din nettside.",
"SkipToContent": "Hopp til innhold",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Fortsett til en sikker betalingsside for kredittkort (Paypal) for å bli en Piwik-støttespiller.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nl.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nl.json
index a045cedc9e..56ac3bee35 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nl.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/nl.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik is waarschijnlijk verkeerd geconfigureerd (bijv. Piwik werd verplaatst naar een nieuwe server of URL). %1$sKlik hier en voeg %2$s toe als een toegestane Piwik hostnaam indien je die vertrouwd%3$s, of %4$sklik hier en ga naar %5$s om Piwik veilig te banaderen%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Je bezoekt nu Piwik van %1$s, maar Piwik is geconfigureerd om op dit adres te draaien: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript moet ingeschakeld zijn om Piwik in standaard weergave te bekijken. <br\/> Het lijkt erop dat JavaScript is uitgeschakeld of niet ondersteund wordt door uw browser.<br\/> Om de standaard weergave te gebruiken, schakel JavaScript in door uw browser instellingen te wijzigen, probeer het daarna %1$s opnieuw %2$s.<br\/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Maak een verschil: %1$sDoneer nu%2$s om Piwik 2.0 te steunen!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Doe een eennmalige donatie in de plaats.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hey, Ik heb net een prachtig stukje open source software ontdekt: Piwik!\n\nPiwik geeft je de mogelijkheid om gratis bezoekers op je website te volgen. Je zou het zeker eens moeten uitproberen!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Gratis en open source web analyse. Beheer je data.",
"ShareThis": "Deel dit",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "toon de javascript code",
"SkipToContent": "Ga naar de inhoud",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Ga verder naar een veilige kredietkaart betaalpagina (Paypal) en wordt een Piwik Supporter!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pl.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pl.json
index e037bdba2d..e33b906c2c 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pl.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pl.json
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik mógł zostać błędnie skonfigurowany (np. jeśli Piwik został ostatnio przeniesiony na nowy serwer lub adres URL). Możesz %1$skliknąć tutaj i dodać %2$s jako prawidłową nazwę hosta Piwik (jeśli jej ufasz)%3$s, lub %4$skliknąć tutaj aby przejść do %5$s aby uzyskać bezpieczny dostęp do Piwik'a%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Uzyskujesz obecnie dostęp do Piwik pod adresem %1$s, ale Piwik został skonfigurowany aby działać pod adresem: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Aby użyć standardowego widoku Piwik, wymagane jest zezwolenie do działanie skryptów Java.<br \/>Wydaje się jednak, że tutaj JavaScript nie działa lub jest niepoprawnie wspierany przez twoją przeglądarkę.<br \/>By użyć standardowego widoku, włącz działanie JavaScript w opcjach swojej przeglądarki, i wtedy %1$sspróbuj ponownie%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Zamiast, przekaż jednorazową dotację.",
"Menu": "Menu",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Jesteś zalogowany jako '%s' ale wygląda na to, że nie masz nadanych żadnych uprawnień w Piwik'u. %s Poproś swojego administratora Piwik'a (kliknij aby wysłąć email)%s aby nadał Ci uprawnienia 'przeglądania' strony.",
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Cześć! Właśnie znalazłem niezły kawałek darmowego oprogramowania: Piwik!\n\nPiwik pozwoli Ci śledzić odwiedzających Twoją stronę za darmo. Powinieneś koniecznie go sprawdzić!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Darmowa open source'owa analityka. Twoje dane pod Twoją kontrolą.",
"ShareThis": "Udostępnij to",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Pokaż kod JavaScript do umieszczenia",
"SkipToContent": "Przejdź do zawartości",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Przejdź do bezpiecznej karty płatności kartami kredytowymi (Paypal) aby zostać Wspierającym Piwik'a!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pt-br.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pt-br.json
index fec98466b2..c866034982 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pt-br.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/pt-br.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik pode estar mal configurado (por exemplo, se Piwik foi recentemente movido para um novo servidor ou URL). Você pode tanto %1$sClicar aqui e adicionar%2$s como um Piwik hostname válido (se você confiar nele)%3$s, ou %4$sClique aqui para %5$s para acessar com segurança Piwik%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Você está agora acessando Piwik de %1$s, mas Piwik foi configurado para ser executado neste endereço: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript deve ser habilitado para que você possa usar o Piwik como visualização padrão. <br\/>Contudo, parece que JavaScript ou está desabilidado ou não é suportado pelo seu navegador. <br\/>Para usar a visualização padrão, habilite o JavaScript mudando as opções do seu navegador, então %1$stente novamente%2$s.<br\/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Faça a diferença:%1$sDoe agora%2$s para o fundo Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Em vez disso, faça uma doação.",
"Menu": "Menu",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Oi! Acabei de encontrar um grande software open source: Piwik! Ele permite que você rastreie os visitantes do seu site de graça. Você definitivamente deve dar uma olhada nele!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Análise Web grátis e open source. Seja dono dos seus dados!",
"ShareThis": "Compartilhar",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Mostra o código JavaScript a inserir",
"SkipToContent": "Ir para o conteúdo",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Proceder a uma página de pagamento seguro através de cartão de crédito (Paypal) para se tornar um apoiador do Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ro.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ro.json
index c5391cb2c7..5b74280ceb 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ro.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ro.json
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik poate sa fie configurat greșit (de exemplu, dacă Piwik a fost recent mutat pe un server nou sau la un URL nou). Poți fie să %1$s dai click aici și să adaugi %2$s ca un hostname valid de Piwik (dacă ai încredere)%3$s, sau %4$s să dai click aici și să te duci la %5$s pentru a accesa Piwik în siguranță%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Acum accesati Piwik de la %1$s, dar Piwik a fost configurat sa ruleze la aceasta adresa: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Trebuie sa aveti JavaScript activat pentru a putea utiliza Piwik in modul de vizualizare standard.<br \/> Se pare ca JavaScript ori nu este activat, ori nu este suportat de browserul dvs.<br \/> Pentru a utiliza modul de vizualizare standard, activati JavaScript modificand optiunile browserului dvs, apoi %1$sincercati din nou%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Fa o diferenta: %1$sDoneaza acum%2$s pentru a sponsoriza Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "În schimb, donează o dată (fără subscriere).",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Sunteti logat ca '%s' dar se pare ca nu aveti nici o permisiune setata in Piwik. %s Solicitati administratorului dvs al Piwik (click pentru email)%s sa va permita accesul tip 'vizualizare' pentru un site.",
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Buna! Tocmai am descoperit acest software open source: Piwik!\n\nPiwik iti va permite sa contorizezi vizitatorii siteului tau gratuit. Cu siguranta trebuie sa vezi despre ce e vorba!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Analiză liberă şi open-source a activităţii web. Fii stăpân pe datele tale.",
"ShareThis": "Distribuie",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Arată codul JavaScript ce trebuie folosit",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Mergeti catre o pagina securizata de procesare a platii online (Paypal) pentru a deveni un sustinator al Piwik!",
"SupportPiwik": "Susţine Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ru.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ru.json
index c985d8f630..6103a78217 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ru.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ru.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik может быть неправильно сконфигурирован (например, если Piwik был недавно перемещен на новый сервер или переехал на новый адрес). Вы также можете %1$sнажать сюда и добавить %2$s в качестве доверенного имени хоста Piwik (если вы доверяете ему)%3$s, или %4$sнажмите сюда и перейдите %5$s для безопасного доступа к Piwik%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Сейчас вы заходите в Piwik на %1$s, но Piwik был настроен на этом адресе: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript должен быть разрешен для корректного стандартного отображения Piwik.<br \/>Если Вы читаете это сообщение, значит JavaScript запрещен, либо не поддерживается вашим браузером.<br \/>Для использования стандартного вида, разрешите JavaScript в настройках вашего браузера, потом %1$sпопробуйте обновить страницу%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Внесите свой вклад: %1$sПожертвуйте сейчас%2$s для финансирования Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Сделать только пожертвование (без подписки).",
"Menu": "Меню",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Привет! Я только что нашел интересный проект с открытым исходным кодом: Piwik! Piwik позволит вам отслеживать посетителей на вашем сайте бесплатно. Вы определенно должны это посмотреть!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Свободное и открытое программное веб-аналитики. Владейте вашими данными.",
"ShareThis": "Поделиться",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Показать JavaScript код для вставки",
"SkipToContent": "Перейти к содержимому",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Приступить к безопасной оплате кредитной картой (Paypal), чтобы стать сторонником Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sk.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sk.json
index e66d5961f5..6425e27ba1 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sk.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sk.json
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "HI. Práve som našiel obrovský kus free softvéru: Piwik.\nPiwik ti umožní sledovať návštevníkov tvojej webstránky zadarmo. V každom prípade by ste ho mali vyskúšať.",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Voľne dostupný analytický nástroj. Vlastnite svoje dáta.",
"ShareThis": "Zdieľajte to",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Zobraziť javascript kód pre vloženie",
"SkipToContent": "Preskočiť k obsahu",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Pristúpte na stránku bezpečného platenia kreditnou kartou (Paypal) a staňte sa podporovateľom Piwiku!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sr.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sr.json
index da02a4e44e..532d2e9122 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sr.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sr.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik možda nije podešen kako treba (na primer, premešten je na novi server ili URL). Možete ili da %1$skliknete ovde i dodate %2$s kao validan naziv hosta (ukoliko mu verijete)%3$s, ili da %4$skliknete ovde i %5$s pristupite bezbedno Piwik-u%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Sada pristupate Piwik-u sa %1$s, ali je Piwik podešen da radi sa ove adrese: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript mora bidi uključen kako biste standardno koristili Piwik.<br \/>Izgleda da je JavaScript ili isključen ili nije podržan od strane vašeg brauzera.<br \/>Kako biste omogućili standardni prikaz, uključite JavaScript kroz podešavanja vašeg brauzera a onda %1$spokušajte ponovo%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Budi drugačiji: %1$sDoniraj%2$s za Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Možete izvršiti i jednokratnu donaciju.",
"Menu": "Meni",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Ćaos! Upravo sam naleteo na strava program: Piwik!\n\nPiwik je besplatan program otvorenog koda za praćenje posetilaca na tvom sajtu. Definitvno moraš da ga isprobaš!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Besplatna web analitika otvorenog koda. Budite vlasnici svojih podataka.",
"ShareThis": "Podeli",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Prikaži JavaScript kod",
"SkipToContent": "Pređi na sadržaj",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Nastavite ka stranici za sigurno plaćanje (Paypal) kako biste postali Piwik suporter!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sv.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sv.json
index 82c8513f15..08ccaa996a 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sv.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/sv.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik kan vara felkonfigurerat (t.ex. om Pwiwik nyligen har flyttats till en ny server eller URL). Du kan antigen %1$sklicka här och lägga till %2$s som ett giltigt värdnamn för Piwik (om det är giltigt)%3$s, eller %4$sklicka här för att gå till %5$s och ansluta till Piwik säkert%6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Du ansluter till Piwik från %1$s, men Piwik har konfigurerats att köras från den här adressen: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript måste vara aktiverat för att du ska kunna använda Piwik i standardläge.<br \/>Det verkar dock som att JavaScript antingen är inaktiverat eller att det inte stöds av din webbläsare..<br \/>För att använda standardläget, aktivera JavaScript genom att ändra din webbläsares inställningar, %1$sförsök sen igen%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Gör skillnad: %1$sDonera nu%2$s för att finansiera Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Donera en engångssumma istället.",
"Menu": "Meny",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hej! Jag har just hittat ett fantastiskt öppet källkodsprogram: Piwik!\n\nPiwik hjälper dig spåra besökarna på din hemsida helt gratis. Du borde definitivt kolla in det!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Gratis och öppen webbstatistik. Äg din egen data.",
"ShareThis": "Dela det här",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Visa JavaScript-koden för att inkludera.",
"SkipToContent": "Hoppa till innehåll",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Fortsätt till en säker kortbetalningssida (Paypal) för att bli en Piwik-Supporter!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ta.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ta.json
index e763bf1187..2d7e1ebe95 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ta.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/ta.json
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
"InjectedHostEmailBody": "வணக்கம், நான் இன்று Piwik அணுக முயற்சிசெய்யும் போது அறியப்படாத புரவலன்பெயர் எச்சரிக்கையை எதிர்கொண்டேன்.",
"InjectedHostEmailSubject": "piwik தெரியாத இந்த புரவலன் பேரில் இருந்து அணுகப்பட்டுள்ளது: %s",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "நீங்கள் இப்போது பிவிக்கை %1$s -ல் இருந்து இயக்குகிறீர்கள், ஆனால் பிவிக்கானது %2$s -முகவரியிலிருந்து இயங்க கட்டமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "மாற்றுக : %1$s இப்போது அன்பளிக்க %2$s Piwik 2.0 இன் வளர்ச்சிக்கு!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "இல்லையேல் ஒருமுறை மட்டும் நன்கொடை செலுத்துங்கள்.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "நீங்கள் '%s' -ஆக உள்நுழைந்துள்ளீர்கள், ஆனால் உங்களுக்கு பார்வை அனுமதி வழங்கப்படவில்லை. %s உங்களுடைய பிவிக் நிர்வாகியிடம் (மின்னஞ்சல் அனுப்ப)%s வலைதளத்தைப் \"பார்வையிட\" அனுமதி கேளுங்கள்.",
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Hi! Piwik: எனக்கு திறந்த மூல மென்பொருள் மூலம்  ஒரு பெரிய பகுதி கிடைத்தது!\n\nPiwik உங்களுக்கு இலவசமாக உங்கள் இணைய பார்வையாளர்கள் கண்காணிக்க உதவும். நீங்கள் நிச்சயமாக அதை பார்க்க வேண்டும்!",
"SharePiwikShort": "பிவிக்! இலவச மற்றும் திறந்த மூல இணையப் பகுப்பாய்வு. உங்கள் தரவு உங்களுக்கே சொந்தமானது.",
"ShareThis": "இதை பகிர",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "உள் நுழைப்பதற்கான ஜாவாஸ்க்ரிப்டினை காட்ட",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "பிவிக் ஆதரவாளர்-ஆக, பாதுகாப்பான பற்றட்டைக் கட்டணப் பக்கத்திற்கு(பேபேல்) தொடருக.",
"SupportPiwik": "Piwik'க்கு உதவுங்கள்",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tl.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tl.json
index bbf62c76d9..326713074a 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tl.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tl.json
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Ang Piwik ay maaaring na-configure ng mali (halimbawa, kung inilipat kamakailan ang Piwik sa bagong server o URL). Maaari mong %1$s i-click dito at magdagdag ng %2$s bilang wastong Piwik hostname (kung pinagkakatiwalaan mo ito) %3$s, o %4$s i-click dito at pumunta sa %5$s upang ma-access ang Piwik ng ligtas %6$s.",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Ina-access mo na ngayon Piwik mula sa %1$s, ngunit ang Piwik ay na-configure upang tumakbo sa address na ito: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "Dapat mong i-enable ang Javascrip upang iyong magamit ang Piwik sa standard view. <br\/> tila ang JavaScript ay disabled o hindi suportado ng iyong browser. <br\/> Upang magamit ang standard view, paganahin ang JavaScript sa pamamagitan ng pagbabago ng iyong mga pagpipilian sa browser, pagkatapos ay %1$s subukang muli %2$s. <br\/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Gumawa ng isang pagkakaiba: %1$sMagbigay ng donasyon ngayon%2$s upang pondohan ang Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Ang widget na ito ay ipinapakita lamang sa mga user na may Super User na access.",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Ikaw ay naka-log-in bilang '%s' ngunit mukhang wala kang anumang pahintulot na naka-set sa Piwik. %s Tanungin ang iyong Piwik administrator (i-click upang i-email) %s upang bigyan ka ng 'view' access sa website.",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tr.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tr.json
index 23533003cf..572a8f8459 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tr.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/tr.json
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
"InjectedHostEmailBody": "Merhaba, bugün Piwik'e erişmeye çalıştım ve bilinmeyen host uyarısı ile karşılaştım.",
"InjectedHostEmailSubject": "Bilinmeyen bir sunucu Piwik'e erişti: %s",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Şu anda Piwik'e %1$s 'den giriş yapıyorsunuz ama Piwik şu adreste çalışması için ayarlandı: %2$s.",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Farklılık yarat: Piwik 2.0'ı finanse etmek için şimdi %1$s bağışla %2$s",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Onun yerine bir defalık bağış yapın",
"OnlyForSuperUserAccess": "Bu widget sadece Super User seviyesinde olan kullanıcılara görüntülenir.",
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
"ReportGeneratedXAgo": "%s kadar önce oluşturulan Rapor",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Ücretsiz web takibi ve analizi. Kendi verilerinizle.",
"ShareThis": "paylaş",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Eklenecek JavaScript kodu göster",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Piwik Destekçisi olmak için güvenli bir kredi kartı ödeme sayfasına (Paypal) geçin!",
"SupportPiwik": "Piwike destek ol",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/vi.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/vi.json
index 8a897b5d32..bbdc13daf2 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/vi.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/vi.json
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Piwik có thể bị cấu hình sai (ví dụ, Piwik gần đây được dời sang máy chủ khác hoặc URL khác). Bạn có thể %1$snhấn vào đây và thêm %2$s như là tên máy chủ hợp lệ%3$s, hoặc %4$snhấn vào đây để đi đến %5$s để truy cập Piwik một cách an toàn%6$s",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "Bây giờ bạn đang truy cập Piwik từ %1$s, nhưng Piwik đã được cấu hình để chạy tại địa chỉ này: %2$s",
"JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript phải được cho phép trong trường hợp bạn sử dụng Piwik với hiển thị tiêu chuẩn. <br \/>Tuy nhiên, có thể là JavaScript đã bị chặn hoặc trình duyệt của bạn không hỗ trợ.<br \/> Để sử dụng hiển thị tiêu chuẩn, vui lòng bật JavaScript bằng cách thay đổi tùy biến trình duyệt của bạn, sau đó %1$sthử lại%2$s.<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "Hãy tạo sự khác biệt: %1$s Đóng góp ngay bây giờ %2$s cho quỹ Piwik 2.0!",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "Hãy đóng góp",
"NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "Bạn được đăng nhập như '%s' nhưng dường như bạn không được phép thiết lập trong Piwik. %s Yêu cầu quản trị Piwik của bạn (bấm vào để email) %s để cung cấp cho bạn 'xem' truy cập đến một website.",
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "Chào bạn! Tôi vừa tìm ra một phần mềm mã nguồn mở rất tuyệt: Piwik!\nPiwik cho phép bạn theo dõi người truy cập vào trang web của bạn một cách hoàn toàn miễn phí. Bạn nên thử nó ngay đi!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Công cụ phân tích web mã nguồn mỡ miễn phí! Sở hữu dữ liệu của chính bạn.",
"ShareThis": "chia sẻ điều này",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "Hiển thị đoạn mã JavaScript để chèn",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Thực hiện một trang thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng an toàn (Paypal) để trở thành một nhà tài trợ cho Piwik!",
"SupportPiwik": "ủng hộ Piwik!",
diff --git a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/zh-cn.json b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/zh-cn.json
index eef604d1d6..56272067df 100644
--- a/plugins/CoreHome/lang/zh-cn.json
+++ b/plugins/CoreHome/lang/zh-cn.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "可能 Piwik 配置有误 (例如,Piwik 刚移到新的服务器)。您可以 %1$s点这里添加 %2$s 为 Piwik 主机名 (如果您信任)%3$s, 或者 %4$s点这里转到 %5$s 安全访问 Piwik %6$s。",
"InjectedHostWarningIntro": "您现在是通过 %1$s 访问 Piwik,但 Piwik 设置的地址是: %2$s.",
"JavascriptDisabled": "使用 Piwik 的标准视图时必须启用 JavaScript。<br \/>然而,看来您的浏览器已停用或不支持 JavaScript。<br \/>若要使用标准视图,请修改您的浏览器选项并启用 JavaScript, 然后%1$s重试一次%2$s。<br \/>",
- "LongWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %longMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %longMonthTo% %longYearTo%",
"MakeADifference": "现在就%1$s捐款%2$s给 Piwik 2.0 !",
"MakeOneTimeDonation": "一次性捐款",
"Menu": "菜单",
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
"SharePiwikLong": "您好!我刚刚发现了一个很棒的开源软件: Piwik!\n\nPiwik 可以免费统计网站的访问情况,您一定要看一看!",
"SharePiwikShort": "Piwik!自由和开源的网络分析程序,掌控您自己的统计数据。",
"ShareThis": "分享这个",
- "ShortWeekFormat": "%dayFrom% %shortMonthFrom% - %dayTo% %shortMonthTo% %shortYearTo%",
"ShowJSCode": "显示插入的Javascript代码",
"SkipToContent": "跳过,查看内容",
"SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "进入安全的信用卡付款页面 (Paypal) 支持 Piwik !",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/am.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/am.json
index 4f4c739ab4..801f507dd4 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/am.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/am.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, MMM d",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "MMMM d–d፣ y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "MMMM d – MMMM d፣ y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "MMMM d፣ y – MMMM d፣ y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "MMM d–d፣ y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "MMM d – MMM d፣ y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "MMM d፣ y – MMM d፣ y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ar.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ar.json
index de72c3fbdb..5a5ba9b500 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ar.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ar.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E، d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE، d MMMM، y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd‏\/MM‏\/y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM، y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM، y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM، y – d MMMM، y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM، y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM، y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM، y – d MMM، y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/be.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/be.json
index 833f99b385..54540026db 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/be.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/be.json
@@ -300,6 +300,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d.M.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y MMMM d–d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y MMMM d – MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y MMMM d – y MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y MMM d–d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y MMM d – MMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y MMM d – y MMM d",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y",
"Format_Time": "HH.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/bg.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/bg.json
index f7cb15bedc..21e2ecf0fa 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/bg.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/bg.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d.MM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y 'г'.",
"Format_Date_Short": "d.MM.y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d – d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y 'г'. – d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.MM – d.MM.y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d.MM – d.MM.y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d.MM.y 'г'. – d.MM.y 'г'.",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y 'г'.",
"Format_Month_Short": "MM.y 'г'.",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/bn.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/bn.json
index bd68efa6d5..d3dcf79647 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/bn.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/bn.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM, y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM, y – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/bs.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/bs.json
index 4ec546b074..f126a31a3a 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/bs.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/bs.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, dd. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y.",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd. MMM. y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "dd. – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd. MMMM – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd. MMMM y. – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd. – dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd. MMM – dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd. MMM y. – dd. MMM y.",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y.",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y.",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ca.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ca.json
index 26255704b0..3119f45570 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ca.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ca.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM 'de' y – d MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/cs.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/cs.json
index b15fc9fb5f..b3b12a699f 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/cs.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/cs.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d. M.",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. M. – d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. M. y – d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. M. – d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. M. y – d. M. y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLLL y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/cy.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/cy.json
index 32ece12aa4..b16d0c1ba4 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/cy.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/cy.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM, y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM, y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/da.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/da.json
index bd14f745a3..152d4ed61f 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/da.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/da.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE 'den' d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/de.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/de.json
index 87f1b0e153..0cdc31935b 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/de.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/de.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd.MM.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/el.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/el.json
index 7e70c87caf..9be948bba7 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/el.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/el.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "dd–dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd MMMM – dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd MMMM y – dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd–dd MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd MMM – dd MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd MMM y – dd MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/en.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/en.json
index 802adf75a1..366978a006 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/en.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/en.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, MMM d",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
"Format_Date_Short": "MMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "MMMM d – d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "MMMM d – MMMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "MMM d – d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "MMM d – MMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "MMM d, y – MMM d, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/es.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/es.json
index d0495dcffd..ac01d7c0fc 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/es.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/es.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d 'de' MMMM–d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y–d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y–d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/et.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/et.json
index 07a12167ec..a620464292 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/et.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/et.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y–d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/eu.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/eu.json
index d7d7cce75c..052d3f8ddb 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/eu.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/eu.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "MMM d, E",
"Format_Date_Long": "y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y MMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y('e')'ko' MMMM d–d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y('e')'ko' MMMM d – MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y('e')'ko' MMMM d – y('e')'ko' MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y('e')'ko' MMM d–d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y('e')'ko' MMM d – MMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y('e')'ko' MMM d – y('e')'ko' MMM d",
"Format_Month_Long": "y('e')'ko' MMMM",
"Format_Month_Short": "y MMM",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/fa.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/fa.json
index 54046c7f6b..35a2112835 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/fa.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/fa.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d LLL",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d تا d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d LLLL تا d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y تا d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d تا d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d LLL تا d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y تا d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/fi.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/fi.json
index 6e6a019fde..1d13af1b7d 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/fi.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/fi.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "ccc d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "cccc d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d.M.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y",
"Format_Time": "H.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/fr.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/fr.json
index 752a362f1e..b5cbbc0269 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/fr.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/fr.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/gl.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/gl.json
index e1c6b35ef6..af13198a1b 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/gl.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/gl.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE dd MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM, y – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/he.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/he.json
index 945e3359a3..cdae0a4671 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/he.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/he.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d בMMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d בMMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d בMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d בMMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d בMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/hi.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/hi.json
index 0e8ab02c17..dd50741e98 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/hi.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/hi.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd\/MM\/y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/hr.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/hr.json
index 8a165cbb63..487aeb1b25 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/hr.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/hr.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d. MMMM y.",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "dd. – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd. MMMM – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd. MMMM y. – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd. – dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd. MMM – dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd. MMM y. – dd. MMM y.",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y.",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y.",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/hu.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/hu.json
index d34fa15f70..15fb48ea85 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/hu.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/hu.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "MMM d., E",
"Format_Date_Long": "y. MMMM d., EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y. MMM d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y. MMMM d–d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y. MMMM d. – MMMM d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y. MMMM d. – y. MMMM d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y. MMM d–d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y. MMM d. – MMM d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y. MMM d. – y. MMM d.",
"Format_Month_Long": "y. MMMM",
"Format_Month_Short": "y. MMM",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/id.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/id.json
index c6c0f1b928..1f295127b0 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/id.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/id.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, dd MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/is.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/is.json
index dabefe5b29..a60c2d9a71 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/is.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/is.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/it.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/it.json
index 034b84a4a9..fbec8277f5 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/it.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/it.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "dd–dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd MMMM – dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd MMMM y – dd MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd–dd MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd MMM – dd MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd MMM y – dd MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ja.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ja.json
index 4d33df03f9..9e6c21068e 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ja.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ja.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "M月d日(E)",
"Format_Date_Long": "y年M月d日EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y\/MM\/dd",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y年M月d日~d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y年M月d日~M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y年M月d日~y年M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y年M月d日~d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y年M月d日~M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y年M月d日~y年M月d日",
"Format_Month_Long": "y年M月",
"Format_Month_Short": "y年M月",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ka.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ka.json
index baf1da3eae..2f77fe689b 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ka.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ka.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, dd MMMM, y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd MM – dd MM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd MMMM, y – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd MM – dd MM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd MMM, y – d MMM, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM, y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM, y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ko.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ko.json
index 4beaa81708..f2a4b53e99 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ko.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ko.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "MMM d일 (E)",
"Format_Date_Long": "y년 M월 d일 EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y. M. d.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y년 M월 d일~d일",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y년 M월 d일~d일",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y년 M월 d일 ~ M월 d일",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y년 M월 d일 ~ y년 M월 d일",
"Format_Month_Long": "y년 MMMM",
"Format_Month_Short": "y년 MMM",
"Format_Time": "a h:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/lt.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/lt.json
index fdcccf0c31..99a414eed7 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/lt.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/lt.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "MM-dd, E",
"Format_Date_Long": "y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y-MM-dd",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y MMMM d–d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y MMMM d – MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y MMMM d – y MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd",
"Format_Month_Long": "y LLLL",
"Format_Month_Short": "y-MM",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/lv.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/lv.json
index 77ea65df92..2105a20ad7 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/lv.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/lv.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, y. 'gada' d. MMMM",
"Format_Date_Short": "y. 'gada' d. MMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y. 'gada' d.–d. MMMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y. 'gada' d. MMMM – d. MMMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y. 'gada' d. MMMM – y. 'gada' d. MMMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y. 'gada' d.–d. MMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y. 'gada' d. MMM – d. MMM",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y. 'gada' d. MMM – y. 'gada' d. MMM",
"Format_Month_Long": "y. 'g'. MMMM",
"Format_Month_Short": "y. 'g'. MMM",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/nb.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/nb.json
index 8cca55b1d8..1f83e92309 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/nb.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/nb.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y–d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/nl.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/nl.json
index 44526cec6f..8e51adccbd 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/nl.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/nl.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/nn.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/nn.json
index 84df32368a..81e8cd7d72 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/nn.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/nn.json
@@ -301,6 +301,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y–d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/pl.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/pl.json
index 51c79d9a85..1728b002e7 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/pl.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/pl.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d.MM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd.MM.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd–dd.MM.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd.MM–dd.MM.y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MM.y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/pt-br.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/pt-br.json
index 5674d35137..f55b25c397 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/pt-br.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/pt-br.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d 'de' MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d – d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d 'de' MMMM – d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y – d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d – d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d 'de' MMM – d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y – d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM 'de' y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/pt.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/pt.json
index 94a2584c16..1fb3d121a2 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/pt.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/pt.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d\/MM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd\/MM\/y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d 'de' MMMM – d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y – d 'de' MMMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d 'de' MMM – d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d 'de' MMM 'de' y – d 'de' MMM 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM 'de' y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MM\/y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ro.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ro.json
index 55036e614d..e67b65a629 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ro.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ro.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ru.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ru.json
index 5b6af0888f..87d6551c98 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ru.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ru.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "ccc, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y 'г'.",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y 'г'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y 'г'.",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/sk.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/sk.json
index 5f2cdb9301..07272e72b8 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/sk.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/sk.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. M.",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. M. y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d. – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y MMMM d – MMMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d. – d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y MMM d – MMM d",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLLL y",
"Format_Time": "H:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/sl.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/sl.json
index 24c82affe8..c169e54b78 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/sl.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/sl.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d.–d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d. MMMM – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d. MMMM y – d. MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d.–d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/sq.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/sq.json
index b48ac91e64..000b930b77 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/sq.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/sq.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/sr.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/sr.json
index 6d99640555..30edd515a5 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/sr.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/sr.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d. MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y.",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd.MM.y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "dd.–dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "dd. MMMM – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "dd. MMMM y. – dd. MMMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "dd.–dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "dd. MMM – dd. MMM y.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "dd. MMM y. – dd. MMM y.",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y.",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y.",
"Format_Time": "HH.mm.ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/sv.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/sv.json
index fd695f8b61..3c70857be2 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/sv.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/sv.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE d MMMM y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y–d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/ta.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/ta.json
index 1111850d9b..edab5558f4 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/ta.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/ta.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "MMM d, E",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM, y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM, y – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d – d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/te.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/te.json
index 597cbda5d3..fdc69e1e73 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/te.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/te.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "d, MMMM y, EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM, y – d MMMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM, y – d MMM, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/th.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/th.json
index 2206c9513b..e76275f199 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/th.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/th.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEEที่ d MMMM G y",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM G y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM G y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM G y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM G y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/tl.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/tl.json
index 7e0e8cff5a..00b7b60b80 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/tl.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/tl.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, MMM d",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
"Format_Date_Short": "MMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "MMMM d–d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "MMMM d – MMMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "MMM d–d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "MMM d – MMM d, y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "MMM d, y – MMM d, y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "h:mm:ss a",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/tr.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/tr.json
index ec3828aa8a..803cd1dd66 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/tr.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/tr.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "d MMMM E",
"Format_Date_Long": "d MMMM y EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/uk.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/uk.json
index d400490775..e6b1572989 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/uk.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/uk.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, d MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, d MMMM y 'р'.",
"Format_Date_Short": "d MMM y 'р'.",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "d–d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "d MMMM – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "d MMMM y – d MMMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "d–d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "d MMM y – d MMM y",
"Format_Month_Long": "LLLL y",
"Format_Month_Short": "LLL y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/vi.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/vi.json
index 39c6eff31b..415d6b33d1 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/vi.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/vi.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "E, dd MMM",
"Format_Date_Long": "EEEE, 'ngày' dd MMMM 'năm' y",
"Format_Date_Short": "dd-MM-y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "'Ngày' dd - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "'Ngày' dd - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y - 'Ngày' dd 'tháng' M 'năm' y",
"Format_Month_Long": "MMMM 'năm' y",
"Format_Month_Short": "MMM y",
"Format_Time": "HH:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-cn.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-cn.json
index 458068e046..b52b63a9ae 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-cn.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-cn.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "M月d日E",
"Format_Date_Long": "y年M月d日EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y年M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y年M月d日至d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y年M月d日至d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日",
"Format_Month_Long": "y年M月",
"Format_Month_Short": "y年M月",
"Format_Time": "ah:mm:ss",
diff --git a/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-tw.json b/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-tw.json
index 3034e35678..396b8530bd 100644
--- a/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-tw.json
+++ b/plugins/Intl/lang/zh-tw.json
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
"Format_Date_Day_Month": "M月d日 E",
"Format_Date_Long": "y年M月d日 EEEE",
"Format_Date_Short": "y年M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_D": "y年M月d日至d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Long_Y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_D": "y年M月d日至d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_M": "y年M月d日至M月d日",
+ "Format_Interval_Week_Short_Y": "y年M月d日至y年M月d日",
"Format_Month_Long": "y年M月",
"Format_Month_Short": "y年M月",
"Format_Time": "ah:mm:ss",