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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/UserCountryMap/js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/UserCountryMap/js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js b/plugins/UserCountryMap/js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js
index 5e251bc39f..1f757df953 100644
--- a/plugins/UserCountryMap/js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js
+++ b/plugins/UserCountryMap/js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js
@@ -1,14 +1,352 @@
-* qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
-* http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/
-* Version: nightly
-* Copyright 2009-2010 Craig Michael Thompson - http://craigsworks.com
-* Dual licensed under MIT or GPLv2 licenses
-* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
-* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
-* Date: Mon Nov 21 13:18:18.0000000000 2011
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+ * qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
+ * http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/
+ *
+ * Version: nightly
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 Craig Michael Thompson - http://craigsworks.com
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under MIT or GPLv2 licenses
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
+ *
+ * Date: Mon Nov 21 13:18:18.0000000000 2011
+ *//*jslint browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: true *//*global window: false, jQuery: false, console: false */
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+ function z(b, c) {
+ var i, j, k, l, m, n = a(this), o = a(document.body), p = this === document ? o : n, q = n.metadata ? n.metadata(c.metadata) : f, r = c.metadata.type === "html5" && q ? q[c.metadata.name] : f, s = n.data(c.metadata.name || "qtipopts");
+ try {s = typeof s === "string" ? (new Function("return " + s))() : s} catch (t) {w("Unable to parse HTML5 attribute data: " + s)}
+ l = a.extend(d, {}, g.defaults, c, typeof s === "object" ? x(s) : f, x(r || q)), j = l.position, l.id = b;
+ if ("boolean" === typeof l.content.text) {
+ k = n.attr(l.content.attr);
+ if (l.content.attr !== e && k)l.content.text = k; else {
+ w("Unable to locate content for tooltip! Aborting render of tooltip on element: ", n);
+ return e
+ }
+ }
+ j.container === e && (j.container = o), j.target === e && (j.target = p), l.show.target === e && (l.show.target = p), l.show.solo === d && (l.show.solo = o), l.hide.target === e && (l.hide.target = p), l.position.viewport === d && (l.position.viewport = j.container), j.at = new h.Corner(j.at), j.my = new h.Corner(j.my);
+ if (a.data(this, "qtip"))if (l.overwrite)n.qtip("destroy"); else if (l.overwrite === e)return e;
+ l.suppress && (m = a.attr(this, "title")) && a(this).removeAttr("title").attr(u, m), i = new y(n, l, b, !!k), a.data(this, "qtip", i), n.bind("remove.qtip-" + b, function () {i.destroy()});
+ return i
+ }
+ function y(s, t, w, y) {
+ function R() {
+ var c = [t.show.target[0], t.hide.target[0], z.rendered && G.tooltip[0], t.position.container[0], t.position.viewport[0], b, document];
+ z.rendered ? a([]).pushStack(a.grep(c, function (a) {return typeof a === "object"})).unbind(F) : t.show.target.unbind(F + "-create")
+ }
+ function Q() {
+ function p(a) {E.is(":visible") && z.reposition(a)}
+ function o(a) {
+ if (E.hasClass(m))return e;
+ clearTimeout(z.timers.inactive), z.timers.inactive = setTimeout(function () {z.hide(a)}, t.hide.inactive)
+ }
+ function l(b) {
+ if (E.hasClass(m) || C || D)return e;
+ var d = a(b.relatedTarget || b.target), g = d.closest(n)[0] === E[0], h = d[0] === f.show[0];
+ clearTimeout(z.timers.show), clearTimeout(z.timers.hide);
+ if (c.target === "mouse" && g || t.hide.fixed && (/mouse(out|leave|move)/.test(b.type) && (g || h)))try {b.preventDefault(), b.stopImmediatePropagation()} catch (i) {} else t.hide.delay > 0 ? z.timers.hide = setTimeout(function () {z.hide(b)}, t.hide.delay) : z.hide(b)
+ }
+ function k(a) {
+ if (E.hasClass(m))return e;
+ clearTimeout(z.timers.show), clearTimeout(z.timers.hide);
+ var b = function () {z.toggle(d, a)};
+ t.show.delay > 0 ? z.timers.show = setTimeout(b, t.show.delay) : b()
+ }
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+ E.bind("mouseenter" + F + " mouseleave" + F, function (a) {
+ var b = a.type === "mouseenter";
+ b && z.focus(a), E.toggleClass(q, b)
+ }), t.hide.fixed && (f.hide = f.hide.add(E), E.bind("mouseover" + F, function () {E.hasClass(m) || clearTimeout(z.timers.hide)})), /mouse(out|leave)/i.test(t.hide.event) ? t.hide.leave === "window" && f.window.bind("mouseout" + F + " blur" + F, function (a) {/select|option/.test(a.target) && !a.relatedTarget && z.hide(a)}) : /mouse(over|enter)/i.test(t.show.event) && f.hide.bind("mouseleave" + F, function (a) {clearTimeout(z.timers.show)}), ("" + t.hide.event).indexOf("unfocus") > -1 && f.body.bind("mousedown" + F, function (b) {
+ var c = a(b.target), d = !E.hasClass(m) && E.is(":visible");
+ c[0] !== E[0] && c.parents(n).length === 0 && c.add(s).length > 1 && !c.attr("disabled") && z.hide(b)
+ }), "number" === typeof t.hide.inactive && (f.show.bind("qtip-" + w + "-inactive", o), a.each(g.inactiveEvents, function (a, b) {f.hide.add(G.tooltip).bind(b + F + "-inactive", o)})), a.each(h.hide, function (b, c) {
+ var d = a.inArray(c, h.show), e = a(f.hide);
+ d > -1 && e.add(f.show).length === e.length || c === "unfocus" ? (f.show.bind(c + F, function (a) {E.is(":visible") ? l(a) : k(a)}), delete h.show[d]) : f.hide.bind(c + F, l)
+ }), a.each(h.show, function (a, b) {f.show.bind(b + F, k)}), "number" === typeof t.hide.distance && f.show.add(E).bind("mousemove" + F, function (a) {
+ var b = H.origin || {}, c = t.hide.distance, d = Math.abs;
+ (d(a.pageX - b.pageX) >= c || d(a.pageY - b.pageY) >= c) && z.hide(a)
+ }), c.target === "mouse" && (f.show.bind("mousemove" + F, function (a) {i = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}}), c.adjust.mouse && (t.hide.event && E.bind("mouseleave" + F, function (a) {(a.relatedTarget || a.target) !== f.show[0] && z.hide(a)}), f.document.bind("mousemove" + F, function (a) {!E.hasClass(m) && E.is(":visible") && z.reposition(a || i)}))), (c.adjust.resize || f.viewport.length) && (a.event.special.resize ? f.viewport : f.window).bind("resize" + F, p), (f.viewport.length || j && E.css("position") === "fixed") && f.viewport.bind("scroll" + F, p)
+ }
+ function P(b, d) {
+ function g(b) {
+ function i(c) {c && (delete h[c.src], clearTimeout(z.timers.img[c.src]), a(c).unbind(F)), a.isEmptyObject(h) && (z.redraw(), d !== e && z.reposition(H.event), b())}
+ var g, h = {};
+ if ((g = f.find("img:not([height]):not([width])")).length === 0)return i();
+ g.each(function (b, d) {
+ if (h[d.src] === c) {
+ var e = 0, f = 3;
+ (function g() {
+ if (d.height || d.width || e > f)return i(d);
+ e += 1, z.timers.img[d.src] = setTimeout(g, 700)
+ })(), a(d).bind("error" + F + " load" + F, function () {i(this)}), h[d.src] = d
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ var f = G.content;
+ if (!z.rendered || !b)return e;
+ a.isFunction(b) && (b = b.call(s, H.event, z) || ""), b.jquery && b.length > 0 ? f.empty().append(b.css({display: "block"})) : f.html(b), z.rendered < 0 ? E.queue("fx", g) : (D = 0, g(a.noop));
+ return z
+ }
+ function O(b, c) {
+ var d = G.title;
+ if (!z.rendered || !b)return e;
+ a.isFunction(b) && (b = b.call(s, H.event, z));
+ if (b === e)return K(e);
+ b.jquery && b.length > 0 ? d.empty().append(b.css({display: "block"})) : d.html(b), z.redraw(), c !== e && z.rendered && E.is(":visible") && z.reposition(H.event)
+ }
+ function N(a) {
+ var b = G.button, c = G.title;
+ if (!z.rendered)return e;
+ a ? (c || M(), L()) : b.remove()
+ }
+ function M() {
+ var b = B + "-title";
+ G.titlebar && K(), G.titlebar = a("<div />", {"class": k + "-titlebar " + (t.style.widget ? "ui-widget-header" : "")}).append(G.title = a("<div />", {id: b, "class": k + "-title", "aria-atomic": d})).insertBefore(G.content).delegate(".ui-tooltip-close", "mousedown keydown mouseup keyup mouseout",function (b) {a(this).toggleClass("ui-state-active ui-state-focus", b.type.substr(-4) === "down")}).delegate(".ui-tooltip-close", "mouseover mouseout", function (b) {a(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover", b.type === "mouseover")}), t.content.title.button ? L() : z.rendered && z.redraw()
+ }
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+ var b = t.content.title.button, c = typeof b === "string", d = c ? b : "Close tooltip";
+ G.button && G.button.remove(), b.jquery ? G.button = b : G.button = a("<a />", {"class": "ui-state-default ui-tooltip-close " + (t.style.widget ? "" : k + "-icon"), title: d, "aria-label": d}).prepend(a("<span />", {"class": "ui-icon ui-icon-close", html: "&times;"})), G.button.appendTo(G.titlebar).attr("role", "button").click(function (a) {
+ E.hasClass(m) || z.hide(a);
+ return e
+ }), z.redraw()
+ }
+ function K(a) {G.title && (G.titlebar.remove(), G.titlebar = G.title = G.button = f, a !== e && z.reposition())}
+ function J() {
+ var a = t.style.widget;
+ E.toggleClass(l, a).toggleClass(o, !a), G.content.toggleClass(l + "-content", a), G.titlebar && G.titlebar.toggleClass(l + "-header", a), G.button && G.button.toggleClass(k + "-icon", !a)
+ }
+ function I(a) {
+ var b = 0, c, d = t, e = a.split(".");
+ while (d = d[e[b++]])b < e.length && (c = d);
+ return[c || t, e.pop()]
+ }
+ var z = this, A = document.body, B = k + "-" + w, C = 0, D = 0, E = a(), F = ".qtip-" + w, G, H;
+ z.id = w, z.rendered = e, z.elements = G = {target: s}, z.timers = {img: {}}, z.options = t, z.checks = {}, z.plugins = {}, z.cache = H = {event: {}, target: a(), disabled: e, attr: y}, z.checks.builtin = {"^id$": function (b, c, f) {
+ var h = f === d ? g.nextid : f, i = k + "-" + h;
+ h !== e && h.length > 0 && !a("#" + i).length && (E[0].id = i, G.content[0].id = i + "-content", G.title[0].id = i + "-title")
+ }, "^content.text$": function (a, b, c) {P(c)}, "^content.title.text$": function (a, b, c) {
+ if (!c)return K();
+ !G.title && c && M(), O(c)
+ }, "^content.title.button$": function (a, b, c) {N(c)}, "^position.(my|at)$": function (a, b, c) {"string" === typeof c && (a[b] = new h.Corner(c))}, "^position.container$": function (a, b, c) {z.rendered && E.appendTo(c)}, "^show.ready$": function () {z.rendered ? z.toggle(d) : z.render(1)}, "^style.classes$": function (a, b, c) {E.attr("class", k + " qtip ui-helper-reset " + c)}, "^style.widget|content.title": J, "^events.(render|show|move|hide|focus|blur)$": function (b, c, d) {E[(a.isFunction(d) ? "" : "un") + "bind"]("tooltip" + c, d)}, "^(show|hide|position).(event|target|fixed|inactive|leave|distance|viewport|adjust)": function () {
+ var a = t.position;
+ E.attr("tracking", a.target === "mouse" && a.adjust.mouse), R(), Q()
+ }}, a.extend(z, {render: function (b) {
+ if (z.rendered)return z;
+ var c = t.content.text, f = t.content.title.text, g = t.position, i = a.Event("tooltiprender");
+ a.attr(s[0], "aria-describedby", B), E = G.tooltip = a("<div/>", {id: B, "class": k + " qtip ui-helper-reset " + o + " " + t.style.classes + " " + k + "-pos-" + t.position.my.abbrev(), width: t.style.width || "", height: t.style.height || "", tracking: g.target === "mouse" && g.adjust.mouse, role: "alert", "aria-live": "polite", "aria-atomic": e, "aria-describedby": B + "-content", "aria-hidden": d}).toggleClass(m, H.disabled).data("qtip", z).appendTo(t.position.container).append(G.content = a("<div />", {"class": k + "-content", id: B + "-content", "aria-atomic": d})), z.rendered = -1, C = D = 1, f && (M(), a.isFunction(f) || O(f, e)), a.isFunction(c) || P(c, e), z.rendered = d, J(), a.each(t.events, function (b, c) {a.isFunction(c) && E.bind(b === "toggle" ? "tooltipshow tooltiphide" : "tooltip" + b, c)}), a.each(h, function () {this.initialize === "render" && this(z)}), Q(), E.queue("fx", function (a) {i.originalEvent = H.event, E.trigger(i, [z]), C = D = 0, z.redraw(), (t.show.ready || b) && z.toggle(d, H.event), a()});
+ return z
+ }, get: function (a) {
+ var b, c;
+ switch (a.toLowerCase()) {
+ case"dimensions":
+ b = {height: E.outerHeight(), width: E.outerWidth()};
+ break;
+ case"offset":
+ b = h.offset(E, t.position.container);
+ break;
+ default:
+ c = I(a.toLowerCase()), b = c[0][c[1]], b = b.precedance ? b.string() : b
+ }
+ return b
+ }, set: function (b, c) {
+ function m(a, b) {
+ var c, d, e;
+ for (c in k)for (d in k[c])if (e = (new RegExp(d, "i")).exec(a))b.push(e), k[c][d].apply(z, b)
+ }
+ var g = /^position\.(my|at|adjust|target|container)|style|content|show\.ready/i, h = /^content\.(title|attr)|style/i, i = e, j = e, k = z.checks, l;
+ "string" === typeof b ? (l = b, b = {}, b[l] = c) : b = a.extend(d, {}, b), a.each(b, function (c, d) {
+ var e = I(c.toLowerCase()), f;
+ f = e[0][e[1]], e[0][e[1]] = "object" === typeof d && d.nodeType ? a(d) : d, b[c] = [e[0], e[1], d, f], i = g.test(c) || i, j = h.test(c) || j
+ }), x(t), C = D = 1, a.each(b, m), C = D = 0, E.is(":visible") && z.rendered && (i && z.reposition(t.position.target === "mouse" ? f : H.event), j && z.redraw());
+ return z
+ }, toggle: function (b, c) {
+ function q() {b ? (a.browser.msie && E[0].style.removeAttribute("filter"), E.css("overflow", ""), "string" === typeof h.autofocus && a(h.autofocus, E).focus(), p = a.Event("tooltipvisible"), p.originalEvent = c ? H.event : f, E.trigger(p, [z]), h.target.trigger("qtip-" + w + "-inactive")) : E.css({display: "", visibility: "", opacity: "", left: "", top: ""})}
+ if (!z.rendered)return b ? z.render(1) : z;
+ var g = b ? "show" : "hide", h = t[g], j = E.is(":visible"), k = !c || t[g].target.length < 2 || H.target[0] === c.target, l = t.position, m = t.content, o, p;
+ (typeof b).search("boolean|number") && (b = !j);
+ if (!E.is(":animated") && j === b && k)return z;
+ if (c) {
+ if (/over|enter/.test(c.type) && /out|leave/.test(H.event.type) && c.target === t.show.target[0] && E.has(c.relatedTarget).length)return z;
+ H.event = a.extend({}, c)
+ }
+ p = a.Event("tooltip" + g), p.originalEvent = c ? H.event : f, E.trigger(p, [z, 90]);
+ if (p.isDefaultPrevented())return z;
+ a.attr(E[0], "aria-hidden", !b), b ? (H.origin = a.extend({}, i), z.focus(c), a.isFunction(m.text) && P(m.text, e), a.isFunction(m.title.text) && O(m.title.text, e), !v && l.target === "mouse" && l.adjust.mouse && (a(document).bind("mousemove.qtip", function (a) {i = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}}), v = d), z.reposition(c), (p.solo = !!h.solo) && a(n, h.solo).not(E).qtip("hide", p)) : (clearTimeout(z.timers.show), delete H.origin, v && !a(n + '[tracking="true"]:visible', h.solo).not(E).length && (a(document).unbind("mousemove.qtip"), v = e), z.blur(c)), k && E.stop(0, 1), h.effect === e ? (E[g](), q.call(E)) : a.isFunction(h.effect) ? (h.effect.call(E, z), E.queue("fx", function (a) {q(), a()})) : E.fadeTo(90, b ? 1 : 0, q), b && h.target.trigger("qtip-" + w + "-inactive");
+ return z
+ }, show: function (a) {return z.toggle(d, a)}, hide: function (a) {return z.toggle(e, a)}, focus: function (b) {
+ if (!z.rendered)return z;
+ var c = a(n), d = parseInt(E[0].style.zIndex, 10), e = g.zindex + c.length, f = a.extend({}, b), h, i;
+ E.hasClass(p) || (i = a.Event("tooltipfocus"), i.originalEvent = f, E.trigger(i, [z, e]), i.isDefaultPrevented() || (d !== e && (c.each(function () {this.style.zIndex > d && (this.style.zIndex = this.style.zIndex - 1)}), c.filter("." + p).qtip("blur", f)), E.addClass(p)[0].style.zIndex = e));
+ return z
+ }, blur: function (b) {
+ var c = a.extend({}, b), d;
+ E.removeClass(p), d = a.Event("tooltipblur"), d.originalEvent = c, E.trigger(d, [z]);
+ return z
+ }, reposition: function (c, d) {
+ if (!z.rendered || C)return z;
+ C = 1;
+ var f = t.position.target, g = t.position, j = g.my, l = g.at, m = g.adjust, n = m.method.split(" "), o = E.outerWidth(), p = E.outerHeight(), q = 0, r = 0, s = a.Event("tooltipmove"), u = E.css("position") === "fixed", v = g.viewport, w = {left: 0, top: 0}, x = g.container, y = e, B = z.plugins.tip, D = {horizontal: n[0], vertical: n[1] = n[1] || n[0], enabled: v.jquery && f[0] !== b && f[0] !== A && m.method !== "none", left: function (a) {
+ var b = D.horizontal === "shift", c = -x.offset.left + v.offset.left + v.scrollLeft, d = j.x === "left" ? o : j.x === "right" ? -o : -o / 2, e = l.x === "left" ? q : l.x === "right" ? -q : -q / 2, f = B && B.size ? B.size.width || 0 : 0, g = B && B.corner && B.corner.precedance === "x" && !b ? f : 0, h = c - a + g, i = a + o - v.width - c + g, k = d - (j.precedance === "x" || j.x === j.y ? e : 0), n = j.x === "center";
+ b ? (g = B && B.corner && B.corner.precedance === "y" ? f : 0, k = (j.x === "left" ? 1 : -1) * d - g, w.left += h > 0 ? h : i > 0 ? -i : 0, w.left = Math.max(-x.offset.left + v.offset.left + (g && B.corner.x === "center" ? B.offset : 0), a - k, Math.min(Math.max(-x.offset.left + v.offset.left + v.width, a + k), w.left))) : (h > 0 && (j.x !== "left" || i > 0) ? w.left -= k : i > 0 && (j.x !== "right" || h > 0) && (w.left -= n ? -k : k), w.left !== a && n && (w.left -= m.x), w.left < c && -w.left > i && (w.left = a));
+ return w.left - a
+ }, top: function (a) {
+ var b = D.vertical === "shift", c = -x.offset.top + v.offset.top + v.scrollTop, d = j.y === "top" ? p : j.y === "bottom" ? -p : -p / 2, e = l.y === "top" ? r : l.y === "bottom" ? -r : -r / 2, f = B && B.size ? B.size.height || 0 : 0, g = B && B.corner && B.corner.precedance === "y" && !b ? f : 0, h = c - a + g, i = a + p - v.height - c + g, k = d - (j.precedance === "y" || j.x === j.y ? e : 0), n = j.y === "center";
+ b ? (g = B && B.corner && B.corner.precedance === "x" ? f : 0, k = (j.y === "top" ? 1 : -1) * d - g, w.top += h > 0 ? h : i > 0 ? -i : 0, w.top = Math.max(-x.offset.top + v.offset.top + (g && B.corner.x === "center" ? B.offset : 0), a - k, Math.min(Math.max(-x.offset.top + v.offset.top + v.height, a + k), w.top))) : (h > 0 && (j.y !== "top" || i > 0) ? w.top -= k : i > 0 && (j.y !== "bottom" || h > 0) && (w.top -= n ? -k : k), w.top !== a && n && (w.top -= m.y), w.top < 0 && -w.top > i && (w.top = a));
+ return w.top - a
+ }}, F;
+ if (a.isArray(f) && f.length === 2)l = {x: "left", y: "top"}, w = {left: f[0], top: f[1]}; else if (f === "mouse" && (c && c.pageX || H.event.pageX))l = {x: "left", y: "top"}, c = (c && (c.type === "resize" || c.type === "scroll") ? H.event : c && c.pageX && c.type === "mousemove" ? c : i && i.pageX && (m.mouse || !c || !c.pageX) ? {pageX: i.pageX, pageY: i.pageY} : !m.mouse && H.origin && H.origin.pageX ? H.origin : c) || c || H.event || i || {}, w = {top: c.pageY, left: c.pageX}; else {
+ f === "event" ? c && c.target && c.type !== "scroll" && c.type !== "resize" ? f = H.target = a(c.target) : f = H.target : H.target = a(f), f = a(f).eq(0);
+ if (f.length === 0)return z;
+ f[0] === document || f[0] === b ? (q = h.iOS ? b.innerWidth : f.width(), r = h.iOS ? b.innerHeight : f.height(), f[0] === b && (w = {top: u || h.iOS ? (v || f).scrollTop() : 0, left: u || h.iOS ? (v || f).scrollLeft() : 0})) : f.is("area") && h.imagemap ? w = h.imagemap(f, l, D.enabled ? n : e) : f[0].namespaceURI === "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" && h.svg ? w = h.svg(f, l) : (q = f.outerWidth(), r = f.outerHeight(), w = h.offset(f, x)), w.offset && (q = w.width, r = w.height, y = w.flipoffset, w = w.offset);
+ if (h.iOS < 4.1 && h.iOS > 3.1 || h.iOS == 4.3 || !h.iOS && u)F = a(b), w.left -= F.scrollLeft(), w.top -= F.scrollTop();
+ w.left += l.x === "right" ? q : l.x === "center" ? q / 2 : 0, w.top += l.y === "bottom" ? r : l.y === "center" ? r / 2 : 0
+ }
+ w.left += m.x + (j.x === "right" ? -o : j.x === "center" ? -o / 2 : 0), w.top += m.y + (j.y === "bottom" ? -p : j.y === "center" ? -p / 2 : 0), D.enabled ? (v = {elem: v, height: v[(v[0] === b ? "h" : "outerH") + "eight"](), width: v[(v[0] === b ? "w" : "outerW") + "idth"](), scrollLeft: u ? 0 : v.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: u ? 0 : v.scrollTop(), offset: v.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0}}, x = {elem: x, scrollLeft: x.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: x.scrollTop(), offset: x.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0}}, w.adjusted = {left: D.horizontal !== "none" ? D.left(w.left) : 0, top: D.vertical !== "none" ? D.top(w.top) : 0}, w.adjusted.left + w.adjusted.top && E.attr("class", E[0].className.replace(/ui-tooltip-pos-\w+/i, k + "-pos-" + j.abbrev())), y && w.adjusted.left && (w.left += y.left), y && w.adjusted.top && (w.top += y.top)) : w.adjusted = {left: 0, top: 0}, s.originalEvent = a.extend({}, c), E.trigger(s, [z, w, v.elem || v]);
+ if (s.isDefaultPrevented())return z;
+ delete w.adjusted, d === e || isNaN(w.left) || isNaN(w.top) || f === "mouse" || !a.isFunction(g.effect) ? E.css(w) : a.isFunction(g.effect) && (g.effect.call(E, z, a.extend({}, w)), E.queue(function (b) {a(this).css({opacity: "", height: ""}), a.browser.msie && this.style.removeAttribute("filter"), b()})), C = 0;
+ return z
+ }, redraw: function () {
+ if (z.rendered < 1 || D)return z;
+ var a = t.position.container, b, c, d, e;
+ D = 1, t.style.height && E.css("height", t.style.height), t.style.width ? E.css("width", t.style.width) : (E.css("width", "").addClass(r), c = E.width() + 1, d = E.css("max-width") || "", e = E.css("min-width") || "", b = (d + e).indexOf("%") > -1 ? a.width() / 100 : 0, d = (d.indexOf("%") > -1 ? b : 1) * parseInt(d, 10) || c, e = (e.indexOf("%") > -1 ? b : 1) * parseInt(e, 10) || 0, c = d + e ? Math.min(Math.max(c, e), d) : c, E.css("width", Math.round(c)).removeClass(r)), D = 0;
+ return z
+ }, disable: function (b) {
+ "boolean" !== typeof b && (b = !E.hasClass(m) && !H.disabled), z.rendered ? (E.toggleClass(m, b), a.attr(E[0], "aria-disabled", b)) : H.disabled = !!b;
+ return z
+ }, enable: function () {return z.disable(e)}, destroy: function () {
+ var b = s[0], c = a.attr(b, u), d = s.data("qtip");
+ z.rendered && (E.remove(), a.each(z.plugins, function () {this.destroy && this.destroy()})), clearTimeout(z.timers.show), clearTimeout(z.timers.hide), R();
+ if (!d || z === d)a.removeData(b, "qtip"), t.suppress && c && (a.attr(b, "title", c), s.removeAttr(u)), s.removeAttr("aria-describedby");
+ s.unbind(".qtip-" + w), delete j[z.id];
+ return s
+ }})
+ }
+ function x(b) {
+ var c;
+ if (!b || "object" !== typeof b)return e;
+ if (b.metadata === f || "object" !== typeof b.metadata)b.metadata = {type: b.metadata};
+ if ("content"in b) {
+ if (b.content === f || "object" !== typeof b.content || b.content.jquery)b.content = {text: b.content};
+ c = b.content.text || e, !a.isFunction(c) && (!c && !c.attr || c.length < 1 || "object" === typeof c && !c.jquery) && (b.content.text = e);
+ if ("title"in b.content) {
+ if (b.content.title === f || "object" !== typeof b.content.title)b.content.title = {text: b.content.title};
+ c = b.content.title.text || e, !a.isFunction(c) && (!c && !c.attr || c.length < 1 || "object" === typeof c && !c.jquery) && (b.content.title.text = e)
+ }
+ }
+ if ("position"in b)if (b.position === f || "object" !== typeof b.position)b.position = {my: b.position, at: b.position};
+ if ("show"in b)if (b.show === f || "object" !== typeof b.show)b.show.jquery ? b.show = {target: b.show} : b.show = {event: b.show};
+ if ("hide"in b)if (b.hide === f || "object" !== typeof b.hide)b.hide.jquery ? b.hide = {target: b.hide} : b.hide = {event: b.hide};
+ if ("style"in b)if (b.style === f || "object" !== typeof b.style)b.style = {classes: b.style};
+ a.each(h, function () {this.sanitize && this.sanitize(b)});
+ return b
+ }
+ function w() {
+ w.history = w.history || [], w.history.push(arguments);
+ if ("object" === typeof console) {
+ var a = console[console.warn ? "warn" : "log"], b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), c;
+ typeof arguments[0] === "string" && (b[0] = "qTip2: " + b[0]), c = a.apply ? a.apply(console, b) : a(b)
+ }
+ }
+ "use strict";
+ var d = !0, e = !1, f = null, g, h, i, j = {}, k = "ui-tooltip", l = "ui-widget", m = "ui-state-disabled", n = "div.qtip." + k, o = k + "-default", p = k + "-focus", q = k + "-hover", r = k + "-fluid", s = "-31000px", t = "_replacedByqTip", u = "oldtitle", v;
+ g = a.fn.qtip = function (b, h, i) {
+ var j = ("" + b).toLowerCase(), k = f, l = a.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), m = l[l.length - 1], n = this[0] ? a.data(this[0], "qtip") : f;
+ if (!arguments.length && n || j === "api")return n;
+ if ("string" === typeof b) {
+ this.each(function () {
+ var b = a.data(this, "qtip");
+ if (!b)return d;
+ m && m.timeStamp && (b.cache.event = m);
+ if (j !== "option" && j !== "options" || !h)b[j] && b[j].apply(b[j], l); else if (a.isPlainObject(h) || i !== c)b.set(h, i); else {
+ k = b.get(h);
+ return e
+ }
+ });
+ return k !== f ? k : this
+ }
+ if ("object" === typeof b || !arguments.length) {
+ n = x(a.extend(d, {}, b));
+ return g.bind.call(this, n, m)
+ }
+ }, g.bind = function (b, f) {
+ return this.each(function (k) {
+ function r(b) {
+ function d() {p.render(typeof b === "object" || l.show.ready), m.show.add(m.hide).unbind(o)}
+ if (p.cache.disabled)return e;
+ p.cache.event = a.extend({}, b), p.cache.target = b ? a(b.target) : [c], l.show.delay > 0 ? (clearTimeout(p.timers.show), p.timers.show = setTimeout(d, l.show.delay), n.show !== n.hide && m.hide.bind(n.hide, function () {clearTimeout(p.timers.show)})) : d()
+ }
+ var l, m, n, o, p, q;
+ q = a.isArray(b.id) ? b.id[k] : b.id, q = !q || q === e || q.length < 1 || j[q] ? g.nextid++ : j[q] = q, o = ".qtip-" + q + "-create", p = z.call(this, q, b);
+ if (p === e)return d;
+ l = p.options, a.each(h, function () {this.initialize === "initialize" && this(p)}), m = {show: l.show.target, hide: l.hide.target}, n = {show: a.trim("" + l.show.event).replace(/ /g, o + " ") + o, hide: a.trim("" + l.hide.event).replace(/ /g, o + " ") + o}, /mouse(over|enter)/i.test(n.show) && !/mouse(out|leave)/i.test(n.hide) && (n.hide += " mouseleave" + o), m.show.bind("mousemove" + o, function (a) {i = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}}), m.show.bind(n.show, r), (l.show.ready || l.prerender) && r(f)
+ })
+ }, h = g.plugins = {Corner: function (a) {
+ a = ("" + a).replace(/([A-Z])/, " $1").replace(/middle/gi, "center").toLowerCase(), this.x = (a.match(/left|right/i) || a.match(/center/) || ["inherit"])[0].toLowerCase(), this.y = (a.match(/top|bottom|center/i) || ["inherit"])[0].toLowerCase();
+ var b = a.charAt(0);
+ this.precedance = b === "t" || b === "b" ? "y" : "x", this.string = function () {return this.precedance === "y" ? this.y + this.x : this.x + this.y}, this.abbrev = function () {
+ var a = this.x.substr(0, 1), b = this.y.substr(0, 1);
+ return a === b ? a : a === "c" || a !== "c" && b !== "c" ? b + a : a + b
+ }, this.clone = function () {return{x: this.x, y: this.y, precedance: this.precedance, string: this.string, abbrev: this.abbrev, clone: this.clone}}
+ }, offset: function (a, b) {
+ function i(a, b) {c.left += b * a.scrollLeft(), c.top += b * a.scrollTop()}
+ var c = a.offset(), d = b, e = 0, f = document.body, g, h;
+ if (d) {
+ do {
+ d.css("position") !== "static" && (g = d[0] === f ? {left: parseInt(d.css("left"), 10) || 0, top: parseInt(d.css("top"), 10) || 0} : d.position(), c.left -= g.left + (parseInt(d.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(d.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0), c.top -= g.top + (parseInt(d.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0), h = d.css("overflow"), (h === "scroll" || h === "auto") && ++e);
+ if (d[0] === f)break
+ } while (d = d.offsetParent());
+ b[0] !== f && e && i(b, 1)
+ }
+ return c
+ }, iOS: parseFloat(("" + (/CPU.*OS ([0-9_]{1,3})|(CPU like).*AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.exec(navigator.userAgent) || [0, ""])[1]).replace("undefined", "3_2").replace("_", ".")) || e, fn: {attr: function (b, c) {
+ if (this.length) {
+ var d = this[0], e = "title", f = a.data(d, "qtip");
+ if (b === e && f && "object" === typeof f && f.options.suppress) {
+ if (arguments.length < 2)return a.attr(d, u);
+ f && f.options.content.attr === e && f.cache.attr && f.set("content.text", c);
+ return this.attr(u, c)
+ }
+ }
+ return a.fn["attr" + t].apply(this, arguments)
+ }, clone: function (b) {
+ var c = a([]), d = "title", e = a.fn["clone" + t].apply(this, arguments);
+ b || e.filter("[" + u + "]").attr("title",function () {return a.attr(this, u)}).removeAttr(u);
+ return e
+ }, remove: a.ui ? f : function (b, c) {a.ui || a(this).each(function () {c || (!b || a.filter(b, [this]).length) && a("*", this).add(this).each(function () {a(this).triggerHandler("remove")})})}}}, a.each(h.fn, function (b, c) {
+ if (!c || a.fn[b + t])return d;
+ var e = a.fn[b + t] = a.fn[b];
+ a.fn[b] = function () {return c.apply(this, arguments) || e.apply(this, arguments)}
+ }), g.version = "nightly", g.nextid = 0, g.inactiveEvents = "click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseleave mouseenter".split(" "), g.zindex = 15e3, g.defaults = {prerender: e, id: e, overwrite: d, suppress: d, content: {text: d, attr: "title", title: {text: e, button: e}}, position: {my: "top left", at: "bottom right", target: e, container: e, viewport: e, adjust: {x: 0, y: 0, mouse: d, resize: d, method: "flip flip"}, effect: function (b, c, d) {a(this).animate(c, {duration: 200, queue: e})}}, show: {target: e, event: "mouseenter", effect: d, delay: 90, solo: e, ready: e, autofocus: e}, hide: {target: e, event: "mouseleave", effect: d, delay: 0, fixed: e, inactive: e, leave: "window", distance: e}, style: {classes: "", widget: e, width: e, height: e}, events: {render: f, move: f, show: f, hide: f, toggle: f, visible: f, focus: f, blur: f}}, h.svg = function (b, c) {
+ var d = a(document), e = b[0], f = {width: 0, height: 0, offset: {top: 1e10, left: 1e10}}, g, h, i, j, k;
+ if (e.getBBox && e.parentNode) {
+ g = e.getBBox(), h = e.getScreenCTM(), i = e.farthestViewportElement || e;
+ if (!i.createSVGPoint)return f;
+ j = i.createSVGPoint(), j.x = g.x, j.y = g.y, k = j.matrixTransform(h), f.offset.left = k.x, f.offset.top = k.y, j.x += g.width, j.y += g.height, k = j.matrixTransform(h), f.width = k.x - f.offset.left, f.height = k.y - f.offset.top, f.offset.left += d.scrollLeft(), f.offset.top += d.scrollTop()
+ }
+ return f
+ }
+})(jQuery, window);