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Diffstat (limited to 'lang/pl.php')
1 files changed, 630 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/lang/pl.php b/lang/pl.php
index 5227e35824..513a6bdbc6 100644
--- a/lang/pl.php
+++ b/lang/pl.php
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
$translations = array(
'General_Locale' => 'pl_PL.UTF-8',
- 'General_TranslatorName' => 'Maciej Zawadziński',
- 'General_TranslatorEmail' => 'maciej@brandnewmedia.pl',
+ 'General_TranslatorName' => 'Marcin Kowol, Maciej Zawadziński, Artur Warchoł',
+ 'General_TranslatorEmail' => 'marcin@kowol.pl, maciej@brandnewmedia.pl',
'General_EnglishLanguageName' => 'Polish',
'General_OriginalLanguageName' => 'Polski',
'General_HelloUser' => 'Witaj, %s!',
- 'General_OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'Open Source Web Analytics',
- 'General_YourDashboard' => 'Twój panel',
+ 'General_OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'Statystyki internetowe Open Source',
+ 'General_Dashboard' => 'Twój panel',
+ 'General_MultiSitesSummary' => 'Wszystkie witryny',
'General_API' => 'API',
- 'General_Widgets' => 'Widgety',
+ 'General_Widgets' => 'Widżety',
'General_Settings' => 'Ustawienia',
'General_GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Napisz do nas!',
'General_Unknown' => 'Nieznany',
@@ -25,35 +26,181 @@ $translations = array(
'General_Close' => 'Zamknij',
'General_Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
'General_Done' => 'Gotowe',
+ 'General_Details' => 'Szczegóły',
'General_LoadingData' => 'Wczytywanie danych...',
+ 'General_Loading' => 'Wczytywanie...',
'General_ErrorRequest' => 'Oops&hellip; problem podczas żądania, spróbuj ponownie.',
- 'General_Next' => 'Następny',
- 'General_Previous' => 'Poprzedni',
+ 'General_Next' => 'Dalej',
+ 'General_Previous' => 'Wstecz',
'General_Search' => 'Szukaj',
'General_Others' => 'Inne',
'General_Table' => 'Tabela',
'General_Piechart' => 'Wykres kołowy',
- 'General_TagCloud' => 'Chmurka tagów',
+ 'General_TagCloud' => 'Chmura tagów',
'General_VBarGraph' => 'Poziomy wykres słupkowy',
- 'General_Export' => 'Export',
+ 'General_Export' => 'Eksport',
+ 'General_ExportAsImage_js' => 'Eksport jako grafika',
+ 'General_SaveImageOnYourComputer_js' => 'Aby zapisać obrazek na swoim komputerze, kliknij na nim prawym przyciskiem myszy i wybierz "Zapisz obrazek jako..."',
'General_Refresh' => 'Odśwież stronę',
'General_Visitors' => 'Odwiedzający',
'General_ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unikalni użytkownicy',
'General_ColumnNbVisits' => 'Wizyty',
+ 'General_ColumnNbActions' => 'Akcje',
+ 'General_ColumnMaxActions' => 'Największa liczba akcji podczas jednej wizyty',
+ 'General_ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Suma czasu spędzonego w witrynie przez użytkwoników (w sekundach)',
'General_ColumnLabel' => 'Etykiety',
- 'General_ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Akcji na wizytę',
- 'General_ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Średni czas na stronie',
- 'General_ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate',
- 'General_ColumnPageviews' => 'Wyświetleń',
+ 'General_ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Akcje podczas jednej wizyty',
+ 'General_ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Średni czas spędzony na stronie',
+ 'General_ColumnBounceRate' => 'Współczynnik odrzuceń',
+ 'General_ColumnPageviews' => 'Wyświetlenia',
'General_ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unikalnych wyświetleń',
+ 'General_ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Wartość wizyty',
+ 'General_ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Wizyty z konwersjami',
'General_Save' => 'Zapisz',
+ 'General_ForExampleShort' => 'np.',
'General_Website' => 'Witryna',
+ 'General_RequiresFlash' => 'Wyświetlanie grafik przez Piwika wymaga Flasha',
+ 'General_GraphHelp' => 'Więcej informacji na temat wyświetlania grafik przez Piwika.',
'General_NoDataForGraph' => 'Brak danych dla wykresu',
- 'General_NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.',
+ 'General_NoDataForTagCloud' => 'Brak danych dla chmury tagów.',
'General_DisplayNormalTable' => 'Wyświetl normalną tabelę',
'General_DisplayMoreData' => 'Wyświetl więcej...',
- 'General_PiwikIsACollaborativeProject' => "%s Piwik %s jest wspólnym projektem w fazie beta. Jeżeli chcesz nam pomóc, prosimy %s %s skontaktuj się z nami!%s.",
- 'General_YouAreCurrentlyViewingDemoOfPiwik' => "You are currently viewing the demo of %s; %sdownload%s the full version! Check out %s",
+ 'General_PiwikIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContribute' => '%1$s Piwik %2$s jest wspólnie opracowywanym projektem. %3$s Jeśli Piwik jest Ci przydatny, możesz pomóc! Sprawdź %4$s jak wziąć udział w projekcie Piwik',
+ 'General_YouAreCurrentlyViewingDemoOfPiwik' => "Aktualnie oglądasz demo %s; %sdownload%s pełną wersję! Sprawdź %s",
+ 'General_PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Piwik %1$s jest dostępny. %2$s Zaktualizuj go teraz!%3$s (zobacz %4$s zmiany%5$s).',
+ 'General_BackToPiwik' => 'Wróć do Piwika',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_1' => 'Sty',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_2' => 'Lut',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_3' => 'Mar',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_4' => 'Kwi',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_5' => 'Maj',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_6' => 'Cze',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_7' => 'Lip',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_8' => 'Sie',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_9' => 'Wrz',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_10' => 'Paź',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_11' => 'Lis',
+ 'General_ShortMonth_12' => 'Gru',
+ 'General_LongMonth_1' => 'Styczeń',
+ 'General_LongMonth_2' => 'Luty',
+ 'General_LongMonth_3' => 'Marzec',
+ 'General_LongMonth_4' => 'Kwiecień',
+ 'General_LongMonth_5' => 'Maj',
+ 'General_LongMonth_6' => 'Czerwiec',
+ 'General_LongMonth_7' => 'Lipiec',
+ 'General_LongMonth_8' => 'Sierpień',
+ 'General_LongMonth_9' => 'Wrzesień',
+ 'General_LongMonth_10' => 'Październik',
+ 'General_LongMonth_11' => 'Listopad',
+ 'General_LongMonth_12' => 'Grudzień',
+ 'General_ShortDay_1' => 'Pon',
+ 'General_ShortDay_2' => 'Wt',
+ 'General_ShortDay_3' => 'Śr',
+ 'General_ShortDay_4' => 'Czw',
+ 'General_ShortDay_5' => 'Pi',
+ 'General_ShortDay_6' => 'Sob',
+ 'General_ShortDay_7' => 'Niedz',
+ 'General_LongDay_1' => 'Poniedziałek',
+ 'General_LongDay_2' => 'Wtorek',
+ 'General_LongDay_3' => 'Środa',
+ 'General_LongDay_4' => 'Czwartek',
+ 'General_LongDay_5' => 'Piątek',
+ 'General_LongDay_6' => 'Sobota',
+ 'General_LongDay_7' => 'Niedziela',
+ 'General_ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Piwik requires at least %3$s.',
+ 'General_ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.',
+ 'General_ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s',
+ 'General_ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)',
+ 'General_ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s',
+ 'General_ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.',
+ 'General_WarningFileIntegritySkipped' => 'Development environment detected. File integrity check skipped.',
+ 'General_WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing manifest.inc.php.',
+ 'General_WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.',
+ 'General_FileIntegrityWarningExplanation' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. This is most likely due to a partial or failed upload of some of the Piwik files. You should reupload all the Piwik files and refresh this page until it shows no error.',
+ 'Actions_PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views, the outlinks and downloads. Outlinks and Downloads tracking is automatic!',
+ 'Actions_Actions' => 'Akcje',
+ 'Actions_SubmenuPages' => 'Strony',
+ 'Actions_SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Tytuły stron',
+ 'Actions_SubmenuOutlinks' => 'Odnośniki wychodzące',
+ 'Actions_SubmenuDownloads' => 'Ściąganięcia plików',
+ 'Actions_ColumnClicks' => 'Kliknięcia',
+ 'Actions_ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unikalne kliknięcia',
+ 'Actions_ColumnDownloads' => 'Ściągane pliki',
+ 'Actions_ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unikalne ściągnięcia plików',
+ 'Actions_ColumnPageName' => 'Nazwa strony',
+ 'Actions_ColumnPageURL' => 'Adres strony',
+ 'Actions_ColumnClickedURL' => 'Kliknięte adresy',
+ 'Actions_ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Ściągnięte adresy',
+ 'AnonymizeIP_PluginDescription' => 'Anonymize visitor IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.',
+ 'API_PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Piwik is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web service entry point, that you can call to get your Web Analytics data in xml, json, php, csv, etc.',
+ 'API_QuickDocumentation' => '<h2>API quick documentation</h2><p>If you don\'t have data for today you can first <a href=\'misc/generateVisits.php\' target=_blank>generate some data</a> using the Visits Generator script.</p><p>You can try the different formats available for every method. It is very easy to extract any data you want from Piwik!</p><p><b>For more information have a look at the <a href=\'http://dev.piwik.org/trac/wiki/API\'>official API Documentation</a> or the <a href=\'http://dev.piwik.org/trac/wiki/API/Reference\'>API Reference</a>.</b></P><h2>User authentication</h2><p>If you want to <b>request the data in your scripts, in a crontab, etc. </b> you need to add the parameter <code><u>&amp;token_auth=%s</u></code> to the API calls URLs that require authentication.</p><p>This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, <b>do not share it!</p>',
+ 'API_LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded successfully %s APIs',
+ 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription' => 'Administration area of Piwik.',
+ 'CoreHome_PluginDescription' => 'Web Analytics Reports Structure.',
+ 'CoreHome_NoPrivileges' => 'You are logged in as \'%s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Piwik.<br />Ask your Piwik administrator to give you \'view\' access to a website.',
+ 'CoreHome_JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Piwik in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />',
+ 'CoreHome_TableNoData' => 'Brak danych dla tabeli.',
+ 'CoreHome_CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".',
+ 'CoreHome_ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert',
+ 'CoreHome_IncludeAllPopulation_js' => 'Include all population',
+ 'CoreHome_ExcludeLowPopulation_js' => 'Exclude low population',
+ 'CoreHome_PageOf_js' => '%1$s z %2$s',
+ 'CoreHome_Loading_js' => 'Loading...',
+ 'CoreHome_DayFormat' => '%longDay% %day% %longMonth% %longYear%',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodDay' => 'Dzień',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodWeek' => 'Tydzień',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodMonth' => 'Miesiąc',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodYear' => 'Rok',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodDays' => 'dni',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodWeeks' => 'tygodnie',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodMonths' => 'miesiące',
+ 'CoreHome_PeriodYears' => 'lata',
+ 'CoreHome_DaySu_js' => 'Su',
+ 'CoreHome_DayMo_js' => 'Mo',
+ 'CoreHome_DayTu_js' => 'Tu',
+ 'CoreHome_DayWe_js' => 'We',
+ 'CoreHome_DayTh_js' => 'Th',
+ 'CoreHome_DayFr_js' => 'Fr',
+ 'CoreHome_DaySa_js' => 'Sa',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_1_js' => 'Sun',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_2_js' => 'Mon',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_3_js' => 'Tue',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_4_js' => 'Wed',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_5_js' => 'Thu',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_6_js' => 'Fri',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortDay_7_js' => 'Sat',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_1_js' => 'Sunday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_2_js' => 'Monday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_3_js' => 'Tuesday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_4_js' => 'Wednesday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_5_js' => 'Thursday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_6_js' => 'Friday',
+ 'CoreHome_LongDay_7_js' => 'Saturday',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_1_js' => 'Jan',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_2_js' => 'Feb',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_3_js' => 'Mar',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_4_js' => 'Apr',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_5_js' => 'May',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_6_js' => 'Jun',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_7_js' => 'Jul',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_8_js' => 'Aug',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_9_js' => 'Sep',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_10_js' => 'Oct',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_11_js' => 'Nov',
+ 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_12_js' => 'Dec',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthJanuary_js' => 'January',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthFebruary_js' => 'February',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthMarch_js' => 'March',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthApril_js' => 'April',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthMay_js' => 'May',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthJune_js' => 'June',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthJuly_js' => 'July',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthAugust_js' => 'August',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthSeptember_js' => 'September',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthOctober_js' => 'October',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthNovember_js' => 'November',
+ 'CoreHome_MonthDecember_js' => 'December',
+ 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription' => 'Interfejs administracyjny wtyczek.',
'CorePluginsAdmin_Plugins' => 'Wtyczki',
'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginsManagement' => 'Zarządzanie wtyczkami',
'CorePluginsAdmin_MainDescription' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Piwik. Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.',
@@ -70,50 +217,28 @@ $translations = array(
'CorePluginsAdmin_Deactivate' => 'Deaktywuj',
'CorePluginsAdmin_Activate' => 'Aktywuj',
'CorePluginsAdmin_MenuPlugins' => 'Wtyczki',
- 'API_QuickDocumentation' => '<h2>API szybka dokumentacja</h2><p>Jeżeli wciąż nie masz dzisiejszych danych możesz <a href=\'misc/generateVisits.php\' target=_blank>wygenerować pierwsze dane</a> używając skryptu generatora wizyt.</p><p>Możesz wypróbować różne formaty dla dostępnych metod. Bardzo łatwo można pobrać dane które potrzebujesz!</p><p><b>Więcej informacji możesz znaleźć na <a href=\'http://dev.piwik.org/trac/wiki/API\'>Oficjalna dokumentacja API</a> albo <a href=\'http://dev.piwik.org/trac/wiki/API/Reference\'>API odnośniki</a>.</b></P><h2>Autentyfikacja użytkownika</h2><p>Jeżeli chcesz umieścić <b>żądania danych twoich skryptów w crontab, etc. </b> musisz dodać parametr<code><u>&token_auth=%s</u></code> do wywołań URLi w API URLs - wymagana autoryzacja.</p><p>Ten token_auth jest tajny tak jak twoje hasło i nazwa użytkownika <b>nie ujawniaj go!</p>',
- 'API_LoadedAPIs' => 'Wczytywanie zakończone poprawnie %s APIs',
- 'CoreHome_NoPrivileges' => 'You are logged in as \'%s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Piwik.<br />Ask your Piwik administrator to give you \'view\' access to a website.',
- 'CoreHome_JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Piwik in standard view.<br>However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br>To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1stry again%2s.<br>',
- 'CoreHome_TableNoData' => 'Brak danych dla tabeli.',
- 'CoreHome_CategoryNoData' => 'Brak danych w tej kategorii. Spróbuj użyć "Włącznie cała populacja".',
- 'CoreHome_ShowJSCode' => 'Pokaż kod javascript do wklejenia',
- 'CoreHome_IncludeAllPopulation_js' => 'Włącznie cała populacja',
- 'CoreHome_ExcludeLowPopulation_js' => 'Wyłączając małą populację',
- 'CoreHome_PageOf_js' => '%s z %s',
- 'CoreHome_Loading_js' => 'Wczytywanie...',
- 'CoreHome_LocalizedDateFormat' => '%A %d %B %Y',
- 'CoreHome_PeriodDay' => 'Dzień',
- 'CoreHome_PeriodWeek' => 'Tydzień',
- 'CoreHome_PeriodMonth' => 'Miesiąc',
- 'CoreHome_PeriodYear' => 'Rok',
- 'CoreHome_DaySu_js' => 'Nie',
- 'CoreHome_DayMo_js' => 'Pon',
- 'CoreHome_DayTu_js' => 'Wto',
- 'CoreHome_DayWe_js' => 'śro',
- 'CoreHome_DayTh_js' => 'Czw',
- 'CoreHome_DayFr_js' => 'Pią',
- 'CoreHome_DaySa_js' => 'Sob',
- 'CoreHome_MonthJanuary_js' => 'Styczeń',
- 'CoreHome_MonthFebruary_js' => 'Luty',
- 'CoreHome_MonthMarch_js' => 'Marzec',
- 'CoreHome_MonthApril_js' => 'Kwiecień',
- 'CoreHome_MonthMay_js' => 'Maj',
- 'CoreHome_MonthJune_js' => 'Czerwiec',
- 'CoreHome_MonthJuly_js' => 'Lipiec',
- 'CoreHome_MonthAugust_js' => 'Sierpień',
- 'CoreHome_MonthSeptember_js' => 'Wrzesień',
- 'CoreHome_MonthOctober_js' => 'Październik',
- 'CoreHome_MonthNovember_js' => 'Listopad',
- 'CoreHome_MonthDecember_js' => 'Grudzień',
- 'CoreUpdater_UpdateTitle' => 'Piwik &rsaquo; Update',
- 'CoreUpdater_UpdateRequired' => 'Wymagana aktualizacja',
+ 'CoreUpdater_PluginDescription' => 'Piwik updating mechanism',
+ 'CoreUpdater_UpdateTitle' => 'Update',
+ 'CoreUpdater_DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required',
'CoreUpdater_YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Piwik database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.',
- 'CoreUpdater_PiwikWillBeUpgradedToVersionX' => 'Piwik will be upgraded to version %s.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Piwik database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.',
'CoreUpdater_TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be upgraded: %s.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important note for large Piwik installations',
+ 'CoreUpdater_TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Piwik database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s',
+ 'CoreUpdater_YouCouldManuallyExecuteSqlQueries' => 'If you are not able to use the command line updater and if Piwik fails to upgrade (due to a timeout of the database, a browser timeout, or any other issue), you could manually execute the SQL queries to update Piwik.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries that will get executed',
+ 'CoreUpdater_NoteItIsExpectedThatQueriesFail' => 'Note: if you manually execute these queries, it is expected that some of them fail. In this case, simply ignore the errors, and run the next ones in the list.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?',
'CoreUpdater_TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.',
'CoreUpdater_UpgradePiwik' => 'Aktualizuj Piwik',
- 'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %s Piwik FAQ %s which has tried to explain most common errors during upgrade. %s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.',
- 'CoreUpdater_CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the upgrade process:',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Piwik database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Piwik can be improved',
+ 'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Piwik FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:',
'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:',
'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The upgrade completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:',
'CoreUpdater_UpgradeComplete' => 'Aktualizacja zakończon!',
@@ -122,63 +247,321 @@ $translations = array(
'CoreUpdater_WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s',
'CoreUpdater_PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Piwik has been successfully upgraded!',
'CoreUpdater_ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Piwik',
- 'Actions_Actions' => 'Akcje',
- 'Actions_SubmenuPages' => 'Strony',
- 'Actions_SubmenuOutlinks' => 'Zewnętrzne linki',
- 'Actions_SubmenuDownloads' => 'Pobrania',
+ 'CoreUpdater_UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Piwik available for update',
+ 'CoreUpdater_YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:',
+ 'CoreUpdater_DownloadX' => 'Download %s',
+ 'CoreUpdater_UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Piwik One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Piwik. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!',
+ 'CoreUpdater_DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s',
+ 'CoreUpdater_UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update',
+ 'CoreUpdater_VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files',
+ 'CoreUpdater_CreatingBackupOfConfigurationFile' => 'Creating a backup of the configuration file in %s',
+ 'CoreUpdater_InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version',
+ 'CoreUpdater_PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Piwik updated successfully!',
+ 'CoreUpdater_EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Piwik configuration file.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Piwik version %s is up to date.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.',
+ 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).',
+ 'Dashboard_PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. You can customize Your Dashboard: add new widgets, change the order of your widgets. Each user can access his own custom Dashboard.',
'Dashboard_Dashboard' => 'Panel',
'Dashboard_AddWidget' => 'Dodaj jako widget...',
'Dashboard_DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Czy napewno chcesz skasować widget z panelu',
'Dashboard_SelectWidget' => 'Wybierz widget by dodać do panelu',
- 'Dashboard_AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Dodaj przeglądnięte widget\'y do panelu',
- 'Dashboard_WidgetPreview' => 'Widget podgląd',
+ 'Dashboard_AddPreviewedWidget_js' => 'Dodaj przeglądnięte widget\'y do panelu',
+ 'Dashboard_WidgetPreview_js' => 'Widget podgląd',
+ 'Dashboard_Close_js' => 'Zamknij',
'Dashboard_TitleWidgetInDashboard_js' => 'Widget jest już dostępny na panelu',
'Dashboard_TitleClickToAdd_js' => 'Kliknij by dodać do panelu',
- 'Dashboard_LoadingPreview_js' => 'Wczytywanie podglądu, proszę czekać...',
'Dashboard_LoadingWidget_js' => 'Wczytywanie widget\'u, proszę czekać...',
'Dashboard_WidgetNotFound_js' => 'Widget nieznaleziony',
- 'Referers_Referers' => 'Referers',
+ 'DBStats_PluginDescription' => 'This plugin reports the MySQL database usage by Piwik tables.',
+ 'DBStats_DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage',
+ 'DBStats_MainDescription' => 'Piwik is storing all your web analytics data in the MySQL database. Currently, Piwik tables are using %s.',
+ 'DBStats_LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Piwik processes data and how to make Piwik work well for medium and high traffic websites, check out the documentation %s.',
+ 'DBStats_Table' => 'Table',
+ 'DBStats_RowCount' => 'Row count',
+ 'DBStats_DataSize' => 'Data size',
+ 'DBStats_IndexSize' => 'Index size',
+ 'DBStats_TotalSize' => 'Total size',
+ 'ExampleAPI_PluginDescription' => 'Example Plugin: How to create an API for your plugin, to export your data in multiple formats without any special coding?',
+ 'ExampleFeedburner_PluginDescription' => 'Example Plugin: How to display your Feedburner subscriber in a Widget in the Dashboard?',
+ 'ExampleRssWidget_PluginDescription' => 'Example Plugin: How to create a new widget that reads a RSS feed?',
+ 'ExampleUI_PluginDescription' => 'Example Plugin: This plugin shows how to work with the Piwik UI: create tables, graphs, etc.',
+ 'Feedback_PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Piwik Team. Share your ideas and suggestions with us!',
+ 'Feedback_DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?',
+ 'Feedback_ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %s Frequently Asked Questions%s',
+ 'Feedback_WhyAreMyVisitsNoTracked' => 'Why aren\'t visits to my website being tracked?',
+ 'Feedback_HowToExclude' => 'How do I exclude tracking of my visits?',
+ 'Feedback_WhyWrongCountry' => 'Why does Piwik show my visit from the wrong country?',
+ 'Feedback_HowToAnonymizeIP' => 'How do I mask visitor IP addresses in my database?',
+ 'Feedback_VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %s Forums%s',
+ 'Feedback_LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %s participate%s',
+ 'Feedback_SpecialRequest' => 'Do you have a special request for the Piwik team? ',
+ 'Feedback_ContactThePiwikTeam' => 'Contact the Piwik team!',
+ 'Feedback_IWantTo' => 'I want to:',
+ 'Feedback_CategoryShareStory' => 'Share a Piwik success story',
+ 'Feedback_CategorySponsor' => 'Sponsor Piwik',
+ 'Feedback_CategoryHire' => 'Hire a Piwik consultant',
+ 'Feedback_CategorySecurity' => 'Report a security issue',
+ 'Feedback_MyEmailAddress' => 'My email address:',
+ 'Feedback_MyMessage' => 'My message:',
+ 'Feedback_DetailsPlease' => '(please include details)',
+ 'Feedback_SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback',
+ 'Feedback_ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to',
+ 'Feedback_MessageSent' => 'Your message was sent to the Piwik team.',
+ 'Feedback_ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Piwik better!',
+ 'Feedback_ThePiwikTeam' => 'The Piwik Team',
+ 'Feedback_ExceptionBodyLength' => 'Message must be at least %s characters long.',
+ 'Feedback_ExceptionNoUrls' => 'The message cannot contain a URL, to avoid spam messages.',
+ 'Goals_PluginDescription' => 'Twórz cele i przeglądaj raporty z konwersji: rozwój w czasie, przychód z wizyty, konwersja dla odnośnika, dla słowa kluczowego itp.',
+ 'Goals_ColumnConversions' => 'Konwersje',
+ 'Goals_ColumnConversionRate' => 'Współczynnik konwersji',
+ 'Goals_ColumnRevenue' => 'Przychód',
+ 'Goals_OverallRevenue' => '%s overall revenue',
+ 'Goals_OverallConversionRate' => '%s overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)',
+ 'Goals_Conversions' => '%s conversions',
+ 'Goals_ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate',
+ 'Goals_NoGoalsNeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or the Super User can add Goals for a given website. Please ask your Piwik administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance! ',
+ 'Goals_AddNewGoal' => 'Dodaj nowy cel',
+ 'Goals_AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%sAdd a new Goal%s lub %sEdit% istniejący cel',
+ 'Goals_AddGoal_js' => 'Dodaj cel',
+ 'Goals_UpdateGoal_js' => 'Aktualizuj cel',
+ 'Goals_DeleteGoalConfirm_js' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?',
+ 'Goals_GoalName' => 'Nazwa celu',
+ 'Goals_GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered',
+ 'Goals_GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when',
+ 'Goals_WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors',
+ 'Goals_Manually' => 'manually',
+ 'Goals_ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the Javascript API trackGoal()',
+ 'Goals_VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)',
+ 'Goals_Download' => 'Download a file',
+ 'Goals_ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website',
+ 'Goals_Optional' => '(optional)',
+ 'Goals_WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'where the visited page contains a call to the JavaScript piwikTracker.trackGoal() method (%slearn more%s)',
+ 'Goals_DefaultRevenue' => 'Goal default revenue is ',
+ 'Goals_DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Piwik will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.',
+ 'Goals_ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview',
+ 'Goals_BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are: ',
+ 'Goals_BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are: ',
+ 'Goals_BestReferers' => 'Your best converting websites referers are: ',
+ 'Goals_ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s',
+ 'Goals_NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s',
+ 'Goals_Contains' => 'contains %s',
+ 'Goals_IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s',
+ 'Goals_MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s',
+ 'Goals_CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match',
+ 'Goals_Pattern' => 'Pattern',
+ 'Installation_PluginDescription' => 'Installation process of Piwik. The Installation is usually done once only. If the configuration file config/config.inc.php is deleted, the installation will start again.',
+ 'Installation_Installation' => 'Installation',
+ 'Installation_InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status',
+ 'Installation_PercentDone' => '%s %% Done',
+ 'Installation_NoConfigFound' => 'The Piwik configuration file couldn\'t be found and you are trying to access a Piwik page.<br /><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo; You can <a href=\'index.php\'>install Piwik now</a></b><br /><small>If you installed Piwik before and have some tables in your DB, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data!</small>',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetup' => 'Database setup',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupServer' => 'database server',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'login',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupPassword' => 'password',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'database name',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'table prefix',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'adapter',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Error while trying to connect to the database server',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseCheck' => 'Database check',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database server version',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseClientVersion' => 'Database client version',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseClientCharset' => 'Database client character set',
+ 'Installation_ConnectionCharacterSetNotUtf8' => 'Client connection to the database server is not set to UTF8 by default. This is not critical issue: <b>Piwik should work correctly</b>. However for consistency, it is recommended that you do one of the following: <ul style="list-style: disc;margin-left:10px"><li>in your piwik config/config.ini.php, add <code>charset = utf8</code> under the [database] section of your Piwik configuration file <code>config/config.ini.php</code></li><li>recompile libmysql --with-charset=utf8</li></ul>',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseTimezone' => 'Database timezone',
+ 'Installation_TimezoneMismatch' => 'PHP date.timezone is not the same as the database server timezone. This might cause issues with reports not showing data for the right hours of the day. More information at %s',
+ 'Installation_JsTag' => 'JavaScript tag',
+ 'Installation_JsTagHelp' => '<p>To count all visitors, you must insert the JavaScript code on all of your pages.</p><p>Your pages do not have to be made with PHP, Piwik will work on all kinds of pages (whether it is HTML, ASP, Perl or any other languages).</p><p>Here is the code you have to insert: (copy and paste on all your pages) </p>',
+ 'Installation_JsTagHelpTitle' => 'How to insert the tag in your websites?',
+ 'Installation_LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for large Piwik instances',
+ 'Installation_JsTagArchivingHelp' => 'For medium and high traffic websites, check out the <a target="_blank" href="http://piwik.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/">How to setup auto archiving page</a> to make Piwik run really fast!',
+ 'Installation_Congratulations' => 'Congratulations',
+ 'Installation_CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Piwik installation is complete.</p><p>Make sure your JavaScript code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors!</p>',
+ 'Installation_ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Piwik',
+ 'Installation_SetupWebsite' => 'Setup a website',
+ 'Installation_SetupWebSiteName' => 'website name',
+ 'Installation_SetupWebSiteURL' => 'website URL',
+ 'Installation_SetupWebsiteError' => 'There was an error when adding the website',
+ 'Installation_SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => 'Website %s created with success!',
+ 'Installation_GeneralSetup' => 'General Setup',
+ 'Installation_GeneralSetupSuccess' => 'General Setup configured with success',
+ 'Installation_SuperUserLogin' => 'super user login',
+ 'Installation_Password' => 'password',
+ 'Installation_PasswordRepeat' => 'password (repeat)',
+ 'Installation_Email' => 'email',
+ 'Installation_SecurityNewsletter' => 'email me with major Piwik upgrades and security alerts',
+ 'Installation_CommunityNewsletter' => 'email me with community updates (new plugins, new features, etc.)',
+ 'Installation_PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'password do not match',
+ 'Installation_SubmitGo' => 'Go!',
+ 'Installation_Requirements' => 'Piwik Requirements',
+ 'Installation_Optional' => 'Optional',
+ 'Installation_Legend' => 'Legend',
+ 'Installation_Extension' => 'extension',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheck' => 'System check',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Piwik requires either the mysqli extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => "On a Linux server you can compile php with the following options: %1\$s\nIn your php.ini, add the following lines: %2\$s",
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqliSite' => 'More information on: <a style="color:red" href="http://php.net/pdo">PHP PDO</a> and <a style="color:red" href="http://php.net/mysqli">MYSQLI</a>.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckSplHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with the Standard PHP Library (SPL) enabled (by default).',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "zlib" support enabled, --with-zlib.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckIconvHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "iconv" support enabled, --with-iconv.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckDomHelp' => 'DOM is part of PHP core. You probably need to install the dom module, e.g., php-5-dom.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckJson' => 'JSON',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with either "json" or "xml" extensions enabled.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckJsonSite' => 'More information on: <a style="color:red" href="http://php.net/json">PHP JSON</a>.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckXml' => 'XML',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckXmlHelp' => 'Some third-party plugins and developer libraries may require the "xml" extension.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckXmlSite' => 'More information on: <a style="color:red" href="http://php.net/xml">PHP XML</a>.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "curl" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckGD' => 'GD &gt; 2.x (graphics)',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) will not work.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high traffic website, executing the archiving process may require more time than currently allowed. If necessary, change the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and Lost Password messages will not be sent without mail().',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been disabled on your host. Piwik will attempt to emulate this function but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will also be impacted.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckCreateFunctionHelp' => 'Piwik uses anonymous functions for callbacks.',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckMbstring' => 'mbstring',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckMbstringHelp' => 'You should set mbstring.func_overload to "0".',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured - must be fixed before you proceed',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckWarning' => 'Piwik will work normally but some features may be missing',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckProtocol' => 'Protocol',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckProtocolHelp' => 'If you are behind a reverse proxy, add these lines to config/config.ini.php under the [General] section:',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckIpv4' => 'IPv4',
+ 'Installation_SystemCheckIpv4Help' => 'You should disable IPv6 in your web server configuration.',
+ 'Installation_Tables' => 'Creating the tables',
+ 'Installation_TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your database %2$s have the same names as the tables Piwik is trying to create',
+ 'Installation_TablesFound' => 'The following tables have been found in the database',
+ 'Installation_TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables or select a clean install to erase all existing data in the database.',
+ 'Installation_TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables',
+ 'Installation_TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables',
+ 'Installation_TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Piwik tables deleted with success',
+ 'Installation_TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created with success!',
+ 'Installation_DatabaseCreatedSuccess' => 'Database %s created with success!',
+ 'Installation_GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a Prefix for the Piwik Tables',
+ 'Installation_ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the tables: %s from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!',
+ 'Installation_Welcome' => 'Welcome!',
+ 'Installation_WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Piwik is an open source web analytics software that makes it easy to get the information you want from your visitors.</p><p>This process is split up into %s easy steps and will take around 5 minutes.</p>',
+ 'Installation_ConfigurationHelp' => 'Your Piwik configuration file appears to be misconfigured. You can either remove config/config.ini.php and resume installation, or correct the database connection settings.',
+ 'Installation_ErrorInvalidState' => 'Error: it seems you tried to skip a step of the Installation process, or your cookies are disabled, or the Piwik configuration file was already created. %1$sMake sure your cookies are enabled%2$s and go back %3$s to the first page of the installation %4$s.',
+ 'LanguagesManager_PluginDescription' => 'This plugin will display a list of the available languages for the Piwik interface. The language selected will be saved in the preferences for each user.',
+ 'Live_PluginDescription' => 'Spy on your visitors, live, in real-time!',
+ 'Live_VisitorLog' => 'Log użytkowników',
+ 'Live_Date' => 'Data',
+ 'Live_Time' => 'Czas',
+ 'Live_Referrer_URL' => 'Adres wejścia',
+ 'Login_PluginDescription' => 'Login Authentication plugin, reading the credentials from the config/config.inc.php file for the Super User, and from the Database for the other users. Can be easily replaced to introduce a new Authentication mechanism (OpenID, htaccess, custom Auth, etc.).',
+ 'Login_LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Username &amp; Password not correct',
+ 'Login_Login' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
+ 'Login_Password' => 'Hasło',
+ 'Login_PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)',
+ 'Login_ChangePassword' => 'Change password',
+ 'Login_LoginOrEmail' => 'Login or E-mail',
+ 'Login_LogIn' => 'Zaloguj',
+ 'Login_Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
+ 'Login_LostYourPassword' => 'Zapomniałeś hasła?',
+ 'Login_RemindPassword' => 'Send password reset',
+ 'Login_PasswordResetToken' => 'Password reset token',
+ 'Login_PasswordReminder' => 'Please enter your username or e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail with information to reset your password.',
+ 'Login_PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Passwords do not match.',
+ 'Login_PasswordSuccessfullyChanged' => 'Password successfully changed!',
+ 'Login_InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username and/or e-mail address',
+ 'Login_InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'Token is invalid or has expired',
+ 'Login_MailTopicPasswordRecovery' => 'Password recovery',
+ 'Login_MailPasswordRecoveryBody' => "Hi %1\$s,\n\nA password reset request was received from %2\$s.\n\nTo reset your password:\n\n1) Go to the Password Reset Form at:\n\t%3\$s\n\n2) Enter the following token:\n\t%4\$s\n\n3) Fill out the form (entering your new password twice) and submit.\n\nNote: this token will expire in 24 hrs.",
+ 'Login_PasswordSent' => 'Information to reset your password has been sent. Check your e-mail.',
+ 'Login_ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Piwik administrator.',
+ 'MultiSites_PluginDescription' => 'Displays multi-site executive summary/statistics. Currently maintained as a core Piwik plugin.',
+ 'Provider_PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Provider of the visitors.',
+ 'Provider_WidgetProviders' => 'Providers',
+ 'Provider_ColumnProvider' => 'Provider',
+ 'Provider_SubmenuLocationsProvider' => 'Locations &amp; Provider',
+ 'Referers_PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaign Tracking, Direct Entry. ',
+ 'Referers_Referers' => 'Odsyłacze',
'Referers_SearchEngines' => 'Wyszukiwarki',
'Referers_Keywords' => 'Słowa kluczowe',
'Referers_DirectEntry' => 'Bezpośrednie wywołania',
'Referers_Websites' => 'Strony',
'Referers_Campaigns' => 'Kampanie',
+ 'Referers_MetricsFromRefererTypeGraphLegend' => '%1$s (from %2$s)',
'Referers_Evolution' => 'Rozwój cyklu',
'Referers_Type' => 'Rodzaj odnośnika',
+ 'Referers_ColumnRefererType' => 'Źródło',
+ 'Referers_ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Wyszukiwarka',
+ 'Referers_ColumnWebsite' => 'Witryna',
+ 'Referers_ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Strona',
+ 'Referers_ColumnKeyword' => 'Słowo kluczowe',
+ 'Referers_ColumnCampaign' => 'Kampania',
+ 'Referers_DetailsByRefererType' => 'Szczegóły źródeł',
'Referers_TypeDirectEntries' => '%s bezpośrednich wejść',
'Referers_TypeSearchEngines' => '%s z wyszukiwarek',
'Referers_TypeWebsites' => '%s ze stron',
'Referers_TypeCampaigns' => '%s z kampanii',
- 'Referers_Other' => 'Inne',
- 'Referers_OtherDistinctSearchEngines' => '%s niepowtarzalne wyszukiwarki',
- 'Referers_OtherDistinctKeywords' => '%s niepowtarzalne słowa kluczowe',
- 'Referers_OtherDistinctWebsites' => '%1s niepowtarzalne strony (używające %2s niepowtarzalnych url\'i)',
- 'Referers_OtherDistinctCampaigns' => '%s niepowtarzalne kampanie',
- 'Referers_TagCloud' => 'Wynik chmurki tag\'ów',
+ 'Referers_Distinct' => 'Inne',
+ 'Referers_DistinctSearchEngines' => '%s niepowtarzalne wyszukiwarki',
+ 'Referers_DistinctKeywords' => '%s niepowtarzalne słowa kluczowe',
+ 'Referers_DistinctCampaigns' => '%s niepowtarzalne kampanie',
+ 'Referers_DistinctWebsites' => '%1s niepowtarzalne strony (używające %2s niepowtarzalnych url\'i)',
+ 'Referers_UsingNDistinctUrls' => ' (using %1s distinct urls)',
'Referers_SubmenuEvolution' => 'Rozwój',
'Referers_SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Wyszukiwarki i słowa kluczowe',
'Referers_SubmenuWebsites' => 'Strony',
'Referers_SubmenuCampaigns' => 'Kampanie',
- 'Referers_WidgetKeywords' => 'Lista słów kluczowych',
+ 'Referers_WidgetKeywords' => 'Słowa kluczowe z wyszukiwarek',
'Referers_WidgetCampaigns' => 'Lista kampanii',
'Referers_WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Lista zewnętrznych stron',
'Referers_WidgetSearchEngines' => 'Najpopularniejsze wyszukiwarki',
- 'Referers_WidgetOverview' => 'Przegląd',
- 'UserSettings_BrowserFamilies' => 'Rodzina przeglądarek',
- 'UserSettings_Browsers' => 'Przeglądarki',
- 'UserSettings_Plugins' => 'Plugin\'y',
- 'UserSettings_Configurations' => 'Konfiguracja',
- 'UserSettings_OperatinsSystems' => 'Systemy operacyjne',
- 'UserSettings_Resolutions' => 'Rozdzielczość',
- 'UserSettings_WideScreen' => 'Ekran panoramiczny',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetResolutions' => 'Rozdzielczość ekrany',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowsers' => 'Przeglądarki gości',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetPlugins' => 'Lista wtyczek',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetWidescreen' => 'Standardowe / Panoramiczne',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowserFamilies' => 'Przeglądarki na rodziny',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetOperatingSystems' => 'Systemy operacyjne',
- 'UserSettings_WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Konfiguracja główna wizyt',
- 'UserSettings_SubmenuSettings' => 'Ustawienia',
+ 'Referers_WidgetOverview' => 'Źródła odwiedzin',
+ 'SecurityInfo_PluginDescription' => 'Based on PhpSecInfo from the PHP Security Consortium, this plugin provides security information about your PHP environment and offers suggestions for improvement. It is a tool in a multilayered security approach. It does not replace secure development practices nor audit the code/application.',
+ 'SecurityInfo_Security' => 'Security',
+ 'SecurityInfo_SecurityInformation' => 'PHP Security Information',
+ 'SecurityInfo_Test' => 'Test',
+ 'SecurityInfo_Result' => 'Result',
+ 'SitesManager_PluginDescription' => 'Websites Management in Piwik: Add a new Website, Edit an existing one, Show the Javascript code to include on your pages. All the actions are also available through the API.',
+ 'SitesManager_Sites' => 'Websites',
+ 'SitesManager_WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management',
+ 'SitesManager_MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.',
+ 'SitesManager_JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Tag',
+ 'SitesManager_JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking tag to include on all your pages',
+ 'SitesManager_ShowTrackingTag' => 'show tracking tag',
+ 'SitesManager_NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.',
+ 'SitesManager_AddSite' => 'Add a new website',
+ 'SitesManager_AliasUrlHelp' => "It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs that your visitors use to access this website.\nAlias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referers > Websites report.\nNote that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without 'www' as Piwik automatically considers both.",
+ 'SitesManager_Id' => 'Id',
+ 'SitesManager_Name' => 'Name',
+ 'SitesManager_Urls' => 'URLs',
+ 'SitesManager_MenuSites' => 'Websites',
+ 'SitesManager_DeleteConfirm_js' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?',
+ 'SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.',
+ 'SitesManager_ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.',
+ 'SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.',
+ 'SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_PluginDescription' => 'Help translate Piwik into your language.',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuTranslations' => 'Translations',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuLanguages' => 'Languages',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_Plugin' => 'Wtyczka',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_Definition' => 'Definition',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_DefaultString' => 'Default string (English)',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_TranslationString' => 'Translation string (current language: %s)',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_Translations' => 'Translations',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_FixPermissions' => 'Please fix filesystem permissions',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_AvailableLanguages' => 'Available languages',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_AddLanguage' => 'Add language',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_LanguageCode' => 'Language code',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_Export' => 'Export language',
+ 'TranslationsAdmin_Import' => 'Import language',
+ 'UserCountry_PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Country of the visitors.',
'UserCountry_Country' => 'Kraj',
'UserCountry_Continent' => 'Kontynent',
'UserCountry_DistinctCountries' => '%s unikalnych krajów',
@@ -187,8 +570,8 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_WidgetCountries' => 'kraje gości',
'UserCountry_country_ac' => 'Ascension Islands',
'UserCountry_country_ad' => 'Andorra',
- 'UserCountry_country_ae' => 'Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie',
- 'UserCountry_country_af' => 'Afganistan',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ae' => 'United Arab Emirates',
+ 'UserCountry_country_af' => 'Afghanistan',
'UserCountry_country_ag' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'UserCountry_country_ai' => 'Anguilla',
'UserCountry_country_al' => 'Albania',
@@ -196,70 +579,79 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_an' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'UserCountry_country_ao' => 'Angola',
'UserCountry_country_aq' => 'Antarctica',
- 'UserCountry_country_ar' => 'Argentyna',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ar' => 'Argentina',
'UserCountry_country_as' => 'American Samoa',
'UserCountry_country_at' => 'Austria',
'UserCountry_country_au' => 'Australia',
'UserCountry_country_aw' => 'Aruba',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ax' => 'Aland Islands',
'UserCountry_country_az' => 'Azerbaijan',
- 'UserCountry_country_ba' => 'Bośnia and Hercegowina',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ba' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'UserCountry_country_bb' => 'Barbados',
'UserCountry_country_bd' => 'Bangladesh',
- 'UserCountry_country_be' => 'Belgia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_be' => 'Belgium',
'UserCountry_country_bf' => 'Burkina Faso',
- 'UserCountry_country_bg' => 'Bułgaria',
+ 'UserCountry_country_bg' => 'Bulgaria',
'UserCountry_country_bh' => 'Bahrain',
'UserCountry_country_bi' => 'Burundi',
'UserCountry_country_bj' => 'Benin',
+ 'UserCountry_country_bl' => 'Saint Barthelemy',
'UserCountry_country_bm' => 'Bermuda',
'UserCountry_country_bn' => 'Bruneo',
'UserCountry_country_bo' => 'Bolivia',
- 'UserCountry_country_br' => 'Brazylia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_br' => 'Brazil',
'UserCountry_country_bs' => 'Bahamas',
'UserCountry_country_bt' => 'Bhutan',
+ 'UserCountry_country_bu' => 'Burma',
'UserCountry_country_bv' => 'Bouvet Island',
'UserCountry_country_bw' => 'Botswana',
'UserCountry_country_by' => 'Belarus',
'UserCountry_country_bz' => 'Belize',
- 'UserCountry_country_ca' => 'Kanada',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ca' => 'Canada',
'UserCountry_country_cc' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
'UserCountry_country_cd' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the',
'UserCountry_country_cf' => 'Central African Republic',
- 'UserCountry_country_cg' => 'Kongo',
- 'UserCountry_country_ch' => 'Szwajcaria',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cg' => 'Congo',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ch' => 'Switzerland',
'UserCountry_country_ci' => 'Cote D\'Ivoire',
'UserCountry_country_ck' => 'Cook Islands',
'UserCountry_country_cl' => 'Chile',
'UserCountry_country_cm' => 'Cameroon',
- 'UserCountry_country_cn' => 'Chiny',
- 'UserCountry_country_co' => 'Kolumbia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cn' => 'China',
+ 'UserCountry_country_co' => 'Colombia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cp' => 'Clipperton Island',
'UserCountry_country_cr' => 'Costa Rica',
'UserCountry_country_cs' => 'Serbia Montenegro',
- 'UserCountry_country_cu' => 'Kuba',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cu' => 'Cuba',
'UserCountry_country_cv' => 'Cape Verde',
'UserCountry_country_cx' => 'Christmas Island',
- 'UserCountry_country_cy' => 'Cypr',
- 'UserCountry_country_cz' => 'Czechy',
- 'UserCountry_country_de' => 'Niemcy',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cy' => 'Cyprus',
+ 'UserCountry_country_cz' => 'Czech Republic',
+ 'UserCountry_country_de' => 'Germany',
+ 'UserCountry_country_dg' => 'Diego Garcia',
'UserCountry_country_dj' => 'Djibouti',
- 'UserCountry_country_dk' => 'Dania',
+ 'UserCountry_country_dk' => 'Denmark',
'UserCountry_country_dm' => 'Dominica',
'UserCountry_country_do' => 'Dominican Republic',
'UserCountry_country_dz' => 'Algeria',
- 'UserCountry_country_ec' => 'Ekwador',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ea' => 'Ceuta, Melilla',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ec' => 'Ecuador',
'UserCountry_country_ee' => 'Estonia',
- 'UserCountry_country_eg' => 'Egipt',
+ 'UserCountry_country_eg' => 'Egypt',
'UserCountry_country_eh' => 'Western Sahara',
'UserCountry_country_er' => 'Eritrea',
- 'UserCountry_country_es' => 'Hiszpania',
+ 'UserCountry_country_es' => 'Spain',
'UserCountry_country_et' => 'Ethiopia',
- 'UserCountry_country_fi' => 'Finlandia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_eu' => 'European Union',
+ 'UserCountry_country_fi' => 'Finland',
'UserCountry_country_fj' => 'Fiji',
'UserCountry_country_fk' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
'UserCountry_country_fm' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
'UserCountry_country_fo' => 'Faroe Islands',
- 'UserCountry_country_fr' => 'Francja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_fr' => 'France',
+ 'UserCountry_country_fx' => 'France, Metropolitan',
'UserCountry_country_ga' => 'Gabon',
+ 'UserCountry_country_gb' => 'Great Britain',
'UserCountry_country_gd' => 'Grenada',
'UserCountry_country_ge' => 'Georgia',
'UserCountry_country_gf' => 'French Guyana',
@@ -271,7 +663,7 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_gn' => 'Guinea',
'UserCountry_country_gp' => 'Guadeloupe',
'UserCountry_country_gq' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
- 'UserCountry_country_gr' => 'Grecja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_gr' => 'Greece',
'UserCountry_country_gs' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
'UserCountry_country_gt' => 'Guatemala',
'UserCountry_country_gu' => 'Guam',
@@ -282,21 +674,22 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_hn' => 'Honduras',
'UserCountry_country_hr' => 'Croatia',
'UserCountry_country_ht' => 'Haiti',
- 'UserCountry_country_hu' => 'Węgry',
- 'UserCountry_country_id' => 'Indonezja',
- 'UserCountry_country_ie' => 'Irlandia',
- 'UserCountry_country_il' => 'Izrael',
+ 'UserCountry_country_hu' => 'Hungary',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ic' => 'Canary Islands',
+ 'UserCountry_country_id' => 'Indonesia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ie' => 'Ireland',
+ 'UserCountry_country_il' => 'Israel',
'UserCountry_country_im' => 'Man Island',
- 'UserCountry_country_in' => 'Indie',
+ 'UserCountry_country_in' => 'India',
'UserCountry_country_io' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
- 'UserCountry_country_iq' => 'Irak',
+ 'UserCountry_country_iq' => 'Iraq',
'UserCountry_country_ir' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
'UserCountry_country_is' => 'Iceland',
- 'UserCountry_country_it' => 'Włochy',
+ 'UserCountry_country_it' => 'Italy',
'UserCountry_country_je' => 'Jersey',
'UserCountry_country_jm' => 'Jamaica',
'UserCountry_country_jo' => 'Jordan',
- 'UserCountry_country_jp' => 'Japonia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_jp' => 'Japan',
'UserCountry_country_ke' => 'Kenya',
'UserCountry_country_kg' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'UserCountry_country_kh' => 'Cambodia',
@@ -307,7 +700,7 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_kr' => 'Korea, Republic of',
'UserCountry_country_kw' => 'Kuwait',
'UserCountry_country_ky' => 'Cayman Islands',
- 'UserCountry_country_kz' => 'Kazachstan',
+ 'UserCountry_country_kz' => 'Kazakhstan',
'UserCountry_country_la' => 'Laos',
'UserCountry_country_lb' => 'Lebanon',
'UserCountry_country_lc' => 'Saint Lucia',
@@ -315,13 +708,15 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_lk' => 'Sri Lanka',
'UserCountry_country_lr' => 'Liberia',
'UserCountry_country_ls' => 'Lesotho',
- 'UserCountry_country_lt' => 'Litwa',
+ 'UserCountry_country_lt' => 'Lithuania',
'UserCountry_country_lu' => 'Luxembourg',
- 'UserCountry_country_lv' => 'Łotwa',
+ 'UserCountry_country_lv' => 'Latvia',
'UserCountry_country_ly' => 'Libya',
'UserCountry_country_ma' => 'Morocco',
'UserCountry_country_mc' => 'Monaco',
'UserCountry_country_md' => 'Moldova, Republic of',
+ 'UserCountry_country_me' => 'Montenegro',
+ 'UserCountry_country_mf' => 'Saint Martin',
'UserCountry_country_mg' => 'Madagascar',
'UserCountry_country_mh' => 'Marshall Islands',
'UserCountry_country_mk' => 'Macedonia',
@@ -337,7 +732,7 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_mu' => 'Mauritius',
'UserCountry_country_mv' => 'Maldives',
'UserCountry_country_mw' => 'Malawi',
- 'UserCountry_country_mx' => 'Meksyk',
+ 'UserCountry_country_mx' => 'Mexico',
'UserCountry_country_my' => 'Malaysia',
'UserCountry_country_mz' => 'Mozambique',
'UserCountry_country_na' => 'Namibia',
@@ -347,11 +742,12 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_ng' => 'Nigeria',
'UserCountry_country_ni' => 'Nicaragua',
'UserCountry_country_nl' => 'Netherlands',
- 'UserCountry_country_no' => 'Norwegia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_no' => 'Norway',
'UserCountry_country_np' => 'Nepal',
'UserCountry_country_nr' => 'Nauru',
+ 'UserCountry_country_nt' => 'Neutral Zone',
'UserCountry_country_nu' => 'Niue',
- 'UserCountry_country_nz' => 'Nowa Zelandia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_nz' => 'New Zealand',
'UserCountry_country_om' => 'Oman',
'UserCountry_country_pa' => 'Panama',
'UserCountry_country_pe' => 'Peru',
@@ -359,30 +755,31 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_pg' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'UserCountry_country_ph' => 'Philippines',
'UserCountry_country_pk' => 'Pakistan',
- 'UserCountry_country_pl' => 'Polska',
+ 'UserCountry_country_pl' => 'Poland',
'UserCountry_country_pm' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
'UserCountry_country_pn' => 'Pitcairn',
'UserCountry_country_pr' => 'Puerto Rico',
'UserCountry_country_ps' => 'Palestinian Territory',
- 'UserCountry_country_pt' => 'Portugalia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_pt' => 'Portugal',
'UserCountry_country_pw' => 'Palau',
'UserCountry_country_py' => 'Paraguay',
'UserCountry_country_qa' => 'Qatar',
'UserCountry_country_re' => 'Reunion Island',
- 'UserCountry_country_ro' => 'Rumunia',
- 'UserCountry_country_ru' => 'Rosja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ro' => 'Romania',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ru' => 'Russia',
'UserCountry_country_rs' => 'Serbia',
'UserCountry_country_rw' => 'Rwanda',
'UserCountry_country_sa' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'UserCountry_country_sb' => 'Solomon Islands',
'UserCountry_country_sc' => 'Seychelles',
'UserCountry_country_sd' => 'Sudan',
- 'UserCountry_country_se' => 'Szwecja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_se' => 'Sweden',
+ 'UserCountry_country_sf' => 'Finland',
'UserCountry_country_sg' => 'Singapore',
'UserCountry_country_sh' => 'Saint Helena',
- 'UserCountry_country_si' => 'Słowenia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_si' => 'Slovenia',
'UserCountry_country_sj' => 'Svalbard',
- 'UserCountry_country_sk' => 'Słowacja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_sk' => 'Slovakia',
'UserCountry_country_sl' => 'Sierra Leone',
'UserCountry_country_sm' => 'San Marino',
'UserCountry_country_sn' => 'Senegal',
@@ -393,26 +790,27 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_sv' => 'El Salvador',
'UserCountry_country_sy' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'UserCountry_country_sz' => 'Swaziland',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ta' => 'Tristan da Cunha',
'UserCountry_country_tc' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'UserCountry_country_td' => 'Chad',
'UserCountry_country_tf' => 'French Southern Territories',
'UserCountry_country_tg' => 'Togo',
- 'UserCountry_country_th' => 'Tajlandia',
+ 'UserCountry_country_th' => 'Thailand',
'UserCountry_country_tj' => 'Tajikistan',
'UserCountry_country_tk' => 'Tokelau',
+ 'UserCountry_country_tl' => 'East Timor',
'UserCountry_country_tm' => 'Turkmenistan',
'UserCountry_country_tn' => 'Tunisia',
'UserCountry_country_to' => 'Tonga',
'UserCountry_country_tp' => 'East Timor',
- 'UserCountry_country_tr' => 'Turcja',
+ 'UserCountry_country_tr' => 'Turkey',
'UserCountry_country_tt' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'UserCountry_country_tv' => 'Tuvalu',
'UserCountry_country_tw' => 'Taiwan',
'UserCountry_country_tz' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
- 'UserCountry_country_ua' => 'Ukraina',
+ 'UserCountry_country_ua' => 'Ukraine',
'UserCountry_country_ug' => 'Uganda',
'UserCountry_country_uk' => 'United Kingdom',
- 'UserCountry_country_gb' => 'Great Britain',
'UserCountry_country_um' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
'UserCountry_country_us' => 'United States',
'UserCountry_country_uy' => 'Uruguay',
@@ -433,178 +831,121 @@ $translations = array(
'UserCountry_country_zm' => 'Zambia',
'UserCountry_country_zr' => 'Zaire',
'UserCountry_country_zw' => 'Zimbabwe',
- 'UserCountry_continent_eur' => 'Europa',
- 'UserCountry_continent_afr' => 'Afryka',
- 'UserCountry_continent_asi' => 'Azja',
- 'UserCountry_continent_ams' => 'Południowa i środkowa Ameryka',
- 'UserCountry_continent_amn' => 'Północna Ameryka',
+ 'UserCountry_continent_eur' => 'Europe',
+ 'UserCountry_continent_afr' => 'Africa',
+ 'UserCountry_continent_asi' => 'Asia',
+ 'UserCountry_continent_ams' => 'South and Central America',
+ 'UserCountry_continent_amn' => 'North America',
'UserCountry_continent_oce' => 'Oceania',
- 'VisitsSummary_NbVisits' => '%s wizyt',
- 'VisitsSummary_NbUniqueVisitors' => '%s unikalnych gości',
- 'VisitsSummary_NbActions' => '%s akcje (odsłony strony)',
- 'VisitsSummary_TotalTime' => '%s całkowity czas spędzony na stronie',
- 'VisitsSummary_MaxNbActions' => '%s maksymalne akcje podczas jednej wizyty',
- 'VisitsSummary_NbBounced' => '%s goście odrzucający (opuścili stronę po obejrzeniu jednej strony)',
- 'VisitsSummary_Evolution' => 'Postęp ostatnich 30 %s',
- 'VisitsSummary_Report' => 'Raport',
- 'VisitsSummary_GenerateTime' => 'Czas wygenerowania strony: %s sekund',
- 'VisitsSummary_GenerateQueries' => '%s wykonanych zapytań',
- 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisits' => 'Wykres ostatnich wizyty',
- 'VisitsSummary_WidgetVisits' => 'przegląd wizyt',
- 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisitors' => 'Wykres ostatnich unikalnych gości',
- 'VisitsSummary_WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Wykres z przeglądem',
- 'VisitsSummary_SubmenuOverview' => 'Przegląd',
- 'VisitFrequency_Evolution' => 'Rozwój na cykl',
- 'VisitFrequency_ReturnVisits' => '%s wizyt ponownych',
- 'VisitFrequency_ReturnActions' => '%s akcji przy ponownych wizytach',
- 'VisitFrequency_ReturnMaxActions' => '%s maksymalnych akcji przy ponownych wizytach',
- 'VisitFrequency_ReturnTotalTime' => '%s całkowity czas spędzony przy ponownych wizytach',
- 'VisitFrequency_ReturnBounces' => '%s czasy ponownych odrzuconych wizyt (wyjścia ze strony po obejrzeniu jednej strony)',
- 'VisitFrequency_WidgetOverview' => 'Częstotliwość przeglądu',
- 'VisitFrequency_WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Wykres ponownych wizyt',
- 'VisitFrequency_SubmenuFrequency' => 'częstotliwość',
- 'VisitTime_LocalTime' => 'Wizyt czasu lokalnego',
- 'VisitTime_ServerTime' => 'Wizyt czasu serwera',
- 'VisitTime_WidgetLocalTime' => 'Wizyty czasu lokalnego',
- 'VisitTime_WidgetServerTime' => 'Wizyty czasu serwera',
- 'VisitTime_SubmenuTimes' => 'Czasy',
- 'VisitTime_NHour' => '%sh',
- 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerDuration' => 'Wizyt na czas wizyty',
- 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Wizyt na ilość stron',
- 'VisitorInterest_WidgetLengths' => 'Długość wizyty',
- 'VisitorInterest_WidgetPages' => 'Strion na wizytę',
- 'VisitorInterest_SubmenuFrequencyLoyalty' => 'Częstotliwość i lojalność',
- 'VisitorInterest_PlusXMin' => '%s min',
- 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1s-%1s min',
- 'VisitorInterest_OnePage' => '1 strona',
- 'VisitorInterest_NPages' => '%s stron',
- 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1s-%2ss',
- 'Login_LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Nazwa użytkownika i hasło niepoprawne',
- 'Login_Login' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
- 'Login_Password' => 'Hasło',
- 'Login_LoginOrEmail' => 'Nazwa użytkownika albo email',
- 'Login_LogIn' => 'Zaloguj',
- 'Login_Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
- 'Login_LostYourPassword' => 'Zapomniałeś hasło?',
- 'Login_RemindPassword' => 'Przypomnij hasło',
- 'Login_PasswordReminder' => 'Wprowadź nazwę użytkownika albo adres email. Otrzymasz nowe email z nowym hasłem.',
- 'Login_InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika i/lub adress e-mail',
- 'Login_MailTopicPasswordRecovery' => 'Odzyskiwanie hasła',
- 'Login_MailPasswordRecoveryBody' => 'Witaj %1s, \n\n Twoje nowe hasło to: %2s \n\n Możesz się teraz zalogować: %3s',
- 'Login_PasswordSent' => 'Hasło zostało wysłane - sprawdź email.',
- 'Login_ContactAdmin' => 'Możliwości: Twój host może może mieć zablokowaną funkcję mail(). <br>Skontakuj się z administratorem Piwik\'a.',
- 'UsersManager_UsersManagement' => 'Zarządzanie użytkownikami',
- 'UsersManager_UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Twórz nowych użytkowników lub aktualizuj już istniejących. Powyżej będziesz mógł ustawić odpowiednie uprawnienia dla każdego użytkownika.',
- 'UsersManager_ManageAccess' => 'Zarządzaj dostępem',
- 'UsersManager_MainDescription' => 'Decyduj którzy użytkownicy mają dostęp do Piwik\'a na twojej witrynie. Możesz również ustawiać uprawnienia dla wszystkich witryn za jednym razem.',
- 'UsersManager_Sites' => 'Strony',
- 'UsersManager_AllWebsites' => 'Wszystkie strony',
- 'UsersManager_ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Zastosuj do wszystkich stron',
- 'UsersManager_User' => 'Użytkownik',
- 'UsersManager_PrivNone' => 'Brak dostępu',
- 'UsersManager_PrivView' => 'Widok',
+ 'UserSettings_PluginDescription' => 'Reports various User Settings: Browser, Browser Family, Operating System, Plugins, Resolution, Global Settings.',
+ 'UserSettings_VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings',
+ 'UserSettings_BrowserFamilies' => 'Rodzina przeglądarek',
+ 'UserSettings_Browsers' => 'Przeglądarki',
+ 'UserSettings_Plugins' => 'Wtyczki',
+ 'UserSettings_Configurations' => 'Konfiguracja',
+ 'UserSettings_OperatingSystems' => 'Systemy operacyjne',
+ 'UserSettings_Resolutions' => 'Rozdzielczość',
+ 'UserSettings_WideScreen' => 'Wyświetlacze: zwykłe/panoramiczne',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnBrowserFamily' => 'Rodzina przeglądarek',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnBrowser' => 'Przeglądarka',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnPlugin' => 'Wtyczki',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnConfiguration' => 'Konfiguracja',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'System operacyjny',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnResolution' => 'Rozdzielczość',
+ 'UserSettings_ColumnTypeOfScreen' => 'Rodzaj wyświetlacza',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetResolutions' => 'Rozdzielczość',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowsers' => 'Przeglądarki użytkowników',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetPlugins' => 'Lista wtyczek',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetWidescreen' => 'Zwykłe/Panoramiczne',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowserFamilies' => 'Przeglądarki na rodziny',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetOperatingSystems' => 'Systemy operacyjne',
+ 'UserSettings_WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Konfiguracja główna wizyt',
+ 'UserSettings_SubmenuSettings' => 'Ustawienia',
+ 'UsersManager_PluginDescription' => 'Users Management in Piwik: add a new User, edit an existing one, update the permissions. All the actions are also available through the API.',
+ 'UsersManager_UsersManagement' => 'Users Management',
+ 'UsersManager_UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.',
+ 'UsersManager_ManageAccess' => 'Manage access',
+ 'UsersManager_MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have which Piwik access on your Websites. You can also set the permissions on all the Websites at once.',
+ 'UsersManager_Sites' => 'Websites',
+ 'UsersManager_AllWebsites' => 'All websites',
+ 'UsersManager_ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites',
+ 'UsersManager_User' => 'User',
+ 'UsersManager_PrivNone' => 'No access',
+ 'UsersManager_PrivView' => 'View',
'UsersManager_PrivAdmin' => 'Admin',
'UsersManager_ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz zmienić \'%s\' prawa na wszystkich stronach?',
'UsersManager_Login' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
'UsersManager_Password' => 'Hasło',
'UsersManager_Email' => 'Email',
'UsersManager_Alias' => 'Alias',
- 'UsersManager_Token' => 'token_auth',
'UsersManager_Edit' => 'Edycja',
'UsersManager_AddUser' => 'Dodaj nowego użytkownika',
'UsersManager_MenuUsers' => 'Użytkownicy',
'UsersManager_DeleteConfirm_js' => 'Czy jesteś pewien czy chcesz skasować użytkownika %s?',
'UsersManager_ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Nazwa użytkownika \'%s\' już istnieje.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionEmailExists' => 'Użytkownik z emailem \'%s\' już istnieje.',
- 'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidLogin' => 'Nazwa użytkownika może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry i znaki \'_\' albo \'-\' albo \'.\'',
+ 'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The login must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\'',
'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'Długość hasła musi być pomiędzy 6 i 26 znaków.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'Email ma niepoprawny format.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'Użytkownik \'%s\' nie istnieje lub nie może być skasowany.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionAdminAnonymous' => 'Nie możesz przydzielić statusu \'admin\' dla użytkownika \'anonymous\'.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'Użytkownik anonimowy nie może być zmieniony lub skasowany. Używany jest przez Piwik to do definicji użytkownika nie zalogowanego. Dla przykładu możesz ustawić swoje statystyki do wglądu dla wszystkich poprzez przyznanie prawa wglądu użytkownikowi anonimowemu \'anonymous\'.',
+ 'UsersManager_ExceptionSuperUser' => 'Requested user is the Super User and cannot be queried, edited or deleted via the API. You can manually edit the Super User details in your Piwik configuration file.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'Użytkownik \'%s\' nie istnieje.',
'UsersManager_ExceptionAccessValues' => 'Parametr dostępu musi zawierać jedna z następujących wartości : [ %s ]',
- 'SitesManager_Sites' => 'Strony',
- 'SitesManager_WebsitesManagement' => 'Zarządzanie witrynami',
- 'SitesManager_MainDescription' => 'Raporty analizy potrzebują witryn! Dodawaj, aktualizuj, usuwaj witryny, a następnie wyświetlaj i wstawiaj kod Javascript na swojej stronie.',
- 'SitesManager_JsCode' => 'Kod Javascript',
- 'SitesManager_JsCodeHelp' => 'Tutaj jest kod javascript, który należy umieścić na wszystkich twoich stronach',
- 'SitesManager_ShowJsCode' => 'Pokaż kod',
- 'SitesManager_NoWebsites' => 'Nie masz żadnej witryny do zarządzania.',
- 'SitesManager_AddSite' => 'Dodaj nową witrynę',
- 'SitesManager_Id' => 'Id',
- 'SitesManager_Name' => 'nazwa',
- 'SitesManager_Urls' => 'URL\'e',
- 'SitesManager_MenuSites' => 'Witryny',
- 'SitesManager_DeleteConfirm_js' => 'Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz skasować witrynę %s?',
- 'SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'Nie jest możliwe skasowanie tej witryny, ponieważ to jest jedyna zarejestrowana witryna. Dodaj nową witrynę i wtedy skasuj jedną.',
- 'SitesManager_ExceptionNoUrl' => 'Musisz określić przynajmniej jeden URL do twojej witryny.',
- 'SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName' => 'Nazwa witryny nie może być pusta.',
- 'SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'URL \'%s\' nie jest poprawnym URL\'em.',
- 'Installation_Installation' => 'Instalacja',
- 'Installation_InstallationStatus' => 'Status instalacji',
- 'Installation_PercentDone' => '%s %% Gotowe',
- 'Installation_NoConfigFound' => 'Plik konfiguracji Piwik\'a nie został odnaleziony a ty próbujesz się dostać do Piwik\'a.<br><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo; Możesz <a href=\'index.php\'>zainstalować Piwik\'a teraz</a></b><br><small>Jeżeli instalowałeś Piwik\'a wcześniej i istnieją tabele w twojej bazie, nie martw się możesz użyć ponownie te same tabele i zachować istniejące dane!</small>',
- 'Installation_MysqlSetup' => 'Instalacja bazy Mysql',
- 'Installation_MysqlErrorConnect' => 'Błąd podczas próby połączenia z bazą Mysql',
- 'Installation_JsTag' => 'Javascript tag',
- 'Installation_JsTagHelp' => '<p>By zliczyć wszystich gości, musiż dołączyć kod javascript code na wszystkich stronach.</p><p>Twoje strony nie muszą być stworzone w PHP, Piwik współpracuje z wszystkimi rodzajami stron (HTML, ASP, Perl czy inny język).</p><p>Tutaj znajduje się kod który musisz wkleić: (kopij i wklej na wszystkich twoich stronach) </p>',
- 'Installation_Congratulations' => 'Gratulacje',
- 'Installation_CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Gratulacje! Twója instalacja Piwik\'a została zakończona.</p><p>Upewnij się że kod javascript został wprowadzony do twoich stron i czekaj na pierwsza wizytę!</p>',
- 'Installation_GoToPiwik' => 'Idź do Piwik\'a',
- 'Installation_SetupWebsite' => 'Ustaw witrynę',
- 'Installation_SetupWebsiteError' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania witryny',
- 'Installation_GeneralSetup' => 'Ustawienia główne',
- 'Installation_GeneralSetupSuccess' => 'Ustawienia główne skonfigurowano poprawnie',
- 'Installation_SystemCheck' => 'Weryfikacja systemu',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckPhp' => 'Wersja PHP',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckPdo' => 'Rozszerzenie Pdo',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckPdoMysql' => 'Rozszerzenie Pdo_Mysql',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckPdoError' => 'Musisz włączyć PDO i PDO_MYSQL rozszerzenia w pliku php.ini.',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckPdoHelp' => 'Na serwerach windows musisz dodać następującą linijkę w your php.ini %s <br><br>Na serwerach Linux musisz skompilować php z opcją %s W pliku php.ini, dodaj następujące linie %s<br><br>Więcej informacji znajdziesz na <a style="color:red" href="http://php.net/pdo">PHP.net</a>.',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Katalog z prawem do zapisu',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'By naprawić ten błąd na serwerach Linux spróbuj wykonać następujące polecenia',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Limit pamięci',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'Na stronach z dużym ruchem, proces archiwizacji może wymagać więcej pamięci niż jest aktualnie przydzielone.<br> Sprawdź dyrektywę memory_limit w pliku php.ini jeżeli to będzie konieczne.',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckGD' => 'GD &gt; 2.x (grafika)',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'Sparklines (mały graf) nie pracuje.',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckTimeLimit' => 'set_time_limit() dozwolone',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'Na stronach z dużym ruchem, proces archiwizacji może wymagać więcej czasu niż jest aktualnie przydzielone.<br>Sprawdź dyrektywę max_execution_time w pliku php.ini jeżeli to będzie konieczne.',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckMail' => 'mail() dozwolone',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckError' => 'Wystąpił błąd - zanim będziesz kontynuował zweryfikuj błąd',
- 'Installation_SystemCheckWarning' => 'Piwik będzie pracował normalnie aczkolwiek pewne właściwości będą niedostępne ',
- 'Installation_Tables' => 'Tworzenie tabel',
- 'Installation_TablesWarning' => 'Pewne <span id="linkToggle">tabele Piwik\'a</span> istnieją w bazie',
- 'Installation_TablesFound' => 'Następujące tabele zostały znalezione w bazie',
- 'Installation_TablesWarningHelp' => 'Jakikolwiek wybór by użyć table w istniejącej bazie czy wybranie opcji czyszczenia instalacji wykazuje istniejące w bazie.',
- 'Installation_TablesReuse' => 'Użyj istniejące tabele',
- 'Installation_TablesDelete' => 'Skasuj wykryte tabele',
- 'Installation_TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Istniejące tabele Piwik\'a skasowano poprawnie',
- 'Installation_TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tabele stworzone z powodzeniem!',
- 'Installation_DatabaseCreatedSuccess' => 'Database %s created with success!',
- 'Installation_TablesDeleteConfirm' => 'Czy jesteś przekonany ze chcesz skasować wszystkie tabele Piwik\'az tej bazy?',
- 'Installation_Welcome' => 'Witka!',
- 'Installation_WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Piwik to wolne (open source) oprogramowanie do analizy ruchu na stronach internetowych, który w łatwy sposób pobierze informacje o wizytach na twojej stronie.</p><p>Proces jest podzielony na %s łatwe kroki i zajmie około 5 minut.</p>',
- 'Provider_WidgetProviders' => 'Dostawca',
- 'Provider_SubmenuLocationsProvider' => 'Lokalizacje i dostawca',
- 'DBStats_DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage',
- 'DBStats_MainDescription' => 'Piwik is storing all your web analytics data in the Mysql database. Currently, Piwik tables are using %s.',
- 'DBStats_Table' => 'Tabela',
- 'DBStats_RowNumber' => 'Row number',
- 'DBStats_DataSize' => 'Data size',
- 'DBStats_IndexSize' => 'Index size',
- 'DBStats_TotalSize' => 'Total size',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuTranslations' => 'Tłumaczenia',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuLanguages' => 'Języki',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_Plugin' => 'Plugin\'y',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_Definition' => 'Definicje',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_DefaultString' => 'Domyślny tekst',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_TranslationString' => 'Tekst tłumaczenia (aktualny język: %s)',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_Translations' => 'Tłumaczenia',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_FixPermissions' => 'Sprawdź prawa zapisu',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_AvailableLanguages' => 'Dostępne języki',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_AddLanguage' => 'Dodaj język',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_LanguageCode' => 'Kod języka',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_Export' => 'Eksportuj język',
- 'TranslationsAdmin_Import' => 'Importuj język',
+ 'VisitFrequency_PluginDescription' => 'Reports various statistics about the Returning Visitor versus the First time visitor.',
+ 'VisitFrequency_Evolution' => 'Rozwój na cykl',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Ponowne wizyty',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ColumnMaximumActionsByAReturningVisit' => 'Maximum Actions by a Returning Visit',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ColumnTotalTimeSpentByReturningVisits' => 'Total time spent by Returning Visits (in seconds)',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce rate for Returning Visits',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ReturnVisits' => '%s wizyt ponownych',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ReturnActions' => '%s akcji przy ponownych wizytach',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ReturnMaxActions' => '%s maksymalnych akcji przy ponownych wizytach',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ReturnTotalTime' => '%s całkowity czas spędzony przy ponownych wizytach',
+ 'VisitFrequency_ReturnBounceRate' => '%s czasy ponownych odrzuconych wizyt (wyjścia ze strony po obejrzeniu jednej strony)',
+ 'VisitFrequency_WidgetOverview' => 'Przegląd poracających',
+ 'VisitFrequency_WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Użytkownicy powracający',
+ 'VisitFrequency_SubmenuFrequency' => 'częstotliwość',
+ 'VisitorInterest_PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the Visitor Interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the Website.',
+ 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerDuration' => 'Wizyt na czas wizyty',
+ 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Wizyt na ilość stron',
+ 'VisitorInterest_ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Długość wizyty',
+ 'VisitorInterest_ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Ilość przejrzanych podstron',
+ 'VisitorInterest_WidgetLengths' => 'Średni czas odwiedzin',
+ 'VisitorInterest_WidgetPages' => 'Stron na wizytę',
+ 'VisitorInterest_SubmenuFrequencyLoyalty' => 'Częstotliwość i lojalność',
+ 'VisitorInterest_PlusXMin' => '%s min',
+ 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1s-%1s min',
+ 'VisitorInterest_OnePage' => '1 strona',
+ 'VisitorInterest_NPages' => '%s stron',
+ 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1s-%2ss',
+ 'VisitsSummary_PluginDescription' => 'Reports the general Analytics numbers: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, Bounce Rate, etc.',
+ 'VisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary',
+ 'VisitsSummary_NbVisits' => '%s wizyt',
+ 'VisitsSummary_NbUniqueVisitors' => '%s unikalnych użytkowników',
+ 'VisitsSummary_NbActionsDescription' => '%s akcje (przeglądanie, ściąganie plików i linki wychodzące)',
+ 'VisitsSummary_TotalTime' => '%s całkowity czas spędzony na stronie',
+ 'VisitsSummary_MaxNbActions' => '%s największa liczba wykonanych akcji podczas jednej wizyty',
+ 'VisitsSummary_NbVisitsBounced' => '%s odrzuceń (porzucono witrynę po obejrzeniu jednej strony)',
+ 'VisitsSummary_EvolutionOverLastPeriods' => 'Zmiany: ostatnie %s',
+ 'VisitsSummary_Report' => 'Raport',
+ 'VisitsSummary_GenerateTime' => 'Czas wygenerowania strony: %s sekund',
+ 'VisitsSummary_GenerateQueries' => '%s wykonanych zapytań',
+ 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisits' => 'Odwiedziny w ostatnim miesiącu',
+ 'VisitsSummary_WidgetVisits' => 'Przegląd wizyt',
+ 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisitors' => 'Wykres ostatnich unikalnych użytkowników',
+ 'VisitsSummary_WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Wykres z przeglądem',
+ 'VisitsSummary_SubmenuOverview' => 'Przegląd',
+ 'VisitTime_PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Local and Server time. Server time information can be useful to schedule a maintenance on the Website.',
+ 'VisitTime_LocalTime' => 'Odwiedziny (czas lokalny)',
+ 'VisitTime_ServerTime' => 'Odwiedziny (czas serwera)',
+ 'VisitTime_ColumnServerTime' => 'Czas serwera',
+ 'VisitTime_ColumnLocalTime' => 'Czas lokalny',
+ 'VisitTime_WidgetLocalTime' => 'Odwiedziny (czas lokalny)',
+ 'VisitTime_WidgetServerTime' => 'Odwiedziny (czas serwera)',
+ 'VisitTime_SubmenuTimes' => 'Czasy',
+ 'VisitTime_NHour' => '%sh',
+ 'Widgetize_PluginDescription' => 'The plugin makes it very easy to export any Piwik Widget in your Blog, Website or on Igoogle and Netvibes!',