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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/mocha-3.1.2/test/runner.spec.js')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/mocha-3.1.2/test/runner.spec.js b/tests/lib/mocha-3.1.2/test/runner.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c69846ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/mocha-3.1.2/test/runner.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+'use strict';
+var mocha = require('../');
+var Suite = mocha.Suite;
+var Runner = mocha.Runner;
+var Test = mocha.Test;
+var Hook = mocha.Hook;
+var path = require('path');
+var noop = mocha.utils.noop;
+describe('Runner', function () {
+ var suite;
+ var runner;
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ suite = new Suite('Suite', 'root');
+ runner = new Runner(suite);
+ });
+ describe('.grep()', function () {
+ it('should update the runner.total with number of matched tests', function () {
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im another test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about bears', noop));
+ var newRunner = new Runner(suite);
+ newRunner.grep(/lions/);
+ newRunner.total.should.equal(2);
+ });
+ it('should update the runner.total with number of matched tests when inverted', function () {
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im another test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about bears', noop));
+ var newRunner = new Runner(suite);
+ newRunner.grep(/lions/, true);
+ newRunner.total.should.equal(1);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.grepTotal()', function () {
+ it('should return the total number of matched tests', function () {
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im another test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about bears', noop));
+ runner.grep(/lions/);
+ runner.grepTotal(suite).should.equal(2);
+ });
+ it('should return the total number of matched tests when inverted', function () {
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im another test about lions', noop));
+ suite.addTest(new Test('im a test about bears', noop));
+ runner.grep(/lions/, true);
+ runner.grepTotal(suite).should.equal(1);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.globalProps()', function () {
+ it('should include common non enumerable globals', function () {
+ var props = runner.globalProps();
+ props.should.containEql('setTimeout');
+ props.should.containEql('clearTimeout');
+ props.should.containEql('setInterval');
+ props.should.containEql('clearInterval');
+ props.should.containEql('Date');
+ props.should.containEql('XMLHttpRequest');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.globals()', function () {
+ it('should default to the known globals', function () {
+ runner.globals().length.should.be.above(16);
+ });
+ it('should white-list globals', function () {
+ runner.globals(['foo', 'bar']);
+ runner.globals().should.containEql('foo');
+ runner.globals().should.containEql('bar');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.checkGlobals(test)', function () {
+ it('should allow variables that match a wildcard', function (done) {
+ runner.globals(['foo*', 'giz*']);
+ global.foo = 'baz';
+ global.gizmo = 'quux';
+ runner.checkGlobals();
+ delete global.foo;
+ delete global.gizmo;
+ done();
+ });
+ it('should emit "fail" when a new global is introduced', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('im a test', noop);
+ runner.checkGlobals();
+ global.foo = 'bar';
+ runner.on('fail', function (_test, err) {
+ _test.should.equal(test);
+ err.message.should.equal('global leak detected: foo');
+ delete global.foo;
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.checkGlobals(test);
+ });
+ it('should emit "fail" when a single new disallowed global is introduced after a single extra global is allowed', function (done) {
+ var doneCalled = false;
+ runner.globals('good');
+ global.bad = 1;
+ runner.on('fail', function () {
+ delete global.bad;
+ done();
+ doneCalled = true;
+ });
+ runner.checkGlobals(new Test('yet another test', noop));
+ if (!doneCalled) {
+ done(Error('Expected test failure did not occur.'));
+ }
+ });
+ it('should not fail when a new common global is introduced', function () {
+ // verify that the prop isn't enumerable
+ delete global.XMLHttpRequest;
+ global.propertyIsEnumerable('XMLHttpRequest').should.not.be.ok();
+ // create a new runner and keep a reference to the test.
+ var test = new Test('im a test about bears', noop);
+ suite.addTest(test);
+ var newRunner = new Runner(suite);
+ // make the prop enumerable again.
+ global.XMLHttpRequest = function () {};
+ global.propertyIsEnumerable('XMLHttpRequest').should.be.ok();
+ // verify the test hasn't failed.
+ newRunner.checkGlobals(test);
+ test.should.not.have.key('state');
+ // clean up our global space.
+ delete global.XMLHttpRequest;
+ });
+ it('should pluralize the error message when several are introduced', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('im a test', noop);
+ runner.checkGlobals();
+ global.foo = 'bar';
+ global.bar = 'baz';
+ runner.on('fail', function (_test, err) {
+ _test.should.equal(test);
+ err.message.should.equal('global leaks detected: foo, bar');
+ delete global.foo;
+ delete global.bar;
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.checkGlobals(test);
+ });
+ it('should respect per test whitelisted globals', function () {
+ var test = new Test('im a test about lions', noop);
+ test.globals(['foo']);
+ suite.addTest(test);
+ var runner = new Runner(suite);
+ global.foo = 'bar';
+ // verify the test hasn't failed.
+ runner.checkGlobals(test);
+ test.should.not.have.key('state');
+ delete global.foo;
+ });
+ it('should respect per test whitelisted globals but still detect other leaks', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('im a test about lions', noop);
+ test.globals(['foo']);
+ suite.addTest(test);
+ global.foo = 'bar';
+ global.bar = 'baz';
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ test.title.should.equal('im a test about lions');
+ err.message.should.equal('global leak detected: bar');
+ delete global.foo;
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.checkGlobals(test);
+ });
+ it('should emit "fail" when a global beginning with d is introduced', function (done) {
+ global.derp = 'bar';
+ runner.on('fail', function () {
+ delete global.derp;
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.checkGlobals(new Test('herp', function () {}));
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.hook(name, fn)', function () {
+ it('should execute hooks after failed test if suite bail is true', function (done) {
+ runner.fail(new Test('failed test', noop));
+ suite.bail(true);
+ suite.afterEach(function () {
+ suite.afterAll(function () {
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ runner.hook('afterEach', function () {});
+ runner.hook('afterAll', function () {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.fail(test, err)', function () {
+ it('should increment .failures', function () {
+ runner.failures.should.equal(0);
+ runner.fail(new Test('one', noop), {});
+ runner.failures.should.equal(1);
+ runner.fail(new Test('two', noop), {});
+ runner.failures.should.equal(2);
+ });
+ it('should set test.state to "failed"', function () {
+ var test = new Test('some test', noop);
+ runner.fail(test, 'some error');
+ test.state.should.equal('failed');
+ });
+ it('should emit "fail"', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('some other test', noop);
+ var err = {};
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ test.should.equal(test);
+ err.should.equal(err);
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit a helpful message when failed with a string', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('helpful test', noop);
+ var err = 'string';
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('the string "string" was thrown, throw an Error :)');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit a the error when failed with an Error instance', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('a test', noop);
+ var err = new Error('an error message');
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('an error message');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit the error when failed with an Error-like object', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('a test', noop);
+ var err = { message: 'an error message' };
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('an error message');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit a helpful message when failed with an Object', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('a test', noop);
+ var err = { x: 1 };
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('the object {\n "x": 1\n} was thrown, throw an Error :)');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit a helpful message when failed with an Array', function (done) {
+ var test = new Test('a test', noop);
+ var err = [
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ];
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('the array [\n 1\n 2\n] was thrown, throw an Error :)');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ it('should recover if the error stack is not writable', function (done) {
+ var err = new Error('not evil');
+ Object.defineProperty(err, 'stack', {
+ value: err.stack
+ });
+ var test = new Test('a test', noop);
+ runner.on('fail', function (test, err) {
+ err.message.should.equal('not evil');
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.fail(test, err);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('.failHook(hook, err)', function () {
+ it('should increment .failures', function () {
+ runner.failures.should.equal(0);
+ runner.failHook(new Test('fail hook 1', noop), {});
+ runner.failures.should.equal(1);
+ runner.failHook(new Test('fail hook 2', noop), {});
+ runner.failures.should.equal(2);
+ });
+ it('should augment hook title with current test title', function () {
+ var hook = new Hook('"before each" hook');
+ hook.ctx = { currentTest: new Test('should behave', noop) };
+ runner.failHook(hook, {});
+ hook.title.should.equal('"before each" hook for "should behave"');
+ hook.ctx.currentTest = new Test('should obey', noop);
+ runner.failHook(hook, {});
+ hook.title.should.equal('"before each" hook for "should obey"');
+ });
+ it('should emit "fail"', function (done) {
+ var hook = new Hook();
+ var err = {};
+ runner.on('fail', function (hook, err) {
+ hook.should.equal(hook);
+ err.should.equal(err);
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.failHook(hook, err);
+ });
+ it('should emit "end" if suite bail is true', function (done) {
+ var hook = new Hook();
+ var err = {};
+ suite.bail(true);
+ runner.on('end', done);
+ runner.failHook(hook, err);
+ });
+ it('should not emit "end" if suite bail is not true', function (done) {
+ var hook = new Hook();
+ var err = {};
+ suite.bail(false);
+ runner.on('end', function () {
+ throw new Error('"end" was emit, but the bail is false');
+ });
+ runner.failHook(hook, err);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('allowUncaught', function () {
+ it('should allow unhandled errors to propagate through', function (done) {
+ var newRunner = new Runner(suite);
+ newRunner.allowUncaught = true;
+ newRunner.test = new Test('failing test', function () {
+ throw new Error('allow unhandled errors');
+ });
+ function fail () {
+ newRunner.runTest();
+ }
+ fail.should.throw('allow unhandled errors');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('stackTrace', function () {
+ var stack = [
+ 'AssertionError: foo bar',
+ 'at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/local/dev/test.js:16:12)',
+ 'at Context.<anonymous> (/usr/local/dev/test.js:19:5)',
+ 'Test.Runnable.run (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:244:7)',
+ 'Runner.runTest (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:374:10)',
+ '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:452:12',
+ 'next (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:299:14)',
+ '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:309:7',
+ 'next (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:248:23)',
+ 'Immediate._onImmediate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:276:5)',
+ 'at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:321:17)'
+ ];
+ describe('shortStackTrace', function () {
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ if (path.sep !== '/') {
+ this.skip();
+ }
+ });
+ it('should prettify the stack-trace', function (done) {
+ var hook = new Hook();
+ var err = new Error();
+ // Fake stack-trace
+ err.stack = stack.join('\n');
+ runner.on('fail', function (hook, err) {
+ err.stack.should.equal(stack.slice(0, 3).join('\n'));
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.failHook(hook, err);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('longStackTrace', function () {
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ if (path.sep !== '/') {
+ this.skip();
+ }
+ });
+ it('should display the full stack-trace', function (done) {
+ var hook = new Hook();
+ var err = new Error();
+ // Fake stack-trace
+ err.stack = stack.join('\n');
+ // Add --stack-trace option
+ runner.fullStackTrace = true;
+ runner.on('fail', function (hook, err) {
+ err.stack.should.equal(stack.join('\n'));
+ done();
+ });
+ runner.failHook(hook, err);
+ });
+ });
+ });